1,162 research outputs found

    A Comparison Study of LDPC and BCH Codes

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    The need for efficient and reliable digital data communication systems has been rising rapidly in recent years. There are various reasons that have brought this need for the communication systems, among them are the increase in automatic data processing equipment and the increased need for long range communication. Therefore, the LDPC and BCH codes were developed for achieving more reliable data transmission in communication systems. This project covers the research about the LDPC and BCH error correction codes. Algorithm for simulating both the LDPC and BCH codes were also being investigated, which includes generating the parity check matrix, generating the message code in Galois array matrix, encoding the message bits, modulation and decoding the message bits for LDPC. Matlab software is used for encoding and decoding the codes. The percentage of accuracy for LDPC simulation codes are ranging from 95% to 99%. The results obtained shows that the LDPC codes are more efficient and reliable than the BCH codes coding method of error correction because the LDPC codes had a channel performance very close to the Shannon limit. LDPC codes are a class of linear block codes that are proving to be the best performing forward error correction available. Markets such as broadband wireless and mobile networks operate in noisy environments and need powerful error correction in order to improve reliability and better data rates. Through LDPC and BCH codes, these systems can operate more reliably, efficiently and at higher data rates


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    This project covers the research about the BCH error correcting codes and the performance of interleaved and non-interleaved BCH codes. Both long and short BCH codes for multimedia communication are examined in an A WGN channel. Algorithm for simulating the BCH codes was also being investigated, which includes generating the parity check matrix, generating the message code in Galois array matrix, encoding the message blocks, modulation and decoding the message blocks. Algorithm for interleaving that includes interleaving message, including burst errors and deinterleaving message is combined with the BCH codes algorithm for simulating the interleaved BCH codes. The performance and feasibility of the coding structure are tested. The performance comparison between interleaved and noninterleaved BCH codes is studied in terms of error performance, channel performance and effect of data rates on the bit error rate (BER). The Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm decoding scheme was implemented. Random integers are generated and encoded with BCH encoder. Burst errors are added before the message is interleaved, then enter modulation and channel simulation. Interleaved message is then compared with noninterleaved message and the error statistics are compared. Initially, certain amount of burst errors is used. "ft is found that the graph does not agree with the theoretical bit error rate (BER) versus signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). When compared between each BCH codeword (i.e. n = 31, n = 63 and n = 127), n = 31 shows the highest BER while n = 127 shows the lowest BER. This happened because of the occurrence of error bursts and also due to error frequency. A reduced size or errors from previous is used in the algorithm. A graph similar to the theoretical BER vs SNR is obtained for both interleaved and non-interleaved BCH codes. It is found that BER of non-interleaved is higher than interleaved BCH codes as SNR increases. These observations show that size of errors influence the effect of interleaving. Simulation time is also studied in terms of block length. It is found that interleaved BCH codes consume longer simulation time compared to non-interleaved BCH codes due to additional algorithm for the interleaved BCH codes

    Coordinated design of coding and modulation systems

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    The joint optimization of the coding and modulation systems employed in telemetry systems was investigated. Emphasis was placed on formulating inner and outer coding standards used by the Goddard Spaceflight Center. Convolutional codes were found that are nearly optimum for use with Viterbi decoding in the inner coding of concatenated coding systems. A convolutional code, the unit-memory code, was discovered and is ideal for inner system usage because of its byte-oriented structure. Simulations of sequential decoding on the deep-space channel were carried out to compare directly various convolutional codes that are proposed for use in deep-space systems

    Enhancing BER performance limit of BCH and RS codes using multipath diversity

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    Modern wireless communication systems suffer from phase shifting and, more importantly, from interference caused by multipath propagation. Multipath propagation results in an antenna receiving two or more copies of the signal sequence sent from the same source but that has been delivered via different paths. Multipath components are treated as redundant copies of the original data sequence and are used to improve the performance of forward error correction (FEC) codes without extra redundancy, in order to improve data transmission reliability and increase the bit rate over the wireless communication channel. For a proof of concept Bose, Ray-Chaudhuri, and Hocquenghem (BCH) and Reed-Solomon (RS) codes have been used as FEC to compare their bit error rate (BER) performances. The results showed that the wireless multipath components significantly improve the performance of FEC. Furthermore, FEC codes with low error correction capability and employing the multipath phenomenon are enhanced to perform better than FEC codes which have a bit higher error correction capability and did not utilise the multipath. Consequently, the bit rate is increased, and communication reliability is improved without extra redundancy

