141,052 research outputs found

    Observations and Recommendations on the Internationalisation of Software

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    As computer programs enter the lives of more and more people worldwide, it is becoming increasingly unacceptable to assume that software with a user interface designed for an indigenous English speaking market will be acceptable outside its country of origin simply by changing the currency symbol. Developers of software who are serious about expanding sales into new markets must consider many issues when giving thought either to the creation of new software or the modification of existing software to work within the linguistic and cultural constraints of these new markets. The purpose of this paper is to examine the task of preparing software to be used in countries and cultures other than that in which it is created. We do this by reviewing some of the most important localisation issues that have been identified, and some of the tools and practices that are available to the software designer to deal with them. We shall also consider some of the areas of the software development process that are currently less well understood and supported. Our major emphasis is in non-graphical applications targeted at European markets. Keywords: Internationalisation, I18N, Localising, Enabling, Multi-lingual

    Motivations, Values and Emotions: 3 sides of the same coin

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    This position paper speaks to the interrelationships between the three concepts of motivations, values, and emotion. Motivations prime actions, values serve to choose between motivations, emotions provide a common currency for values, and emotions implement motivations. While conceptually distinct, the three are so pragmatically intertwined as to differ primarily from our taking different points of view. To make these points more transparent, we briefly describe the three in the context a cognitive architecture, the LIDA model, for software agents and robots that models human cognition, including a developmental period. We also compare the LIDA model with other models of cognition, some involving learning and emotions. Finally, we conclude that artificial emotions will prove most valuable as implementers of motivations in situations requiring learning and development

    Applications in Foreign Currency Money Changer Cv.xyz Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    This explains the scientific writing about the design of application programs forforeign currency transactions by using Visual Basic 6.0 programming languagecoupled with the flow diagram (flowchart).In scientific writing database is used also by using Microsoft software Accsess 2003which have been integrated in Visual Basic 6.0 program itself. Consists of four tablesof Currency, Customer, Transaction, Employee.In the end application program for foreign currency transactions will be applied tocompanies or services that are engaged in foreign exchange notabennya still usemanual way, or not to optimize existing computer systems to facilitate the conduct oftransactions, such as creating a memorandum of the transaction and making a report

    Aggressive Monetization: Why the Pay for Currency Model is Dominating the iOS App Store Today

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    The Apple iOS App Store has only been around for 5 years, and yet it has completely changed the way that mobile software is distributed. In this brief period, the online marketplace has seen dramatic shifts in the most successful strategies used by iOS software developers and, more specifically, game developers to gain revenue. As of March 14th 2014 fifteen of the twenty top-grossing iOS apps feature some form of in-app currency that users may purchase with real money, eighteen are mobile video games, and all twenty of these apps are free to download. This paper explores a new business strategy, the pay for currency model, which has been highly successful in generating huge profits from App Store software distribution. This paper first builds on existing economic models for network externalities to include non-paying customers and provides an argument for how iOS games with in-app currencies can achieve a form of first-degree price discrimination

    Cyber-Democracy or Cyber-Hegemony? Exploring the Political and Economic Structures of the Internet as an Alternative Source of Information

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    Although government regulation of the Internet has been decried as undercutting free speech, the control of Internet content through capitalist gateways???namely, profit-driven software companies???has gone largely uncriticized. The author argues that this discursive trend manufactures consent through a hegemonic force neglecting to confront the invasion of online advertising or marketing strategies directed at children. This study suggests that ???inappropriate content??? (that is, nudity, pornography, obscenities) constitutes a cultural currency through which concerns and responses to the Internet have been articulated within the mainstream. By examining the rhetorical and financial investments of the telecommunications business sector, the author contends that the rhetorical elements creating ???cyber-safety??? concerns within the mainstream attempt to reach the consent of parents and educators by asking them to see some Internet content as value laden (sexuality, trigger words, or adult content), while disguising the interests and authority of profitable computer software and hardware industries (advertising and marketing). Although most online ???safety measures??? neglect to confront the emerging invasion of advertising/marketing directed at children and youth, the author argues that media literacy in cyberspace demands such scrutiny. Unlike measures to block or filter online information, students need an empowerment approach that will enable them to analyze, evaluate, and judge the information they receive.published or submitted for publicatio

    An Evaluation of the Security of the Bitcoin Peer-To-Peer Network

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    Bitcoin is a decentralised digital currency that relies on cryptography rather than trusted third parties such as central banks for its security. Underpinning the operation of the currency is a peer-to-peer (P2P) network that facilitates the execution of transactions by end users, as well as the transaction confirmation process known as bitcoin mining. The security of this P2P network is vital for the currency to function and subversion of the underlying network can lead to attacks on bitcoin users including theft of bitcoins, manipulation of the mining process and denial of service (DoS). As part of this paper the network protocol and bitcoin core software are analysed, with three bitcoin message exchanges (the connection handshake, GETHEADERS/HEADERS and MEMPOOL/INV) found to be potentially vulnerable to spoofing and use in distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Possible solutions to the identified weaknesses and vulnerabilities are evaluated, such as the introduction of random nonces into network messages exchanges.Comment: 8 Pages, 7 Figures, Conferenc

    Learning Design and Service Oriented Architectures:a mutual dependency?

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    This paper looks at how the concept of reusability has gained currency in e-learning. Initial attention was focused on reuse of content, but recently attention has focused on reusable software tools and reusable activity structures. The former has led to the proposal of service-oriented architectures, and the latter has seen the development of the Learning Design specification. The authors suggest that there is a mutual dependency between the success of these two approaches, as complex Learning Designs require the ability to call on a range of tools, while remaining technology neutral. The paper describes a project at the UK Open University, SLeD, which sought to develop a Learning Design player that would utilise the service-oriented approach. This acted both as a means of exploring some of the issues implicit within both approaches and also provided a practical tool. The SLeD system was successfully implemented in a different university, Liverpool Hope, demonstrating some of the principles of re-use

    Cryptocurrency Price Predictions Using High Performance Computing

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    Digital currency has recently gained popularity as it has become increasingly dependent on computers and the Internet. New forms of currency have been constantly evolving over the past few years, namely cryptocurrency. Virtual forms of currency have open new doors within the software industry in finance, data storage, and data collection. Cryptocurrency (crypto) is very volatile in terms of market value, which carries a host of unknowns that make it difficult to predict and analyze the future prices of crypto. However, cryptocurrency behaves similarly to stocks, which allows for the use of linear regression models to make predictions about price levels. With the ability to predict crypto prices, one can make a prediction for crypto stocks since the popular coin, Bitcoin, affects stock prices. This paper will discuss the use of two types of linear regression models, least squares and auto regression, as well as predictors such as social media and economic data to calculate the volatility of a given cryptocurrency and its prices. Using high performance computing techniques will allow regression models to predict relatively accurate crypto prices and past available cryptocurrency price data will be used to verify our results
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