6 research outputs found

    Bio-Inspired Motion Vision for Aerial Course Control

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    Representation and recognition of action in interactive spaces

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (p. 246-258).This thesis presents new theory and technology for the representation and recognition of complex, context-sensitive human actions in interactive spaces. To represent action and interaction a symbolic framework has been developed based on Roger Schank's conceptualizations, augmented by a mechanism to represent the temporal structure of the sub-actions based on Allen's interval algebra networks. To overcome the exponential nature of temporal constraint propagation in such networks, we have developed the PNF propagation algorithm based on the projection of IA-networks into simplified, 3-valued (past, now, future) constraint networks called PNF-networks. The PNF propagation algorithm has been applied to an action recognition vision system that handles actions composed of multiple, parallel threads of sub-actions, in situations that can not be efficiently dealt by the commonly used temporal representation schemes such as finite-state machines and HMMs. The PNF propagation algorithm is also the basis of interval scripts, a scripting paradigm for interactive systems that represents interaction as a set of temporal constraints between the individual components of the interaction. Unlike previously proposed non-procedural scripting methods, we use a strong temporal representation (allowing, for example, mutually exclusive actions) and perform control by propagating the temporal constraints in real-time. These concepts have been tested in the context of four projects involving story-driven interactive spaces. The action representation framework has been used in the Intelligent Studio project to enhance the control of automatic cameras in a TV studio. Interval scripts have been extensively employed in the development of "SingSong ", a short interactive performance that introduced the idea of live interaction with computer graphics characters; in "It/I", a full-length computer theater play; and in "It", an interactive art installation based on the play "It /I" that realizes our concept of immersive stages, that is, interactive spaces that can be used both by performers and public.by Claudio Santos Pinhanez.Ph.D

    Neuromorphic stereo vision: A survey of bio-inspired sensors and algorithms

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    Any visual sensor, whether artificial or biological, maps the 3D-world on a 2D-representation. The missing dimension is depth and most species use stereo vision to recover it. Stereo vision implies multiple perspectives and matching, hence it obtains depth from a pair of images. Algorithms for stereo vision are also used prosperously in robotics. Although, biological systems seem to compute disparities effortless, artificial methods suffer from high energy demands and latency. The crucial part is the correspondence problem; finding the matching points of two images. The development of event-based cameras, inspired by the retina, enables the exploitation of an additional physical constraintā€”time. Due to their asynchronous course of operation, considering the precise occurrence of spikes, Spiking Neural Networks take advantage of this constraint. In this work, we investigate sensors and algorithms for event-based stereo vision leading to more biologically plausible robots. Hereby, we focus mainly on binocular stereo vision

    NASA Tech Briefs, August 1992

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    Topics include: Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences

    Event-Driven Technologies for Reactive Motion Planning: Neuromorphic Stereo Vision and Robot Path Planning and Their Application on Parallel Hardware

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    Die Robotik wird immer mehr zu einem SchlĆ¼sselfaktor des technischen Aufschwungs. Trotz beeindruckender Fortschritte in den letzten Jahrzehnten, Ć¼bertreffen Gehirne von SƤugetieren in den Bereichen Sehen und Bewegungsplanung noch immer selbst die leistungsfƤhigsten Maschinen. Industrieroboter sind sehr schnell und prƤzise, aber ihre Planungsalgorithmen sind in hochdynamischen Umgebungen, wie sie fĆ¼r die Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration (MRK) erforderlich sind, nicht leistungsfƤhig genug. Ohne schnelle und adaptive Bewegungsplanung kann sichere MRK nicht garantiert werden. Neuromorphe Technologien, einschlieƟlich visueller Sensoren und Hardware-Chips, arbeiten asynchron und verarbeiten so raum-zeitliche Informationen sehr effizient. Insbesondere ereignisbasierte visuelle Sensoren sind konventionellen, synchronen Kameras bei vielen Anwendungen bereits Ć¼berlegen. Daher haben ereignisbasierte Methoden ein groƟes Potenzial, schnellere und energieeffizientere Algorithmen zur Bewegungssteuerung in der MRK zu ermƶglichen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Ansatz zur flexiblen reaktiven Bewegungssteuerung eines Roboterarms vorgestellt. Dabei wird die Exterozeption durch ereignisbasiertes Stereosehen erreicht und die Pfadplanung ist in einer neuronalen ReprƤsentation des Konfigurationsraums implementiert. Die Multiview-3D-Rekonstruktion wird durch eine qualitative Analyse in Simulation evaluiert und auf ein Stereo-System ereignisbasierter Kameras Ć¼bertragen. Zur Evaluierung der reaktiven kollisionsfreien Online-Planung wird ein Demonstrator mit einem industriellen Roboter genutzt. Dieser wird auch fĆ¼r eine vergleichende Studie zu sample-basierten Planern verwendet. ErgƤnzt wird dies durch einen Benchmark von parallelen Hardwarelƶsungen wozu als Testszenario Bahnplanung in der Robotik gewƤhlt wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die vorgeschlagenen neuronalen Lƶsungen einen effektiven Weg zur Realisierung einer Robotersteuerung fĆ¼r dynamische Szenarien darstellen. Diese Arbeit schafft eine Grundlage fĆ¼r neuronale Lƶsungen bei adaptiven Fertigungsprozesse, auch in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Menschen, ohne EinbuƟen bei Geschwindigkeit und Sicherheit. Damit ebnet sie den Weg fĆ¼r die Integration von dem Gehirn nachempfundener Hardware und Algorithmen in die Industrierobotik und MRK