    Evaluation and implementation of cyclic permutation coding for power line communications

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    Abstract: Noise and attenuation, in the form of frequency disturbance, impulsive noise, additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and frequency selective fading, are the major setbacks in power line communications (PLC). In order to effectively combat this challenge, we thus report the development and implementation of a specially coded M-ary differential phase shift keying modulation scheme on narrowband PLC channel. The coding aspect involves the concatenation of conventional Reed Solomon (RS) code with cyclic permutation coding (CPC), resulting in what is termed RS-CPC scheme. The CPC employed in this work maps the output bits of a binary RS code onto non-binary CPC symbols, in a cyclic manner, with a view to improving the distance between two different sets of mapped symbols. For implementation over 230 V AC power line, software defined radio hardware, called the universal software radio peripherals (USRPs), were used, together with narrowband coupling circuits, to couple the signal to and receive it from the power line. Both by simulation and implementation, our scheme outperforms the conventional Reed Solomon-convolutional coding (RS-CC) specified in the G3-PLC standard. An added advantage is that our scheme is easier to implement

    Overcoming CubeSat downlink limits with VITAMIN: a new variable coded modulation protocol

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2013Many space missions, including low earth orbit CubeSats, communicate in a highly dynamic environment because of variations in geometry, weather, and interference. At the same time, most missions communicate using fixed channel codes, modulations, and symbol rates, resulting in a constant data rate that does not adapt to the dynamic conditions. When conditions are good, the fixed date rate can be far below the theoretical maximum, called the Shannon limit; when conditions are bad, the fixed data rate may not work at all. To move beyond these fixed communications and achieve higher total data volume from emerging high-tech instruments, this thesis investigates the use of error correcting codes and different modulations. Variable coded modulation (VCM) takes advantage of the dynamic link by transmitting more information when the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is high. Likewise, VCM can throttle down the information rate when SNR is low without having to stop all communications. VCM outperforms fixed communications which can only operate at a fixed information rate as long as a certain signal threshold is met. This thesis presents a new VCM protocol and tests its performance in both software and hardware simulations. The protocol is geared towards CubeSat downlinks as complexity is focused in the receiver, while the transmission operations are kept simple. This thesis explores bin-packing as a way to optimize the selection of VCM modes based on expected SNR levels over time. Working end-to-end simulations were created using MATLAB and LabVIEW, while the hardware simulations were done with software defined radios. Results show that a CubeSat using VCM communications will deliver twice the data throughput of a fixed communications system

    Enhanced Performance of Narrowband Power Line Communications using Recursive Least Squares Filter

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    Noises presented in a power line communication channel tend to distort the message signals, leading towards the reception of erroneous data at the receiver end. Mitigation of noise existent in power line has always been of prime interest and helped to improve the BER performance of a communication system as it accounts for efficient data transmission. In this work, adaptive filters based on the Recursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm and Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithms have been implemented in Simulink to investigate the effectiveness of an Adaptive Noise Canceller for the mitigation of Gaussian and Impulsive Noises present in a narrowband power line channel model. The performance of the RLS algorithm against that of the LMS algorithm was compared in adaptive filtering for the same channel conditions. The error performances of BPSK and FSK schemes for the channel model in a generic digital communication system were also compared in Simulink. Furthermore, the use of convolutional codes and interleaving for the correction of random bit errors and for condensing the negative effect of burst errors respectively were investigated during the transmission of data signals over the generic communication system designed in Simulink. From the findings of the study, it has been concluded that the RLS algorithm proves to be more effective than the LMS algorithm. For a BER of 10-5, a coding gain of less than 10 dB is achievable for both Binary Phase Shift Keying and Binary Frequency Shift Keying. With the addition of convolutional coding and convolutional interleaving, the error performance of the channel is further improved, rendering the power line channel more reliable for data communication
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