52 research outputs found

    Embedding of Cortical Representations by the Superficial Patch System

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    Pyramidal cells in layers 2 and 3 of the neocortex of many species collectively form a clustered system of lateral axonal projections (the superficial patch system—Lund JS, Angelucci A, Bressloff PC. 2003. Anatomical substrates for functional columns in macaque monkey primary visual cortex. Cereb Cortex. 13:15-24. or daisy architecture—Douglas RJ, Martin KAC. 2004. Neuronal circuits of the neocortex. Annu Rev Neurosci. 27:419-451.), but the function performed by this general feature of the cortical architecture remains obscure. By comparing the spatial configuration of labeled patches with the configuration of responses to drifting grating stimuli, we found the spatial organizations both of the patch system and of the cortical response to be highly conserved between cat and monkey primary visual cortex. More importantly, the configuration of the superficial patch system is directly reflected in the arrangement of function across monkey primary visual cortex. Our results indicate a close relationship between the structure of the superficial patch system and cortical responses encoding a single value across the surface of visual cortex (self-consistent states). This relationship is consistent with the spontaneous emergence of orientation response-like activity patterns during ongoing cortical activity (Kenet T, Bibitchkov D, Tsodyks M, Grinvald A, Arieli A. 2003. Spontaneously emerging cortical representations of visual attributes. Nature. 425:954-956.). We conclude that the superficial patch system is the physical encoding of self-consistent cortical states, and that a set of concurrently labeled patches participate in a network of mutually consistent representations of cortical inpu

    Les cartes fonctionnelles dans le cortex visuel du chat : nouvelles stratégies d’évaluation en imagerie optique et mise en évidence de l’organisation anatomo-fonctionnelle

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    Le regroupement des neurones de propriétés similaires est à l’origine de modules permettant d’optimiser l’analyse de l’information. La conséquence est la présence de cartes fonctionnelles dans le cortex visuel primaire de certains mammifères pour de nombreux paramètres tels que l’orientation, la direction du mouvement ou la position des stimuli (visuotopie). Le premier volet de cette thèse est consacré à caractériser l’organisation modulaire dans le cortex visuel primaire pour un paramètre fondamental, la suppression centre / pourtour et au delà du cortex visuel primaire (dans l’aire 21a), pour l’orientation et la direction. Toutes les études ont été effectuées à l’aide de l’imagerie optique des signaux intrinsèques sur le cortex visuel du chat anesthésié. La quantification de la modulation par la taille des stimuli à permis de révéler la présence de modules de forte et de faible suppression par le pourtour dans le cortex visuel primaire (aires 17 et 18). Ce type d’organisation n’avait été observé jusqu’ici que dans une aire de plus haut niveau hiérarchique chez le primate. Une organisation modulaire pour l’orientation, similaire à celle observée dans le cortex visuel primaire a été révélée dans l’aire 21a. Par contre, contrairement à l’aire 18, l’aire 21a ne semblait pas être organisée en domaine de direction. L’ensemble de ces résultats pourront permettre d’alimenter les connaissances sur l’organisation anatomo-fonctionnelle du cortex visuel du chat mais également de mieux comprendre les facteurs qui déterminent la présence d’une organisation modulaire. Le deuxième volet abordé dans cette thèse s’est intéressé à l’amélioration de l’aspect quantitatif apporté par l’analyse temporelle en imagerie optique des signaux intrinsèques. Cette nouvelle approche, basée sur l’analyse de Fourier a permis d’augmenter considérablement le rapport signal / bruit des enregistrements. Toutefois, cette analyse ne s’est basée jusqu’ici que sur la quantification d’une seule harmonique ce qui a limité son emploi à la cartographie de l’orientation et de rétinotopie uniquement. En exploitant les plus hautes harmoniques, un modèle a été proposé afin d’estimer la taille des champs récepteurs et la sélectivité à la direction. Ce modèle a par la suite été validé par des approches conventionnelles dans le cortex visuel primaire.The clustering of neurons of similar properties is at the basis of the brain modular architecture and is considered as a strategy to optimized processing. One consequence of this clustering is the presence of functional maps in the primary visual cortex of several mammals based on features such as orientation, direction of motion and stimulus position (retinotopy). The first section of this thesis was aimed at characterizing the modular organization of functions in primary and higher-order areas. First, we investigated the possibility that a fundamental cell property, the receptive field center / surround suppression, could be orderly represented in the primary visual cortex. Second, we determined the level of modular organization in area 21a for two key properties, orientation and direction of motion. All studies were based on the optical imaging of intrinsic signals in anesthetized cats. Results indicate the presence of high and low surround suppression modules in the primary visual cortex (areas 17 and 18). To date, such organization has been discovered only in a higher-order area in primate. A modular organization for orientation, similar to the one observed in areas 17 and 18 was observed in area 21a. On the other hand, in contrast to area 18, no direction modules were discovered in area 21a. Overall, the first part of this thesis increased our knowledge about the anatomo-fonctional organization of cat visual cortex. They will also be instrumental to better understand the factors leading to the presence of a modular organization in the cortex. The second section of this thesis was directed to the development of a novel quantitative tool for the temporal analysis of optical imaging intrinsic signals. This new approach, based on Fourier decomposition, allowed to greatly increase the signal to noise ratio of the recordings. Until now, this analysis was only been based on single harmonic quantification, limiting its application for orientation and rétinotopy mapping only. A model exploiting higher harmonics was then developed to estimate additional parameters such as the receptive field size and direction selectivity. Thereafter, this model was validated with success by conventional approaches on the primary visual cortex

