8 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Hybrid Fuzzy Logic Law for Stable Control of Magnetic Levitation System

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    In this paper, we present a method to design a hybrid fuzzy logic controller (FLC) for a magnetic levitation system (MLS) based on the linear feedforward control method combined with FLC. MLS has many applications in industry, transportation, but the system is strongly nonlinear and unstable at equilibrium. The fast response linear control law ensures that the ball is kept at the desired point, but does not remain stable at that point in the presence of noise or deviation from the desired position. The controller that combines linear feedforward control and FLC is designed to ensure ball stability and increase the system's fast-response when deviating from equilibrium and improve control quality. Simulation results in the presence of noise show that the proposed control law has a fast and stable effect on external noise. The advantages of the proposed controller are shown through the comparison results with conventional PID and FLC control laws

    PI-PD controller design for magnetic levitation systems via weighted geometrical center method

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    Manyetik levitasyon (Maglev) sistemleri, mühendislik sistemlerinde sürtünmeyi en aza indiren çözümler sunduğundan, güncel mühendislik çalışmalarındandır. Bu çalışmada, yeni bir PI-PD kontrolcü tasarım prosedürü sunulmuştur. PI-PD kontrolcüleri, bir PI (iç döngü) ve bir PD (dış döngü) kombinasyonundan oluşur. İç döngünün amacı, açık döngü kararsız sistemi kararlı kılmaktır. Dış döngünün amacı, kapalı döngü sisteminin toplam performans gereksinimlerini sağlamaktır. Tasarım prosedürü, kontrolcü parametreleri düzleminde kararlılık sınır eğrisi kullanılarak çizilen kararlı bölgenin elde edilmesi ve bu bölgenin ağırlıklı geometrik merkezinin (AGM) hesaplanmasına dayanır. Tasarım prosedüründe, ilk olarak, iç döngü için PD kontrolcü parametrelerinin düzlemindeki kararlı bölge ve bunun ağırlıklı geometrik merkezi hesaplanır. İç döngü, belirtilen AGM kontrol parametreleri kullanılarak tek bir bloğa indirgenir ve ardından prosedür, farklı tasarımlarda faz ve kazanç payı performans gereksinimlerini uygulayan bir test fonksiyonu kullanılarak dış döngü PI denetleyicisi için tekrarlanır. Deneysel çalışma, önerilen metodoloji ile tasarlanan PI-PD kontrolcünün literatürde bulunan alternatiflere göre daha üstün performans sergilediğini göstermektedi

    Design, Optimization, and Experimental Characterization of a Novel Magnetically Actuated Finger Micromanipulator

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    The ability of external magnetic fields to precisely control micromanipulator systems has received a great deal of attention from researchers in recent years due to its off-board power source. As these micromanipulators provide frictionless motion, and precise motion control, they have promising potential applications in many fields. Conversely, major drawbacks of electromagnetic micromanipulators, include a limited motion range compared to the micromanipulator volume, the inability to handle heavy payloads, and the need for a large drive unit compared to the size of the levitated object, and finally, a low ratio of the generated magnetic force to the micromanipulator weight. To overcome these limitations, we designed a novel electromagnetic finger micromanipulator that was adapted from the well-known spherical robot. The design and optimization procedures for building a three Degree of Freedoms (DOF) electromagnetic finger micromanipulator are firstly introduced. This finger micromanipulator has many potential applications, such as cell manipulation, and pick and place operations. The system consists of two main subsystems: a magnetic actuator, and an electromagnetic end-effector that is connected to the magnetic actuator by a needle. The magnetic actuator consists of four permanent magnets and four electromagnetic coils that work together to guide the micromanipulator finger in the xz plane. The electromagnetic end-effector consists of a rod shape permanent magnet that is aligned along the y axis and surrounded by an electromagnetic coil. The optimal configuration that maximizes the micromanipulator actuation force, and a closed form solution for micromanipulator magnetic actuation force are presented. The model is verified by measuring the interaction force between an electromagnet and a permanent magnet experimentally, and using Finite Element Methods (FEM) analysis. The results show an agreement between the model, the experiment, and the FEM results. The error difference between the FEM, experimental, and model data was 0.05 N. The micromanipulator can be remotely operated by transferring magnetic energy from outside, which means there is no mechanical contact between the actuator and the micromanipulator. Moreover, three control algorithms are designed in order to compute control input currents that are able to control the position of the end-effector in the x, y, and z axes. The proposed controllers are: PID controller, state-feedback controller, and adaptive controller. The experimental results show that the micromanipulator is able to track the desired trajectory with a steady-state error less than 10 µm for a payload free condition. Finally, the ability of the micromanipulator to pick-and-place unknown payloads is demonstrated. To achieve this objective, a robust model reference adaptive controller (MRAC) using the MIT rule for an adaptive mechanism to guide the micromanipulator in the workspace is implemented. The performance of the MRAC is compared with a standard PID controller and state-feedback controller. For the payload free condition, the experimental results show the ability of the micromanipulator to follow a desired motion trajectory in all control strategies with a root mean square error less than 0.2 mm. However, while there is payload variation, the PID controller response yields a non smooth motion with a large overshoot and undershoot. Similarly, the state-feedback controller suffers from variability of dynamics and disturbances due to the payload variation, which yields to non-smooth motion and large overshoot. The micromanipulator motion under the MRAC control scheme conversely follows the desired motion trajectory with the same accuracy. It is found that the micromanipulator can handle payloads up to 75 grams and it has a motion range of ∓ 15 mm in all axes

    A recurrent emotional CMAC neural network controller for vision-based mobile robots

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    Vision-based mobile robots often suffer from the difficulties of high nonlinear dynamics and precise positioning requirements, which leads to the development demand of more powerful nonlinear approximation in controlling and monitoring of mobile robots. This paper proposes a recurrent emotional cerebellar model articulation controller (RECMAC) neural network in meeting such demand. In particular, the proposed network integrates a recurrent loop and an emotional learning mechanism into a cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC), which is implemented as the main component of the controller module of a vision-based mobile robot. Briefly, the controller module consists of a sliding surface, the RECMAC, and a compensator controller. The incorporation of the recurrent structure in a slide model neural network controller ensures the retaining of the previous states of the robot to improve its dynamic mapping ability. The convergence of the proposed system is guaranteed by applying the Lyapunov stability analysis theory. The proposed system was validated and evaluated by both simulation and a practical moving-target tracking task. The experimentation demonstrated that the proposed system outperforms other popular neural network-based control systems, and thus it is superior in approximating highly nonlinear dynamics in controlling vision-based mobile robots

    Space transportation system and associated payloads: Glossary, acronyms, and abbreviations

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    A collection of some of the acronyms and abbreviations now in everyday use in the shuttle world is presented. It is a combination of lists that were prepared at Marshall Space Flight Center and Kennedy and Johnson Space Centers, places where intensive shuttle activities are being carried out. This list is intended as a guide or reference and should not be considered to have the status and sanction of a dictionary