9 research outputs found

    Applying Facial Emotion Recognition to Usability Evaluations to Reduce Analysis Time

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    Usability testing is an important part of product design that offers developers insight into a product’s ability to help users achieve their goals. Despite the usefulness of usability testing, human usability evaluations are costly and time-intensive processes. Developing methods to reduce the time and costs of usability evaluations is important for organizations to improve the usability of their products without expensive investments. One prospective solution to this is the application of facial emotion recognition to automate the collection of qualitative metrics normally identified by human usability evaluators. In this paper, facial emotion recognition (FER) was applied to mock usability recordings to evaluate how well FER could parse moments of emotional significance. To determine the accuracy of FER in this context, a FER Python library created by Justin Shenk was compared with data tags produced by human reporters. This study found that the facial emotion recognizer could only match its emotion recognition output with less than 40% of the human-reported emotion timestamps and less than 78% of the emotion data tags were recognized at all. The current lack of consistency with the human reported emotions found in this thesis makes it difficult to recommend using FER for parsing moments of semantic significance over conventional human usability evaluators

    Klasifikasi Multi Class Pada Analisis Sentimen Opini Pengguna Aplikasi Mobile Untuk Evaluasi Faktor Usability

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    Dalam proses pengembangan maupun pengujian perangkat lunak, faktor usability merupakan aspek yang paling penting. Evaluasi faktor usability tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisa orientasi sentimen pada opini pengguna berdasarkan faktor usability. Namun, setiap opini juga memiliki tingkat sentimen yang mencerminkan tinggi rendahnya orientasi sentimen, sehingga akan lebih efektif apabila tingkat sentimen juga dipertimbangkan dalam proses evaluasi. Selain itu, opini pengguna juga dapat memiliki lebih dari 1 faktor usability. Hal tersebut dikarenakan setiap dokumen opini dapat terdiri lebih dari 1 kalimat dimana setiap kalimat bisa memiliki faktor usability yang berbeda. Berbeda dengan perangkat lunak lainnya, aplikasi mobile memiliki batasan dan konteks tersendiri. Sehingga model usability yang digunakan juga berbeda dengan perangkat lunak lainnya. Model PACMAD merupakan model usability yang disesuaikan dengan batasan dan konteks dari aplikasi mobile. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini diusulkan suatu metode  evaluasi faktor usability dengan menggunakan klasifikasi multi class pada analisis sentimen dengan mempertimbangkan tingkat sentimen opini pengguna aplikasi mobile berdasarkan model usability PACMAD. Data opini pengguna dikaslifikasian dengan model klasifikasi multi class dengan metode naive bayes, kemudian dianalisis orientasi dan tingkat sentimennya dengan menggunakan metode SentiWordNet Interpretation. Berdasarkan hasil ujicoba diperoleh nilai akurasi sebesar 74,7%, precision 43,2%, recall 29,5% dan f-measure 34,5%

    Model sistem pengurusan maklumat dalam membangunkan pangkalan data bidang kepakaran staf akademik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

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    Data of experts is one of the important assets in higher education institution. This is because higher education institution consists of academicians with variety of expertise in many fields. However, the information of expertise is not always uniquely defined and highly likely to evolve over the time of services. This research reports a critical review on the importance and problems related to the data of expertise in higher education institutions. It includes the needs and ways of defining expertise among academic within a big faculty comprising a combination of disciplines. This information is then used to propose an approach to design and develop a model of management information system to store and manage data of expertise among academics at higher education institutions.. Interview has been conducted to identify the elements and information needed before developing a database of academics expertise. Questionnaire has been used to obtain views and feedback from the user towards the database requirement. This research apply Fuzzy Delphi technique to analyse the findings from the questionnaire. By using this technique, expert’s opinion can be collected and selected systematically to reach a consensus of the database performance. The results showed that there are four main elements that can develop academics expertise which are teaching, research, publication and consultation. The database of academics expertise can also provide right information an the right time as requested by the user. However, User Manual must be provided in assisting the users to understand overall functions of the system. In conclusion, management information system plays an important role in developing data of expertise among academics. The report generated from the database will help top management in the process of decision making and University’s strategic planning

