21 research outputs found

    Lower bound for the size of maximal nontraceable graphs

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    Let g(n) denote the minimum number of edges of a maximal nontraceable graph of order n. Dudek, Katona and Wojda (2003) showed that g(n)\geq\ceil{(3n-2)/2}-2 for n\geq 20 and g(n)\leq\ceil{(3n-2)/2} for n\geq 54 as well as for n\in I={22,23,30,31,38,39, 40,41,42,43,46,47,48,49,50,51}. We show that g(n)=\ceil{(3n-2)/2} for n\geq 54 as well as for n\in I\cup{12,13} and we determine g(n) for n\leq 9.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    On the size of maximally non-hamiltonian digraphs

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    A graph is called maximally non-hamiltonian if it is non-hamiltonian, yet for any two non-adjacent vertices there exists a hamiltonian path between them. In this paper, we naturally extend the concept to directed graphs and bound their size from below and above. Our results on the lower bound constitute our main contribution, while the upper bound can be obtained using a result of Lewin, but we give here a different proof. We describe digraphs attaining the upper bound, but whether our lower bound can be improved remains open

    Nontraceable detour graphs

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    AbstractThe detour order (of a vertex v) of a graph G is the order of a longest path (beginning at v). The detour sequence of G is a sequence consisting of the detour orders of its vertices. A graph is called a detour graph if its detour sequence is constant. The detour deficiency of a graph G is the difference between the order of G and its detour order. Homogeneously traceable graphs are therefore detour graphs with detour deficiency zero. In this paper, we give a number of constructions for detour graphs of all orders greater than 17 and all detour deficiencies greater than zero. These constructions are used to give examples of nontraceable detour graphs with chromatic number k, k⩾2, and girths up to 7. Moreover we show that, for all positive integers l⩾1 and k⩾3, there are nontraceable detour graphs with chromatic number k and detour deficiency l

    Maximal nontraceable graphs

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    A graph G is maximal nontraceable (MNT) (maximal nonhamiltonian (MNH)) if G is not traceable (hamiltonian), i.e. does not contain a hamiltonian path (cycle), but G+xy is traceable (hamiltonian) for all nonadjacent vertices x and y in G. A graph G is hypohamiltonian if G is not hamiltonian, but every vertex deleted subgraph G -u of G is hamiltonian. A graph which is maximal nonhamiltonian and hypohamiltonian is called maximal hypohamiltonian (MHH). Until recently, not much has appeared in the literature about MNT graphs, although there is an extensive literature on MNH graphs. In 1998 Zelinka constructed two classes of MNT graphs and made the conjecture, which he later retracted, that every MNT graph belongs to one of these classes. We show that there are many different types of MNT graphs that cannot be constructed by Zelinka's methods. Although we have not been able to characterize MNT graphs in general, our attempt at characterizing MNT graphs with a specified number of blocks and cut-vertices enabled us to construct infinite families of non-Zelinka MNT graphs which have either two or three blocks. We consider MNT graphs with toughness less than one, obtaining results leading to interesting constructions of MNT graphs, some based on MHH graphs. One result led us to discover a non-Zelinka MNT graph of smallest order, namely of order 8. We also present examples of MNTgraphs with toughness at least one, including an infinite family of 2-connected, claw-free graphs. We find a lower bound for the size of 2-connected MNT graphs of order n. We construct an infinite family of 2-connected cubic MNT graphs of order n, using MHH graphs as building blocks. We thus find the minimum size of 2-connected MNT graphs for infinitely many values of n. We also present a construction, based on MHH graphs, of an infinite family of MNT graphs that are almost cubic. We establish the minimum size of MNT graphs of order n, for all except 26 values of n, and we present a table of MNT graphs of possible smallest size for the excluded 26 values of n.Mathematical SciencesPHD (MATHEMATICS

    How tough is toughness?

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    The concept of toughness was introduced by Chvátal [34] more than forty years ago. Toughness resembles vertex connectivity, but is different in the sense that it takes into account what the effect of deleting a vertex cut is on the number of resulting components. As we will see, this difference has major consequences in terms of computational complexity and on the implications with respect to cycle structure, in particular the existence of Hamilton cycles and k-factors

    Spiders everywhere

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    A spider is a tree with at most one branch (a vertex of degree at least 3) centred at the branch if it exists, and centred at any vertex otherwise. A graph G is arachnoid if for any vertex v of G, there exists a spanning spider of G centred at v-in other words: there are spiders everywhere! Hypotraceable graphs are non-traceable graphs in which all vertex-deleted subgraphs are traceable. Gargano et al. (2004) defined arachnoid graphs as natural generalisations of traceable graphs and asked for the existence of arachnoid graphs that are (i) non-traceable and non-hypotraceable, or (ii) in which some vertex is the centre of only spiders with more than three legs. An affirmative answer to (ii) implies an affirmative answer to (i). While non-traceable, non-hypotraceable arachnoid graphs were described in Wiener (2017), (ii) remained open. In this paper we give an affirmative answer to this question and discuss spanning spiders whose legs must have some minimum length. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V