27 research outputs found

    Microwave Indices from Active and Passive Sensors for Remote Sensing Applications

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    Past research has comprehensively assessed the capabilities of satellite sensors operating at microwave frequencies, both active (SAR, scatterometers) and passive (radiometers), for the remote sensing of Earth’s surface. Besides brightness temperature and backscattering coefficient, microwave indices, defined as a combination of data collected at different frequencies and polarizations, revealed a good sensitivity to hydrological cycle parameters such as surface soil moisture, vegetation water content, and snow depth and its water equivalent. The differences between microwave backscattering and emission at more frequencies and polarizations have been well established in relation to these parameters, enabling operational retrieval algorithms based on microwave indices to be developed. This Special Issue aims at providing an overview of microwave signal capabilities in estimating the main land parameters of the hydrological cycle, e.g., soil moisture, vegetation water content, and snow water equivalent, on both local and global scales, with a particular focus on the applications of microwave indices

    Monitoring crops water needs at high spatio-temporal resolution by synergy of optical/thermal and radar observations

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    L'optimisation de la gestion de l'eau en agriculture est essentielle dans les zones semi-arides afin de préserver les ressources en eau qui sont déjà faibles et erratiques dues à des actions humaines et au changement climatique. Cette thèse vise à utiliser la synergie des observations de télédétection multispectrales (données radar, optiques et thermiques) pour un suivi à haute résolution spatio-temporelle des besoins en eau des cultures. Dans ce contexte, différentes approches utilisant divers capteurs (Landsat-7/8, Sentinel-1 et MODIS) ont été developpées pour apporter une information sur l'humidité du sol (SM) et le stress hydrique des cultures à une échelle spatio-temporelle pertinente pour la gestion de l'irrigation. Ce travail va parfaitement dans le sens des objectifs du projet REC "Root zone soil moisture Estimates at the daily and agricultural parcel scales for Crop irrigation management and water use impact: a multi-sensor remote sensing approach" (http://rec.isardsat.com/) qui visent à estimer l'humidité du sol dans la zone racinaire (RZSM) afin d'optimiser la gestion de l'eau d'irrigation. Des approches innovantes et prometteuses sont mises en place pour estimer l'évapotranspiration (ET), RZSM, la température de surface du sol (LST) et le stress hydrique de la végétation à travers des indices de SM dérivés des observations multispectrales à haute résolution spatio-temporelle. Les méthodologies proposées reposent sur des méthodes basées sur l'imagerie, la modélisation du transfert radiatif et la modélisation du bilan hydrique et d'énergie et sont appliquées dans une région à climat semi-aride (centre du Maroc). Dans le cadre de ma thèse, trois axes ont été explorés. Dans le premier axe, un indice de RZSM dérivé de LST-Landsat est utilisé pour estimer l'ET sur des parcelles de blé et des sols nus. L'estimation par modélisation de ET a été explorée en utilisant l'équation de Penman-monteith modifiée obtenue en introduisant une relation empirique simple entre la résistance de surface (rc) et l'indice de RZSM. Ce dernier est estimé à partir de la température de surface (LST) dérivée de Landsat, combinée avec les températures extrêmes (en conditions humides et sèches) simulée par un modèle de bilan d'énergie de surface piloté par le forçage météorologique et la fraction de couverture végétale dérivée de Landsat. La méthode utilisée est calibrée et validée sur deux parcelles de blé situées dans la même zone près de Marrakech au Maroc. Dans l'axe suivant, une méthode permettant de récupérer la SM de la surface (0-5 cm) à une résolution spatiale et temporelle élevée est développée à partir d'une synergie entre données radar (Sentinel-1) et thermique (Landsat) et en utilisant un modèle de bilan d'énergie du sol. L'approche développée a été validée sur des parcelles agricoles en sol nu et elle donne une estimation précise de la SM avec une différence quadratique moyenne en comparant à la SM in situ, égale à 0,03 m3 m-3. Dans le dernier axe, une nouvelle méthode est développée pour désagréger la MODIS LST de 1 km à 100 m de résolution en intégrant le SM proche de la surface dérivée des données radar Sentinel-1 et l'indice de végétation optique dérivé des observations Landsat. Le nouvel algorithme, qui inclut la rétrodiffusion S-1 en tant qu'entrée dans la désagrégation, produit des résultats plus stables et robustes au cours de l'année sélectionnée. Dont, 3,35 °C était le RMSE le plus bas et 0,75 le coefficient de corrélation le plus élevé évalués en utilisant le nouvel algorithme.Optimizing water management in agriculture is essential over semi-arid areas in order to preserve water resources which are already low and erratic due to human actions and climate change. This thesis aims to use the synergy of multispectral remote sensing observations (radar, optical and thermal data) for high spatio-temporal resolution monitoring of crops water needs. In this context, different approaches using various sensors (Landsat-7/8, Sentinel-1 and MODIS) have been developed to provide information on the crop Soil Moisture (SM) and water stress at a spatio-temporal scale relevant to irrigation management. This work fits well the REC "Root zone soil moisture Estimates at the daily and agricultural parcel scales for Crop irrigation management and water use impact: a multi-sensor remote sensing approach" (http://rec.isardsat.com/) project objectives, which aim to estimate the Root Zone Soil Moisture (RZSM) for optimizing the management of irrigation water. Innovative and promising approaches are set up to estimate evapotranspiration (ET), RZSM, land surface temperature (LST) and vegetation water stress through SM indices derived from multispectral observations with high spatio-temporal resolution. The proposed methodologies rely on image-based methods, radiative transfer modelling and water and energy balance modelling and are applied in a semi-arid climate region (central Morocco). In the frame of my PhD thesis, three axes have been investigated. In the first axis, a Landsat LST-derived RZSM index is used to estimate the ET over wheat parcels and bare soil. The ET modelling estimation is explored using a modified Penman-Monteith equation obtained by introducing a simple empirical relationship between surface resistance (rc) and a RZSM index. The later is estimated from Landsat-derived land surface temperature (LST) combined with the LST endmembers (in wet and dry conditions) simulated by a surface energy balance model driven by meteorological forcing and Landsat-derived fractional vegetation cover. The investigated method is calibrated and validated over two wheat parcels located in the same area near Marrakech City in Morocco. In the next axis, a method to retrieve near surface (0-5 cm) SM at high spatial and temporal resolution is developed from a synergy between radar (Sentinel-1) and thermal (Landsat) data and by using a soil energy balance model. The developed approach is validated over bare soil agricultural fields and gives an accurate estimates of near surface SM with a root mean square difference compared to in situ SM equal to 0.03 m3 m-3. In the final axis a new method is developed to disaggregate the 1 km resolution MODIS LST at 100 m resolution by integrating the near surface SM derived from Sentinel-1 radar data and the optical-vegetation index derived from Landsat observations. The new algorithm including the S-1 backscatter as input to the disaggregation, produces more stable and robust results during the selected year. Where, 3.35 °C and 0.75 were the lowest RMSE and the highest correlation coefficient assessed using the new algorithm

