13 research outputs found

    Enumerating Building Block Semantics in Genetic Programming

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    This report provides a collection of definitions for the semantics of sub-trees and contexts as manipulated by standard sub-tree crossover in genetic programming (GP). These definitions allow us to completely and compactly describe the exact semantics of the components manipulated by sub-tree crossover, and the semantic results of those interactions. Sub- sequent work shows how these definitions can be used to collect valuable data about the available diversity in a GP population and the opportunities available to sub-tree crossover

    Semantic Building Blocks in Genetic Programming

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    In this paper we present a new mechanism for studying the impact of subtree crossover in terms of semantic building blocks. This approach allows us to completely and compactly describe the semantic action of crossover, and provide insight into what does (or doesn’t) make crossover effective. Our results make it clear that a very high proportion of crossover events (typically over 75% in our experiments) are guaranteed to perform no immediately useful search in the semantic space. Our findings also indicate a strong correlation between lack of progress and high proportions of fixed contexts. These results then suggest several new, theoretically grounded, research areas

    Approximating geometric crossover in semantic space

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    We propose a crossover operator that works with genetic programming trees and is approximately geometric crossover in the semantic space. By defining semantic as program's evaluation profile with respect to a set of fitness cases and constraining to a specific class of metric-based fitness functions, we cause the fitness landscape in the semantic space to have perfect fitness-distance correlation. The proposed approximately geometric semantic crossover exploits this property of the semantic fitness landscape by an appropriate sampling. We demonstrate also how the proposed method may be conveniently combined with hill climbing. We discuss the properties of the methods, and describe an extensive computational experiment concerning logical function synthesis and symbolic regression

    Long-Term Evolution Experiment with Genetic Programming

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    We evolve floating point Sextic polynomial populations of genetic programming binary trees for up to a million generations. We observe continued innovation but this is limited by tree depth. We suggest that deep expressions are resilient to learning as they disperse information, impeding evolvability, and the adaptation of highly nested organisms, and we argue instead for open complexity. Programs with more than 2,000,000,000 instructions (depth 20,000) are created by crossover. To support unbounded long-term evolution experiments in genetic programming (GP), we use incremental fitness evaluation and both SIMD parallel AVX 512-bit instructions and 16 threads to yield performance equivalent to 1.1 trillion GP operations per second, 1.1 tera GPops, on an Intel Xeon Gold 6136 CPU 3.00GHz server

    Competent Program Evolution, Doctoral Dissertation, December 2006

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    Heuristic optimization methods are adaptive when they sample problem solutions based on knowledge of the search space gathered from past sampling. Recently, competent evolutionary optimization methods have been developed that adapt via probabilistic modeling of the search space. However, their effectiveness requires the existence of a compact problem decomposition in terms of prespecified solution parameters. How can we use these techniques to effectively and reliably solve program learning problems, given that program spaces will rarely have compact decompositions? One method is to manually build a problem-specific representation that is more tractable than the general space. But can this process be automated? My thesis is that the properties of programs and program spaces can be leveraged as inductive bias to reduce the burden of manual representation-building, leading to competent program evolution. The central contributions of this dissertation are a synthesis of the requirements for competent program evolution, and the design of a procedure, meta-optimizing semantic evolutionary search (MOSES), that meets these requirements. In support of my thesis, experimental results are provided to analyze and verify the effectiveness of MOSES, demonstrating scalability and real-world applicability