217,394 research outputs found

    Model checking multi-agent systems

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    A multi-agent system (MAS) is usually understood as a system composed of interacting autonomous agents. In this sense, MAS have been employed successfully as a modelling paradigm in a number of scenarios, especially in Computer Science. However, the process of modelling complex and heterogeneous systems is intrinsically prone to errors: for this reason, computer scientists are typically concerned with the issue of verifying that a system actually behaves as it is supposed to, especially when a system is complex. Techniques have been developed to perform this task: testing is the most common technique, but in many circumstances a formal proof of correctness is needed. Techniques for formal verification include theorem proving and model checking. Model checking techniques, in particular, have been successfully employed in the formal verification of distributed systems, including hardware components, communication protocols, security protocols. In contrast to traditional distributed systems, formal verification techniques for MAS are still in their infancy, due to the more complex nature of agents, their autonomy, and the richer language used in the specification of properties. This thesis aims at making a contribution in the formal verification of properties of MAS via model checking. In particular, the following points are addressed: • Theoretical results about model checking methodologies for MAS, obtained by extending traditional methodologies based on Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDS) for temporal logics to multi-modal logics for time, knowledge, correct behaviour, and strategies of agents. Complexity results for model checking these logics (and their symbolic representations). • Development of a software tool (MCMAS) that permits the specification and verification of MAS described in the formalism of interpreted systems. • Examples of application of MCMAS to various MAS scenarios (communication, anonymity, games, hardware diagnosability), including experimental results, and comparison with other tools available

    A Modeling Strategy for the Verification of Context-Oriented Chatbot Conversational Flows via Model Checking

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    Verification of chatbot conversational flows is paramount to capturing and understanding chatbot behavior and predicting problems that would cause the entire flow to be restructured from scratch. The literature on chatbot testing is scarce, and the few works that approach this subject do not focus on verifying the communication sequences in tandem with the functional requirements of the conversational flow itself. However, covering all possible conversational flows of context-oriented chatbots through testing is not feasible in practice given the many ramifications that should be covered by test cases. Alternatively, model checking provides a model-based verification in a mathematically precise and unambiguous manner. Moreover, it can anticipate design flaws early in the software design phase that could lead to incompleteness, ambiguities, and inconsistencies. We postulate that finding design flaws in chatbot conversational flows via model checking early in the design phase may overcome quite a few verification gaps that are not feasible via current testing techniques for context-oriented chatbot conversational flows. Therefore, in this work, we propose a modeling strategy to design and verify chatbot conversational flows via the Uppaal model checking tool. Our strategy is materialized in the form of templates and a mapping of chatbot elements into Uppaal elements. To evaluate this strategy, we invited a few chatbot developers with different levels of expertise. The feedback from the participants revealed that the strategy is a great ally in the phases of conversational prototyping and design, as well as helping to refine requirements and revealing branching logic that can be reused in the implementation phase

    Context Aware Model-Checking for Embedded Software

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    Reactive systems are becoming extremely complex with the huge increase in high technologies. Despite technical improvements, the increasing size of the systems makes the introduction of a wide range of potential errors easier. Among reactive systems, the asynchronous systems communicating by exchanging messages via buffer queues are often characterized by a vast number of possible behaviors. To cope with this difficulty, manufacturers of industrial systems make significant efforts in testing and simulation to successfully pass the certification process. Nevertheless revealing errors and bugs in this huge number of behaviors remains a very difficult activity. An alternative method is to adopt formal methods, and to use exhaustive and automatic verification tools such as model-checkers. Model-checking algorithms can be used to verify requirements of a model formally and automatically. Several model checkers as (Berthomieu et al., 2004; Holzmann, 1997; Larsen et al., 1997), have been developed to help the verification of concurrent asynchronous systems. It is well known that an important issue that limits the application of model checking techniques in industrial software projects is the combinatorial explosion problem (Clarke et al., 1986; Holzmann & Peled, 1994; Park & Kwon, 2006). Because of the internal complexity of developed software, model checking of requirements over the system behavioral models could lead to an unmanageable state space. The approach described in this chapter presents an exploratory work to provide solutions to the problems mentioned above. It is based on two joint ideas: first, to reduce behaviors system to be validated during model-checking and secondly, help the user to specify the formal properties to check. For this, we propose to specify the behavior of the entities that compose the system environment. These entities interact with the system. Their behaviors are described by use cases (scenarios) called here contexts. They describe how the environment interacts with the system. Each context corresponds to an operational phase identified as system initialization, reconfiguration, graceful degradation, etc.. In addition, each context is associated with a set of properties to check. The aim is to guide the model-checker to focus on a restriction of the system behavior for verification of specific properties instead on exploring the global system automaton

    Metamodel-based model conformance and multiview consistency checking

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    Model-driven development, using languages such as UML and BON, often makes use of multiple diagrams (e.g., class and sequence diagrams) when modeling systems. These diagrams, presenting different views of a system of interest, may be inconsistent. A metamodel provides a unifying framework in which to ensure and check consistency, while at the same time providing the means to distinguish between valid and invalid models, that is, conformance. Two formal specifications of the metamodel for an object-oriented modeling language are presented, and it is shown how to use these specifications for model conformance and multiview consistency checking. Comparisons are made in terms of completeness and the level of automation each provide for checking multiview consistency and model conformance. The lessons learned from applying formal techniques to the problems of metamodeling, model conformance, and multiview consistency checking are summarized