11 research outputs found

    The Downside of Software-Defined Networking in Wireless Network

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    Mobile traffic volumes have grown exponentially because of the increase in services and applications. Traditional networks are complex to manage because the forwarding, control, and management planes are all bundled together and, thus, administrators are supposed to deploy high-level policies, as each vendor has its own configuration methods. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is considered the future paradigm of communication networks. It decouples control logic from its underlying hardware, thereby promoting logically centralized network control and making the network more programmable and easy to configure. Low-power wireless technologies are moving toward a multitenant and multiapplication Internet of Things (IoT), which requires an architecture with scalable, reliable, and configured solutions. However, employing an SDN-based centralized architecture in the environment of a low-power wireless IoT network introduces significant challenges, such as difficult-to-control traffic, unreliable links, network contention, and high associated overheads that can significantly affect the performance of the network. This paper is a contribution toward a performance evaluation for the use of SDN in wireless networking by evaluating the latency, packet drop ratio (PDR), data extraction rate (DER), and overheads. The results show that SDN adds a high percentage of overheads to the network, which is about 43% of the 57% user packets, and the DER drops when the number of mesh nodes are increased, in addition to the high loss that was observed for packets that traveled over more hops

    Trends in metering potable water

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    Abstract Sustainable management of drinking water distribution systems requires information on the operating status of system components to identify the best operational management measures. The ability to acquire information on tank levels, pipeline flow and real-time pressure offers an efficient and cost-effective management perspective, and enables wider monitoring, which can improve (physical) security as well. The technology of measuring instruments for hydrodynamic variables, used to monitor potable water systems, differs in their independence from electronic data acquisition components and ability to connect to remote data communication systems. Advanced water measurement infrastructure is characterized by the ability to capture data with measurable errors from anywhere in the system, without restrictions on communication type. This paper deals with the measurement of hydrodynamic parameters and a proposal for water meter classification. It includes analysis of the main water meter and data tele-acquisition infrastructure. Several selection criteria are evaluated with respect to their ability to support mathematical hydraulic models and expert systems for water distribution system management

    An Analysis on Garbage Removal Process by WSN thorugh Global System for Mobile Communication Media

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    The water transport system was using a scheduling process which arranges locations and routes during running time. It may be analyzed the places which has wastes. A waste caution process was required to give data on the increase of garbage which should be immediately transported. Depend upon these issues, the objective of this study was to analyze the development of an archetype of waste transport process by preceding WSN by Global system for mobile communication. The client process was construct by a radar which was used as a detector for entire garbage, global system of mobile communication module and Arduino small controller. The server process of waste warning transport uses the data base of Gammu, MySQL and PHP. It was identified that the client was capable to give waste information in whole state to the data process server especially at the time of result. The server was capable to demonstrate the output of giving information in the structure of websites. And next, the operator may give the whole information of the waste to be transported instantly to the authority in the way of message from the page of waste transport warning data process

    TPAAD: two‐phase authentication system for denial of service attack detection and mitigation using machine learning in software‐defined network.

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    Software-defined networking (SDN) has received considerable attention and adoption owing to its inherent advantages, such as enhanced scalability, increased adaptability, and the ability to exercise centralized control. However, the control plane of the system is vulnerable to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, which are a primary focus for attackers. These attacks have the potential to result in substantial delays and packet loss. In this study, we present a novel system called Two-Phase Authentication for Attack Detection that aims to enhance the security of SDN by mitigating DoS attacks. The methodology utilized in our study involves the implementation of packet filtration and machine learning classification techniques, which are subsequently followed by the targeted restriction of malevolent network traffic. Instead of completely deactivating the host, the emphasis lies on preventing harmful communication. Support vector machine and K-nearest neighbours algorithms were utilized for efficient detection on the CICDoS 2017 dataset. The deployed model was utilized within an environment designed for the identification of threats in SDN. Based on the observations of the banned queue, our system allows a host to reconnect when it is no longer contributing to malicious traffic. The experiments were run on a VMware Ubuntu, and an SDN environment was created using Mininet and the RYU controller. The results of the tests demonstrated enhanced performance in various aspects, including the reduction of false positives, the minimization of central processing unit utilization and control channel bandwidth consumption, the improvement of packet delivery ratio, and the decrease in the number of flow requests submitted to the controller. These results confirm that our Two-Phase Authentication for Attack Detection architecture identifies and mitigates SDN DoS attacks with low overhead

    Algorithmic Identification of the Best WLAN Protocol and Network Architecture for Internet-Based Applications

