462,891 research outputs found

    A Metrics Framework for Customer-Focused Quality,

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    Although nearly everyone agrees that the collection and analysis of metrics is highly beneficial to software development and maintenance organizations, this process remains difficult for many of those organizations. The purpose of this paper is to describe a practical set of metrics that are focused on customer satisfaction and that are easily understood by both customer and developer organizations. The goals and concepts related to these metrics are presented in a framework designed to establish compliance mapping with the Software Engineering Institute\u27s (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM®) for software

    Start a revolution in your head! The rebirth of ICT ethics education

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    This paper is a viewpoint rather than grounded in research. It questions some of the established ICT norms and traditions which exist both in industry and academia. The aim is to review current ICT ethics educational strategy and suggest a repositioning which aligns with the concept of computing by everyone for everyone. Professional bodies, in their current role, have little influence on 97 percent of global software developers whose ethical code and attitude to social responsibility comes from elsewhere. There needs to be a radical change in how the ethical and social responsibility dimension of ICT is included in education of the whole population rather than focusing on the elitist computing professional community. It is against this backdrop that this paper explores new avenues for widening education, both formal and informal, to all those who may become involved in computing. The discussion concludes by laying out a new pathway for ICT ethics education which embraces people of all ages and all walks of life

    I'd Like to Have an Argument, Please:Using Dialectic for Effective App Security

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    The lack of good secure development practice for app developers threatens everyone who uses mobile software. Current practice emphasizes checklists of processes and security errors to avoid, and has not proved effective in the application development domain. Based on analysis of interviews with relevant security experts, we suggest that secure app development requires 'dialectic': challenging dialog with a range of counterparties, continued throughout the development cycle. By further studying the different dialectic techniques possible in programmers' communications, we shall be able to empower app developers to produce the secure software that we need

    Crossing Hands in the Russian Cards Problem

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    When communicating using an unconditionally secure protocol, a sender and receiver is able to transmit secret information over a public, insecure channel without fear of the secret being intercepted by a third party. The Russian cards problem is an example of an unconditionally secure protocol where the communication is fully understandable for everyone listening in. Even though everyone can understand what is being said, only the sender and receiver are able to uncover the secrets being transmitted. In this thesis we investigate the interaction among the communicating parties. By extending existing problem-specific software we are able to more efficiently analyze protocols, and we are therefore able to provide an answer to an open problem in the literature. We provide a completely new solution to the Russian cards protocol and show that it fulfills all requirements by the problem. Discovering this new solution provides the person initiating the protocol two new strategies to choose from when constructing the initial announcement of the protocol.Masteroppgave i informasjonsvitenskapINFO39

    Public Libraries: techno trends and collective memory

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    By public library I mean here a library providing some kind of universal access to its assets, one whose readership isn’t exclusively tied and restricted to a particular organization – including the generally called public libraries, but also many specialized libraries, such as the academic of the open kind. Despite all efforts, public libraries continue to face strong barriers to their participation in the information society. Participants of the World Meeting on the Future of the ISIS Software recognized that “the ISIS Software Family has a unique technological concept and developmental mission to cope with Information Storage and Retrieval Systems (ISRS), particularly for developing countries where the technology is widely known and used; that the ISIS Software Family has now fully embraced the Free and Open Source Software approach and the support of UNICODE structures to be fully open and multilingual” (Rio Declaration 2008), restating thus the persistent relevance of this software family. OSS (Coar 2006) is defined as software whose source code is freely available, therefore allowing for free inspection and/or utilization, i.e., it is available for study and use by everyone without any payment or any other barrier to access. the lack of technical skill in libraries, a situation that libraries share with much of the public and cultural sectors. The study of OSS ILS, and of the their adaptation to the needs of specific public libraries may be the solution to this. Library Management Systems) that enhances digital archive interoperability between a diverse range of libraries

    Defining Open Source

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    The Open Source Initiative and the Free Software Foundation share a common goal: that everyone should be free to modify and redistribute the software they commonly use. 'Should' is of course a normative word. For the FSF, 'should' is a moral imperative. Anything else is an immoral restriction on people's activities, just as are restrictions on speech, press, movement, and religion. For the OSI, freedom is a necessary precondition for a world where "software doesn't suck", in the words of a founder of the OSI. The FSF started from its founder's GNU Manifesto widely published in 1985. Given the manifesto's hostility to copyright, and given the failure of the Free Software Foundation to gain any traction amongst commercial users of software even with a 13-year head start, a group of people gathered together in 1998 to talk about a new strategy to get the corporate world to listen to hackers. They were impressed by Eric Raymond's Cathedral and the Bazaar's take-up among business leaders
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