    An artificial neural network approach for soil moisture retrieval using passive microwave data

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    Soil moisture is a key variable that defines land surface-atmosphere (boundary layer) interactions, by contributing directly to the surface energy and water balance. Soil moisture values derived from remote sensing platforms only accounts for the near surface soil layers, generally the top 5cm. Passive microwave data at L-band (1.4 GHz, 21cm wavelength) measurements are shown to be a very effective observation for surface soil moisture retrieval. The first space-borne L-band mission dedicated to observing soil moisture, the European Space Agency's (ESA) Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission, was launched on 2nd November 2009.Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methods have been used to empirically ascertain the complex statistical relationship between soil moisture and brightness temperature in the presence of vegetation cover. The current problem faced by this method is its inability to predict soil moisture values that are 'out-of-range' of the training data.In this research, an optimization model is developed for the Backpropagation Neural Network model. This optimization model utilizes the combination of the mean and standard deviation of the soil moisture values, together with the prediction process at different pre-determined, equal size regions to cope with the spatial and temporal variation of soil moisture values. This optimized model coupled with an ANN of optimum architecture, in terms of inputs and the number of neurons in the hidden layers, is developed to predict scale-to-scale and downscaling of soil moisture values. The dependency on the accuracy of the mean and standard deviation values of soil moisture data is also studied in this research by simulating the soil moisture values using a multiple regression model. This model obtains very encouraging results for these research problems.The data used to develop and evaluate the model in this research has been obtained from the National Airborne Field Experiments in 2005

    Earth Resources: A continuing bibliography (issue 32)