    What we see changes how we see : analyzing the plasticity of the horizontal effect.

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    The relationship between the processing of orientations by the human visual system has been related to the orientation content of the natural environment; horizontal orientations, while predominant in natural environments, are perceived less well than vertical and oblique orientations are perceived best, though they are least prevalent in the natural world. This ‘horizontal effect’ has further extended the well-studied relationship between visual encoding and natural scene statistics as the differential perception of orientations in broadband scenes inversely matches their differential representation in the natural environment. However, the original hypothesis that this relationship may have evolved across millennia in order to make the visual system an efficient information-transmitting system has been called into question by research showing the modification of orientation perception by exposure to altered environments and studies showing a later development of adult-like orientation processing. Recent work into the effects of adaptation on visual encoding of the natural environment have led me to the conclusion that the relationship between the statistics of the natural world and visual encoding is, in a way, much simpler than previously posited; rather than being adapted over millennia to whiten the typical natural scene anisotropy, the visual system adjusts processing dynamically to match the current visual environment. The project presented here details how the statistics of the recently viewed environment affect the way that the visual brain processes information. To assess the effect of recent exposure on broadband orientation processing, the orientation content subjects viewed was modified via fast Fourier transform (FFT) filtering of their environment in near-real-time. Results show that experience in an altered environment modifies anisotropic processing: observers’ orientation perception changes from matching the typical environmental distribution to matching that of the recently experienced atypical environment. The results of these experiments can be predicted by assuming that observers’ biases of perception are probabilistic and rely on an internal model that matches the recently experienced environmental distribution. This change in perception indicates not only that orientation processing is plastic, but that it is related in a predictable way to an observer’s recent visual environment