    An evaluation of the usability and end user acceptance of an education management software system.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The study is aimed at evaluating the usability and end user acceptance of a management software system. The study serves an exploratory agenda to determine the current state of usability regarding SASAMS and to determine end users’ intentions to make use of SASAMS. The knowledge from the empirical phase of the study converges to an output that provides guidance on possible aspects of SASAMS that may be improved from a usability perspective. The quantitative research method is used to guide the study. The targeted population in this study will be composed of a total of 45 secondary, combined and primary schools that use the SASAMS within the Piet Retief Circuit and the sample for the study has been purposively selected to consist of 43 users of the SASAMS. The survey method is used for data collection and the data collection instrument is a questionnaire. The research findings indicate that SASAMS is a relatively user friendly package and the overall usability enabled an end user to quickly obtain proficiency in the use of the package. However, the usability of the package is dependent on intensive training sessions where end users have an opportunity to “internalise” elements of core functionality of the system as well as pick up on subtleties about the interface so that they could become expert users of the system. Aligned to this outcome from the empirical phase of the study, a recommendation is made with regards to the need for training and workshops for educators, heads of departments, deputy principals and school principals so that the usability of the system is enhanced. Another major area of improvement that has been identified is the issue of data input into the system. Proficiency in this regard is functionally dependent on the level of experience in the use of the system or the amount of training that a prospective user is exposed to. The activity of data capture has been identified as an area of improvement of the interface. The recommendations from the study also makes incursions into issues regarding the connectivity of the system which is dependent on a real-time link to the Department of Home Affairs as well as the Department of Basic Education in the Mpumalanga Province. Optimal usage of the SASAMS will only be viable if all the intended functional components of the system are available to educators on a regular basis. From a positive perspective, the empirical data shows that the SASAMS has been endorsed by school principals, Heads of Departments, educators and school administrators. There is a positive correlation with current usage practice and the intention to continue making use of the SASAMS. However, the issue of training and the availability of technical support for the use of the package has been highlighted as areas of significant concern

    Hakemusten läpimenoaikaan vaikuttavat tekijät verkkopalveluissa

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    Liiketoimintamielessä datassa piilee valtava potentiaali. Käytännössä kaikki tietojärjestelmät keräävät jonkinlaista dataa, mutta usein sitä ei osata hyödyntää. Datan avulla liiketoimintaprosesseja voidaan tehostaa aivan uudella tavalla. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on antaa vastauksia kysymykseen: Mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat lupahakemuksien käsittelyaikoihin verkkopalveluissa? Tutkimuksessa etsitään tekijöitä, jotka joko pienentävät tai kasvattavat läpimenoaikaa. Verkkopalveluissa tehtyjen hakemusten läpimenoaikaa tarkastellaan case Lupapisteen kautta. Lupapiste on verkkopalvelu, jossa kertarakentajat ja pääsuunnittelijat voivat jättää rakennetun ympäristön lupahakemuksia viranomaisten hyväksyttäväksi. Palvelulla voidaan korvata paperisten hakemusten käsittely kokonaan. Tutkimusmenetelmäksi valittiin hypoteettis-deduktiivinen lähestymistapa. Työssä asetettiin kolme hypoteesia tekijöistä, joilla voisi olla vaikutusta läpimenoaikaan. Hypoteesit on johdettu sähköiseen palveluliiketoimintaan, prosessien tehokkuuteen ja läpimenoaikojen mittaamiseen liittyvästä kirjallisuudesta. Hypoteeseja tutkittiin Lupapisteestä saadun operatiivisen ja käytönaikaisen datan avulla. Analyysi tehtiin käyttäen monen muuttujan lineaarista regressiota. Tulokseksi saatiin, että hakijan asiantuntijuustason nousu kasvattaa, organisaation käyttökokemus verkkopalvelusta pienentää ja hakijan aktiivisuus kasvattaa hakemuksen läpimenoaikaa. Sekä yksittäiset tulokset, että malli kokonaisuudessaan olivat tilastollisesti merkitseviä. Tutkimuksesta saatuja tuloksia voidaan soveltaa verkkopalveluihin liittyvien prosessien tehostamiseksi ja kustannussäästöjen saavuttamiseksi. Lisäksi tutkimus osoittaa, millaista tietoa verkkopalveluiden datasta on mahdollista jalostaa. Tutkimusta rajoitti jossain määrin käytettävissä olevien muuttujien määrä, ei niinkään havaintojen määrä tai datan laatu. Käsittelyprosessien ollessa hyvin erilaisia eri organisaatioissa data rajattiin vain yhteen suomalaiseen kuntaan

