164 research outputs found

    Real-Time Machine Learning Models To Detect Cyber And Physical Anomalies In Power Systems

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    A Smart Grid is a cyber-physical system (CPS) that tightly integrates computation and networking with physical processes to provide reliable two-way communication between electricity companies and customers. However, the grid availability and integrity are constantly threatened by both physical faults and cyber-attacks which may have a detrimental socio-economic impact. The frequency of the faults and attacks is increasing every year due to the extreme weather events and strong reliance on the open internet architecture that is vulnerable to cyber-attacks. In May 2021, for instance, Colonial Pipeline, one of the largest pipeline operators in the U.S., transports refined gasoline and jet fuel from Texas up the East Coast to New York was forced to shut down after being attacked by ransomware, causing prices to rise at gasoline pumps across the country. Enhancing situational awareness within the grid can alleviate these risks and avoid their adverse consequences. As part of this process, the phasor measurement units (PMU) are among the suitable assets since they collect time-synchronized measurements of grid status (30-120 samples/s), enabling the operators to react rapidly to potential anomalies. However, it is still challenging to process and analyze the open-ended source of PMU data as there are more than 2500 PMU distributed across the U.S. and Canada, where each of which generates more than 1.5 TB/month of streamed data. Further, the offline machine learning algorithms cannot be used in this scenario, as they require loading and scanning the entire dataset before processing. The ultimate objective of this dissertation is to develop early detection of cyber and physical anomalies in a real-time streaming environment setting by mining multi-variate large-scale synchrophasor data. To accomplish this objective, we start by investigating the cyber and physical anomalies, analyzing their impact, and critically reviewing the current detection approaches. Then, multiple machine learning models were designed to identify physical and cyber anomalies; the first one is an artificial neural network-based approach for detecting the False Data Injection (FDI) attack. This attack was specifically selected as it poses a serious risk to the integrity and availability of the grid; Secondly, we extend this approach by developing a Random Forest Regressor-based model which not only detects anomalies, but also identifies their location and duration; Lastly, we develop a real-time hoeffding tree-based model for detecting anomalies in steaming networks, and explicitly handling concept drifts. These models have been tested and the experimental results confirmed their superiority over the state-of-the-art models in terms of detection accuracy, false-positive rate, and processing time, making them potential candidates for strengthening the grid\u27s security

    Defending Against Adversarial Attacks in Transmission- and Distribution-level PMU Data

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    Phasor measurement units (PMUs) provide high-fidelity data that improve situation awareness of electric power grid operations. PMU datastreams inform wide-area state estimation, monitor area control error, and facilitate event detection in real time. As PMU data become more available and increasingly reliable, these devices are found in new roles within control systems, such as remedial action schemes and early warning detection systems. As with other cyber physical systems, maintaining data integrity and security pose a significant challenge for power system operators. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of multiple machine learning techniques to detect malicious data injection within PMU data streams. The two datasets used in this study come from two PMU networks: an inter-university, research-grade distribution network spanning three institutions in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, and a utility transmission network from the Bonneville Power Administration. We implement the detection algorithms with TensorFlow, an open-source software library for machine learning, and the results demonstrate potential for distributing the training workload and achieving higher performance, while maintaining effectiveness in the detection of spoofed data.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Noise Resilient Learning for Attack Detection in Smart Grid Pmu Infrastructure

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    Falsified data from compromised Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) in a smart grid induce Energy Management Systems (EMS) to have an inaccurate estimation of the state of the grid, disrupting various operations of the power grid. Moreover, the PMUs deployed at the distribution layer of a smart grid show dynamic fluctuations in their data streams, which make it extremely challenging to design effective learning frameworks for anomaly-based attack detection. In this paper, we propose a noise resilient learning framework for anomaly-based attack detection specifically for distribution layer PMU infrastructure, that show real time indicators of data falsifications attacks while offsetting the effect of false alarms caused by the noise. Specifically, we propose a feature extraction framework that uses some Pythagorean Means of the active power from a cluster of PMUs, reducing multi-dimensional nature of the PMU data streams via quick big data summarization. We also propose a robust and noise resilient methodology for learning thresholds based on generalized robust estimation theory of our invariant feature. We experimentally validate our approach and demonstrate improved reliability performance using two completely different datasets collected from real distribution level PMU infrastructures

