132 research outputs found

    Privacy-Concern for Context-Aware Environments.

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    Human Factor Issues in Building Middleware for Pervasive Computing.

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    XML as a basis for interoperability in Real Time Distributed Systems

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    Many real time applications consist of components that can situate in a centralized/distributed environment. Typically due to different system requirements these components could be developed in different technologies which require a bridge for communication. With the increasing popularity of XML, it has become an alternative solution for data exchange in the real time application domain. XML has become the most important mechanism for data exchange between heterogeneous data sources. This paper presents a methodology for real time application data in XML. By defining a solid XML schema for the real time domain attributes, applications from diverse platforms can be based on the data definition and create instances of XML documents to exchange data

    Using Virtualized Operating Systems as a Ubiquitous Computing Infrastructure.

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    Resource Modeling for Embedded Systems Design

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    The paper describes a formal framework for designing and reasoning about resource-constrained embedded systems. The framework is based on a series of process algebraic formalisms which have been previously developed to describe and analyze various aspects of real-time concurrent systems. We present a uniform framework for formal treatment of resources and illustrate modeling of common resource classes

    A ubiquidade e a contextualização no acesso à informação e serviços turísticos

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    Com a distinção da região do Alto Douro Vinhateiro a Património da Humanidade, na categoria de Paisagem Cultural, em dezembro de 2001, a região teve eco internacional, alcançando nova visibilidade. A natureza pristina convida o visitante a conhecer todo este património, transformando-o num recurso turístico que necessita de ser explicado e/ou interpretado (a história, as tradições, os artefactos, a arte, entre outros) de forma célere assente no pressuposto da ubiquidade de acesso à informação

    How pervasive and mobile computing can help organizations to include people with visual disabilities on their client-approach strategy?

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    Organizations have in-built social responsibility to society. The evolution of technology have enable organizations to interact in an innovatively and more close approach to their clients. But this evolution has not included people with special needs like blind people. And, even those organizations that have enable some kind of support-approach to blind people, have typically disjointed, incomplete and typically parallel approaches; compared to their massclient standard approach. This paper discusses the potential of Pervasive and Mobile Computing to support, not just an innovative and unified approach, but also a real possibility of promoting real inclusion of blind people in what concerns to the delivery of information and services organizations offer. This paper also represents a reflection and a mind shaking attempt, while the authors are working in allowing blind people an autonomous buying process, in hypermarkets, supported by the use of wireless networks and modern mobile devices, with multiple technologies support, like Wi-Fi and inertial and magnetic sensors

    Автоматизоване проектування програм для розв’язання задачі метеорологічного прогнозування

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    Розроблено засіб автоматизованого конструювання паралельного коду для середовища OpenMP на основі високорівневих алгебро-алгоритмічних специфікацій. Застосування засобу демонструється на прикладі задачі моделювання циркуляції атмосфери, що представлений як сервіс у складі Інтернет-порталу з надання послуг метеопрогнозу. Здійснена генерація програмного коду та наведено результати експерименту з виконання розробленої паралельної програми прогнозування на мультипроцесорній платформі.Разработано средство автоматизированного конструирования параллельного кода для среды OpenMP на основе высокоуровневых алгебро-алгоритмических спецификаций. Применение средства демонстрируется на примере задачи моделирования циркуляции атмосферы, представленном как сервис в составе Интернетпортала для предоставления услуг метеопрогноза. Осуществлена генерация программного кода и приведены результаты эксперимента по выполнению разработанной параллельной программы прогнозирования на мультипроцессорной платформе.The facilities for automated design of parallel code for OpenMP environment on the basis of highlevel algebra-algorithmic specifications are developed. The application of the facilities is illustrated on an example of a problem of atmosphere circulation modeling, which is represented as a service, belonging to the Internet-portal for providing meteorological forecasting services. The generation of program code was implemented and the results of the conducted experiment, which consisted in execution of the developed parallel weather forecasting program on a multiprocessor platform, are given