40 research outputs found

    Peak load scheduling in smart grid using cloud computing

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    In this paper present peak, energy management attainable is feasible by monitoring real-time readings of whole loads within the college premises victimization this schedule loads so energy saving is possible. Currently, cloud computing technology offer on-line real-time monitoring knowledge, we have a tendency to create project supported cloud computing application for energy management that is employed for monitoring real time consumption of electricity and load planning. With respect to monitoring knowledge, we have a tendency to be able to plot the load curves so it'll be useful in achieving optimum energy consumption for educational institute

    Cooperative energy management for a cluster of households prosumers

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe increment of electrical and electronic appliances for improving the lifestyle of residential consumers had led to a larger demand of energy. In order to supply their energy requirements, the consumers have changed the paradigm by integrating renewable energy sources to their power grid. Therefore, consumers become prosumers in which they internally generate and consume energy looking for an autonomous operation. This paper proposes an energy management system for coordinating the operation of distributed household prosumers. It was found that better performance is achieved when cooperative operation with other prosumers in a neighborhood environment is achieved. Simulation and experimental results validate the proposed strategy by comparing the performance of islanded prosumers with the operation in cooperative modePeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Developing the system of collecting, storing and processing information from solar collectors

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    В данной статье представлена новая методика управления системой сбора, хранения и обработки информации от солнечных коллекторов, которая может применяться для обогрева промышленных и бытовых отсеков для горячего водоснабжения. Наиболее выгодное использование солнечных коллекторов в промышленности - замена помех от человека сетями беспроводных датчиков. Стандартная система солнечного коллектора потребляет в среднем 30% тепла из-за плохого управления и конфигурации. Наша система контроля и управления позволяет повысить производительность обогрева производственных и бытовых помещений с помощью солнечного коллектора для горячего водоснабжения

    Developing the system of collecting, storing and processing information from solar collectors

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    В данной статье представлена новая методика управления системой сбора, хранения и обработки информации от солнечных коллекторов, которая может применяться для обогрева промышленных и бытовых отсеков для горячего водоснабжения. Наиболее выгодное использование солнечных коллекторов в промышленности - замена помех от человека сетями беспроводных датчиков. Стандартная система солнечного коллектора потребляет в среднем 30% тепла из-за плохого управления и конфигурации. Наша система контроля и управления позволяет повысить производительность обогрева производственных и бытовых помещений с помощью солнечного коллектора для горячего водоснабжения


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    Since that time, ZigBee technologies have been extensively utilized in a wide range of fields, supplying communications and sensing with low power consumption, high reliability, and multi-node networking. With regards to the consumer market in ZigBee-related technologies have existed for any lengthy time but aren't yet globally used. Regarding smart families for example, costs, system installation and operational complexity affect consumer acceptance. ZigBee, which is often used mainly to make short-range wireless connections, is really a communication technology that's a hybrid of wireless marking technology and Bluetooth wireless technology. The machine is operated utilizing a ZigBee remote controller, tablet or cell phone with an Ethernet or Wi-Fi. The primary concept of the suggested product is to supply better and efficient health services towards the patients by applying a networked information cloud so the experts and doctors could utilize this data and supply a quick as well as an efficient solution. Compare the particular RSSI values using the average of 30 RSSI values of automatic lighting configuration by sampling the sunlight return records every thirty seconds. Full deployment of smart meters was already finished in Italia and Norway, and mass rollout is ongoing in Finland and The country. This infrastructure, if used correctly, can offer not only recording use of electricity or perhaps a decision support tool to aid energy usage by users. Better consumer awareness is anticipated to lead to reduced energy consumption thus reducing the requirement for additional power plants which generate green house gases. Restricting and reducing electricity usage during peak periods can lead to cutting lower on the necessity of using peeked plants which usually make greater carbon emissions