    Towards Automated Machine Learning on Imperfect Data for Situational Awareness in Power System

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    The increasing penetration of renewable energy sources (such as solar and wind) and incoming widespread electric vehicles charging introduce new challenges in the power system. Due to the variability and uncertainty of these sources, reliable and cost-effective operations of the power system rely on high level of situational awareness. Thanks to the wide deployment of sensors (e.g., phasor measurement units (PMUs) and smart meters) and the emerging smart Internet of Things (IoT) sensing devices in the electric grid, large amounts of data are being collected, which provide golden opportunities to achieve high level of situational awareness for reliable and cost-effective grid operations.To better utilize the data, this dissertation aims to develop Machine Learning (ML) methods and provide fundamental understanding and systematic exploitation of ML for situational awareness using large amounts of imperfect data collected in power systems, in order to improve the reliability and resilience of power systems.However, building excellent ML models needs clean, accurate and sufficient training data. The data collected from the real-world power system is of low quality. For example, the data collected from wind farms contains a mixture of ramp and non-ramp as well as the mingle of heterogeneous dynamics data; the data in the transmission grid contains noisy, missing, insufficient and inaccurate timestamp data. Employing ML without considering these distinct features in real-world applications cannot build good ML models. This dissertation aims to address these challenges in two applications, wind generation forecast and power system event classification, by developing ML models in an automated way with less efforts from domain experts, as the cost of processing such large amounts of imperfect data by experts can be prohibitive in practice.First, we take heterogeneous dynamics into consideration, especially for ramp events. A Drifting Streaming Peaks-over-Threshold (DSPOT) enhanced self-evolving neural networks-based short-term wind farm generation forecast is proposed by utilizing dynamic ramp thresholds to separate the ramp and non-ramp events, based on which different neural networks are trained to learn different dynamics of wind farm generation. As the efficacy of the neural networks relies on the quality of training datasets (i.e., the classification accuracy of ramp and non-ramp events), a Bayesian optimization based approach is developed to optimize the parameters of DSPOT to enhance the quality of the training datasets and the corresponding performance of the neural networks. Experimental results show that compared with other forecast approaches, the proposed forecast approach can substantially improve the forecast accuracy, especially for ramp events. Next, we address the challenges of event classification due to the low-quality PMU measurements and event logs. A novel machine learning framework is proposed for robust event classification, which consists of three main steps: data preprocessing, fine-grained event data extraction, and feature engineering. Specifically, the data preprocessing step addresses the data quality issues of PMU measurements (e.g., bad data and missing data); in the fine-grained event data extraction step, a model-free event detection method is developed to accurately localize the events from the inaccurate event timestamps in the event logs; and the feature engineering step constructs the event features based on the patterns of different event types, in order to improve the performance and the interpretability of the event classifiers. Moreover, with the small number of good features, we need much less training data to train a good event classifier, which can address the challenge of insufficient and imbalanced training data, and the training time is negligible compared to neural network based approaches. Based on the proposed framework, we developed a workflow for event classification using the real-world PMU data streaming into the system in real time. Using the proposed framework, robust event classifiers can be efficiently trained based on many off-the-shelf lightweight machine learning models. Numerical experiments using the real-world dataset from the Western Interconnection of the U.S power transmission grid show that the event classifiers trained under the proposed framework can achieve high classification accuracy while being robust against low-quality data. Subsequently, we address the challenge of insufficient training labels. The real-world PMU data is often incomplete and noisy, which can significantly reduce the efficacy of existing machine learning techniques that require high-quality labeled training data. To obtain high-quality event logs for large amounts of PMU measurements, it requires significant efforts from domain experts to maintain the event logs and even hand-label the events, which can be prohibitively costly or impractical in practice. So we develop a weakly supervised machine learning approach that can learn a good event classifier using a few labeled PMU data. The key idea is to learn the labels from unlabeled data using a probabilistic generative model, in order to improve the training of the event classifiers. Experimental results show that even with 95\% of unlabeled data, the average accuracy of the proposed method can still achieve 78.4\%. This provides a promising way for domain experts to maintain the event logs in a less expensive and automated manner. Finally, we conclude the dissertation and discuss future directions

