8 research outputs found

    Architectural Principles for Database Systems on Storage-Class Memory

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    Database systems have long been optimized to hide the higher latency of storage media, yielding complex persistence mechanisms. With the advent of large DRAM capacities, it became possible to keep a full copy of the data in DRAM. Systems that leverage this possibility, such as main-memory databases, keep two copies of the data in two different formats: one in main memory and the other one in storage. The two copies are kept synchronized using snapshotting and logging. This main-memory-centric architecture yields nearly two orders of magnitude faster analytical processing than traditional, disk-centric ones. The rise of Big Data emphasized the importance of such systems with an ever-increasing need for more main memory. However, DRAM is hitting its scalability limits: It is intrinsically hard to further increase its density. Storage-Class Memory (SCM) is a group of novel memory technologies that promise to alleviate DRAM’s scalability limits. They combine the non-volatility, density, and economic characteristics of storage media with the byte-addressability and a latency close to that of DRAM. Therefore, SCM can serve as persistent main memory, thereby bridging the gap between main memory and storage. In this dissertation, we explore the impact of SCM as persistent main memory on database systems. Assuming a hybrid SCM-DRAM hardware architecture, we propose a novel software architecture for database systems that places primary data in SCM and directly operates on it, eliminating the need for explicit IO. This architecture yields many benefits: First, it obviates the need to reload data from storage to main memory during recovery, as data is discovered and accessed directly in SCM. Second, it allows replacing the traditional logging infrastructure by fine-grained, cheap micro-logging at data-structure level. Third, secondary data can be stored in DRAM and reconstructed during recovery. Fourth, system runtime information can be stored in SCM to improve recovery time. Finally, the system may retain and continue in-flight transactions in case of system failures. However, SCM is no panacea as it raises unprecedented programming challenges. Given its byte-addressability and low latency, processors can access, read, modify, and persist data in SCM using load/store instructions at a CPU cache line granularity. The path from CPU registers to SCM is long and mostly volatile, including store buffers and CPU caches, leaving the programmer with little control over when data is persisted. Therefore, there is a need to enforce the order and durability of SCM writes using persistence primitives, such as cache line flushing instructions. This in turn creates new failure scenarios, such as missing or misplaced persistence primitives. We devise several building blocks to overcome these challenges. First, we identify the programming challenges of SCM and present a sound programming model that solves them. Then, we tackle memory management, as the first required building block to build a database system, by designing a highly scalable SCM allocator, named PAllocator, that fulfills the versatile needs of database systems. Thereafter, we propose the FPTree, a highly scalable hybrid SCM-DRAM persistent B+-Tree that bridges the gap between the performance of transient and persistent B+-Trees. Using these building blocks, we realize our envisioned database architecture in SOFORT, a hybrid SCM-DRAM columnar transactional engine. We propose an SCM-optimized MVCC scheme that eliminates write-ahead logging from the critical path of transactions. Since SCM -resident data is near-instantly available upon recovery, the new recovery bottleneck is rebuilding DRAM-based data. To alleviate this bottleneck, we propose a novel recovery technique that achieves nearly instant responsiveness of the database by accepting queries right after recovering SCM -based data, while rebuilding DRAM -based data in the background. Additionally, SCM brings new failure scenarios that existing testing tools cannot detect. Hence, we propose an online testing framework that is able to automatically simulate power failures and detect missing or misplaced persistence primitives. Finally, our proposed building blocks can serve to build more complex systems, paving the way for future database systems on SCM

    Transactions Chasing Scalability and Instruction Locality on Multicores

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    For several decades, online transaction processing (OLTP) has been one of the main server applications that drives innovations in the data management ecosystem, and in turn the database and computer architecture communities. Recent hardware trends oblige software to overcome two major challenges against systems scalability on modern multicore processors: (1) exploiting the abundant thread-level parallelism across cores and (2) taking advantage of the implicit parallelism within a core. The traditional design of the OLTP systems, however, faces inherent scalability problems due to its tightly coupled components. In addition, OLTP cannot exploit the full capability of the micro-architectural resources of modern processors because of the conventional scheduling decisions that ignore the cache locality for transactions. As a result, today’s commonly used server hardware remains largely underutilized leading to a huge waste of hardware resources and energy. .... In this thesis, we first identify the unbounded critical sections of traditional OLTP systems as the main enemy of thread-level parallelism. We design an alternative shared-everything system based on physiological partitioning (PLP) to eliminate the unbounded critical sections while providing an infrastructure for low-cost dynamic repartitioning and without introducing high-cost distributed transactions. Then, we demonstrate that L1 instruction cache stalls are the dominant factor leading to underutilization in the commodity servers. However, we also observe that independently of their high-level functionality, transactions running in parallel on a multicore system share significant amount of common instructions. By adaptively spreading the execution of a transaction over multiple cores through thread migration or multiplexing transactions on one core, we enable both an ample L1 instruction cache capacity for a transaction and reuse of common instructions across concurrent transactions. .... As the hardware demands more from the software to exploit the complexity and parallelism it offers in the multicore era, this work would change the way we traditionally schedule transactions. Instead of viewing a transaction as a single big task, we split it into smaller parts that can exploit data and instruction locality through careful dynamic scheduling decisions. The methods this thesis presents are not only specific to OLTP systems, but they can also benefit other types of applications that have concurrent requests executing a series of actions from a predefined set and face similar scalability problems on emerging hardware