    Analisis sentimen pada opini pengguna Aplikasi Mobile untuk evaluasi faktor kebergunaan

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    Faktor kebergunaan atau usability merupakan aspek yang paling diperhatikan dalam proses pembuatan maupun pengujian aplikasi mobile. Biasanya, setiap aplikasi mobile di aplikasi store pasti memiliki opini pengguna yang berisi tentang pengalaman pengguna dalam menggunakan aplikasi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka opini pengguna memiliki informasi yang dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam mengevaluasi faktor kebergunaan. Proses evaluasi faktor kebergunaan dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan analisis sentimen pada opini pengguna aplikasi mobile tersebut. Orientasi sentimen inilah yang umumnya dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam proses evaluasi tersebut. Namun, mengevaluasi aplikasi mobile hanya dengan melihat orientasi sentimen saja tidaklah cukup. Setiap opini pasti memiliki tingkat sentimen yang mencerminkan tinggi rendahnya orientasi sentimen, sehingga akan lebih efektif apabila tingkat sentimen juga turut dipertimbangkan dalam proses evaluasi tersebut. Berbeda dengan jenis perangkat lunak lainnya, aplikasi mobile memiliki batasan dan permasalahan sendiri yang tidak dimiliki perangkat lunak lain. Model PACMAD (People At The Centre of Mobile Application Development) merupakan model kebergunaan yang karakteristiknya disesuaikan dengan batasan dan permasalahan yang dimiliki oleh aplikasi mobile. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini diusulkan suatu metode analisis sentimen dengan mempertimbangkan tingkat sentimen pada opini pengguna aplikasi mobile untuk evaluasi faktor kebergunaan berdasarkan model PACMAD. Dengan penggunaan tingkat sentimen dan model PACMAD ini, diharapkan hasil evaluasi faktor kebergunaan aplikasi mobile menjadi lebih detail dan akurat serta permasalahan evaluasi faktor kebergunaan pada aplikasi mobile dapat teratasi. Caranya adalah dengan mengklasifikasikan opini pengguna kedalam faktor kebergunaan terlebih dahulu menggunakan pembobotan TF.ICF. Kemudian, menghitung tingkat dan orientasi sentimen dengan menggunakan metode rata-rata kalimat terhadap opini berdasarkan SentiWordNet. Berdasarkan hasil ujicoba maka diperoleh rata-rata nilai akurasi klasifikasi faktor kebergunaan sebesar 74% dan akurasi sentimen sebesar 67%. ==================================================================================== Usability factors are the most noted aspects in mobile application development or evaluation process. Usually, every application mobile in application's store must have user review that contain user experience in using the application. Based on these, user review has many information which can be used as reference in evaluating usability factors. Usability factors evaluation process can be done by doing sentiment analysis in user review at that mobile application. This sentiment orientation which is generally used as reference in evaluation process. But, evaluating application mobile with just a sentiment orientation is not enough. Every review must have sentiment level that reflect high and low sentiment orientation, so that it will be more effective if it consider sentiment level in evaluation process.Different with other software type, mobile application has some limitations and issues itself which another software doesn't have. PACMAD (People At the Centre of Mobile Application Development) model is usability model which its characteristic is adapted with mobile application limitation and issues. Therefore, this research propose sentiment analysis method which consider sentiment level in mobile application review to evaluate usability factor based on PACMAD model. With using sentiment level and this PACMAD model, hopefully the result of mobile application usability factors can be more detail, accurate and the problem of usability factors evaluation in mobile application can be solve. The way is begin by classifying user review in usability factors first by using TF.ICF method. Then, it count level and orientation sentiment by using average sentence and average review method based on SentiWordNet. Based on test result, it is gained 74% average of usability factors evaluation accuration and 67% sentiment accuration

    Método para la evaluación de usabilidad de sitios web transaccionales basado en el proceso de inspección heurística