    Implantation dā€™un systeĢ€me de videĢosurveillance intelligente pour deĢtecter les chutes en milieu de vie

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    Introduction. Le vieillissement de la population est associeĢ aĢ€ un risque accru de chute menacĢ§ant le maintien des aiĢ‚neĢs aĢ€ domicile et dans la communauteĢ. Les nombreuses conseĢquences neĢfastes des chutes sur la santeĢ de lā€™aiĢ‚neĢ (ex : blessures) et sur son indeĢpendance sont reĢduites lorsque la prise en charge postchute est rapide. Or les proches-aidants intervenant aupreĢ€s des aiĢ‚neĢs en cas de chute ne sont pas assez nombreux et sont souvent conduits aĢ€ lā€™eĢpuisement en raison du fardeau lieĢ aux soins apporteĢs aĢ€ lā€™aiĢ‚neĢ (Ducharme, 2006; Wolff et al., 2017; World Health Organization, 2015). Lā€™eĢlaboration dā€™alternatives pour deĢtecter et alerter lors de chutes devient incontournable pour faciliter le maintien aĢ€ domicile et dans la communauteĢ en seĢcuriteĢ et pour maintenir une qualiteĢ de vie (van Hoof, Kort, Rutten, & Duijnstee, 2011). De nombreuses technologies de deĢtection des chutes ont eĢteĢ deĢveloppeĢes. Cependant elles ont des limites (ex : lā€™enregistrement de donneĢes personnelles) que le systeĢ€me de videĢosurveillance intelligente (VSI) deĢveloppeĢ par notre eĢquipe tente de compenser. La VSI est composeĢe dā€™une cameĢra relieĢe aĢ€ un ordinateur, lui-meĢ‚me relieĢ aĢ€ Internet. BaseĢe sur une analyse informatiseĢe de lā€™image, la VSI deĢtecte automatiquement la chute et envoie une alerte au reĢpondant choisi (ex : le proche-aidant) sur son cellulaire, son ordinateur ou sa tablette. Elle preĢserve la vie priveĢe par son fonctionnement en circuit fermeĢ : en absence de chute, les images sont deĢtruites; lors dā€™une chute, une image de la chute est transmise au reĢpondant, cette image peut eĢ‚tre brouilleĢe aĢ€ la demande de lā€™aiĢ‚neĢ. Si lā€™aiĢ‚neĢ lā€™autorise, il est possible dā€™enregistrer les 30 secondes preĢceĢdant la chute pour documenter ses causes. Les travaux anteĢrieurs montrent que la VSI a le potentiel de reĢpondre aux besoins des usagers (Lapierre et al., 2016, 2015; Londei et al., 2009; Rougier, St-Arnaud, Rousseau, & Meunier, 2011). Cependant, il importe de valider sa technologie et dā€™explorer la perception des usagers dans des conditions eĢcologiques (aĢ€ domicile aupreĢ€s dā€™aiĢ‚neĢs chuteurs) (Atoyebi, Stewart, & Sampson, 2015). But de lā€™eĢtude. BaseĢ sur le ModeĢ€le de compeĢtence expliquant les relations personne- environnement (Rousseau, 2017), cette theĢ€se a pour but dā€™explorer la faisabiliteĢ de lā€™implantation de la VSI pour deĢtecter les chutes aĢ€ domicile afin dā€™ameĢliorer la qualiteĢ de vie de lā€™aiĢ‚neĢ et diminuer le fardeau du proche-aidant. MeĢthodologie. La theĢ€se suit un devis de recherche de deĢveloppement (Contandriopoulos, Champagne, Potvin, Denis, & Boyle, 2005) en quatre eĢtapes. Lā€™eĢtape 1 consistait en deux revues de la porteĢe (Daudt, Van Mossel, & Scott, 2013) traitant respectivement des technologies de deĢtection des chutes et des technologies de gestion de lā€™errance. Plusieurs banques de donneĢes ont eĢteĢ exploreĢes (ex: CINHAL, Medline, Embase). Chaque eĢtape de seĢlection des eĢtudes, puis dā€™extraction et dā€™analyse des donneĢes a eĢteĢ reĢaliseĢe indeĢpendamment par deux co-auteurs. Leurs reĢsultats ont eĢteĢ compareĢs et les deĢsaccords ont eĢteĢ reĢsolus par consensus ou par lā€™intervention dā€™un tiers. Les donneĢes extraites ont eĢteĢ analyseĢes de facĢ§on descriptive (Fortin & Gagnon, 2015). Lā€™eĢtape 2 eĢtait une eĢtude de cas multiples (Yin, 2014) aupreĢ€s de six aiĢ‚neĢes chuteuses vivant seules, concernant lā€™implantation aĢ€ domicile dā€™une version preĢalable aĢ€ la VSI, la videĢosurveillance programmable (VSP). La VSP a eĢteĢ installeĢe durant sept nuits chez les participantes pour observer leurs deĢplacements lors des leveĢs la nuit pour aller aĢ€ la toilette. Des entrevues semi-structureĢes ont eĢteĢ reĢaliseĢes avant puis apreĢ€s lā€™expeĢrimentation. Les donneĢes ont eĢteĢ analyseĢes qualitativement (Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2014; Yin, 2014). Lā€™eĢtape 3 eĢtait une preuve de concept en deux phases : 1) une eĢtude de simulation en appartement-laboratoire (Contandriopoulos, Champagne, Potvin, Denis, & Boyle, 2005) et 2) un preĢ-test au domicile de jeunes adultes. La phase 1 impliquait la simulation de scenarios de la vie quotidienne et de scenarios de chutes afin dā€™estimer la sensibiliteĢ, la speĢcificiteĢ, le taux dā€™erreur et la preĢcision de la VSI. Le preĢ-test consistait en lā€™implantation de la VSI aĢ€ domicile pendant 28 jours afin dā€™anticiper les difficulteĢs technologiques lieĢes aĢ€ une implantation prolongeĢe. Pour les deux phases, un journal de bord a eĢteĢ compleĢteĢ afin de documenter le fonctionnement de la VSI puis les donneĢes ont eĢteĢ analyseĢes descriptivement. Lā€™eĢtape 4 eĢtait une eĢtude de cas multiples (Yin, 2014) aupreĢ€s de trois dyades aiĢ‚neĢs/proches-aidants. Les aiĢ‚neĢs inclus, preĢsentant un risque de chute eĢleveĢ, vivaient seuls aĢ€ domicile. La VSI eĢtait implanteĢe pour deux mois, avec le proche-aidant comme destinataire des alertes. Une entrevue semi-structureĢe eĢtait reĢaliseĢe, avant, aĢ€ mi-parcours et apreĢ€s lā€™expeĢrimentation. Les donneĢes ont eĢteĢ analyseĢes qualitativement (Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2014; Yin, 2014). ReĢsultats. Les reĢsultats ont abouti aĢ€ lā€™adaptation de la VSI pour explorer la faisabiliteĢ de son implantation aĢ€ domicile afin de deĢtecter les chutes graves. Lā€™eĢtape 1 a souligneĢ les lacunes dans la litteĢrature, dont certaines ont eĢteĢ combleĢes par le projet de theĢ€se (ex : manque dā€™eĢtude explorant lā€™implantation de systeĢ€mes ambiants dans des domiciles varieĢs). Cette eĢtape a aussi permis dā€™identifier les facĢ§ons de bonifier la VSI et sa proceĢdure dā€™implantation. Lā€™eĢtape 2 a mis en eĢvidence des facteurs pouvant faciliter ou freiner lā€™implantation de systeĢ€mes de cameĢras aĢ€ domicile. Lā€™eĢtape 3 a permis de valider la technologie de la VSI dans un environnement similaire aĢ€ celui de lā€™aiĢ‚neĢ et de reĢsoudre les probleĢ€mes techniques lieĢs aĢ€ lā€™implantation prolongeĢe du systeĢ€me. Enfin, lā€™eĢtape 4 a permis dā€™explorer la faisabiliteĢ de lā€™implantation de la VSI au domicile dā€™aiĢ‚neĢs chuteurs pendant une peĢriode de deux mois. Discussion. Cette recherche de deĢveloppement a permis dā€™adapter la VSI pour son implantation graĢ‚ce aĢ€ plusieurs eĢtapes de recherche (des revues de la porteĢe, une preuve de concept, eĢtude de cas multiple) puis de montrer la faisabiliteĢ de son implantation. Les reĢsultats ont abouti aĢ€ lā€™identification de facteurs influencĢ§ant lā€™implantation de la VSI aĢ€ domicile et ont permis dā€™eĢmettre des recommandations aĢ€ cet eĢgard. Cette recherche est originale notamment sur trois aspects: 1) lā€™implication dā€™une eĢquipe multidisciplinaire, 2) une conception technologique centreĢe sur lā€™usager, 3) lā€™implantation aĢ€ domicile de la technologie. MeĢ‚me si des deĢfis persistent quant aĢ€ son implantation aĢ€ domicile (ex. reĢduire lā€™eĢcart de performance du systeĢ€me entre lā€™appartement-laboratoire et le domicile), cette eĢtude encourage la poursuite du deĢveloppement de la VSI. Conclusion. Cette theĢ€se visait aĢ€ reĢpondre