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    This bibliography list 580 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis

    Book of Abstracts, ACOP2017 : 2nd Asian Conference on Permafrost

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    Investigating the feasibility of using remote sensing in index-based crop insurance for South Africa’s smallholder farming systems

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    Crop farming in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is largely practiced by resource-poor farmers under rain-fed and unpredictable weather conditions. Since agriculture is the mainstay of SSA’s economy, the lack of improved and adapted agricultural technologies in this region sets back economic development and the fight against poverty. Overcoming this constraint and achieving the sustainable development goal to end poverty, requires innovative tools that can be used for weather risk management. One tool that has been gaining momentum recently is index-based crop insurance (IBCI). Since the launch of the first IBCI program in Africa around 2005, the number of IBCI programs has increased. Unfortunately, these programs are constrained by poor product design, basis risk, and low uptake of contracts. When these issues were first pointed-out in the earliest IBCI programs, many reports suggested satellite remote sensing (RS) as a viable solution. Hence, the first objective of this study was to assess how RS has been used in IBCI, the challenges RS faces, and potential contributions of RS that have not yet been meaningfully exploited. The literature shows that IBCI programs are increasingly adopting RS. RS has improved demarcation of unit areas of insurance and enabled IBCI to reach inaccessible areas that do not have sufficient meteorological infrastructure. However, the literature also shows that IBCI is still tainted by basis risk, which emanates from poor contract designs, the influence of non-weather factors on crop yields, imperfect correlations between satellite-based indices and crop yields, and the lack of historical data for calibration. Although IBCI reports cover vegetation and crop health monitoring, few to none cover crop type and crop area mapping. Furthermore, areas including high-resolution mapping, data fusion, microwave RS, machine learning, and computer vision have not been sufficiently tested in IBCI. The second objective of this study was to assess how RS and machine learning techniques can be used to enhance the mapping of smallholder crop farming landscapes. The findings show that machine learning ensembles and the combination of optical and microwave data can map a smallholder farming landscape with a maximum accuracy of 97.71 percent. The third objective was to identify factors that influence crop yields and crop losses in order to improve IBCI design. Results demonstrated that the pervasive notion that low yields in smallholder farms are related to rainfall is an oversimplification. Factors including fertilizer use, seed variety, soil properties, soil moisture, growing degree-days, management, and socioeconomic conditions are some of the most important factors influencing crop yields and crop losses in smallholder farming systems. This shows why IBCI needs to be part of a comprehensive risk management system that understands and approaches smallholder crop farming as complex by linking insurance with advisories and input supplies. Improved inputs and good farming practices could reduce the influence of non-weather factors on crop losses, and thereby reduce basis risk in weather-based index insurance (WII) contracts. The fourth objective of this study was to assess how well the combination of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical indices estimate soil moisture. As stated earlier, soil moisture was found to be one of the most important factors affecting crop yields. Although this method better estimated soil moisture over the first half of the growing season, estimation accuracies were comparable to those found in studies that had used similar datasets (RMSE = 0.043 m3 m-3, MAE = 0.034 m3 m- 3). Further interrogation of interaction effects between the variables used in this study and consideration of other factors that affect SAR backscatter could improve the method. More importantly, incorporating high-resolution satellite-based monitoring of soil moisture into IBCI could potentially reduce basis risk. The fifth objective of this study was to develop an IBCI for smallholder crop farming systems. The proposed IBCI scheme covers maize and derives index thresholds from crop water requirements and satellite-based rainfall estimates. It covers rainfall deficits over the vegetative, mid-season, and late-season stages of maize growth. The key contribution of this system is the derivation of index thresholds from CWR and site-specific rainfall conditions. The widely used approach, which calibrates IBCI by correlating yields and rainfall, exposes contracts to basis risk because, by simply correlating yield and rainfall data, it overlooks the influence of non-weather factors on crop yields and losses. The proposed system must be linked or bundled with non-weather variables that affect crop yields. Effectively, this means that the insurance must be linked or bundled with advisories and input supplies to address the influence of non-weather factors on crop losses. This system also incorporates a crop area-mapping component, which was found to be lacking in many IBCI systems. In conclusion, an IBCI that is based on crop water requirements, which incorporates crop area mapping and links insurance with non-weather crop yield-determining factors, is potentially capable of improving crop insurance for smallholder farming systems.Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 202

