12 research outputs found

    Software Testing and Verification in Climate Model Development

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    Over the past 30 years most climate models have grown from relatively simple representations of a few atmospheric processes to a complex multi-disciplinary system. Computer infrastructure over that period has gone from punch card mainframes to modem parallel clusters. Model implementations have become complex, brittle, and increasingly difficult to extend and maintain. Existing verification processes for model implementations rely almost exclusively upon some combination of detailed analysis of output from full climate simulations and system-level regression tests. In additional to being quite costly in terms of developer time and computing resources, these testing methodologies are limited in terms of the types of defects that can be detected, isolated and diagnosed. Mitigating these weaknesses of coarse-grained testing with finer-grained "unit" tests has been perceived as cumbersome and counter-productive. In the commercial software sector, recent advances in tools and methodology have led to a renaissance for systematic fine-grained testing. We discuss the availability of analogous tools for scientific software and examine benefits that similar testing methodologies could bring to climate modeling software. We describe the unique challenges faced when testing complex numerical algorithms and suggest techniques to minimize and/or eliminate the difficulties

    Pengaman Data untuk Smartphone Berbasis Android Menggunakan Steganografi Algoritma F5

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    Hampir  semua bidang kehidupan dan mayoritas kalangan memanfaatkan teknologi dalam  pencarian  informasi. Adapun teknologi yang sangat banyak digunakan  adalah smart phone dimana secara fakta hampir semua masyarakat memiliki smart phone. Dengan menggunakan perangkat mobile  pertukaran segala informasi, berkas, dan pesan  bisa  berlangsung lebih  cepat. Photo merupakan suatu karya pribadi yang biasanya tersebar di dunia maya. Namun, sebenarnya   pertumbuhan pemakaian perangkat mobile ini belum diimbangi adanya sistem keamanan data ataupun informasi pada saat pertukaran data atau informasi atau penyimpanannya. Keamanan data dan informasi merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting apalagi bila data atau informasi tersebut bersifat rahasia. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengamankan data atau informasi yang akan dikirim adalah dengan menyembunyikan data atau informasi tersebut ke dalam sebuah wadah (media) agar data atau informasi sulit atau bahkan tidak bisa dikenali oleh indra manusia, atau hal ini biasa digunakan istilah steganography(steganografi). Penelitian ini melakukan studi dan implementasi steganografi yang menerapkan Algoritma F5 untuk perangkat mobile yang berbasis Android  dimana bahasa pemograman yang digunakan adalah Java dan tool Android Studio dan sebagai pemodelan menggunakan UML(Unified Modeling Language). Tujuan penelitiannya adalah mengamankan data dimana pesan yang berupa teks akan dapat disisipkan ke berkas yang berupa JPG atau PNG. Kerahasian pesan-pesan yang dikirim pada arsip berupa  gambar yang fungsinya sebagai media perantara sehingga seolah-olah tampak sebagai pesan yang biasa karena pesan yang dikirim hanya bisa dan boleh dibaca penerima yang berhak saja  menggunakan kata kunci tertentu. Kata kunci : Steganografi, Algoritma F5, Android, Bahasa Pemograman Java, ,  dan UM

    A framework for unit testing with coarray Fortran

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    Parallelism is a ubiquitous feature of modern computing architectures; indeed, we might even say that serial code is now automatically legacy code. Writing parallel code poses significant challenges to programs, and is often error-prone. Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) languages, such as Coarray Fortran (CAF), represent a promising development direction in the quest for a trade-off between simplicity and performance. CAF is a parallel programming model that allows a smooth migration from serial to parallel code. However, despite CAF simplicity, refactoring serial code and migrating it to parallel versions is still error-prone, especially in complex softwares. The combination of unit testing, which drastically reduces defect injection, and CAF is therefore a very appealing prospect; however, it requires appropriate tools to realize its potential. In this paper, we present the first CAF-compatible framework for unit tests, developed as an extension to the Parallel Fortran Unit Test framework (pFUnit)

    Test-Driven Development of a Substructuring Technique for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Finite Periodic Structures

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    In this paper, we follow the Test-Driven Development (TDD) paradigm in the development of an in-house code to allow for the finite element analysis of finite periodic type electromagnetic structures (e.g., antenna arrays, metamaterials, and several relevant electromagnetic problems). We use unit and integration tests, system tests (using the Method of Manufactured Solutions—MMS), and application tests (smoke, performance, and validation tests) to increase the reliability of the code and to shorten its development cycle. We apply substructuring techniques based on the definition of a unit cell to benefit from the repeatability of the problem and speed up the computations. Specifically, we propose an approach to model the problem using only one type of Schur complement which has advantages concerning other substructuring techniques.This work has been financially supported by TEC2016-80386-P and PID2019-109984RB-C41

    Rancangan Bangun Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Produksi dan Kegiatan antar Divisi

