5 research outputs found

    Soil classification from visible/near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectra at multiple depths.

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    Abstract : Visible/near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (VNIRS) offers an alternative to conventional analytical methods to estimate various soil attributes. However, the use of VNIRS in soil survey and taxonomic classification is still underexplored. We investigated the potential use of VNIRS to classify soils in a region with variable soils, geology, and topography in southeastern Brazil. We combined principal component (PC) analysis, and multinomial logistic regression to classify 291 soils at the levels of suborder (second highest), and suborder with textural classification (STC), described in the field according to the Brazilian Soil Classification System. Soil visible/near-infrared (400-2500 nm) spectra were collected from three depth intervals (0-20, 40-60, and 80-100 cm), and combined in sequence to compose a pseudo multi-depth spectral curve, which was used to derive the classification models. The percent of correctly classified soils at the suborder level was 79% using 20 PCs, and 96% using 30 PCs. At the STC level, soils were correctly classified in 100%, and 78% of the cases using 20, and 30 PCs, respectively. Given the inherent complexity and variability within soil taxonomic groups, and in contrast the similarity among different groups, combining spectral data from different depths in multivariate classification offered a simple and inexpensive solution to adequately distinguish soils. This novel approach could improve soil classification and survey in a cost-efficient manner, supporting sustainable use, and management of tropical soils

    Aplicaciones de técnicas espectroscópicas para el análisis de suelos

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    Existe una gran diversidad de técnicas analíticas en el estudio de suelos, siendo las técnicas espectroscópicas las que mayor auge han tenido recientemente ante la necesidad de buscar metodologías que permitan estudiar adecuadamente grandes extensiones de tierra y que sean amigables con el ambiente. Por esto es necesario revisar dentro de las actuales técnicas espectroscópicas usadas en análisis de suelos cual sería la técnica más adecuada para incorporar en los servicios de extensión en suelos en Colombia bajo los lineamientos dados anteriormente. La espectroscopía infrarrojo es la técnica más pertinente para incorporar en los análisis de fertilidad de suelos en Colombia considerando su versatilidad, bajo costo y reproducibilidad. Asociando los datos de IR con el uso de análisis quimiométrico se pueden lograr estimaciones de parámetros edáficos con alto grado de certeza, con lo cual se genera una nueva estrategia de trabajo en laboratorio ambientalmente más amigable

    FTIR and NIR applications for soil analysis

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    Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na využití metod infračervené spektrometrie pro analýzu půdních vzorků. Cílem této práce bylo srovnání a analýza půd pomocí metod ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) a DRIFTS (Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy) a vyhodnocení vhodnosti těchto metod pro analýzu půd. Výsledky ukázaly, že metoda ATR není dostatečně efektivní a k analýze půd byla použita metoda DRIFT, která se ukázala pro analýzu půdních vzorků být vhodnější.This diploma thesis focuses on the use of infrared spectrometry methods for the analysis of soil samples. The aim of this work was to compare and analyze the soil using the ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) and DRIFTS (Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy) methods and to evaluate the effectiveness of these methods for soil analysis. The results showed that the ATR method is not sufficiently effective and the DRIFT method was used for soil analysis, which proved to be more suitable for the analysis of soil samples.

    Annals [...].

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    Pedometrics: innovation in tropics; Legacy data: how turn it useful?; Advances in soil sensing; Pedometric guidelines to systematic soil surveys.Evento online. Coordenado por: Waldir de Carvalho Junior, Helena Saraiva Koenow Pinheiro, Ricardo SimĂŁo Diniz Dalmolin