15 research outputs found

    Kota Cerdas Dan Mobilitas Cerdas: Sebuah Tinjauan Literatur

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    Cities have a variety of issues that arise. Today's advancements in information and communication technology provide many benefits to human life, including urban management. This article discusses Smart City or Smart City, as well as one of its aspects, Smart Mobility or Smart Mobility. The research method used is a literature review or study of journal articles, books, and previous studies on this research topic. According to the study's findings, Smart City is a concept that combines information and communication technology with urban infrastructure, of course, this integration is also carried out on transportation infrastructure to facilitate public access to public transportation infrastructure and also traffic conditions easily, this also known as smart mobility make it easier to manage urban areas, and then to capture public opinion through digital applications, and manage information to make decisions and policy. Easy public access to transportation infrastructure is also expected to increase public interest in switching to public transportation and changing their behavior patterns in traffic

    Esineiden internet ja älykaupungit: Älykaupunkien kehitys – mahdollisuudet ja uhat

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    Esineiden internet viittaa laajaan joukkoon erilaisia esineitä, jotka ovat yhdistettyinä verkkoon ja lähettävät sekä mahdollisesti vastaanottavat tietoa verkon avulla. Näiden esineiden määrä on kasvanut räjähdysmäisesti ja onkin jo suurempi kuin maapallon väkiluku. Nykyään tekniikka on kehittynyt jo niin pitkälle, että pystytään rakentamaan kokonaisia älykaupunkeja joidenka infrastruktuuri ja palveluiden tuottaminen perustuu esineiden internetin avulla toimivaan teknologiaan. Nopea kehitys on tuonut eteemme ennennäkemättömiä mahdollisuuksia sekä uhkia. Tämä kandidaatintutkielma on kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka perustuu pääosin verkosta löydettävissä oleviin vertaisarvioituihin tieteellisiin artikkeleihin. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, mitä uhkia ja mahdollisuuksia aiheuttaa esineiden internetiin kytkettyjen laitteiden määrän nopea kasvu. Tätä on tarkoitus lähestyä erityisesti älykaupunkien näkökulmasta. Tutkielmassa kerrotaan mikä on esineiden internet. Esitellään esineiden internetin kehitys nykyisen kaltaiseksi niin valtavaksi ilmiöksi, että kokonaisten kaupunkien infrastruktuuri ja informaatiovirrat voidaan rakentaa toimimaan sen avulla. Lisäksi esitellään myös älykaupungit ja käydään läpi miten ne ovat kehittyneet futuristisista visioista todellisuudeksi. Lähdeaineiston avulla pyritään selvittämään millaisia mahdollisuuksia kehitys tarjoaa. sekä arvioida miten kehitystä voitaisiin mahdollisesti parantaa. Tutkielmassa keskitytään erityisesti kahteen kysymykseen. Mitä mahdollisuuksia esineiden internetin avulla kehitetyt älykaupungit tarjoavat, ja millaisia riskejä esineiden internet ja älykaupungit aiheuttavat? Kaupunkien väestömäärät kasvavat nopeasti ja tämän vuoksi kaupunkien kehittyminen onkin jatkuvaa kamppailua resurssien riittävyyden kanssa. Tutkielmassa selvitetään älykaupunkien tähän tarjoamia ratkaisuja erityisesti kolmen eri osatekijän näkökulmasta. Älykäs rakennettu elinympäristö auttaa tehostamaan kaupungin tarjoamia kriittisiä toimintoja sekä palveluja. Älykäs liikenne auttaa kontrolloimaan liikennevirtoja ja optimoimaan joukkoliikenteen aikatauluja sekä reittejä. Innovaatioekosysteemi puolestaan auttaa kehittämään sekä kaupungin inhimillistä pääomaa että taloutta ja on tärkeä tulevaisuuden innovaatioiden mahdollistaja. Tutkielman perusteella tietoturvallisuudelle suurimpia haasteita tuottavat tekniset ongelmat kuten laitteiden ja ohjelmistojen yhteensopivuus. Suurimmat kehityksen tuomat uhat liittyvät laitteiden tietoturvaan, digitaaliseen eriarvoistumiseen, yksityisyyteen sekä turvallisuuteen. Nyt kun kaupunkiteknologiat ja monet palvelut tuotetaan esineiden internetiä apuna käyttäen, kaupungin infrastruktuuri sekä ihmisten fyysinen turvallisuus ovat alttiina myös etänä suoritettaville hyökkäyksille. Älykaupunkien kehittämisessä tietoturvallisuuden vaatimusten tunteminen ja päivittäminen onkin erityisen tärkeää riskien minimoimiseksi

    Sustainability’s Coming Home: Preliminary Design Principles for the Sustainable Smart District

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    Consumer trends like local consumption, sharing of property, and environmental awareness change our habits and thereby our surroundings. These trends have their origin in our direct environment, in the districts of our city or community, where we live and socialize. Cities and districts are changing to “smart cities” and “smart districts” as a part of the ongoing digitalization. These changes offer the possibility to entrench the idea of sustainability and build a platform-based ecosystem for a sustainable smart district. This research aims to identify guidelines in form of preliminary design principles for sustainable smart districts. To achieve this, we conduct a structured literature review. On this basis, we derive and develop preliminary design principles with the help of semistructured interviews and a non-representative sample of the German population. The resulting nine preliminary design principles describe a first insight into the design of sustainable smart districts

