11 research outputs found

    Smartening the Environment using Wireless Sensor Networks in a Developing Country

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    The miniaturization process of various sensing devices has become a reality by enormous research and advancements accomplished in Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) lithography. Regardless of such extensive efforts in optimizing the hardware, algorithm, and protocols for networking, there still remains a lot of scope to explore how these innovations can all be tied together to design Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) for smartening the surrounding environment for some practical purposes. In this paper we explore the prospects of wireless sensor networks and propose a design level framework for developing a smart environment using WSNs, which could be beneficial for a developing country like Bangladesh. In connection to this, we also discuss the major aspects of wireless sensor networks.Comment: 5 page

    Review on Use of Wireless Sensor Network To Overcome Agricultural Problems of Pakistan

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    Wireless sensor networks are the communication of small sensing el- ements which collaborate with each other to collect process and communicate over wireless channel information about some physical phenomena. These self- managing, highly robust and energy efficient networks can be excellent means for monitoring underground mining, wildlife and various physical infrastruc- tures such as bridges, pipelines, and buildings. This paper introduces wireless sensor networks to address specific problems in agriculture system of agricul- tural countries like Pakistan and discusses WSN’s usefulness to overcome those problems

    Remote monitoring of off-grid renewable energy case studies in rural Malawi, Zambia, and Gambia

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    Increased understanding of off-grid renewable energy technology (RET) performance can assist in improving sustainability of such systems. The technologies for remote monitoring of RET deployments in developing countries are promising with various configurations and usages being tested. Recent applications of remote monitoring technologies in Malawi, Gambia, and Zambia are presented along with their respective strengths and weaknesses. The potential for remote monitoring applications to improve sustainability of off-grid RET is explored along with some theoretical directions of the technologies

    A real-time data monitoring prototype protocol to advance environmental management through a citizen science approach– A case study in Nepal

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    The lack of environmental monitoring data has restricted the efficiency of proper environmental management in the developing world. Although monitoring technologies have been touted for their potential to advance environmental understanding and management, there are very few examples of practical applications where this has been accomplished in the developing world. Due to the positive influx of urbanization and tourism in Siddharthanagar, South Nepal, the Nepal Study Center (NSC) from the University of New Mexico (UNM) teamed up with the poly-tech college Pratiman-Neema Health Institute (PNMHI) to address future environmental changes through a citizen science approach, known as the Danda River Monitoring Program (DEMP). The objective of this professional project is to develop and deploy a prototype protocol for monitoring air, weather, and water in a location in Nepal where environmental data is not available. This professional project identifies and executes a practical framework strategy to initiate a wireless environmental sensor network to gain access to a long-term data collection plan through a citizen science approach. Citizen science is the participation of any citizen who interacts in a data collection and monitoring process. The scientific data gathered from the monitoring sensors, combined with curricular toolkits, will be used in a digital lab setting to educate students and community members to enhance their learning and environmental awareness. Assisting in the initial implementation process was impactful, for the wireless sensors are currently collecting data, a citizen science survey was successfully administered to understand future improvements, and a robust collaborative relationship between NSC and PNMHI was established. Furthermore, an enhancement of the capabilities of the community to learn and make firm data-driven decisions focused on human and environmental health was implemented. The value that this project brings to the community is fourfold: water resource management, health management, a platform for enhanced science studies, and an established program to attract eco-tourism that will, in turn, preserve the ecosystem and natural heritage of the community. Ultimately, the study found that the efforts performed to demonstrate a positive impact on the community in Nepal. This program has strong support from various stakeholders and the potential to improve the environment and health of the people in Nepal

