7 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Keterampilan Argumentasi Mahasiswa Melalui Simulasi PhET : Kasus Mekanisme Seleksi Alam Pada Matakuliah Biologi Umum

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian mix-method yang bertujuan mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan argumentasi mahasiswa melalui penggunaan simulasi PhET pada materi seleksi alam pada mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Biologi dan Pendidikan Matematika UNIROW. Subjek penelitian melibatkan 30 objek penelitian mahasiswa Pendidikan biologi dan Pendidikan matematika. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui tes yang dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif dianalisis dengan uji paired sample T-test dan aktivitas belajar. Hasil analisis uji t menghasilkan output Sig. (2 tailed) 0,000 <0,05, maka H0 ditolak, dan HA diterima yang menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil pretest dan postest keterampilan argumentasi melalui media simulasi PhET pada mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi dan Pendidikan Matematika. Hasil keterampilan argumentasi menunjukkan bahwa profil keterampilan argumentasi mahasiswa Pendidikan biologi dominan pada level 4 dan 5 sedangkan mahasiswa Pendidikan matematika menunjukkan level 2 dan 3. Pola argumentasi mahasiswa menunjukkan hasil yang bervariasi paling tinggi dengan pola CWBDRQ dan pola paling rendah adalah CW dan CD. Perbedaan level argumentasi disebabkan karena adanya bias kebiasaan pada pembelajaran. Mahasiswa Pendidikan biologi terbiasa dengan pembelajaran praktikum dan fenomena yang dapat mengkonstruksi kemampuan mahasiswa dalam belajar sehingga keterampilan argumentasinya lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa Pendidikan matematika. &nbsp

    Ubiquitous Learning Based on Mobile Devices and Industrial Prototypes

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    [EN] Background: In technical subjects, the "hands-on " aspect is important because the students cannot assimilate some concepts until they practice with real industrial systems. They need to have the demonstration that what they are performing is real and works in order to create a true mental image of the subject concepts, which translates as an increase in professional skills.Application Design: In this work, it is described a step forward in integrating mobile devices and real physical laboratories in a ubiquitous learning approach.Contribution: The latest experiences with mobile devices showed that it is possible to get near real hands-on by combining specially designed equipment and flexible virtual-scale models running on the mobile device, without requiring physical laboratories or classic remote labs. This approach can be applied to many technical subjects that face the same issues.Findings: Based on the evaluation results, the proposed u-lab architecture provided strong evidence of the benefits achieved. The proposal presents interesting advantages from the economic and professor productivity point of view, obtaining better academic achievements. The resulting platform should facilitate educational activities which use mobile devices. This approach can be applied to many technical subjects that suffer economic restrictions.This opens up new scenarios for mobile-device-based learning without excessive additional costs.This work was supported by the European Union Project: "MEDIS A Methodology for the Formation of Highly Qualified Engineers at Master Level in the Design and Development of Advanced Industrial Informatics Systems" under Grant 544490-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-ES-TEMPUS-JPCR.Capella Hernández, JV.; Perles, A.; Martínez-Rubio, J.; Hassan Mohamed, H. (2023). Ubiquitous Learning Based on Mobile Devices and Industrial Prototypes. IEEE Transactions on Education. 66(4):379-385. https://doi.org/10.1109/TE.2023.324713137938566

    Open and Low-Cost Virtual and Remote Labs on Control Engineering

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    This paper presents an open course in the University Network of Interactive Laboratories, which offers several virtual and remote laboratories on automatic control, accessible to anyone. All the details on one of these labs (a two electric coupled drives system that allows performing control practices in a 2 × 2 MIMO system with industrial applications) and the activities that can be performed with it are given. We use a low-cost solution for developing the virtual and remote labs shared in this open course, based on the use of a free authoring tool Easy Java/Javascript Simulations (EJsS) for building the laboratories' user interfaces and a cheap development platform board (BeagleBone Black). The virtual and remote labs are deployed into a free Learning Management System (Moodle) Web environment that facilitates their management and maintenance

