463 research outputs found

    Software Test Automation with Robot Framework

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    Testing is a crucial activity in Software Development Process. It is to examine & modify source code. Effective Testing produces high quality software. To improve the quality and the efficiency of software testing, software automation test has been used widely during the software testing. This paper discusses the advantages of testing tools in software test automation, with the Robot framework


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    Many organizations see software test automation as a possibility to decrease testing costs and to reduce time for testing. However, this approach falls short under certain circumstances. Hence, there is still a need for deeper exploration of case studies from industry. In this paper when- and what-to-automate questions are discussed based on the analysis of many sources. Next step is to present implementation model of software automation

    Designing a Software Test Automation Framework

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    Testing is an art and science that should ultimately lead to lower cost businesses through increasing control and reducing risk. Testing specialists should thoroughly understand the system or application from both the technical and the business perspective, and then design, build and implement the minimum-cost, maximum-coverage validation framework. Test Automation is an important ingredient for testing large scale applications. In this paper we discuss several test automation frameworks, their advantages and disadvantages. We also propose a custom automation framework model that is suited for applications with very complex business requirements and numerous interfaces

    Stuck in Limbo with Magical Solutions: The Testers’ Lived Experiences of Tools and Automation

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    The automation of people’s roles at work brings changes to their lives and work, bringing advantages of increased effectiveness and efficiency, yet potentially life-changing effects, including redundancy. The software industry’s purpose is to automate people’s tasks and activities, and this applies also to jobs within the software industry, including teams who specialise in testing software. Test automation projects are not always successful, and our research initially set out to discover whether the challenges were usability-related, and whether HCI methods could help improve tools. We discovered a much richer story, which told of emotional stresses and life experiences within the software testing community. We discuss how automation, with all its benefits, affects motivation, causing disassociation of testers from their roles, and affecting their job-task mix. We show reasons why software test automation affects testers. Finally, we set out our position for our research about the li ved experience of software testers using automation, which we are calling TX: The Testers’ Lived Experiences of Tools and Automation, and argue that the effect of automation and tooling on testers’ lived experience and its effect on their motivation is an area of study worthy of research

    Designing a Software Test Automation Process for Insurance Company

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    Tato bakalářská práce předkládá návrh procesu řízení tvorby automatizovaných testů pro IT sekci pobočky nadnárodní pojišťovny. Vlastní návrh procesu automatizace testování je obohacen o rozhodovací schéma, které slouží jako opora při rozhodování o výhodnosti automatizace. Návrh vychází z relevantní teorie a z podrobné analýzy současné situace v IT, se zaměřením především na její testingové oddělení. Navržené schéma a procesy jsou graficky znázorněny pomocí diagramů odpovídající standardu BPMN. Práci uzavírají doporučení k implementaci vytvořeného procesu a pokyny pro práci s automatizovanými testy.This bachelor’s thesis proposes the process of a software test automation for the IT section of an insurance company. The process proposal is extended by a decision tree, serving as a supportive tool for deciding on a profitability of test automation for a given project. The proposal is based on a relevant theory and on a detailed analysis of the current situation in IT section, mainly focused on its testing department. The proposed process and decision tree are graphically portrayed by diagrams in BPMN standard. The thesis is concluded by a list of recommendations regarding the implementation of a proposed process and by the guide on the execution of automated tests

    The Westermo test results data set

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    There is a growing body of knowledge in the computer science, software engineering, software testing and software test automation disciplines. However, there is a challenge for researchers to evaluate their research findings, innovations and tools due to lack of realistic data. This paper presents the Westermo test results data set, more than one million verdicts from testing of embedded systems, from more than five hundred consecutive days of nightly testing. The data also contains information on code changes in both the software under test and the test framework used for testing. This data set can support the research community in particular with respect to the regression test selection problem, flaky tests, test results visualization, etc

    An Android GUI Crawler for Test Case Generation and Runtime Analysis

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    This dissertation introduces a new approach in mobile software test automation area, proposing a crawler-based and black-boxed solution to run across the Android application's GUI automatically, generating and simulating user's inputs, in order to find all possible patterns, capturing all evidences such as traffic network, video and logs, that can be useful for further analysis regarding security, control flow and bug reporting issues and generating, at final state, natural programming language test cases