9 research outputs found

    Study of Code Smells: A Review and Research Agenda

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    Code Smells have been detected, predicted and studied by researchers from several perspectives. This literature review is conducted to understand tools and algorithms used to detect and analyze code smells to summarize research agenda. 114 studies have been selected from 2009 to 2022 to conduct this review. The studies are deeply analyzed under the categorization of machine learning and non-machine learning, which are found to be 25 and 89 respectively. The studies are analyzed to gain insight into algorithms, tools and limitations of the techniques. Long Method, Feature Envy, and Duplicate Code are reported to be the most popular smells. 38% of the studies focused their research on the enhancement of tools and methods. Random Forest and JRip algorithms are found to give the best results under machine learning techniques. We extended the previous studies on code smell detection tools, reporting a total 87 tools during the review. Java is found to be the dominant programming language during the study of smells

    A systematic literature review on the code smells datasets and validation mechanisms

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    The accuracy reported for code smell-detecting tools varies depending on the dataset used to evaluate the tools. Our survey of 45 existing datasets reveals that the adequacy of a dataset for detecting smells highly depends on relevant properties such as the size, severity level, project types, number of each type of smell, number of smells, and the ratio of smelly to non-smelly samples in the dataset. Most existing datasets support God Class, Long Method, and Feature Envy while six smells in Fowler and Beck's catalog are not supported by any datasets. We conclude that existing datasets suffer from imbalanced samples, lack of supporting severity level, and restriction to Java language.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, 12 tables, Accepte

    Intelligent Biosignal Analysis Methods

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    This book describes recent efforts in improving intelligent systems for automatic biosignal analysis. It focuses on machine learning and deep learning methods used for classification of different organism states and disorders based on biomedical signals such as EEG, ECG, HRV, and others

    Streamlining code smells: Using collective intelligence and visualization

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    Context. Code smells are seen as major source of technical debt and, as such, should be detected and removed. Code smells have long been catalogued with corresponding mitigating solutions called refactoring operations. However, while the latter are supported in current IDEs (e.g., Eclipse), code smells detection scaffolding has still many limitations. Researchers argue that the subjectiveness of the code smells detection process is a major hindrance to mitigate the problem of smells-infected code. Objective. This thesis presents a new approach to code smells detection that we have called CrowdSmelling and the results of a validation experiment for this approach. The latter is based on supervised machine learning techniques, where the wisdom of the crowd (of software developers) is used to collectively calibrate code smells detection algorithms, thereby lessening the subjectivity issue. Method. In the context of three consecutive years of a Software Engineering course, a total “crowd” of around a hundred teams, with an average of three members each, classified the presence of 3 code smells (Long Method, God Class, and Feature Envy) in Java source code. These classifications were the basis of the oracles used for training six machine learning algorithms. Over one hundred models were generated and evaluated to determine which machine learning algorithms had the best performance in detecting each of the aforementioned code smells. Results. Good performances were obtained for God Class detection (ROC=0.896 for Naive Bayes) and Long Method detection (ROC=0.870 for AdaBoostM1), but much lower for Feature Envy (ROC=0.570 for Random Forrest). Conclusions. Obtained results suggest that Crowdsmelling is a feasible approach for the detection of code smells, but further validation experiments are required to cover more code smells and to increase external validityContexto. Os cheiros de código são a principal causa de dívida técnica (technical debt), como tal, devem ser detectados e removidos. Os cheiros de código já foram há muito tempo catalogados juntamente com as correspondentes soluções mitigadoras chamadas operações de refabricação (refactoring). No entanto, embora estas últimas sejam suportadas nas IDEs actuais (por exemplo, Eclipse), a deteção de cheiros de código têm ainda muitas limitações. Os investigadores argumentam que a subjectividade do processo de deteção de cheiros de código é um dos principais obstáculo à mitigação do problema da qualidade do código. Objectivo. Esta tese apresenta uma nova abordagem à detecção de cheiros de código, a que chamámos CrowdSmelling, e os resultados de uma experiência de validação para esta abordagem. A nossa abordagem de CrowdSmelling baseia-se em técnicas de aprendizagem automática supervisionada, onde a sabedoria da multidão (dos programadores de software) é utilizada para calibrar colectivamente algoritmos de detecção de cheiros de código, diminuindo assim a questão da subjectividade. Método. Em três anos consecutivos, no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Engenharia de Software, uma "multidão", num total de cerca de uma centena de equipas, com uma média de três membros cada, classificou a presença de 3 cheiros de código (Long Method, God Class, and Feature Envy) em código fonte Java. Estas classificações foram a base dos oráculos utilizados para o treino de seis algoritmos de aprendizagem automática. Mais de cem modelos foram gerados e avaliados para determinar quais os algoritmos de aprendizagem de máquinas com melhor desempenho na detecção de cada um dos cheiros de código acima mencionados. Resultados. Foram obtidos bons desempenhos na detecção do God Class (ROC=0,896 para Naive Bayes) e na detecção do Long Method (ROC=0,870 para AdaBoostM1), mas muito mais baixos para Feature Envy (ROC=0,570 para Random Forrest). Conclusões. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o Crowdsmelling é uma abordagem viável para a detecção de cheiros de código, mas são necessárias mais experiências de validação para cobrir mais cheiros de código e para aumentar a validade externa