    The Role and Important of Internet of Things in Building Sustainable City

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    Every year many people migrate from country to city to live there. This will load a big pressure on the whole living in the city, Baghdad city also suffer from this problem in addition to other found problems like energy consumption , waste accumulate , Traffic congestion, noise, environmental pollution. To offer a good sustainable future living to population without any damage to environment and to solve many problems , one can use internet of things which is the connection network of the things especially with high spread of networks now which Internet of things based on it .the purpose of this research is to explain internet of things (IoT) and its role in solving many problems in the city , by using of the data collect by internet of things and to respond in real time to know problems and to enable planning and building city in a valuable sustainable way . As well as to explain the concept and models of smart city and its relationship to the sustainable city and Internets of things. In addition, to demonstrate in a simplified way the possibility of using the Internet of things to solve the problems in the Baghdad city and to raise the standard of life of its inhabitant is in a sustainable smart way. Taking this in the strategic planning of Baghdad city

    Sustainability's Coming Home : Preliminary Design Principles for the Sustainable Smart District

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    Consumer trends like local consumption, sharing of property, and environmental awareness change our habits and thereby our surroundings. These trends have their origin in our direct environment, in the districts of our city or community, where we live and socialize. Cities and districts are changing to “smart cities” and “smart districts” as a part of the ongoing digitalization. These changes offer the possibility to entrench the idea of sustainability and build a platform-based ecosystem for a sustainable smart district. This research aims to identify guidelines in form of preliminary design principles (PDPs) for sustainable smart districts. To achieve this, we conduct a structured literature review. On this basis, we derive and develop PDPs with the help of semi-structured interviews and a non-representative sample of the German population. The resulting nine PDPs describe a first insight into the design of sustainable smart districts

    A conceptual model of smart city development for King Hussein Business Park (KHBP), Amman, Jordan based on grounded theory

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    Smart city concept employs information technology (IT) in addressing challenges related to sustainable growth. The smart city considers issues of over population, infrastructure deficit, economic growth, and technology adoption, and then incorporates IT-based solutions in the urban construction, planning, and services delivery. Currently, Amman in Jordan is experiencing a speedy expansion in population with several potential threats on sustainability due to increased pollution from industries, deficit in infrastructure, and insecurity. These issues resulted in the idea of evolving KHBP into a smart city to accommodate modern development in a sustainable manner. While a number of studies assessed smart city models that are not comprehensive due to lack of engagement of all stakeholders (residents and the private sector) in the process of developing the models, the models also focused only on analysing the conceptual connotations or applications in specific domains that suffers from lack of replicability. These issues have led to significant barriers for individual smart projects especially considering the dynamic nature of regions and economic disparity. In complementing the limitations in existing models, this study incorporated several perspectives in developing a new smart city model for KHBP. The qualitative design was used for this study based on Grounded Theory methods. The participants comprised various stakeholders in KHBP including the government, private sectors, residents, and business owners/managers. Findings revealed six significant factors in the KHBP smart city model. These category included accelerating economic growth, evolving security, improving the environment, developing human capital, empowering ruling management, and strengthening infrastructure. This framework will further help to integrate the need of multiple stakeholders, including the government, private sectors, residents, and businesses. Finally, the implementation of KHBP smart city model based on this framework was discussed. The applications of this framework can effectively eliminate barriers to sustainable growth of KHBP in Jordan. It also overcomes barriers to implementing smart city models relating to data from various stakeholders, especially the private sector thus avoiding redundant financial investments

    Big Data em cidades inteligentes: um mapeamento sistemático

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    O conceito de Cidades Inteligentes ganhou maior atenção nos círculos acadêmicos, industriais e governamentais. À medida que a cidade se desenvolve ao longo do tempo, componentes e subsistemas como redes inteligentes, gerenciamento inteligente de água, tráfego inteligente e sistemas de transporte, sistemas de gerenciamento de resíduos inteligentes, sistemas de segurança inteligentes ou governança eletrônica são adicionados. Esses componentes ingerem e geram uma grande quantidade de dados estruturados, semiestruturados ou não estruturados que podem ser processados usando uma variedade de algoritmos em lotes, microlotes ou em tempo real, visando a melhoria de qualidade de vida dos cidadãos. Esta pesquisa secundária tem como objetivo facilitar a identificação de lacunas neste campo, bem como alinhar o trabalho dos pesquisadores com outros para desenvolver temas de pesquisa mais fortes. Neste estudo, é utilizada a metodologia de pesquisa formal de mapeamento sistemático para fornecer uma revisão abrangente das tecnologias de Big Data na implantação de cidades inteligentes

    Hybrid microaggregation for privacy preserving data mining

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    k-Anonymity by microaggregation is one of the most commonly used anonymization techniques. This success is owe to the achievement of a worth of interest trade-off between information loss and identity disclosure risk. However, this method may have some drawbacks. On the disclosure limitation side, there is a lack of protection against attribute disclosure. On the data utility side, dealing with a real datasets is a challenging task to achieve. Indeed, the latter are characterized by their large number of attributes and the presence of noisy data, such that outliers or, even, data with missing values. Generating an anonymous individual data useful for data mining tasks, while decreasing the influence of noisy data is a compelling task to achieve. In this paper, we introduce a new microaggregation method, called HM-pfsom, based on fuzzy possibilistic clustering. Our proposed method operates through an hybrid manner. This means that the anonymization process is applied per block of similar data. Thus, we can help to decrease the information loss during the anonymization process. The HM-pfsom approach proposes to study the distribution of confidential attributes within each sub-dataset. Then, according to the latter distribution, the privacy parameter k is determined, in such a way to preserve the diversity of confidential attributes within the anonymized microdata. This allows to decrease the disclosure risk of confidential information