    Functional neuroanatomy of visual pathways involving the pulvinar

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    Les neurones du cortex visuel primaire (V1) peuvent emprunter deux voies de communications afin d’atteindre les aires extrastriées : une voie cortico-corticale, et une voie cortico-thalamo-corticale à travers des noyaux thalamiques de haut niveau (HO) comme le pulvinar. Les fonctions respectives de ces deux voies restent toujours méconnues. Un pas vers une meilleure compréhension de celles-ci seraient d’investiguer la nature des signaux qu’elles transmettent. Dans ce contexte, deux grands types de projections cortico-thalamiques (CT) ont été identifiés dans le système visuel : les neurones de type I (modulator) et type II (driver) caractérisés respectivement par des axones minces dotés de petits boutons terminaux et par des axones plus épais et de plus grands boutons respectivement. Une proposition récente a aussi émis l'hypothèse que ces deux types pourraient également être distingués par leur expression de transporteur de glutamate vésiculaire. Cette hypothèse suggère que les projections de type II et de type I peuvent exprimer sélectivement VGLUT2 et VGLUT1, respectivement (Balaram, 2013; Rovo et al, 2012). Chez le chat, les projections de V1 vers le pulvinar se composent principalement de terminaux de type II, tandis que celles de l’aire PMLS présentent une combinaison de terminaux de type I et II suggérant ainsi que, la proportion de terminaux de type I augmente avec le niveau hiérarchique cortical des zones visuelles. Afin de tester cette hypothèse, nous avons cartographié la distribution des terminaux CT du cortex AEV (article 1) ainsi que de l’aire 21a (article 2). Nous avons aussi étudié l’expression de VGLUT 1 et 2 dans le système visuel du chat afin de tester si leurs expressions corrèlent avec les sites de projections de neurones de type I et II (article 3). Nos résultats indiquent que la grande majorité des terminaux marqués dans le pulvinar provenant de l’AEV et de l’aire 21a sont de type I (Article 1 et 2) alors que ceux de V1 sont majoritairement de type II. Une comparaison de la proportion des projections de type I à travers les aires V1, PMLS, 21a et AEV révèlent une corrélation positive de sorte que celle-ci augmente avec le degré hiérarchique des aires visuelles. Nos résultats indiquent que VGLUT 1 et 2 présentent une distribution complémentaire et que leur localisation dans des sites connus pour recevoir une projection de type ‘modulateur’ et ‘déclencheur’ proéminente suggère que leurs expressions peuvent montrer un biais pour celles-ci dans la voie géniculo-strié. Les résultats de cette thèse ont permis de mieux connaitre la nature des projections CT des aires visuelles extrastriées. Ces résultats sont d’autant plus importants qu’ils établissent un lien entre la nature de ces projections et le degré hiérarchique des aires visuelles, suggérant ainsi l’existence une organisation anatomofonctionnelle des voies CT passant par le pulvinar. Enfin, les résultats de cette thèse ont aussi permis une meilleure compréhension des vésicules VGLUT 1 et 2 dans le système visuel du chat et leurs affinités respectives pour les sites de projections de neurones de type I et II.Visual signals from the primary visual cortex (V1), can take two main communication routes in order to reach higher visual areas: a corticocortical pathway and a cortico-thalamo-cortical (or transthalamic) pathway through high-order thalamic nuclei such as the pulvinar. While these pathways are receiving an increasing interest from the scientific community, their respective functions still remain largely unknown. An important step towards a better understanding of these pathways would be to investigate the nature of the signals they transmit. In this context, two main types of corticothalamic (CT) projections have been identified in the visual system: type I projections (modulators) and type II (drivers) characterized respectively by thin axons with small terminal and by thicker axons and larger terminals. A recent proposal has also hypothesized that these two types can also be distinguished by their expression of vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT) in their respective synaptic terminals such that type II (driver) and type I (modulator) projections can selectively express VGLUT 2 and VGLUT 1, respectively (Balaram, 2013; Rovo et al, 2012). In cats, projections from V1 to the LP-pulvinar are mainly composed of type II terminals, while those from the Posteromedial lateral suprasylvian (PMLS) cortex present a combination of type I and II terminals. This observation suggests that, in higher-order (HO) thalamic nuclei, the proportion of type I terminals increases with the hierarchical level of the visual areas. To test this hypothesis, we charted the distribution of CT terminals originating from the Anterior EctoSylvian visual cortex (AEV) (article 1) and from area 21a (article 2). We also studied the expression of VGLUT 1 and 2 in the cat's visual system in order to test whether their expressions correlate with the projection sites of type I and II axon terminals (article 3). Our results from article 1 and 2 indicate that the vast majority of terminals sampled in the pulvinar from the AEV and area 21a are of type I while projections from V1 projections to the pulvinar were mostly composed of type II terminals. A comparison of the proportion of type I projections across areas V1, PMLS, 21a and the AEV revealed a positive correlation such that its proportion increased with the hierarchical rank of visual areas. Our results also indicate that VGLUT 1 and 2 have a complementary distribution pattern which matches prominent projection of type I and II respectively in ascending visual projections but does not in extra-geniculate pathways involving the pulvinar (Article 3). Taken together, results from this thesis have allowed a better understanding of the nature of cortico-thalamic projections originating from extra-striate visual areas (21a and AEV). These results are all the more important in that they establish a link between the nature of these projections and the hierarchical degree of their cortical area of origin, thus suggesting that there is a functional organization of CT pathways passing through the pulvinar. Finally, results of this thesis also enabled a better understanding of the expression of VGLUT 1 and 2 in the visual system and their possible respective biases for type I and type II projections

