11 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyze the effect of mobile banking on the financial performance of banking entities, profitability affects the financial performance of banking entities, profitability is able to moderate the influence of mobile banking on the financial performance of banking entities on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research method is explanatory research with banking data that has positive data values ​​with a total of 37 banking sectors. The results of the study that mobile banking has no effect on the financial performance of banking entities on the IDX. Profitability affects the financial performance of banking entities on the IDX, while profitability is unable to moderate the influence of digital banking on the financial performance of banking entities on the IDX


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh transaksi perbankan elektronik terhadap kinerja keuangan entitas publik perbankan. Dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, terpilih 42 sampel yang merupakan entitas publik perbankan selama periode 2013-2019. Penelitian menggunakan metode analisis regresi linier berganda, untuk menguji hubungan atau pengaruh variabel dependen dan independen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial, pemanfaatan teknologi ATM berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Return on Investment (ROI), sedangkan pemanfaatan internet banking dan mobile banking berpengaruh positif tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap ROI. Kemudian, penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan teknologi ATM, internet banking, dan mobile banking secara simultan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap ROI

    Towards an M-banking framework for rural SMEs in Bangladesh

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    This research aims at discovering factors which impact on the intention of rural SME owners and managers to adopt m-banking in Bangladesh. Over the last ten years, a wide spectrum of mbanking frameworks has emerged that offers new insights into the adoption and acceptance of mbanking. However, m-banking has still not been extended to rural Bangladesh. To fill the gap this research surveyed 550 SMEs owners/managers in four rural villages. The result indicates that poor banking facilities, cost, credibility, gender, education and SME category are the main factors that significantly influence the intention to adopt m-banking. The analysis introduces three factors which have been largely overlooked in prior literature. The study broadens our understanding of m-banking and provides insights into developing m-banking strategies in Bangladesh. This research will be of potential value in accelerating the development of m-banking in Bangladesh

    A Theoretical Review of Mobile Commerce Success Determinants

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    Mobile commerce (M-Commerce) involves the delivery of trusted transaction services over mobile devices for the exchange of goods and services between consumers, merchants and across organizations.  It may be accomplished through a variety of mobile devices over a wireless telecommunication network in a wireless environment. Despite the rapid pervasiveness of mobile based transactions in Kenya, questions relating to m-commerce success drivers are largely unexplored. This paper reviews prominent information system adoption theories, information systems success concepts and pertinent mobile commerce literature to derive m-commerce success imperatives. Based on the review, an appropriate model for m-commerce success is proposed. A preliminary conclusion that emerges from this study points towards compatibility to user needs, ease of use, pricing and innovation as constructs with the strongest potential for determining the success outcomes of a mobile commerce arrangement. The emergent perspectives and the proposed framework offers value to both theory and practice by providing new insights into various issues that have largely been overlooked when conceptualizing mobile commerce initiatives. Keywords: Mobile commerce, adoption theories, information system success, m-commerce mode

    School Advocacy and Community Outreach: Barriers to the Implementation of Social Media Tools for K-12 Principals

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    This qualitative study describes, analyzes, and interprets the perceptions and beliefs related to barriers of the use and efficacy of social media tools for school advocacy and community outreach by principals in the kindergarten through 12th grade setting in one suburban district located outside of a major metropolitan center. School advocacy is the active process of communicating the vision, mission, and beliefs of the educational organization to the greater community that the school serves. Community outreach signifies the steps schools take to build and maintain strong partnerships with members of the community at large. To successfully advocate for the school and reach out to the community, principals must have strong communication skills and the tools to successfully convey their messages. Although a growing menu of social media tools are popular in modern society, and competition for students has increased with the proliferation of school choice, some practicing principals have reservations about implementing social media tools into their comprehensive communication plan. Four themes related to perceptions of barriers to implementation of social media tools emerged from semi-structured interviews with practicing principals. Issues of privacy, time and fidelity, choice of tools, and roles as school promoters were discussed as they related to the framework of social cognitive theory.Ed.D.College of Education, Health and Human ServicesUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134060/1/James E. Anderson Final Dissertation.pdfDescription of James E. Anderson Final Dissertation.pdf : Dissertatio

    Effects of Self-Regulatory Status and Practice Type on Student Performance in the Mobile Learning Environment

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    The next generation of computer-based learning environments has arrived. This generation of technology is characterized by mobile and portable devices such as smartphones and tablet computers with wireless broadband access. With these devices comes the promise of extending the online learning revolution. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of three levels of practice type (assessment aligned, reflective, none), and two levels of self-regulatory status (high and low) on student performance within the context of mobile instruction. Results indicated that the inclusion of practice activities in mobile instruction has a positive effect on student performance. Study participants who received either assessment aligned or reflective practice significantly outperformed participants who did not receive practice. The results indicated that self-regulatory status does not have a significant effect on performance in mobile instruction. Further, the study results also indicated that the inclusion of practice activities in mobile instruction have a positive effect on student attitude. Through the systematic consideration of a specific element of instruction, while considering the affective elements of self-regulation, this study began the process of building the framework for the effective design and implementation of mobile learning

    A Multiple Regression and Concurrent Validity Analysis of High School Seniors\u27 Social Competence, Ability to Manage Emotions, and Their Time Spent on Facebook