    Software Code Smell Prediction Model Using Shannon, Rényi and Tsallis Entropies

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    The current era demands high quality software in a limited time period to achieve new goals and heights. To meet user requirements, the source codes undergo frequent modifications which can generate the bad smells in software that deteriorate the quality and reliability of software. Source code of the open source software is easily accessible by any developer, thus frequently modifiable. In this paper, we have proposed a mathematical model to predict the bad smells using the concept of entropy as defined by the Information Theory. Open-source software Apache Abdera is taken into consideration for calculating the bad smells. Bad smells are collected using a detection tool from sub components of the Apache Abdera project, and different measures of entropy (Shannon, Rényi and Tsallis entropy). By applying non-linear regression techniques, the bad smells that can arise in the future versions of software are predicted based on the observed bad smells and entropy measures. The proposed model has been validated using goodness of fit parameters (prediction error, bias, variation, and Root Mean Squared Prediction Error (RMSPE)). The values of model performance statistics ( R 2 , adjusted R 2 , Mean Square Error (MSE) and standard error) also justify the proposed model. We have compared the results of the prediction model with the observed results on real data. The results of the model might be helpful for software development industries and future researchers

    Software Code Smell Prediction Model Using Shannon, Rényi and Tsallis Entropies

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    The current era demands high quality software in a limited time period to achieve new goals and heights. To meet user requirements, the source codes undergo frequent modifications which can generate the bad smells in software that deteriorate the quality and reliability of software. Source code of the open source software is easily accessible by any developer, thus frequently modifiable. In this paper, we have proposed a mathematical model to predict the bad smells using the concept of entropy as defined by the Information Theory. Open-source software Apache Abdera is taken into consideration for calculating the bad smells. Bad smells are collected using a detection tool from sub components of the Apache Abdera project, and different measures of entropy (Shannon, Rényi and Tsallis entropy). By applying non-linear regression techniques, the bad smells that can arise in the future versions of software are predicted based on the observed bad smells and entropy measures. The proposed model has been validated using goodness of fit parameters (prediction error, bias, variation, and Root Mean Squared Prediction Error (RMSPE)). The values of model performance statistics ( R 2 , adjusted R 2 , Mean Square Error (MSE) and standard error) also justify the proposed model. We have compared the results of the prediction model with the observed results on real data. The results of the model might be helpful for software development industries and future researchers

    Universality and variability in the statistics of data with fat-tailed distributions: the case of word frequencies in natural languages