aĢ€ la probleĢmatique des chutes des aiĢ‚neĢs aĢ€ domicile graĢ‚ce aĢ€ lā€™implantation dā€™un systeĢ€me de videĢosurveillance intelligente pour alerter automatiquement le proche-aidant. Les reĢsultats de cette recherche de deĢveloppement, soulignent que la VSI serait une avenue prometteuse pour deĢtecter les chutes graves, alerter le proche et documenter la cause des chutes. Les futures recherches sur lā€™implantation de technologies similaires devraient impliquer des devis de recherche quantitatifs, avec notamment des profils plus varieĢs de proches-aidants et une implantation plus longue pour deĢmontrer les effets de la VSI. La VSI pourrait ensuite devenir accessible aux aiĢ‚neĢs afin de ļæ¼ļæ¼soutenir leur maintien aĢ€ domicile et dans la communauteĢ et soulager le fardeau des proches- aidants.Introduction. Aging is associated with an increased risk of fall, which threatens Aging in Place. The numerous and serious consequences of falls on the older adultā€™s health and independence are reduced with a quick intervention. Yet the informal caregivers, who often intervene in case of a fall are not numerous enough and are often worn out because of the burden related to the care provided for the older adult (Ducharme, 2006; Wolff et al., 2017; World Health Organization, 2015). The development of alternatives to detect and alert in case of a fall becomes essential to facilitate Aging in Place in safety and to maintain a quality of life (van Hoof, Kort, Rutten, & Duijnstee, 2011). Many fall detection systems have been developed. However, they have limits (eg. the recording of personal data), that the intelligent videomonitoring system (IVS) tries to compensate. The IVS is composed of one camera linked to a computer and to the Internet. Based on the computerized analysis of the images, the IVS automatically detects falls and sends an alert to the chosen recipient (eg. the informal caregiver) on his smartphone, computer or tablet. The IVS preserves privacy with its closed circuit functioning: without a fall, the images are destroyed; in case of a fall, an image of the fall can be sent to the recipient. This image can be blurred at the request of the older adult. The 30 seconds before the fall can be recorded to document its causes, if the older adult authorizes it. Previous studies on the IVS show that the IVS has the potential to answer the usersā€™ needs (Lapierre et al., 2016, 2015; Londei et al., 2009; Rougier, St-Arnaud, Rousseau, & Meunier, 2011). However, it is important to validate its technology and explore usersā€™ perception in ecological conditions (at home with older adults at risk of fall) (Atoyebi, Stewart, & Sampson, 2015). Purpose. Based on the Model of Competence explaining the person-environment interactions (Rousseau, 2017), the study aims to explore the feasibility of the IVS implementation to detect falls at home in order to improve the older adultā€™s quality of life and decrease the caregiverā€™s burden. Methodology. The thesis follows a development research design (Contandriopoulos, Champagne, Potvin, Denis, & Boyle, 2005) in four steps. Step 1 was two scoping reviews (Daudt, Van Mossel, & Scott, 2013) on fall detection technology and on wandering management technology respectively. Many databases have been searched (eg. CINHAL, Medline, Embase). Each step of the study selection, data extraction and analysis have been independently realised by two co-authors. Results were compared and disagreements were solved by consensus or by a third part intervention. Extracted data were descriptively analysed (Fortin & Gagnon, 2015). Step 2 was a multiple case study (Yin, 2014) with six older adults living alone with a