3 research outputs found

    Reconstrucción 3D para el desarrollo de prótesis de miembro inferior

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    The research aim was to propose a new process for obtaining lower limb sockets based on virtual technologies and additive manufacturing use. Previously, the low-cost scanners and his technical feasibility to use it in the development process of a socket from 3D reconstruction was identified. A case study with a participant with transfemoral amputation and quadrilateral socket was conducted. A comparative evaluation of the traditional process and the process based on digital manufacturing technologies was carried out. A technology integration model (Reverse Engineering, CAD and 3D printing) was proposed, setting one point of reference for new medical applications. Likewise, the model utility for technology’s portability, the changes management, and the raw materials and waste reduction, in comparison with the traditional technique was verified.El propósito de esta investigación es proponer el desarrollo de un nuevo proceso para la obtención de sockets de miembro inferior basado en el uso de tecnologías de adquisición de datos, modelado 3D y manufactura aditiva. Previamente, se identificó la viabilidad en la técnica del uso de escáneres de bajo costo en el desarrollo de un socket a partir de la reconstrucción 3D; mediante el caso de estudio de un participante con amputación transfemoral y socket cuadrilateral, donde se valoró el proceso por técnica tradicional comparado con el proceso basado en tecnologías de manufactura digital. Planteando así un modelo de integración de tecnologías (Ingeniería Inversa, CAD e impresión 3D) y estableciendo una base para estudios en diferentes aplicaciones médicas. Igualmente, se observó la utilidad del modelo frente a la portabilidad de las tecnologías, la gestión de cambios y la reducción de materias primas y desechos; comparándolo con la técnica tradicional

    Socket virtual design based on low cost hand tracking and haptic devices

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    This paper concerns a research project that aims at developing an innovative platform to design lower limb prosthesis. The platform is centered on the virtual model of the amputee and is based on a computer-aided and knowledge-guided approach. In particular, the paper focuses on the module, named Socket Modeling Assistant-SMA, conceived to design the socket, the most critical component of the whole prosthesis. The underlining idea is to experiment low-cost devices, such the Leap Motion, to manipulate the 3D virtual model of the socket using hands as traditional done by the prosthetist. The goal is to make available a modeling tool that permits to replicate/emulate manual operations usually performed by the prosthetist during the traditional development process. First, we first describe the traditional socket development process; then the SMA software architecture and the guidelines used to develop the interaction algorithms (integrated within SMA) that exploit the Leap Motion and Falcon devices. Finally preliminary tests and results will be illustrated

    Augmented interaction for custom-fit products by means of interaction devices at low costs

