3,574 research outputs found

    Gender differences in the ICT profile of University students : a quantitative analysis

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    This study responds to a call for research on how gender differences emerge in young generations of computer users. A large-scale survey involving 1138 university students in Flanders (Belgium) was conducted to examine the relationship between gender, computer access, attitudes, and uses in both learning and everyday activities of university students. The results show that women have a less positive attitude towards computers in general. However, their attitude towards computers for educational purposes does not differ from men’s. In the same way, being female is negatively related to computer use for leisure activities, but no relationship was found between gender and study-related computer use. Based on the results, it could be argued that computer attitudes are context-dependent constructs and that when dealing with gender differences, it is essential to take into account the context-specific nature of computer attitudes and uses

    Citizen's Online

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    Attitudes of Primary School Pupils to Physical Education

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    Background: The descriptive study focuses on pupils’ attitudes towards physical education lessons. There are also two other issues discussed in the physical education community. The first is P.E. assessment of pupils. The second issue is relieving from P.E. lessons. The motivation of pupils at the beginning of school and the subsequent evaluation of their activity is important for development of positive attitudes among all pupils. Aim: The aim of the research is to find out how pupils perceive P.E. lessons because physical activities are important for health and a healthy lifestyle. Methods: The data were statistically analyzed in the R program. The Chí-square test for non-parametric data was used to assess statistical significance. We used the coefficient of determination to evaluate material significance. Results: Almost 88% of respondents engage in sports activities at different levels. Material significance is found in the following cases: Physical Education is more popular with boys and is also much more important for boys. Statistical significance wasn’t found for two items. Conclusion: We see a link between the low level of motor abilities and the reasons for the absence of pupils in Physical Education classes, as well as their positive feelings when P.E. classes get cancelled

    A Review Paper: Student Attitude towards Computer Science

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    The present review study is an attempt to examine the vast literature on student attitude towards computer science. Its main focus is to explore the introduction of student’s attitude towards computer science. Hence, content analysis was performed and important measures vi.objectives, sources of data, major variables, research methodology, and significant findings have been reported.  The study underlined the students’ attitude towards computer science career. Learning difficulties in introductory programming courses are well known to teachers and students. While some types of causes for those complications can be pointed out. In this work we concentrated on student related issues, namely their study methods and attitudes towards learning programs. This study is surely going to help the young researchers who do research in student attitude towards computer science to make a tough theoretical structure through analyzing the descriptive studies from 1997-2015. Keywords:Attitudes Survey – Computer science – Assessment – Learning difficultie

    Slovak Creativity Index – A PCA Based Approach

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    The article aims at transferring the European Creativity Index (ECI) assessment from the country to regional comparison basis, focusing on the case of Slovakia. The newly created Slovak Creativity Index (SCI) has the power to assess the creativity potential found in the Slovak regions. The Principal Component Analysis has been chosen as an advanced method for establishing a well-designed overall Index and six sub-indices to show differences and variability according to all dimensions of the creative potential. The research also explains several relations between creative performance of the regions by several factors such as urbanisation, cultural environment, human capital and tolerance

    Vnímanie fyziky žiakmi základných škôl so zameraním na vplyv genderu a ročníka

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    Predkladaná štúdia si dala za hlavný cieľ zistiť postoje českých žiakov druhého stupňa základných škôl k vyučovaciemu predmetu fyzika. Okrem toho bol skúmaný vplyv genderu a navštevovaného ročníka na úroveň postojov k fyzike. Výskumnú vzorku tvorilo 390 žiakov. Počet respondentov v jednotlivých ročníkoch bol približne vyrovnaný, najviac bolo z deviateho ročníka (n = 105), najmenej z ôsmeho (n = 88), potom zo šiesteho bolo 93 žiakov a zvyšok tvorili respondenti zo siedmeho ročníka (n = 104). Počet chlapcov bol o málo vyšší (n = 205), než počet dievčat (n = 185). Ako výskumný nástroj slúžil dotazník s 25 škálovanými položkami, ktoré boli rozdelené použitím faktorovej analýzy do 4 kategórií: 1. Budúci život a fyzika; 2. Fyzikálne experimenty; 3. Záujem o fyziku; 4. Význam fyziky. Na stanovenie rozdielov medzi skupinami premenných bola použitá analýza rozptylu (ANOVA). Chlapci dosiahli pozitívnejší postoj k fyzike ako dievčatá. Najvyššie skóre dosiahli žiaci šiesteho ročníka a najnižšie žiaci siedmeho ročníka.The main aim of the study is find out Czech lower secondary school pupils attitudes toward physics as a school subject. Next, the influence of gender and year of study was investigated. The sample size was created by 390 pupils. The number of respondents from the grades was approximately similar, the higher number was from 9th year of study (n = 105), the lowest one from 8th year of study (n = 88), from the 6th were 93 pupils and rest was from 7th (n = 104). The number of boys was 205, the rest was girls (n = 185). The questionnaire with 25 scaled items was as research tool, the items were divided into four categories by the using of factor analysis: 1. Future life and physics; 2. Physical experiments; 3. The interest in physics; 4. The relevance of physics. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for the determination of differences among groups. The boys hag got the more positive attitudes toward physics in comparison with girls. The highest score achieved the pupils from the 6th year of study and the lowest one pupils from the 7th year of study

    Prevalence of Cyberbullying among Traditional Undergraduate Students Attending Faith-Based Universities: A Causal-Comparative Study

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    Cyberbullying among traditional undergraduate students is a relatively new issue that involves the safety of postsecondary students. The purpose of this study was to provide statistical data to faith-based universities that relate the prevalence of cyberbullying victimization experiences and the prevalence of cyberbullying offending experiences of traditional undergraduate students to biological gender (female/male) and level of religiosity (higher/lower), and to add to the small body of research conducted among this demographic. In this quantitative, causal-comparative study, traditional undergraduate students were recruited from two faith-based universities in the southern United States. Level of religiosity and cyberbullying prevalence were determined through responses to an anonymous, online survey using the Duke University Religion Index (DUREL) and the Cyberbullying and Online Aggression Survey (COAS), respectively. The researcher utilized two separate two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to analyze the data. The study had 284 participants that included 180 female students and 104 male students. Findings indicated that gender and level of religiosity did not have a significant effect on the prevalence of cyberbullying experiences scores among traditional undergraduate students attending faith-based universities. The results contribute to the growing body of knowledge on the prevalence of cyberbullying experiences among university students. Future research on the prevalence of cyberbullying experiences among university students could include comparing secular and faith-based universities and investigating cyberbullying prevalence at faith-based universities in different parts of the United States