668 research outputs found

    Plasmonic nanoantenna based coupler for telecom range

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    Fabrication of metal microfibers by melt-spinning

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    Metal microfibers have a wide range of industrial applications, e.g. as filters, fiber-reinforced composites, electrodes, catalysts, sensors, or magnetic shielding materials. In this project, we modified melt-spinning device and its experimental parameters to fabricate metal microfibers. It was shown for the first time that metal microfibers down to 5 μm could be fabricated using a melt spinning device. The size and circularity of formed fibers could be controlled by experimental parameters.e.g. slit distance to the wheel, chamber pressure, slit size, wheel speed. The mechanism of fiber formation relies on two main steps; i)thin film formation on the rotating wheel ii)spontaneous breaking of the film to smaller widths, dewetting the wheel. It was shown that this process is reproducible and could be used for different classes of materials. e.g. intermetallic alloys, conventional alloys, metal elements and amorphous alloys. The modification of the melt spinning device leads to higher quenching rates up to 108!C/s. The high quenching rate made it possible to make fully amorphous stainless steel fibers for the very first time. Heat-treatment of amorphous stainless steel leads to dual-phase microstructure (nanocrystals embedded together with a glassy phase) which was responsible for its ultra-high hardness value, 14GPa. This value is 7 times higher than the original stainless steel hardness. Thus, the technique opens new possibilities for working with conventional and amorphous alloys e.g. mechanically improved conventional alloy microfibers/ribbons, introducing new alloy microstructures

    Ninth European Powder Diffraction Conference – Prague, September 2-5, 2004

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    Zeitschrift für Kristallographie. Supplement Volume 23 presents the complete Proceedings of all contributions to the IX European Powder Diffraction Conference in Prague 2004: Method Development and Application, Instrumental, Software Development, Materials Supplement Series of Zeitschrift für Kristallographie publishes Proceedings and Abstracts of international conferences on the interdisciplinary field of crystallography

    Measurements and numerical models for the evaluation of performance in microwave ovens

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    Le informazioni elettromagnetiche e termiche sono aspetti molto importanti per analizzare i processi di riscaldamento in forni a microonde ad uso domestico. In questo lavoro vengono valutati l'efficienza del sistema e la distribuzione delle fonti di calore nel carico, utilizzando differenti forni a microonde. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, sono stati sviluppati  simulazioni numeriche e diversi test sperimentali. In particolare, per quanto riguarda quest'ultima parte si confrontano due diversi metodi di misura: l'uso di telecamera a infrarossi e una serie di misure mediante sonde a termocoppia. Questo progetto anche interessante perché ci permette di validare uno strumento per simulazioni numeriche, COMSOL Multi-phisics, che viene spesso utilizzato per la progettazione di dispositivi elettromagnetici e per l'indagine sui problemi multi-fisici. Il primo capitolo è un background generale che introduce alle microonde. Nel secondo capitolo viene presentata una larga parte teorica circa i forni a microonde. Qui  vengono anche descritti i tre componenti principali che caratterizzano il processo fisico: il magnetron come sorgente di campo, la guida d'onda che porta le onde dall’alimentazione all'ultimo componente, la cavità risonante. Il terzo capitolo introduce alle proprietà dielettriche e termiche che caratterizzano il processo di riscaldamento del carico. Sono inoltre descritti i fenomeni che influenzano le prestazioni del processo di riscaldamento e l’uniformità delle fonti di calore. Il quarto capitolo riguarda la parte di misure sperimentali con diverse attrezzature di prova, confrontando i risultati ottenuti. Il quinto capitolo descrive il software numerico (COMSOL Multi-phisics), vengono presentati i risultati ottenuti e la validazione delle simulazioni. Il sesto e ultimo capitolo presenta il confronto tra le prove sperimentali e i modelli numerici. Qui vengono sviluppate alcune conclusioni e vengono presentate le prospettive per le indagini successive nel campo di studio delle microond

    Elementary Scattering Theory

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    The opportunities for doing scattering experiments at synchrotron and neutron facilities have grown rapidly in recent years and are set to continue to do so into the foreseeable future. This text provides a basic understanding of how these techniques enable the structure and dynamics of materials to be studied at the atomic and molecular level. Although mathematics cannot be avoided in a theoretical discussion, the aim has been to write a book that most scientists will still find approachable. To this end, the first two chapters are devoted to providing a tutorial background in the mathematics and physics that are implicitly assumed in other texts. Thereafter, the philosophy has been one of keeping things as simple as possible

    Technical Design Report for the PANDA Solenoid and Dipole Spectrometer Magnets

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    This document is the Technical Design Report covering the two large spectrometer magnets of the PANDA detector set-up. It shows the conceptual design of the magnets and their anticipated performance. It precedes the tender and procurement of the magnets and, hence, is subject to possible modifications arising during this process