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    Since that time, ZigBee technologies have been extensively utilized in a wide range of fields, supplying communications and sensing with low power consumption, high reliability, and multi-node networking. With regards to the consumer market in ZigBee-related technologies have existed for any lengthy time but aren't yet globally used. Regarding smart families for example, costs, system installation and operational complexity affect consumer acceptance. ZigBee, which is often used mainly to make short-range wireless connections, is really a communication technology that's a hybrid of wireless marking technology and Bluetooth wireless technology. The machine is operated utilizing a ZigBee remote controller, tablet or cell phone with an Ethernet or Wi-Fi. The primary concept of the suggested product is to supply better and efficient health services towards the patients by applying a networked information cloud so the experts and doctors could utilize this data and supply a quick as well as an efficient solution. Compare the particular RSSI values using the average of 30 RSSI values of automatic lighting configuration by sampling the sunlight return records every thirty seconds. Full deployment of smart meters was already finished in Italia and Norway, and mass rollout is ongoing in Finland and The country. This infrastructure, if used correctly, can offer not only recording use of electricity or perhaps a decision support tool to aid energy usage by users. Better consumer awareness is anticipated to lead to reduced energy consumption thus reducing the requirement for additional power plants which generate green house gases. Restricting and reducing electricity usage during peak periods can lead to cutting lower on the necessity of using peeked plants which usually make greater carbon emissions

    Cost effective & energy efficient intelligent smart home system based on loT

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    Smart Home reduces the need for active involvement of users in the process of monitoring and regulating household appliances. This study provides a method for developing Smart Home Energy Efficiency applications through integration of IoT (Internet of Things) with IP-based switching of Web services as well as Cloud Technology. The methodology embeds intelligent systems and machine learning into the design in addition to using the Poisson process along with the actuators and sensors in Arduino environment. Moreover, we apply the use fault detection to validate the efficiency and feasibility of the Smart Home implementation by assessing the home environments, taking care of home equipment, appliances and regulating home access.Akıllı Ev, kullanıcıların ev aletlerini izleme ve düzenleme sürecinde aktif katılım ihtiyacını azaltır. Bu çalışma, IoT'nin (Nesnelerin İnterneti) Internet tabanlı IP servislerinin yanı sıra Bulut Teknolojisi ile entegrasyonuyla Akıllı Ev Enerjisi Verimliliği uygulamalarının geliştirilmesi için bir yöntem sunmaktadır. Metodoloji, Poisson sürecinin Arduino ortamındaki aktüatörler ve sensörler ile birlikte kullanılmasının yanı sıra, akıllı sistemler ve makine öğrenmesini tasarıma dahil eder. Ayrıca, Akıllı Ortam uygulamasının etkinliğini ve uygulanabilirliğini doğrulamak için, ev ortamlarını değerlendirerek, ev eşyalarına, cihazlara ve ev erişimini düzenleyerek kullanım hatası tespitini sağlar


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    Mengingat kebutuhan energi listrik yang terus meningkat, diperlukan pola detail penggunaan listrik, untuk mengubah suatu penggunaaan konsumen kelistrikan dan mengurangi konsumsi energi global. Dalam pengelolaan suatu energi, pembebanan listrik diperlukan untuk mengatur jika terjadi peningkatan suatu beban di sektor kelistrikan. Hal ini bertujuan, kurva beban listrik dapat mendeteksi suatu beban puncak dari penggunaan energi yang berlebihan. Penelitian ini, merupakan metode kecerdasan buatan fuzzy logic untuk mengolah suatu aturan variabel input dan menghasilkan sebuah konsumsi energi yang telah dipakai. Pada konsumsi energi yang dihasilkan, kurva beban listrik dipengaruhi oleh suatu faktor variabel seperti periode penggunaan peralatan dan jumlah penghuni. Data input yang digunakan untuk sistem fuzzy logic ini adalah data aktual periode penggunaan waktu peralatan yang dipakai setiap hari dan data input jumlah penghuni memakai peralatan. Dari hasil yang didapatkan, tingkat akurasi antara data aktual dan data fuzzy logic akan diperoleh dari nilai mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi suatu pemodelan sistem pendeteksi energi listrik pada tempat tinggal atau perkantoran, karena akan memudahkan dalam pemakaian energi suatu peralatan. Remembering the increasing demand for electrical energy, a detailed pattern of electricity use is needed to change a consumer's use of electricity and reduce global energy consumption. In the management of an energy, electrical loading is needed to regulate if there is an increase in a load in the electricity sector. This is intended, through the electrical load curve to detect a peak load from excessive energy use. This research is about fuzzy logic artificial intelligence method to process a rule of input variables and produce an energy consumption that has been used. In the resulting energy consumption, the electric load curve is influenced by a variable factor such as the period of use of the equipment and the number of occupants. The input data used for this fuzzy logic system is the actual data for the period of time used for the equipment used every day and the input data for the number of occupants using the equipment. From the results obtained, the level of accuracy between the actual data and fuzzy logic data will be obtained from the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). And hoped this research can be a modeling of an electrical energy detection system in a residence or office, because it will facilitate the use of energy in an equipment