36 research outputs found

    Simulating the Influence of Collaborative Networks on the Structure of Networks of Organizations, Employment Structure, and Organization Value

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    From the perspective of reindustrialization, it is important to understand the evolution of the structure of the network of organizations employment structure, and organization value. Understanding the potential influence of collaborative networks (CNs) on these aspects may lead to the development of appropriate economic policies. In this paper, we propose a theoretical approach to analysis this potential influence, based on a model of dynamic networked ecosystem of organizations encompassing collaboration relations among organization, employment mobility, and organization value. A large number of simulations has been performed to identify factors influencing the structure of the network of organizations employment structure, and organization value. The main findings are that 1) the higher the number of members of CNs, the better the clustering and the shorter the average path length among organizations; 2) the constitution of CNs does not affect neither the structure of the network of organizations, nor the employment structure and the organization value.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, conference paper at the 14th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE'13, http://www.pro-ve.org

    Analyzing users’ trust for online health rumors

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    This paper analyzes users’ trust for online health rumors as a function of two factors: length and presence of image. Additionally, two types of rumors are studied: pipe-dream rumors that offer hope, and bogie rumors that instil fear. A total of 102 participants took part in a 2 (length: short or long) x 2 (presence of image: absent or present) x 2 (type: pipe-dream or bogie) within-participants experiment. A repeated-measures analysis of variance suggest that pipe-dream rumors are trusted when they are short and do not contain images whereas bogie rumors are trusted when they are long and contain images

    On the push&pull protocol for rumour spreading

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    The asynchronous push&pull protocol, a randomized distributed algorithm for spreading a rumour in a graph GG, works as follows. Independent Poisson clocks of rate 1 are associated with the vertices of GG. Initially, one vertex of GG knows the rumour. Whenever the clock of a vertex xx rings, it calls a random neighbour yy: if xx knows the rumour and yy does not, then xx tells yy the rumour (a push operation), and if xx does not know the rumour and yy knows it, yy tells xx the rumour (a pull operation). The average spread time of GG is the expected time it takes for all vertices to know the rumour, and the guaranteed spread time of GG is the smallest time tt such that with probability at least 1−1/n1-1/n, after time tt all vertices know the rumour. The synchronous variant of this protocol, in which each clock rings precisely at times 1,2,
1,2,\dots, has been studied extensively. We prove the following results for any nn-vertex graph: In either version, the average spread time is at most linear even if only the pull operation is used, and the guaranteed spread time is within a logarithmic factor of the average spread time, so it is O(nlog⁥n)O(n\log n). In the asynchronous version, both the average and guaranteed spread times are Ω(log⁥n)\Omega(\log n). We give examples of graphs illustrating that these bounds are best possible up to constant factors. We also prove theoretical relationships between the guaranteed spread times in the two versions. Firstly, in all graphs the guaranteed spread time in the asynchronous version is within an O(log⁥n)O(\log n) factor of that in the synchronous version, and this is tight. Next, we find examples of graphs whose asynchronous spread times are logarithmic, but the synchronous versions are polynomially large. Finally, we show for any graph that the ratio of the synchronous spread time to the asynchronous spread time is O(n2/3)O(n^{2/3}).Comment: 25 page

    On the termination of flooding

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    Flooding is among the simplest and most fundamental of all graph/network algorithms. Consider a (distributed network in the form of a) finite undirected graph G with a distinguished node v that begins flooding by sending copies of the same message to all its neighbours and the neighbours, in the next round, forward the message to all and only the neighbours they did not receive the message from in that round and so on. We assume that nodes do not keep a record of the flooding event, thus, raising the possibility that messages may circulate infinitely even on a finite graph. We call this history-less process amnesiac flooding (to distinguish from a classic distributed implementation of flooding that maintains a history of received messages to ensure a node never sends the same message again). Flooding will terminate when no node in G sends a message in a round, and, thus, subsequent rounds. As far as we know, the question of termination for amnesiac flooding has not been settled - rather, non-termination is implicitly assumed.In this paper, we show that surprisingly synchronous amnesiac flooding always terminates on any arbitrary finite graph and derive exact termination times which differ sharply in bipartite and non-bipartite graphs. In particular, synchronous flooding terminates in e rounds, where e is the eccentricity of the source node, if and only if G is bipartite, and, otherwise, in j rounds where e For comparison, we also show that, for asynchronous networks, however, an adaptive adversary can force the process to be non-terminating.</div

    Algorithmic Complexity of Power Law Networks

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    It was experimentally observed that the majority of real-world networks follow power law degree distribution. The aim of this paper is to study the algorithmic complexity of such "typical" networks. The contribution of this work is twofold. First, we define a deterministic condition for checking whether a graph has a power law degree distribution and experimentally validate it on real-world networks. This definition allows us to derive interesting properties of power law networks. We observe that for exponents of the degree distribution in the range [1,2][1,2] such networks exhibit double power law phenomenon that was observed for several real-world networks. Our observation indicates that this phenomenon could be explained by just pure graph theoretical properties. The second aim of our work is to give a novel theoretical explanation why many algorithms run faster on real-world data than what is predicted by algorithmic worst-case analysis. We show how to exploit the power law degree distribution to design faster algorithms for a number of classical P-time problems including transitive closure, maximum matching, determinant, PageRank and matrix inverse. Moreover, we deal with the problems of counting triangles and finding maximum clique. Previously, it has been only shown that these problems can be solved very efficiently on power law graphs when these graphs are random, e.g., drawn at random from some distribution. However, it is unclear how to relate such a theoretical analysis to real-world graphs, which are fixed. Instead of that, we show that the randomness assumption can be replaced with a simple condition on the degrees of adjacent vertices, which can be used to obtain similar results. As a result, in some range of power law exponents, we are able to solve the maximum clique problem in polynomial time, although in general power law networks the problem is NP-complete