    A novel approach of multimedia instruction applications in engineering education

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    Effective use of educational technology depends on knowledge of why and how to utilize technology to solve teaching and learning problems. The present study first conducts a systematic literature review of the limited studies undertaken on multimedia instruction applications for engineering education to critique the current status of knowledge in this area. The conventional qualitative content analysis method was employed for data analysis. The results highlighted the incompatibility of three basic educational elements i.e. engineering curriculum, educational resources and engineering students’ learning characteristics all of which posed major challenges in teaching and learning engineering courses. Multimedia instruction enhances engineering students’ understanding of engineering concepts, procedures, problems and solutions through direct visualization. Furthermore, it could indirectly assist students in achieving higher order learning levels and skills through enhancing or supporting educational resources and increasing students’ motivation. Mobile multimedia instruction and a student-generated multimedia learning approach to improve engineering education are suggested for future research

    A novel approach of multimedia instruction applications in engineering education

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    Effective use of educational technology depends on knowledge of why and how to utilize technology to solve teaching and learning problems. The present study first conducts a systematic literature review of the limited studies undertaken on multimedia instruction applications for engineering education to critique the current status of knowledge in this area. The conventional qualitative content analysis method was employed for data analysis. The results highlighted the incompatibility of three basic educational elements i.e. engineering curriculum, educational resources and engineering students’ learning characteristics all of which posed major challenges in teaching and learning engineering courses. Multimedia instruction enhances engineering students’ understanding of engineering concepts, procedures, problems and solutions through direct visualization. Furthermore, it could indirectly assist students in achieving higher order learning levels and skills through enhancing or supporting educational resources and increasing students’ motivation. Mobile multimedia instruction and a student-generated multimedia learning approach to improve engineering education are suggested for future research. © 2005-2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserve

    TIMCC: On Data Freshness in Privacy-Preserving Incentive Mechanism Design for Continuous Crowdsensing Using Reverse Auction

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    © 2013 IEEE. As an emerging paradigm that leverages the wisdom and efforts of the crowd, mobile crowdsensing has shown its great potential to collect distributed data. The crowd may incur such costs and risks as energy consumption, memory consumption, and privacy leakage when performing various tasks, so they may not be willing to participate in crowdsensing tasks unless they are well-paid. Hence, a proper privacy-preserving incentive mechanism is of great significance to motivate users to join, which has attracted a lot of research efforts. Most of the existing works regard tasks as one-shot tasks, which may not work very well for the type of tasks that requires continuous monitoring, e.g., WIFI signal sensing, where the WiFi signal may vary over time, and users are required to contribute continuous efforts. The incentive mechanism for continuous crowdsensing has yet to be investigated, where the corresponding tasks need continuous efforts of users, and the freshness of the sensed data is very important. In this paper, we design TIMCC, a privacy-preserving incentive mechanism for continuous crowdsensing. In contrast to most existing studies that treat tasks as one-shot tasks, we consider the tasks that require users to contribute continuous efforts, where the freshness of data is a key factor impacting the value of data, which further determines the rewards. We introduce a metric named age of data that is defined as the amount of time elapsed since the generation of the data to capture the freshness of data. We adopt the reverse auction framework to model the connection between the platform and the users. We prove that the proposed mechanism satisfies individual rationality, computational efficiency, and truthfulness. Simulation results further validate our theoretical analysis and the effectiveness of the proposed mechanism

    Smartphone-based industrial informatics projects and laboratories

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    The use of IT technologies plays an important role in the training of future engineers. In this paper, smartphones and multimedia technologies are proposed as an innovative way to tackle the formation of students, at different levels, in the Industrial Informatics (II) subject of the Industrial Electronics Engineering (IEE) degree. II instructs future Engineers in the design of IT systems to control industrial processes. In the first level, smartphones are used to display a web-based multimedia tool that is implemented to register the lecture explanations regarding the design of II systems, so as it facilitates student to guide him/her self in the learning process. In the second level, the smartphone is proposed as the control system of a medium size industrial process (e.g., water tank). Since II uses a problem-based learning methodology (miniproject) to instruct the design of II systems, for each lecture, laboratory practices are tackled, and the solutions obtained are embedded in the smartphone to control the corresponding part of the miniproject. An application of the Smartphone multimedia tool is presented to show how students interact with the developed system. The successful evaluation of the proposed tools, by more than 900 IEE students during three years, is shown.This work was supported in part by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, under Grant 20090513-" Dynamizing the European Convergence Higher Education." Paper no. TII-11-308.Hassan Mohamed, H.; Martínez Rubio, JM.; Perles Ivars, ÁF.; Capella Hernández, JV.; Domínguez Montagud, CP.; Albaladejo Meroño, J. (2013). Smartphone-based industrial informatics projects and laboratories. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 9(1):557-566. https://doi.org/10.1109/TII.2012.2185806S5575669