risk of fall, on the implementation of a previous version of the IVS, the programmable videomonitoring system. The programmable videomonitoring system was installed for seven nights at home to observe participants walk when they went to the bathroom at night. Semi- structured interviews were realised before and after the experiment. Data were qualitatively analysed (Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2014). Step 3 was a proof of concept in two phases: 1) a simulation study in an apartment- laboratory (Contandriopoulos, Champagne, Potvin, Denis, & Boyle, 2005) and 2) a pre-test at home with young adults. Phase 1 implied a simulation of daily living scenarios and falls scenarios to estimate the sensitivity, specificity, error rate and accuracy of the IVS. The pre- test consisted in the implementation of the IVS at home for 28 days to anticipate the technological difficulties related to extended implementation. For the two phases, a logbook was completed to document the IVS functioning, then data were descriptively analysed. Step 4 was a multiple case study (Yin, 2014) with three dyads of older adults/caregivers. The included older adults had a high risk of fall and lived alone. The IVS was implemented for a two-month period with the informal caregiver as the alerts recipient. A semi-structured interview was realised before, at mid-term, and after the experiment. Data were qualitatively analysed (Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2014). Results. Results encompass the adaptation of the IVS to explore the feasibility of its implementation at home to detect serious falls. Step 1 highlighted the gaps in the literature, some of which were filled by the thesis project (eg. lack of studies exploring the implementation of ambient system in various homes). This step also enabled us to identify ways to improve the IVS and its implementation process. Step 2 highlighted factors facilitating or hindering the implementation of cameras system at home. Step 3 has enabled us to validate the technology in a similar environment to the older adultā€™s home and to solve technical difficulties related to the prolonged implementation. Finally, step 4 enabled us to explore the feasibility of the implementation of the IVS at older adultsā€™ home for a two-month period. Discussion. This development research enabled us to adapt the IVS for its implementation by means of four research steps (scoping reviews, proof of concept, multiple case study), and then to show the feasibility of its implementation. Results led to the identification of factors influencing the IVS at home and enabled us to make recommendations in this regard. This thesis is original on three aspects: 1) the implication of a multidisciplinary team, 2) a user-based conception, 3) the implementation of the technology at home. Despite the remaining challenges regarding the implementation (eg. the performance discrepancy between the home and the apartment-laboratory), this study encourages the further development of the VSI. Conclusion. This thesis aimed to address the problematic of falls at home thanks to the implementation of the IVS to automatically alert the informal caregiver. Results from this development research highlight that the IVS may be a promising way to detect serious falls, to alert the caregiver and document the falls causes. Future researches should be involving quantitative designs, more specifically with more various profiles of informal caregivers and a longer period of implementation, to demonstrate the IVS outcomes. The IVS could then become accessible to the older adult to support Aging in place and relieve the caregiverā€™s burden