185 research outputs found

    Design for Child-Robot Play The implications of Design Research within the field of Human-Robot Interaction studies for Children

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    This thesis investigates the intersections of three disciplines, that are Design Research, Human-Robot Interaction studies, and Child Studies. In particular, this doctoral research is focused on two research questions, namely, what is (or might be) the role of design research in HRI? And, how to design acceptable and desirable child-robot play applications? The first chapter introduces an overview of the mutual interest between robotics and design that is at the basis of the research. On the one hand, the interest of design toward robotics is documented through some exemplary projects from artists and designers that speculate on the human-robot coexistence condition. Vice versa, the robotics interest toward design is documented by referring to some tracks of robotic conferences, scienti c workshops and robotics journals which focused on the design-robotics relationship. Finally, a brief description of the background conditions that characterized this doctoral research are introduced, such as the fact of being a research founded by a company. The second chapter provides an overview of the state of the art of the intersections between three multidisciplinary disciplines. First, a de nition of Design Research is provided, together with its main trends and open issues. Then, the review focuses on the contribution of Design Research to the HRI eld, which can be summed up in actions focused on three aspects: artefacts, stakeholders, and contexts. This is followed by a focus on the role of Design Research within the context of children studies, in which it is possible to identify two main design-child relationships: design as a method for developing children’s learning experiences; and children as part of the design process for developing novel interactive systems. The third chapter introduces the Research through Design (RtD) approach and its relevance in conducting design research in HRI. The proposed methodology, based on this approach, is particularly characterized by the presence of design explorations as study methods. These, in turn, are developed through a common project’s methodology, also reported in this chapter. The fourth chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the scenario in which the child-robot interaction takes place. This was aimed at understanding what is edutainment robotics for children, its common features, how it relates to existing children play types, and where the interaction takes place. The chapter provides also a focus on the relationship between children and technology on a more general level, through which two themes and relative design opportunities were identi ed: physically active play and objects-to-think-with. These were respectively addressed in the two design explorations presented in this thesis: Phygital Play and Shybo. The Phygital Play project consists of an exploration of natural interaction modalities with robots, through mixed-reality, for fostering children’s active behaviours. To this end, a game platform was developed for allowing children to play with or against a robot, through body movement. Shybo, instead, is a low-anthropomorphic robot for playful learning activities with children that can be carried out in educational contexts. The robot, which reacts to properties of the physical environment, is designed to support different kinds of experiences. Then, the chapter eight is dedicated to the research outcomes, that were de ned through a process of reflection. The contribution of the research was analysed and documented by focusing on three main levels, namely: artefact, knowledge and theory. The artefact level corresponds to the situated implementations developed through the projects. The knowledge level consists of a set of actionable principles, emerged from the results and lessons learned from the projects. At the theory level, a theoretical framework was proposed with the aim of informing the future design of child- robot play applications. Thelastchapterprovidesa naloverviewofthe doctoral research, a series of limitations regarding the research, its process and its outcomes, and some indications for future research

    Independent Aging with the Help of Smart Technology:Investigating the Acceptance of Ambient Assisted Living Technologies

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    Who takes care of our older adults? According to the European Union, smart technologies that support independent living and active aging, introduced as ‘Ambient Assisted Living’ (AAL), are the future for our aging population. Promises of AAL include saving long-term care costs, improving the quality of care, unburdening family caregivers, and increasing the older adults’ independence and overall quality of life. While the policy enthusiasm for AAL technology is high, it is unclear if the potential users of AAL are willing to embrace AAL technologies in their daily lives. This dissertation addressed this issue by focusing on the perspective of older adults and their caregivers. Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches, we developed a comprehensive and theoretically grounded understanding of how and why users perceive AAL technologies in a certain way. Important factors that drive or hinder the acceptance were identified. These insights resulted in a model of AAL acceptance that was validated in a representative sample (n = 1296) of the Dutch older adult population. This dissertation contributes to a more user-driven approach in AAL research and development and has important implications for researchers, developers and policy makers alike. We hope that our results will guide future research efforts, design and policy directions in the AAL field

    Detecting human engagement propensity in human-robot interaction

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    Elaborazione di immagini ricavate dal flusso di una semplice videocamera RGB di un robot al fine di stimare la propensione all'interazione di una persona in situazioni di interazione uomo-robot. Per calcolare la stima finale, tecniche basate su deep learning sono usate per estrarre alcune informazioni ausiliarie come: stima della posa di una persona, quale tipo di posa, orientamento del corpo, orientamento della testa, come appaiono le mani.Processing of images retrieved from a simple robot RGB camera stream in order to estimate the engagement propensity of a person in human-robot interaction scenarios. To compute the final estimation, deep learning based technique are used to extract some auxiliary information as: estimation of the pose of a person, which type of pose, body orientation, head orientation, how hands appear

    Persuasive by design: a model and toolkit for designing evidence-based interventions

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    Examining Successful Management Practices Among Senior Women Using AI Technology

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) technology innovations are envisioned to intensify the digital ecosystem affecting management practices and the quality of life for female senior business leaders in the United States. The purpose of this qualitative, transcendental phenomenology study was to examine the lived experiences that some female senior business leaders, ages 55 - 95, face using AI technology in decision making. The conceptual framework included the technology acceptance model and the mindspace model. Data was collected through semistructured interviews with 12 successful female senior business leaders from nine different industries in the United States. The Van Kaam method, as supported by Moustakas\u27 theoretical process, was used to analyze the data. Descriptive and inductive coding was used to uncover and categorize the found themes: (a) AI technology is beneficial, (b) leadership and change management, (c) technology adaptation and acceptance, (d) decision making and communication, and (e) information sharing and privacy. This study may contribute to positive social change as a benefit to other seniors by strengthening their AI technology decision making experiences, leadership, and supporting community awareness in addition to influencing positive social change across management and business platforms
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