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    La usabilidad es considerada uno de los factores más importantes en el desarrollo de productos de software. Este atributo de calidad está referido al grado en que, usuarios específicos de un determinado aplicativo, pueden fácilmente hacer uso del software para lograr su propósito. Dada la importancia de este aspecto en el éxito de las aplicaciones informáticas, múltiples métodos de evaluación han surgido como instrumentos de medición que permiten determinar si la propuesta de diseño de la interfaz de un sistema de software es entendible, fácil de usar, atractiva y agradable al usuario. El método de evaluación heurística es uno de los métodos más utilizados en el área de Interacción Humano-Computador (HCI) para este propósito debido al bajo costo de su ejecución en comparación otras técnicas existentes. Sin embargo, a pesar de su amplio uso extensivo durante los últimos años, no existe un procedimiento formal para llevar a cabo este proceso de evaluación. Jakob Nielsen, el autor de esta técnica de inspección, ofrece únicamente lineamientos generales que, según la investigación realizada, tienden a ser interpretados de diferentes maneras por los especialistas. Por tal motivo, se ha desarrollado el presente proyecto de investigación que tiene como objetivo establecer un proceso sistemático, estructurado, organizado y formal para llevar a cabo evaluaciones heurísticas a productos de software. En base a un análisis exhaustivo realizado a aquellos estudios que reportan en la literatura el uso del método de evaluación heurística como parte del proceso de desarrollo de software, se ha formulado un nuevo método de evaluación basado en cinco fases: (1) planificación, (2) entrenamiento, (3) evaluación, (4) discusión y (5) reporte. Cada una de las fases propuestas que componen el protocolo de inspección contiene un conjunto de actividades bien definidas a ser realizadas por el equipo de evaluación como parte del proceso de inspección. Asimismo, se han establecido ciertos roles que deberán desempeñar los integrantes del equipo de inspectores para asegurar la calidad de los resultados y un apropiado desarrollo de la evaluación heurística. La nueva propuesta ha sido validada en dos escenarios académicos distintos (en Colombia, en una universidad pública, y en Perú, en dos universidades tanto en una pública como en una privada) demostrando en todos casos que es posible identificar más problemas de usabilidad altamente severos y críticos cuando un proceso estructurado de inspección es adoptado por los evaluadores. Otro aspecto favorable que muestran los resultados es que los evaluadores tienden a cometer menos errores de asociación (entre heurística que es incumplida y problemas de usabilidad identificados) y que la propuesta es percibida como fácil de usar y útil. Al validarse la nueva propuesta desarrollada por el autor de este estudio se consolida un nuevo conocimiento que aporta al bagaje cultural de la ciencia.Tesi

    Integração de usabilidade no paradigma de IoT em telesaúde: Automatização ao serviço da usabilidade