    A wireless sensor networks for the Smart Cities

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    Máster en Ingeniería Informática, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática, curso 2014-2015El objetivo del trabajo fin de Master consiste en el estudio de redes de sensores inalámbricos para las Smart Cities. En particular, se implementa una red inalámbrica (tecnología ZIGBEE como protocolo de comunicación inalámbrica con micrófonos como sensores, para recolectar niveles de ruido. Hemos elegido el Arduino como plataforma de cálculo para controlar cada nodo, y XBee como módulos de comunicación inalámbrico. La red sensorial cuenta con tres nodos sensores que capturan el ruido y lo envían a un nodo receptor, que hace de estación central encargado de monitorizar los niveles de ruido. Dicho coordinador está conectado mediante USB a un PC, donde podemos comprobar las medidas recibidas por el XBee. Finalmente estos datos se muestran en una interfaz gráfica en el computador conectado al coordinador. De esta forma, puede monitorizarse el nivel de ruido de tres lugares diferentes en tiempo real.The objective of this Master Thesis consists of the study of a wireless sensor network especially suited for the Smart Cities.Concretely, the implemented wireless network is based on the Zigbee technology and the use of microphones, to collect the noise level inside the city. An Arduino board has been selected as the computing platform for each of the nodes composing the network, and the XBee modules to perform the wireless communication. The presented system is composed of three nodes which are responsible for collecting the noise level where they are placed, and afterwards sending it to a coordinator node. This coordinator receives the noise levels proceeding from the three nodes and forwards them to a central station, which is responsible for processing and showing the information. A graphical application has been developed for being executed in the central station. In this way, the noise levels of three different places can be monitored in real time.Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y AutomáticaFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Una Red de Sensores para las Smart Cities

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    El objetivo del trabajo fin de Master consiste en el estudio de redes de sensores inalámbricos para las Smart Cities. En particular, se implementa una red inalámbrica (tecnología ZIGBEE como protocolo de comunicación inalámbrica con micrófonos como sensores, para recolectar niveles de ruido. Hemos elegido el Arduino como plataforma de cálculo para controlar cada nodo, y XBee como módulos de comunicación inalámbrico. La red sensorial cuenta con tres nodos sensores que capturan el ruido y lo envían a un nodo receptor, que hace de estación central encargado de monitorizar los niveles de ruido. Dicho coordinador está conectado mediante USB a un PC, donde podemos comprobar las medidas recibidas por el XBee. Finalmente estos datos se muestran en una interfaz gráfica en el computador conectado al coordinador. De esta forma, puede monitorizarse el nivel de ruido de tres lugares diferentes en tiempo real

    Development of a web-based interface for a wireless sensor network monitoring system

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    In the recent past, wireless sensor technology has undergone advancements in its autonomous data collecting aspects, and has become an area worth investigating in relation to structural monitoring applications. The system described in this thesis aims at acquiring, storing and displaying overhead transmission line related data collected from a wireless sensor network. Open source tools were used in its development and implementation. The inherent linearly aligned topology of transmission line monitoring devices is not without shortcomings; hence analysis of linear node placement, hardware and software components was carried out to determine the feasibility of the system. Their limited data processing capabilities has motivated the development of a post processing wireless sensor application in order to present any collected structural data in an understandable format

    Development of wireless prototype vehicle speed monitoring system.

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    Globally road accident is considered to be an important issue, which can be reduced by proper vehicle speed monitoring system. More recently, the advancement in wireless sensor technology shows a great promise in designing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) due to its flexibility and cost-effectiveness for deployment. The aim of this research is to develop a prototype vehicle speed monitoring system using accelerometer-based wireless sensor. The basic concept of the system is based on the following methodology: developing an experimental system to generate random speed data, which can represent vehicle speed on the road and developing a software to monitor and manage the speed data wirelessly. A wireless sensor attached with a mechanical wheel measures the acceleration vibration of the system, which is equivalent to wheel speed and transmits the data wirelessly to a computer. A software (SpeedManage) has been developed using Java Socket programming codes which converts the vibration data to equivalent speed data and presents these in a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If the detected speed is greater than a set speed limit, the data will be automatically saved in a central database in the form of an electronic report for taking any further action. The functionality of the system has been simulated in a laboratory environment by setting different speed limits for monitoring single or multiple vehicle speed scenarios through appropriate algorithm and code development. The graphical user interface (GUI) of the software continuously presents the vehicle speeds with time and the overspeeding conditions are indicated. The speed details are also continuously updated on the left hand side of the GUI. The system is also capable of generating an automatic electronic report for a simulated speeding vehicle with vehicle number, speed details, time etc. Therefore, based on the performance of prototype system, it can be concluded that sensor-based vehicle speed monitoring system has great potential for monitoring vehicle speed wirelessly. SpeedManage software should help to effectively, automatically and intelligently monitor vehicle speed