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    Produksi merupakan fungsi pokok dalam setiap organisasi, yang mencakup aktivitas yang bertanggung jawab untuk menciptakan nilai tambah produk yang merupakan output dari setiap organisasi industri itu. Sistem saat ini belum terintegrasi dengan antar divisi lainnya, sehingga menjadikan pihak marketing lama untuk mengetahui proses produksi sudah sampai mana, dikarenakan lamanya untuk menyalin data-data produksi yang dilakukan di divisi utama produksi. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, maka dibuatkan sebuah sistem informasi produksi berbasis web, sehingga dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi perusahaan dalam mengelola data produksi. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode RAD dimana alur dan tahapan yang digunakan meliputi perencanaan syarat-syarat, perancangan sistem dan implementasi sistem. Dengan adanya sistem informasi produksi, maka segala kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan proses produksi akan mudah dalam mendapatkan suatu informasi berbagai data dan laporan yang diinginkan.   Design of Information System for Monitoring of Production and Activities between Divisions Abstract: Production is a fundamental function in every organization, which includes activities responsible for creating value-added products that are the output of every industry organization. The current system has not been integrated with other divisions, so it makes the old marketing to know the production process has arrived, due to the long time to copy the production data made in the main division of production. To overcome these problems, then made a web-based production information system, so it can provide convenience for companies in managing production data. This research uses RAD method where the flow and stage used include requirements planning, system design, and system implementation. With the existence of production information system, then all activities related to the production process will be easy in getting the information various data and reports desired. Keywords: Production Process, Production Information System, Rapid Application Development

    Testing Fortran Software with pFunit

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    Over the past two decades, the emergence of highly effective software testing frameworks has greatly simplified the development and use of unit tests and has led to new software development paradigms such as test driven development (TDD). However, technical computing introduces a number of unique testing challenges, including distributed parallelism and numerical accuracy. This webinar will begin with a basic introduction to the use of pFUnit (parallel Fortran Unit testing framework) to develop tests for Message Passing Interface (MPI) plus Fortran (MPI+Fortran) software and then present some of the new capabilities in the latest release. We will also discuss some specialized methodologies for testing numerical algorithms and speculate about future framework capabilities that may improve our ability to test at exascale


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    Pengujian adalah suatu proses pelaksanaan suatu program dengan tujuan menemukan suatu kesalahan. Salah satu dari jenis pengujian yang ada adalah blackbox testing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sistem pengujian perangkat lunak dengan metode blackbox testing boundary value analysys dan feature test.. Metode penelitian menggunakan blackbox testing boundary value analysis dan feature test. Hasil pengujian boundary value analysis menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat banyak kekurangan saat melakukan validasi data yang akan dimasukkan, sehingga dapat menyebabkan data yang disimpan pada database tidak sesuai dengan data yang diharapkan. Sedangkan hasil pengujian feature test menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi telah memenuhi spesifikasi yang diharapkan dan sesuai dengan kriteria keberhasilan aplikasi. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dapat disimpulkan dengan menggunakan metode boundary value analysis fungsionalitas masih bisa berjalan namun masih dapat menerima masukan data yang tidak diharapkan sehingga dapat menyebabkan data yang disimpan kurang valid dengan metode feature test hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi telah memenuhi spesifikasi yang diharapkan dan sesuai dengan kriteria keberhasilan aplikasi. Testing is a process of implementing a program with the aim of finding an error. One of the types of testing that there is blackbox testing. This research aims to establish a system of software testing blackbox testing method boundary value analysys and feature test. Blackbox testing method using boundary value analysis and feature test. The test result using Boundary Value Analysis shows that there is still lacking when inputing data for validation, causing the recorded data in database not as we expected. While feature test result shows the application already fulfill it needs according to criteria. Every functional requirements that successfully executed suits with the purpose of this research. Based on the test results can be deduced by using the method of boundary value analysis functionality can still work, but still be able to receive the input data is not expected that may cause the stored data is less valid methods feature test results showed that the application meets the specifications expected and in accordance with criteria the success of the application

    Enhancing the test and evaluation process: implementing agile development, test automation, and model-based systems engineering concepts

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    2020 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.With the growing complexity of modern systems, traditional testing methods are falling short. Test documentation suites used to verify the software for these types of large, complex systems can become bloated and unclear, leading to extremely long execution times and confusing, unmanageable test procedures. Additionally, the complexity of these systems can prevent the rapid understanding of complicated system concepts and behaviors, which is a necessary part of keeping up with the demands of modern testing efforts. Opportunities for optimization and innovation exist within the Test and Evaluation (T&E) domain, evidenced by the emergence of automated testing frameworks and iterative testing methodologies. Further opportunities lie with the directed expansion and application of related concepts such as Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). This dissertation documents the development and implementation of three methods of enhancing the T&E field when applied to a real-world project. First, the development methodology of the system was transitioned from Waterfall to Agile, providing a more responsive approach when creating new features. Second, the Test Automation Framework (TAF) was developed, enabling the automatic execution of test procedures. Third, a method of test documentation using the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) was created, adopting concepts from MBSE to standardize the planning and analysis of test procedures. This dissertation provides the results of applying the three concepts to the development process of an airborne Electronic Warfare Management System (EWMS), which interfaces with onboard and offboard aircraft systems to receive and process the threat environment, providing the pilot or crew with a response solution for the protection of the aircraft. This system is representative of a traditional, long-term aerospace project that has been constantly upgraded over its lifetime. Over a two-year period, this new process produced a number of qualitative and quantitative results, including improving the quality and organization of the test documentation suite, reducing the minimum time to execute the test procedures, enabling the earlier identification of defects, and increasing the overall quality of the system under test. The application of these concepts generated many lessons learned, which are also provided. Transitioning a project's development methodology, modernizing the test approach, and introducing a new system of test documentation may provide significant benefits to the development of a system, but these types of process changes must be weighed against the needs of the project. This dissertation provides details of the effort to improve the effectiveness of the T&E process on an example project, as a framework for possible implementation on similar systems