    Intégration des signaux complexes dans le système visuel

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    Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Plasticité de la réponse aux orientations dans le cortex visuel primaire du chat par la méthode d'imagerie optique intrinsèque

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    Dans le cortex visuel primaire du chat (aires 17 et 18), les neurones répondant aux orientations présentes dans l’environnement (comme le contour des objets) sont organisés en colonnes perpendiculaires à la surface du cortex. Il a précédemment été montré qu'un changement drastique des orientations présentes dans l’environnement change la réponse des neurones. Par exemple, un neurone répondant à des orientations horizontales pourra répondre, après apprentissage d'un nouvel environnement, à des orientations obliques. Nous avons voulu, dans cette thèse, suivre les changements de propriétés de populations entières de neurones suite à ce type d'apprentissage. A cet effet, nous avons utilisé la technique d'imagerie optique des signaux intrinsèques, qui permet de mesurer l'activité d'une surface de cortex en utilisant le signal BOLD (blood-oxygen-level dependent). Cette thèse s'articule sur trois axes : l'effet de l'apprentissage au niveau local, l'effet de l’apprentissage à l'échelle de l'aire cérébrale, et la modélisation de l’apprentissage. Dans la première partie, nous avons comparé les changements d’orientations des neurones en fonction du gradient d’orientation local. Ce gradient est fort quand deux neurones voisins ont des orientations très différentes, et faible quand leurs orientations sont semblables. Les résultats montrent que plus les neurones sont entourés de neurones aux orientations différentes, plus l'apprentissage change leur réponse à l’orientation. Ceci suggère que les connexions locales ont une influence déterminante sur l'ampleur de l’apprentissage. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons comparé le changement d’orientation des neurones des aires 17 et 18 avant et après apprentissage. Les résultats ne sont pas notablement différents entre les aires 17 et 18. On peut toutefois noter que les changements d’orientations dans l’aire 18 ont des amplitudes plus variables que dans l’aire 17. Ceci peut provenir du fait que l’aire 18 reçoit des afférences plus variées que l’aire 17, notamment une afférence directe des cellules Y du CGLd (Corps Genouillé Latéral dorsal). Dans la troisième partie, nous avons modélisé l'apprentissage expérimentalement observé à l'aide de réseaux de neurones utilisant un apprentissage Hebbien (cartes auto-organisatrices). Nous avons montré que le « feedback » des aires supérieures vers le cortex visuel primaire était souhaitable pour la conservation de la sélectivité à l'orientation des neurones. De manière générale, cette thèse montre l'importance des connexions locales dans la plasticité neuronale. Notamment, elles garantissent un apprentissage homéostatique, c'est-à- dire conservant la représentativité des orientations au niveau du cortex. De manière complémentaire, elle montre également l’importance des aires supérieures dans le maintient à long terme des orientations apprises par les neurones lors de l'apprentissage.In the cat primary visual cortex (areas 17 and 18), neurons responding to orientations in the environment (such as the outline of objects) are organized in columns perpendicular to the cortical surface. It was previously shown that a drastic change in orientations in the environment changes the response of neurons. For example, a neuron responding to a horizontal orientation will respond, after learning a new environment, to an oblique orientation. In this thesis, we seek to follow the changes of properties of large populations of neurons due to this type of learning. To this end, we used the intrinsic signals optical imaging technique, which measures the activity of a cortical surface using the BOLD (blood-oxygen-level dependent) signal. This thesis follows three axes: the effect of learning at the local level, the effect of learning at the visual area scale, and the modeling of learning. In the first part, we compared the changes in orientation of neurons according to the local gradient of orientation. This gradient is strong when two neighboring neurons have very different orientations, and weak when their orientations are similar. The obtained relation between the gradient and the magnitude of change in orientation shows that when neurons are increasingly surrounded by neurons with different orientations, they change their response to orientation to a greater extent. This suggests that local connections have a decisive influence on the extent of learning. In the second part, we followed the change in the orientation of neurons in the areas 17 and 18, before and after learning. The results are not significantly different between area 17 and area 18. However, it is noteworthy that orientation changes in area 18 are more variable in amplitude than in area 17. This may be because area 18 receives more diverse inputs than area 17, including a direct input from dLGN (dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus) Y cells. In the third part, we modeled the experimentally observed learning with neural networks using a Hebbian learning rule (networks are self-organizing maps). We have shown that feedback from higher areas to the primary visual cortex was desirable for the neurons orientation selectivity conservation. Overall, this thesis shows the importance of local connections in neuronal plasticity. In particular, they guarantee a homeostatic learning, i.e. maintaining the representativeness of orientations in the cortex. In a complementary manner, it also shows the importance of the superior areas in the conservation of learned orientations