    Investigating the feasibility of using remote sensing in index-based crop insurance for South Africa’s smallholder farming systems

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    Crop farming in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is largely practiced by resource-poor farmers under rain-fed and unpredictable weather conditions. Since agriculture is the mainstay of SSA’s economy, the lack of improved and adapted agricultural technologies in this region sets back economic development and the fight against poverty. Overcoming this constraint and achieving the sustainable development goal to end poverty, requires innovative tools that can be used for weather risk management. One tool that has been gaining momentum recently is index-based crop insurance (IBCI). Since the launch of the first IBCI program in Africa around 2005, the number of IBCI programs has increased. Unfortunately, these programs are constrained by poor product design, basis risk, and low uptake of contracts. When these issues were first pointed-out in the earliest IBCI programs, many reports suggested satellite remote sensing (RS) as a viable solution. Hence, the first objective of this study was to assess how RS has been used in IBCI, the challenges RS faces, and potential contributions of RS that have not yet been meaningfully exploited. The literature shows that IBCI programs are increasingly adopting RS. RS has improved demarcation of unit areas of insurance and enabled IBCI to reach inaccessible areas that do not have sufficient meteorological infrastructure. However, the literature also shows that IBCI is still tainted by basis risk, which emanates from poor contract designs, the influence of non-weather factors on crop yields, imperfect correlations between satellite-based indices and crop yields, and the lack of historical data for calibration. Although IBCI reports cover vegetation and crop health monitoring, few to none cover crop type and crop area mapping. Furthermore, areas including high-resolution mapping, data fusion, microwave RS, machine learning, and computer vision have not been sufficiently tested in IBCI. The second objective of this study was to assess how RS and machine learning techniques can be used to enhance the mapping of smallholder crop farming landscapes. The findings show that machine learning ensembles and the combination of optical and microwave data can map a smallholder farming landscape with a maximum accuracy of 97.71 percent. The third objective was to identify factors that influence crop yields and crop losses in order to improve IBCI design. Results demonstrated that the pervasive notion that low yields in smallholder farms are related to rainfall is an oversimplification. Factors including fertilizer use, seed variety, soil properties, soil moisture, growing degree-days, management, and socioeconomic conditions are some of the most important factors influencing crop yields and crop losses in smallholder farming systems. This shows why IBCI needs to be part of a comprehensive risk management system that understands and approaches smallholder crop farming as complex by linking insurance with advisories and input supplies. Improved inputs and good farming practices could reduce the influence of non-weather factors on crop losses, and thereby reduce basis risk in weather-based index insurance (WII) contracts. The fourth objective of this study was to assess how well the combination of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical indices estimate soil moisture. As stated earlier, soil moisture was found to be one of the most important factors affecting crop yields. Although this method better estimated soil moisture over the first half of the growing season, estimation accuracies were comparable to those found in studies that had used similar datasets (RMSE = 0.043 m3 m-3, MAE = 0.034 m3 m- 3). Further interrogation of interaction effects between the variables used in this study and consideration of other factors that affect SAR backscatter could improve the method. More importantly, incorporating high-resolution satellite-based monitoring of soil moisture into IBCI could potentially reduce basis risk. The fifth objective of this study was to develop an IBCI for smallholder crop farming systems. The proposed IBCI scheme covers maize and derives index thresholds from crop water requirements and satellite-based rainfall estimates. It covers rainfall deficits over the vegetative, mid-season, and late-season stages of maize growth. The key contribution of this system is the derivation of index thresholds from CWR and site-specific rainfall conditions. The widely used approach, which calibrates IBCI by correlating yields and rainfall, exposes contracts to basis risk because, by simply correlating yield and rainfall data, it overlooks the influence of non-weather factors on crop yields and losses. The proposed system must be linked or bundled with non-weather variables that affect crop yields. Effectively, this means that the insurance must be linked or bundled with advisories and input supplies to address the influence of non-weather factors on crop losses. This system also incorporates a crop area-mapping component, which was found to be lacking in many IBCI systems. In conclusion, an IBCI that is based on crop water requirements, which incorporates crop area mapping and links insurance with non-weather crop yield-determining factors, is potentially capable of improving crop insurance for smallholder farming systems.Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 202

    Earth resources: A continuing bibliography with indexes (issue 47)

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    This bibliography lists 524 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between July 1 and September 30, 1985. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economical analysis