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    This research developed a novel algorithm to evaluate internet-based services such as VoIP, Video Conferencing, HTTP and FTP, of different IEEE 802.11 technologies in order to identify the optimum network architecture among Basic Service Set (BSS), Extended Service Set (ESS) and the Independent Basic Service Set (BSS). The proposed algorithm will yield the rank order of different IEEE 802.11 technologies. By selecting the optimum network architecture and technology, the best overall network performance that provides good voice, video and data quality is guaranteed. Furthermore, it meets the acceptance threshold values for the VoIP, Video Conferencing, HTTP and FTP quality metrics. This algorithm was applied to various room sizes ranging from 2 x 3 m to 10 x 14 m and the number of nodes ranged from 1 to 65. The spatial distributions considered were circular, uniform and random. The Quality of Service (QoS) metrics used were delay, jitter, throughput and packet loss

    Diseño e implementación de una red de sensores inalámbricos definidos por software para el monitoreo de un sistema hidropónico NFT

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    Integrar las redes de sensores inalámbricos y las redes definidas por software mediante la implementación de un controlador SDN enfocado al cultivo hidropónico NFT.En la actualidad las redes de sensores inalámbricos forman parte del internet de las cosas, cuya tecnología es ampliamente investigada por diferentes empresas tecnologías con el propósito de mejorar el funcionamiento de las redes WSN, sin embargo, estas redes presentan limitaciones de hardware como la capacidad de procesamiento, ancho de banda reducido y consumo de energía, estos factores afectan al procesamiento y envío de la información. Ahora con base a este contexto, las redes definidas por software es una alternativa para mejorar las funcionalidades de las wsn debido a su principal característica, es que separar el plano de datos y control, por consiguiente, mejoraría el envío de datos, la escalabilidad y la administración de la red WSN debido a que mantiene un control centralizado a través del controlado SDN. Por medio, investigación bibliográfica se obtuvieron parámetros tales como: protocolos de comunicación, dispositivos, métricas de evaluación, tipo de arquitectura, etc. Estos parámetros ayudaron a determinar una propuesta que integre las dos tecnologías SDN y WSN, que mediante el apoyo de la metodología en cascada permite el despliegue y ejecución del sistema propuesta. La solución que se desarrolló en este trabajo está enfocada a la gestión de flujo de datos, donde se intenta aprovechar el direccionamiento IP local de las redes 6lowpan y el enrutamiento centralizado de las redes SDN, de manera que permita habilitar el flujo de datos por medio de políticas envidas por el controlador SDN. La implementación de las SDN dentro de una red WSN tiene sus beneficios, y así que, de la evaluación realizada se concluye que la gestión de datos a través de la aplicación permitió mejorar el tiempo de respuesta y la entrega de datos entre el servidor y nodo sensor como también contribuye de forma general a la seguridad de la red WSN.Ingenierí