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    Natural language is a remarkable example of a complex dynamical system which combines variation and universal structure emerging from the interaction of millions of individuals. Understanding statistical properties of texts is not only crucial in applications of information retrieval and natural language processing, e.g. search engines, but also allow deeper insights into the organization of knowledge in the form of written text. In this thesis, we investigate the statistical and dynamical processes underlying the co-existence of universality and variability in word statistics. We combine a careful statistical analysis of large empirical databases on language usage with analytical and numerical studies of stochastic models. We find that the fat-tailed distribution of word frequencies is best described by a generalized Zipf’s law characterized by two scaling regimes, in which the values of the parameters are extremely robust with respect to time as well as the type and the size of the database under consideration depending only on the particular language. We provide an interpretation of the two regimes in terms of a distinction of words into a finite core vocabulary and a (virtually) infinite noncore vocabulary. Proposing a simple generative process of language usage, we can establish the connection to the problem of the vocabulary growth, i.e. how the number of different words scale with the database size, from which we obtain a unified perspective on different universal scaling laws simultaneously appearing in the statistics of natural language. On the one hand, our stochastic model accurately predicts the expected number of different items as measured in empirical data spanning hundreds of years and 9 orders of magnitude in size showing that the supposed vocabulary growth over time is mainly driven by database size and not by a change in vocabulary richness. On the other hand, analysis of the variation around the expected size of the vocabulary shows anomalous fluctuation scaling, i.e. the vocabulary is a nonself-averaging quantity, and therefore, fluctuations are much larger than expected. We derive how this results from topical variations in a collection of texts coming from different authors, disciplines, or times manifest in the form of correlations of frequencies of different words due to their semantic relation. We explore the consequences of topical variation in applications to language change and topic models emphasizing the difficulties (and presenting possible solutions) due to the fact that the statistics of word frequencies are characterized by a fat-tailed distribution. First, we propose an information-theoretic measure based on the Shannon-Gibbs entropy and suitable generalizations quantifying the similarity between different texts which allows us to determine how fast the vocabulary of a language changes over time. Second, we combine topic models from machine learning with concepts from community detection in complex networks in order to infer large-scale (mesoscopic) structures in a collection of texts. Finally, we study language change of individual words on historical time scales, i.e. how a linguistic innovation spreads through a community of speakers, providing a framework to quantitatively combine microscopic models of language change with empirical data that is only available on a macroscopic level (i.e. averaged over the population of speakers)

    Mathematics in Software Reliability and Quality Assurance

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    This monograph concerns the mathematical aspects of software reliability and quality assurance and consists of 11 technical papers in this emerging area. Included are the latest research results related to formal methods and design, automatic software testing, software verification and validation, coalgebra theory, automata theory, hybrid system and software reliability modeling and assessment

    An Initial Framework Assessing the Safety of Complex Systems

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    Trabajo presentado en la Conference on Complex Systems, celebrada online del 7 al 11 de diciembre de 2020.Atmospheric blocking events, that is large-scale nearly stationary atmospheric pressure patterns, are often associated with extreme weather in the mid-latitudes, such as heat waves and cold spells which have significant consequences on ecosystems, human health and economy. The high impact of blocking events has motivated numerous studies. However, there is not yet a comprehensive theory explaining their onset, maintenance and decay and their numerical prediction remains a challenge. In recent years, a number of studies have successfully employed complex network descriptions of fluid transport to characterize dynamical patterns in geophysical flows. The aim of the current work is to investigate the potential of so called Lagrangian flow networks for the detection and perhaps forecasting of atmospheric blocking events. The network is constructed by associating nodes to regions of the atmosphere and establishing links based on the flux of material between these nodes during a given time interval. One can then use effective tools and metrics developed in the context of graph theory to explore the atmospheric flow properties. In particular, Ser-Giacomi et al. [1] showed how optimal paths in a Lagrangian flow network highlight distinctive circulation patterns associated with atmospheric blocking events. We extend these results by studying the behavior of selected network measures (such as degree, entropy and harmonic closeness centrality)at the onset of and during blocking situations, demonstrating their ability to trace the spatio-temporal characteristics of these events.This research was conducted as part of the CAFE (Climate Advanced Forecasting of sub-seasonal Extremes) Innovative Training Network which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 813844