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    This Ph.D thesis refers to a research project that aims at developing an innovative platform to design lower limb prosthesis (both for below and above knee amputation) centered on the virtual model of the amputee and based on a computer-aided and knowledge-guided approach. The attention has been put on the modeling tool of the socket, which is the most critical component of the whole prosthesis. The main aim has been to redesign and develop a new prosthetic CAD tool, named SMA2 (Socket Modelling Assistant2) exploiting a low-cost IT technologies (e.g. hand/finger tracking devices) and making the user’s interaction as much as possible natural and similar to the hand-made manipulation. The research activities have been carried out in six phases as described in the following. First, limits and criticalities of the already available modeling tool (namely SMA) have been identified. To this end, the first version of SMA has been tested with Ortopedia Panini and the orthopedic research group of Salford University in Manchester with real case studies. Main criticalities were related to: (i) automatic reconstruction of the residuum geometric model starting from medical images, (ii) performance of virtual modeling tools to generate the socket shape, and (iii) interaction mainly based on traditional devices (e.g., mouse and keyboard). The second phase lead to the software reengineering of SMA according to the limits identified in the first phase. The software architecture has been re-designed adopting an object-oriented paradigm and its modularity permits to remove or add new features in a very simple way. The new modeling system, i.e. SMA2, has been totally implemented using open source Software Development Kit-SDK (e.g., Visualization ToolKit VTK, OpenCASCADE and Qt SDK) and based on low cost technology. It includes: • A new module to automatically reconstruct the 3D model of the residual limb from MRI images. In addition, a new procedure based on low-cost technology, such as Microsoft Kinect V2 sensor, has been identified to acquire the 3D external shape of the residuum. • An open source software library, named SimplyNURBS, for NURBS modeling and specifically used for the automatic reconstruction of the residuum 3D model from medical images. Even if, SimplyNURBS has been conceived for the prosthetic domain, it can be used to develop NURBS-based modeling tools for a range of applicative domains from health-care to clothing design. • A module for mesh editing to emulate the hand-made operations carried out by orthopedic technicians during traditional socket manufacturing process. In addition several virtual widgets have been implemented to make available virtual tools similar to the real ones used by the prosthetist, such as tape measure and pencil. • A Natural User Interface (NUI) to allow the interaction with the residuum and socket models using hand-tracking and haptic devices. • A module to generate the geometric models for additive manufacturing of the socket. The third phase concerned the study and design of augmented interaction with particular attention to the Natural User Interface (NUI) for the use of hand-tracking and haptic devices into SMA2. The NUI is based on the use of the Leap Motion device. A set of gestures, mainly iconic and suitable for the considered domain, has been identified taking into account ergonomic issues (e.g., arm posture) and ease of use. The modularity of SMA2 permits us to easily generate the software interface for each device for augmented interaction. To this end, a software module, named Tracking plug-in, has been developed to automatically generate the source code of software interfaces for managing the interaction with low cost hand-tracking devices (e.g., Leap Motion and Intel Gesture Camera) and replicate/emulate manual operations usually performed to design custom-fit products, such medical devices and garments. Regarding haptic rendering, two different devices have been considered, the Falcon Novint, and a haptic mouse developed in-house. In the fourth phase, additive manufacturing technologies have been investigated, in particular FDM one. 3D printing has been exploited in order to permit the creation of trial sockets in laboratory to evaluate the potentiality of SMA2. Furthermore, research activities have been done to study new ways to design the socket. An innovative way to build the socket has been developed based on multi-material 3D printing. Taking advantage of flexible material and multi-material print possibility, new 3D printers permit to create object with soft and hard parts. In this phase, issues about infill, materials and comfort have been faced and solved considering different compositions of materials to re-design the socket shape. In the fifth phase the implemented solution, integrated within the whole prosthesis design platform, has been tested with a transfemoral amputee. Following activities have been performed: • 3D acquisition of the residuum using MRI and commercial 3D scanning systems (low cost and professional). • Creation of the residual limb and socket geometry. • Multi-material 3D printing of the socket using FDM technology. • Gait analysis of the amputee wearing the socket using a markerless motion capture system. • Acquisition of contact pressure between residual limb and a trial socket by means of Teskan’s F-Socket System. Acquired data have been combined inside an ad-hoc developed application, which permits to simultaneously visualize pressure data on the 3D model of the residual lower limb and the animation of gait analysis. Results and feedback have been possible thanks to this application that permits to find correlation between several phases of the gait cycle and the pressure data at the same time. Reached results have been considered very interested and several tests have been planned in order to try the system in orthopedic laboratories in real cases. The reached results have been very useful to evaluate the quality of SMA2 as a future instruments that can be exploited for orthopedic technicians in order to create real socket for patients. The solution has the potentiality to begin a potential commercial product, which will be able to substitute the classic procedure for socket design. The sixth phase concerned the evolution of SMA2 as a Mixed Reality environment, named Virtual Orthopedic LABoratory (VOLAB). The proposed solution is based on low cost devices and open source libraries (e.g., OpenCL and VTK). In particular, the hardware architecture consists of three Microsoft Kinect v2 for human body tracking, the head mounted display Oculus Rift SDK 2 for 3D environment rendering, and the Leap Motion device for hand/fingers tracking. The software development has been based on the modular structure of SMA2 and dedicated modules have been developed to guarantee the communication among the devices. At present, two preliminary tests have been carried out: the first to verify real-time performance of the virtual environment and the second one to verify the augmented interaction with hands using SMA2 modeling tools. Achieved results are very promising but, highlighted some limitations of this first version of VOLAB and improvements are necessary. For example, the quality of the 3D real world reconstruction, especially as far as concern the residual limb, could be improved by using two HD-RGB cameras together the Oculus Rift. To conclude, the obtained results have been evaluated very interested and encouraging from the technical staff of orthopedic laboratory. SMA2 will made possible an important change of the process to design the socket of lower limb prosthesis, from a traditional hand-made manufacturing process to a totally virtual knowledge-guided process. The proposed solutions and results reached so far can be exploited in other industrial sectors where the final product heavily depends on the human body morphology. In fact, preliminary software development has been done to create a virtual environment for clothing design by starting from the basic modules exploited in SMA2