    Event Detection in Micro-PMU Data: A Generative Adversarial Network Scoring Method

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    A new data-driven method is proposed to detect events in the data streams from distribution-level phasor measurement units, a.k.a., micro-PMUs. The proposed method is developed by constructing unsupervised deep learning anomaly detection models; thus, providing event detection algorithms that require no or minimal human knowledge. First, we develop the core components of our approach based on a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) model. We refer to this method as the basic method. It uses the same features that are often used in the literature to detect events in micro-PMU data. Next, we propose a second method, which we refer to as the enhanced method, which is enforced with additional feature analysis. Both methods can detect point signatures on single features and also group signatures on multiple features. This capability can address the unbalanced nature of power distribution circuits. The proposed methods are evaluated using real-world micro-PMU data. We show that both methods highly outperform a state-of-the-art statistical method in terms of the event detection accuracy. The enhanced method also outperforms the basic method

    Anomaly Detection and Mitigation for Wide-Area Damping Control using Machine Learning

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    In an interconnected multi-area power system, wide-area measurement based damping controllers are used to damp out inter-area oscillations, which jeopardize grid stability and constrain the power flows below to their transmission capacity. The effect of wide-area damping control (WADC) significantly depends on both power and cyber systems. At the cyber system layer, an adversary can inflict the WADC process by compromising either measurement signals, control signals or both. Stealthy and coordinated cyber-attacks may bypass the conventional cybersecurity measures to disrupt the seamless operation of WADC. This paper proposes an anomaly detection (AD) algorithm using supervised Machine Learning and a model-based logic for mitigation. The proposed AD algorithm considers measurement signals (input of WADC) and control signals (output of WADC) as input to evaluate the type of activity such as normal, perturbation (small or large signal faults), attack and perturbation-and-attack. Upon anomaly detection, the mitigation module tunes the WADC signal and sets the control status mode as either wide-area mode or local mode. The proposed anomaly detection and mitigation (ADM) module works inline with the WADC at the control center for attack detection on both measurement and control signals and eliminates the need for ADMs at the geographically distributed actuators. We consider coordinated and primitive data-integrity attack vectors such as pulse, ramp, relay-trip and replay attacks. The performance of the proposed ADM algorithms was evaluated under these attack vector scenarios on a testbed environment for 2-area 4-machine power system. The ADM module shows effective performance with 96.5% accuracy to detect anomalies

    Data Mining Framework for Monitoring Attacks In Power Systems

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    Vast deployment of Wide Area Measurement Systems (WAMS) has facilitated in increased understanding and intelligent management of the current complex power systems. Phasor Measurement Units (PMU\u27s), being the integral part of WAMS transmit high quality system information to the control centers every second. With the North American Synchro Phasor Initiative (NAPSI), the number of PMUs deployed across the system has been growing rapidly. With this increase in the number of PMU units, the amount of data accumulated is also growing in a tremendous manner. This increase in the data necessitates the use of sophisticated data processing, data reduction, data analysis and data mining techniques. WAMS is also closely associated with the information and communication technologies that are capable of implementing intelligent protection and control actions in order to improve the reliability and efficiency of the existing power systems. Along with the myriad of advantages that these measurements systems, informational and communication technologies bring, they also lead to a close synergy between heterogeneous physical and cyber components which unlocked access points for easy cyber intrusions. This easy access has resulted in various cyber attacks on control equipment consequently increasing the vulnerability of the power systems.;This research proposes a data mining based methodology that is capable of identifying attacks in the system using the real time data. The proposed methodology employs an online clustering technique to monitor only limited number of measuring units (PMU\u27s) deployed across the system. Two different classification algorithms are implemented to detect the occurrence of attacks along with its location. This research also proposes a methodology to differentiate physical attacks with malicious data attacks and declare attack severity and criticality. The proposed methodology is implemented on IEEE 24 Bus reliability Test System using data generated for attacks at different locations, under different system topologies and operating conditions. Different cross validation studies are performed to determine all the user defined variables involved in data mining studies. The performance of the proposed methodology is completely analyzed and results are demonstrated. Finally the strengths and limitations of the proposed approach are discussed