    Runtime Systems for Persistent Memories

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    Emerging persistent memory (PM) technologies promise the performance of DRAM with the durability of disk. However, several challenges remain in existing hardware, programming, and software systems that inhibit wide-scale PM adoption. This thesis focuses on building efficient mechanisms that span hardware and operating systems, and programming languages for integrating PMs in future systems. First, this thesis proposes a mechanism to solve low-endurance problem in PMs. PMs suffer from limited write endurance---PM cells can be written only 10^7-10^9 times before they wear out. Without any wear management, PM lifetime might be as low as 1.1 months. This thesis presents Kevlar, an OS-based wear-management technique for PM, that requires no new hardware. Kevlar uses existing virtual memory mechanisms to remap pages, enabling it to perform both wear leveling---shuffling pages in PM to even wear; and wear reduction---transparently migrating heavily written pages to DRAM. Crucially, Kevlar avoids the need for hardware support to track wear at fine grain. It relies on a novel wear-estimation technique that builds upon Intel's Precise Event Based Sampling to approximately track processor cache contents via a software-maintained Bloom filter and estimate write-back rates at fine grain. Second, this thesis proposes a persistency model for high-level languages to enable integration of PMs in to future programming systems. Prior works extend language memory models with a persistency model prescribing semantics for updates to PM. These approaches require high-overhead mechanisms, are restricted to certain synchronization constructs, provide incomplete semantics, and/or may recover to state that cannot arise in fault-free program execution. This thesis argues for persistency semantics that guarantee failure atomicity of synchronization-free regions (SFRs) --- program regions delimited by synchronization operations. The proposed approach provides clear semantics for the PM state that recovery code may observe and extends C++11's "sequential consistency for data-race-free" guarantee to post-failure recovery code. To this end, this thesis investigates two designs for failure-atomic SFRs that vary in performance and the degree to which commit of persistent state may lag execution. Finally, this thesis proposes StrandWeaver, a hardware persistency model that minimally constrains ordering on PM operations. Several language-level persistency models have emerged recently to aid programming recoverable data structures in PM. The language-level persistency models are built upon hardware primitives that impose stricter ordering constraints on PM operations than the persistency models require. StrandWeaver manages PM order within a strand, a logically independent sequence of PM operations within a thread. PM operations that lie on separate strands are unordered and may drain concurrently to PM. StrandWeaver implements primitives under strand persistency to allow programmers to improve concurrency and relax ordering constraints on updates as they drain to PM. Furthermore, StrandWeaver proposes mechanisms that map persistency semantics in high-level language persistency models to the primitives implemented by StrandWeaver.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155100/1/vgogte_1.pd


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    Many-core devices are likely to become increasingly common in real-time and embedded systems as computational demands grow and as expectations for higher performance can generally only be met by by increasing core numbers rather than relying on higher clock speeds. Network-on-chip devices, where multiple cores share a single slice of silicon and employ packetised communications, are a widely-deployed many-core option for system designers. As NoCs are expected to run larger and more complex programs, the small amount of fast, on-chip memory available to each core is unlikely to be sufficient for all but the simplest of tasks, and it is necessary to find an efficient, effective, and time-bounded, means of accessing resources stored in off-chip memory, such as DRAM or Flash storage. The abstraction of paged virtual memory is a familiar technique to manage similar tasks in general computing but has often been shunned by real-time developers because of concern about time predictability. We show it can be a poor choice for a many-core NoC system as, unmodified, it typically uses page sizes optimised for interaction with spinning disks and not solid state media, and transports significant volumes of subsequently unused data across already congested links. In this work we outline and simulate an efficient partial paging algorithm where only those memory resources that are locally accessed are transported between global and local storage. We further show that smaller page sizes add to efficiency. We examine the factors that lead to timing delays in such systems, and show we can predict worst case execution times at even safety-critical thresholds by using statistical methods from extreme value theory. We also show these results are applicable to systems with a variety of connections to memory