    Micro-, Meso- and Macro-Dynamics of the Brain

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    Neurosciences, Neurology, Psychiatr

    3-D Vision and Figure-Ground Separation by Visual Cortex

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    A neural network theory of :3-D vision, called FACADE Theory, is described. The theory proposes a solution of the classical figure-ground problem for biological vision. It does so by suggesting how boundary representations and surface representations are formed within a Boundary Contour System (BCS) and a Feature Contour System (FCS). The BCS and FCS interact reciprocally to form 3-D boundary and surface representations that arc mutually consistent. Their interactions generate 3-D percepts wherein occluding and occluded object completed, and grouped. The theory clarifies how preattentive processes of 3-D perception and figure-ground separation interact reciprocally with attentive processes of spatial localization, object recognition, and visual search. A new theory of stereopsis is proposed that predicts how cells sensitive to multiple spatial frequencies, disparities, and orientations are combined by context-sensitive filtering, competition, and cooperation to form coherent BCS boundary segmentations. Several factors contribute to figure-ground pop-out, including: boundary contrast between spatially contiguous boundaries, whether due to scenic differences in luminance, color, spatial frequency, or disparity; partially ordered interactions from larger spatial scales and disparities to smaller scales and disparities; and surface filling-in restricted to regions surrounded by a connected boundary. Phenomena such as 3-D pop-out from a 2-D picture, DaVinci stereopsis, a 3-D neon color spreading, completion of partially occluded objects, and figure-ground reversals are analysed. The BCS and FCS sub-systems model aspects of how the two parvocellular cortical processing streams that join the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus to prestriate cortical area V4 interact to generate a multiplexed representation of Form-And-Color-And-Depth, or FACADE, within area V4. Area V4 is suggested to support figure-ground separation and to interact. with cortical mechanisms of spatial attention, attentive objcect learning, and visual search. Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) mechanisms model aspects of how prestriate visual cortex interacts reciprocally with a visual object recognition system in inferotemporal cortex (IT) for purposes of attentive object learning and categorization. Object attention mechanisms of the What cortical processing stream through IT cortex are distinguished from spatial attention mechanisms of the Where cortical processing stream through parietal cortex. Parvocellular BCS and FCS signals interact with the model What stream. Parvocellular FCS and magnocellular Motion BCS signals interact with the model Where stream. Reciprocal interactions between these visual, What, and Where mechanisms arc used to discuss data about visual search and saccadic eye movements, including fast search of conjunctive targets, search of 3-D surfaces, selective search of like-colored targets, attentive tracking of multi-element groupings, and recursive search of simultaneously presented targets.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-0175, F49620-92-J-0499); ARPA (90-0083, N00014-92-J-4015); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100

    A Late Iron Age farmstead in the Outer Hebrides

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    The settlement at Bornais consists of a complex of mounds which protrude from the relatively flat machair plain in the township of Bornais on the island of South Uist. This sandy plain has proved an attractive settlement from the Beaker period onwards; it appears to have been intensively occupied from the Late Bronze Age to the end of the Norse period. Mound 1 was the original location for settlement in this part of the machair plain; pre-Viking activity of some complexity is present and it is likely that the settlement activity started in the Middle Iron Age, if not earlier. The examination of the mound 1 deposits provides an important contribution to our understanding of the Iron Age sequence in the Atlantic province. The principal contribution comprises the large quantities of mammal, fish and bird bones, carbonised plant remains and pottery, which can be accurately dated to a fairly precise and narrow period in the 1st millennium AD. These are augmented by a substantial collection of small finds which included distinctive bone artefacts. The contextual significance of the site is based on the survival of floor deposits and a burnt-down roof; the floor deposits can be compared with abandonment and adjacent midden deposits providing contrasting contextual environments that help to clarify depositional processes. The burning down of the house and the excellent preservation of the deposits within it provide an unparalleled opportunity to examine the timber superstructure of the building and the layout of the material used by the inhabitants
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