    Anturidatan lähettäminen fyysiseltä kaksoselta digitaaliselle kaksoselle

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    A digital twin is a digital counterpart of a physical thing such as a machine. The term digital twin was first introduced in 2010. Thereafter, it has received an extensive amount of interest because of the numerous benefits it is expected to offer throughout the product life cycle. Currently, the concept is developed by the world’s largest companies such as Siemens. The purpose of this thesis is to examine which application layer protocols and communication technologies are the most suitable for the sensor data transmission from a physical twin to a digital twin. In addition, a platform enabling this data transmission is developed. As the concept of a digital twin is relatively new, a comprehensive literature view on the definition of a digital twin in scientific literature is presented. It has been found that the vision of a digital twin has evolved from the concepts of ‘intelligent products’ presented at the beginning of the 2000s. The most widely adopted definition states that a digital twin accurately mirrors the current state of its corresponding twin. However, the definition of a digital twin is not yet standardized and varies in different fields. Based on the literature review, the communication needs of a digital twin are derived. Thereafter, the suitability of HTTP, MQTT, CoAP, XMPP, AMQP, DDS, and OPC UA for sensor data transmission are examined through a literature review. In addition, a review of 4G, 5G, NB-IoT, LoRa, Sigfox, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Z-Wave, ZigBee, and WirelessHART is presented. A platform for the management of the sensors is developed. The platform narrows the gap between the concept and realization of a digital twin by enabling sensor data transmission. The platform allows easy addition of sensors to a physical twin and provides an interface for their configuration remotely over the Internet. It supports multiple sensor types and application protocols and offers both web user iterface and REST API.Digitaalinen kaksonen on fyysisen tuotteen digitaalinen vastinkappale, joka sisältää tiedon sen nykyisestä tilasta. Digitaalisen kaksosen käsite otettiin ensimmäisen kerran käyttöön vuonna 2010. Sen jälkeen digitaalinen kaksonen on saanut paljon huomiota, ja sitä ovat lähteneet kehittämään maailman suurimmat yritykset, kuten Siemens. Tämän työn tarkoituksena tutkia, mitkä sovelluskerroksen protokollat ja langattomat verkot soveltuvat parhaiten anturien keräämän datan lähettämiseen fyysiseltä kaksoselta digitaaliselle kaksoselle. Sen lisäksi työssä esitellään alusta, joka mahdollistaa tämän tiedonsiirron. Digitaalisen kaksosesta esitetään laaja kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka luo pohjan työn myöhemmille osioille. Digitaalisen kaksosen konsepti pohjautuu 2000-luvun alussa esiteltyihin ajatuksiin ”älykkäistä tuotteista”. Yleisimmän käytössä olevan määritelmän mukaan digitaalinen kaksonen heijastaa sen fyysisen vastinparin tämän hetkistä tilaa. Määritelmä kuitenkin vaihtelee eri alojen välillä eikä se ole vielä vakiintunut tieteellisessä kirjallisuudessa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla johdetaan digitaalisen kaksosen kommunikaatiotarpeet. Sen jälkeen arvioidaan seuraavien sovelluskerroksen protokollien soveltuvuutta anturidatan lähettämiseen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla: HTTP, MQTT, CoAP, XMPP, AMQP, DDS ja OPC UA. Myös seuraavien langattomien verkkojen soveltuvuutta tiedonsiirtoon tutkitaan: 4G, 5G, NB-IoT, LoRaWAN, Sigfox, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Z-Wave, ZigBee ja WirelessHART. Osana työtä kehitettiin myös ohjelmistoalusta, joka mahdollistaa anturien hallinnan etänä Internetin välityksellä. Alusta on pieni askel kohti digitaalisen kaksosen käytän-nön toteutusta, sillä se mahdollistaa tiedon keräämisen fyysisestä vastinkappaleesta. Sen avulla sensorien lisääminen fyysiseen kaksoseen on helppoa, ja se tukee sekä useita sensorityyppejä että sovelluskerroksen protokollia. Alusta tukee REST API –rajapintaa ja sisältää web-käyttöliittymän

    Modeling an architecture of the internet of things to manage the emission of atmospheric carbon in cities

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    La presente investigación atañe a la configuración de una estructura lógica referente a la interconexión digital de objetos cotidianos –y que integran dispositivos informáticos para el tratamiento de datos–, la cual posibilite el control de las emanaciones de gas carbónico en las grandes urbes de nuestro país, cuyo incremento por causal antropogénico ha incidido en el calentamiento global actual. En consecuencia, se ha seleccionado el sector de dispositivos electrónicos de consumo para la correspondiente gestión de la emisión de dióxido de carbono CO2 a la atmósfera, definiendo la estructura y el funcionamiento de un sistema de la Internet de las Cosas en cuanto a una capa de servicios que funja como interfaz entre la red y sus aplicaciones, permitiendo el control de dicho exhalamiento a partir del umbral y autorregulación de los artefactos en mención. Se obtuvo como resultado de esta iniciativa, un modelo de arquitectura funcional flexible el cual, sustentado en un corpus semántico combinado de ontologías, propone una manera de controlar el acrecentamiento de la concentración de CO2 en la atmósfera, al procurar que los dispositivos habituales que consumen energía eléctrica para su funcionamiento –y que dicha energía se haya producido mediante la quema de combustibles fósiles–, mantengan dicho gasto regulado al estar tales objetos comunicados a través de la Internet sobre interfaces específicas.The present investigation concerns the configuration of a logical structure referring to the digital interconnection of everyday objects –and that integrate computing devices for data processing–, which enables the control of carbon dioxide emissions in the large cities of our country , whose increase due to anthropogenic causes has affected current global warming. Consequently, the sector of consumer electronic devices has been selected for the corresponding management of the emission of carbon dioxide CO2 into the atmosphere, defining the structure and operation of an Internet of Things system in terms of a layer of services that act as an interface between the network and its applications, allowing the control of said exhalation from the threshold and self-regulation of the mentioned devices. Got as a result of this initiative, a flexible functional architecture model was obtained which, based on a combined semantic corpus of ontologies, proposes a way to control the increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, by ensuring that the usual devices that consume electrical energy for its operation –and that said energy has been produced by burning fossil fuels–, keep such spending regulated as such objects are communicated over the Internet on specific interfaces