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    Durante os últimos anos os países desenvolvidos têm sofrido um shift demográfico fomentado pelo aumento da população idosa e pela redução da taxa de natalidade. A proeminência destes fatores nas sociedades atuais despoletou desafios de natureza societal, técnica e económica em várias áreas de atuação. Nessas áreas, destaca-se a área de saúde pela sua sensibilidade e relevância para o quotidiano de utilizadores com necessidades especiais (pessoas idosas, deficientes motores, entre outros). Nesse sentido, para mitigar os desafios impostos nos sistemas de saúde, têm-se adotado tecnologias de informação e comunicação para o dimensionamento de soluções dedicadas, que visam satisfazer necessidades específicas – os ecossistemas AAL (Ambiente de Vida Assistida). Apesar do seu atual estado de desenvolvimento, enfrentam múltiplos desafios relacionados com a autonomia, robustez, segurança, integração, interação humano-computador, armazenamento de dados e usabilidade, que condicionam a sua aceitação junto dos principais intervenientes [1][2][3][4]. O foco do desenvolvimento desta tipologia de ecossistemas sobre o paradigma tecnológico fomentou o desenvolvimento de aplicações específicas centralizadas sobre a mitigação de lacunas técnico-científicas [5][6][7][8], e é apontado como um dos motivos para os seus atuais níveis de adesão. A maximização da sua introdução no mercado impõe que o seu dimensionamento se centralize sobre o utilizador final, em termos de design, requisitos funcionais e não funcionais; e contemple o contexto de integração e continuidade de cuidados inseridos num sistema complexo, por contabilização da diversidade multidimensional dos utilizadores, da natureza das tarefas, do contexto de utilização e das plataformas tecnológicas [5]. Neste contexto, a usabilidade e a utilidade percecionada adquirem um papel de destaque, devido à sua estreita relação com o público-alvo. A necessidade crescente a nível empresarial de minimização do tempo necessário à colocação de produtos no mercado tem motivado a colocação da usabilidade do produto dimensionado em segundo plano [9][10][11]. Fator que aliado à morosidade do processo de análise e ao número de dependências, existência de profissionais na área, de utilizadores finais disponíveis para testar os protótipos dimensionados, entre outras, inviabiliza um estudo extensivo da usabilidade do produto antes, durante e após o seu desenvolvimento. No sentido de mitigar as lacunas identificadas no processo em termos de tempo de execução e dependências explícitas, visar-se-á dotar equipas de desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta que analise o produto dimensionado em tempo real ao nível das linhas orientadoras definidas na literatura. Para quantificar as linhas orientadoras especificadas, impor-se-á a sua parametrização baseada na informação existente na literatura. Nesse sentido, a tese visa compilar os parâmetros necessários a quantificar as linhas orientadoras definidas na literatura: Jakob Nielsen, Gerhardt‐Powals, Shneiderman, Weinschenk e Barker, e Tognazzini. Através da parametrização definir-se-á a base para traduzir linhas orientadoras em lógica a utilizar no dimensionamento de uma ferramenta de análise de usabilidade em tempo real das interfaces. Ferramenta que conferirá aos intervenientes diretos no ciclo de desenvolvimento, os programadores, uma forma objetiva de analisar a usabilidade do produto dimensionado sem requerer a intervenção de entidades externas a título inicial.In the past few years there has been a significant growth of the elderly population in both developing and developed countries. This event provided new economic, technical and demographic challenges to current societies in several areas and services. Among them the healthcare services can be highlighted, due to its impact in people daily lives. As a natural response an effort has been made by both the scientific and industrial community to develop alternatives, which could mitigate the current healthcare services bottlenecks and provide means in aiding and improve the end-user life quality. Through a combination of information and communication technologies specialized ecosystems have been developed, however multiple challenges arose, which compromise their adoption and acceptance among the main stakeholders, such as their autonomy, robustness, security, integration, human-computer interactions, and usability. As consequence an effort has been made to deal with the technical related bottlenecks, which shifted the development process focus from the end-user to the ecosystem’s technological impairments. Despite there being user related issues, such as usability, which remains to be addressed. Therefore, this thesis focuses over the ecosystem’s usability through the analysis of the process used to check the ecosystem’s compliance level with the usability guidelines subset from Jakob Nielsen and Rolf Molich, from Ben Shneiderman, from Weinschenk and Barker and from Tognazzini; and the identification of the quantifiable parameters for each principle that could aid in the heuristics evaluation process by maximizing its objectivity improve its overall accuracy. Through this quantification the base ground is set up to translate the broad guidelines defined in the literature to business rules that can be used to create a tool to check an interface usability overall status in real time. Tool which will provide the main entities in the development cycle an objective approach to check the usability of the product/service created without the intervention of real users in the initial stage of the project

    Software Usability Evaluation Using Opinion Mining.

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    Usability is critical for any system, but in software it is one of the most important features. In fact, one of the main reasons for software failure is the system lacking to achieve users specified goals and satisfaction. For this reason, usability evaluation is becoming an important part of software development. Software usability evaluation can be costly in terms of time and human. Therefore, automation is promising way to augment existing approaches especially if the evaluation is subjective where the usability concentrated about user's" opinion". This paper proposes to use opinion mining as an automatic technique to evaluate subjective usability. Opinion mining is a research subtopic of data mining aiming to automatically obtain useful opinioned knowledge in subjective texts. We propose a novel model to extract knowledge from opinions to improve subjective software usability. This is the first time opinion mining used in software usability. To evaluate our proposed model, a set of experiments was designed and conducted and we got an average accuracy of 85.41%. Also, we propose to use graphics to visualize user's opinion in software and to compare the usability of two software