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    This study involved the investigation of high school seniors\u27 social competence and ability to manage emotions in predicting the amount of time they spend socializing on Facebook. The study also seeks to determine if the Social Skill Improvement System (SSIS) and the Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) measure similar constructs. A multiple regression design and correlation design was planned for the study. The data analysis was carried out by testing for normality, linearity, homoscedasticity, and multicollinearity. Due to violations in testing for normality, linearity, and homoscedasticity, the data was transformed using a log transformation in order to perform the multiple regression analysis. Due to the normality and linearity issues with the data, a Kendall Tau correlation was performed in place of the Pearson\u27s r correlation. The study was carried out in a high school in Northeastern, Tennessee. A total of 68 high school students participated in the study by completing a week log regarding the number of minutes they spend on Facebook per day, SSIS, and MSCEIT. Descriptive data was included along with the data analysis regarding the relationship among the dependent variables, SSIS global score and MSCEIT global score, and time spent socializing on Facebook. The analysis of criterion validity was also included to display the relatedness among constructs from the SSIS and MSCEIT

    The influence of marketing communications on the youth's adoption of m-payments in KwaZulu-Natal.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.There has been poor subscription and usage of m-payments in the recent past in South Africa (RSA), especially with the failure of Vodacom M-Pesa and MTN Mobile Money. Presumably, this is attributed to a lack of knowledge on the functionality and benefits of such services and the fact that ‘cash is king’. This study places integrated marketing communications (IMC) at the centre of the adoption of m-payments, as it plays a key role in informing users on the effect of reducing user uncertainties and risks as knowledge structures are built. The study adopted a survey research design to determine the influence of IMC on the adoption and use of mpayments among the youth in KwaZulu-Natal. The questionnaire utilised in the study adopted scale items from constructs embedded within the Unified Technology Acceptance and Use Theory 2 (UTAUT2) and the communication performance construct, to obtain quantitative data. Quota sampling was used to draw a sample of 383 respondents from three institutions of higher learning located in the cities of Durban and Pietermaritzburg. With a 73% response rate, analysis of the gathered data was carried out using descriptive and inferential techniques. Hypotheses were tested using multiple linear regression, Student’s t Test, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling, so as to refine and develop a conceptual model. The structural model was found to have a good fit with all but two hypotheses-linked paths being statistically significant and hence supported. IMC measured in the form of communication performance was found to have a strong direct positive impact on the risk factors (functional risk, social influence, price value and facilitating conditions). Communication performance had the greatest positive impact on price value, suggesting that the youth are a rational user market segment with a need for utilitarian motivation within m-payment purchase or use situations, regardless of gender. This study explored the relationship between IMC and innovation adoption, thereby extending the body of knowledge in a multidisciplinary field of marketing and information technology, producing a model that may be used in probing m-payments use behaviour from a marketing perspective. Key words: Integrated marketing communications, mobile payments, structural equation modelling, technology adoption, youth market.List of Exhibits on page xvi of thesis

    The determinants of behavioural intention to adopt mobile banking among university students

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    This study examined the behavioural intention and determinants to adopt mobile banking services among university students in Malaysia. In line with the objectives of the study the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model was utilised to investigate and explain the relationship between performance expectancy; effort expectancy; social influence; perceived financial costs and perceived risk on behavioural intention to adopt mobile banking among the undergraduates. Besides, the moderating effect of prior internet banking experience on behavioural intention to adopt mobile banking services was also being examined. Quantitative approach using self administered survey questionnaires was adopted. A total of 220 usable responses were received from university students in Malaysia which accounted to a 55% response rate. A combination of SPSS and the PLS-SEM methods were used to analyse the collected data. The findings indicated significant relationships between performance expectancy; social influence; perceived financial costs; perceived risk and the behavioural intention to adopt mobile banking services among university students in Malaysia. Effort expectancy on the other hand had no significant relationship to the adoption of mobile banking among the university students. This research also provided evidence that prior internet banking experience among the same consumers had a moderating effect on the relationship between social influence and behavioural intention to adopt mobile banking services. The implications based on the findings of this study for financial institutions such as banks would be able to better reconfigure and realign their policies and plans when seeking to promote mobile banking services to their clients in the future. Towards this end, the methodological limitations and potential avenues for future research were also identified and hitherto explained

    The determinants of behavioural intention towards using mobile banking of Islamic banking institutions moderated by demographic variables

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the determinants of behavioural intention towards mobile banking adoption in Islamic banking institutions for Malaysian Muslim consumers. Malaysia is ranked first in the world in terms of Islamic banking assets based on the Global Islamic Economy Indicator Rank (2020). However, in comparison with Malaysian neighbours, mobile banking penetration rate is relatively low. In this case, to compete with the neighbouring countries, it is important for Malaysian Islamic banks to stay abreast with the latest technology. Besides the technology used in banking, factors such as customers’ attitudes, subjective norms and perceptions towards the latest technology are crucial. This is because no matter how advanced a technology is, it is deemed impractical if many people are not able and interested in using it. In this quantitative study, a modified version of the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour was used to explain the relationship between the determinants and customer behavioural intention to adopt mobile banking by examining the following constructs, namely attitude, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, lifestyle, Shariah compliance, personal innovativeness, subjective norm, media influence, internal influence, influence of religious scholars, perceived behavioural control, self-efficacy and facilitating condition. This study used an e-survey questionnaire distributed through social media platforms to collect data. The data was then analysed using structural equation modelling using SmartPLS. Based on the analysis of 479 samples, the results show that the tested independent variables are significant. Perceived behavioural control was found to be the most significant construct for behavioural intention, while lifestyle was found to be the most significant construct that affects attitude. On the other hand, innovativeness is the least significant predictor of attitude. Multi Group Analysis shows that demographic variables such as gender, income, age, region, and education level are significant moderators. The significance of Shariah-compliant aspect and the influence of religious scholars have demonstrated a strong and persistent religious (Islamic) application in the Malaysian banking system, hence questioning the theory of secularization. The high significance of perceived behavioural control is suggesting the top management in the industry to emphasize on user-friendliness of the mobile banking service