11 research outputs found

    Invariantes de planaridade

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    Orientador: Candido Ferreira Xavier de Mendonça NetoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O splitting number de um grafo G consiste no número mínimo de operações de quebra de vértice que devem ser realizadas em G para produzir um grafo planar, onde uma operação de quebra de vértice em um determinado vértice u significa substituir algumas das arestas ( u, v) por arestas (u', v), onde u' é um novo vértice. O skewness de G é o número mínimo de arestas que devem ser removidas de G para torná-Io planar. O vertex deletion number de G é o menor inteiro k tal que existe um subgrafo induzido planar de G obtido através da remoção de k vértices de G.Neste trabalho, apr~sentamos valores exatos para o splitting number, o skewness e o vertex deletion number dos grafos Cn x Cm, onde Cn é o circuito simples com n vértices, e para o splitting number e o vertex deletion number de uma triangulação dos grafos Cn x CmAbstract: The splíttíng number of a graph G is the minimum number of splitting steps needed to turn G into a planar graph; where each step replaces some of the edges (u, v) incident to a selected vertex u by edges (u', v), where u' is a new vertex. The skewness of G is the minimum number of edges that need to be deleted from G to produce a planar graph. The vertex deletíon number of G is the smallest integer k such that there is a planar induced subgraph of G obtained by the removal of k vertices of G. In this work, we show exact values for the splíttíng number, skewness and vertex deletíon number of the graphs Cn x Cm, where Cn is the simple circuit on n vertices, and for the splíttíng number and vertex deletíon number of a triangulation of Cn x CmMestradoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Turbulence models with adaptive meshing for industrial CFD

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    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and affordable computing power have advanced considerably in recent years, bringing full 3D simulation of complex high Reynolds number flows within reach of industry. However, providing accurate and trustworthy results in diverse flows with constraints on computational resources is still a considerable challenge. Owing to the complexity of commonly-encountered turbulent flows, robust turbulence models are required which do not have to be manually tuned to specific flow conditions to ensure their accuracy. In this regard, a highly effective approach is unstructured mesh adaptivity which automatically refines or coarsens the mesh locally in order to achieve a desired accuracy with minimum computational effort. However, the use of such adaptive meshes with turbulence models raises questions about the origins and interactions of various errors. This thesis describes the development, verification and validation of robust turbulence models suited to high Reynolds number single-phase turbulent flow using unstructured adaptive meshes. The main focus of this thesis is a new tensorial dynamic large eddy simulation (LES) model. The novel combination of the dynamic LES method with a tensorial definition of filter width is ideal for capturing the anisotropy and inhomogeneity of turbulence. This model is designed for use with unstructured mesh adaptivity, which enables the simulation of turbulent flow with high efficiency in terms of mesh resolution. Furthermore, the model is robust since both the resolution and the sub-filter-scale (SFS) stresses adapt to local flow conditions so that little a priori knowledge of the flow is required. Verification tests of the filtering method and validation of the new LES model in the 3D backward-facing step are presented. To provide context for the research, the contribution made by CFD simulations to the analysis of nuclear reactor safety and performance is discussed. The practicalities of performing simulations on high performance computing (HPC) facilities are also discussed. Background theory necessary to understand the research is presented, including a mathematical description of turbulent flow and the classes of CFD methods used to approximate it. A review of turbulence models, discretisation methods, boundary conditions and adaptive meshing methods is included. The construction and testing of a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) k - ε turbulence model and a scale-adaptive very large eddy simulation (VLES) model in the open-source CFD code Fluidity are also described. The development of a law-of-the-wall boundary condition for turbulent flow in variational (weak) form is also presented. Verification tests are performed to establish that the k - ε model has been coded correctly. Validation of the RANS model and the wall function using fixed and adaptive meshes is carried out in the 2D backward-facing step. Finally, results of simulations of a vortex diode device using various turbulence models are presented and compared to results from the commercial CFD code CFX and experimental results. This study was carried out during the industrial component of the Engineering Doctorate, which was intended to further the development and understanding of CFD at Rolls-Royce Nuclear. The device presents a challenging test case for CFD but some useful conclusions are reached about how to model it. The thesis concludes with a summary of findings and proposals for further research

    Applying multi-resolution numerical methods to geodynamics

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    Computational models yield inaccurate results if the underlying numerical grid fails to provide the necessary resolution to capture a simulation's important features. For the large-scale problems regularly encountered in geodynamics, inadequate grid resolution is a major concern. The majority of models involve multi-scale dynamics, being characterized by fine-scale upwelling and downwelling activity in a more passive, large-scale background flow. Such configurations, when coupled to the complex geometries involved, present a serious challenge for computational methods. Current techniques are unable to resolve localized features and, hence, such models cannot be solved efficiently. This thesis demonstrates, through a series of papers and closely-coupled appendices, how multi-resolution finite-element methods from the forefront of computational engineering can provide a means to address these issues. The problems examined achieve multi-resolution through one of two methods. In two-dimensions (2-D), automatic, unstructured mesh refinement procedures are utilized. Such methods improve the solution quality of convection dominated problems by adapting the grid automatically around regions of high solution gradient, yielding enhanced resolution of the associated flow features. Thermal and thermo-chemical validation tests illustrate that the technique is robust and highly successful, improving solution accuracy whilst increasing computational efficiency. These points are reinforced when the technique is applied to geophysical simulations of mid-ocean ridge and subduction zone magmatism. To date, successful goal-orientated/error-guided grid adaptation techniques have not been utilized within the field of geodynamics. The work included herein is therefore the first geodynamical application of such methods. In view of the existing three-dimensional (3-D) spherical mantle dynamics codes, which are built upon a quasi-uniform discretization of the sphere and closely coupled structured grid solution strategies, the unstructured techniques utilized in 2-D would throw away the regular grid and, with it, the major benefits of the current solution algorithms. Alternative avenues towards multi-resolution must therefore be sought. A non-uniform structured method that produces similar advantages to unstructured grids is introduced here, in the context of the pre-existing 3-D spherical mantle dynamics code, TERRA. The method, based upon the multigrid refinement techniques employed in the field of computational engineering, is used to refine and solve on a radially non-uniform grid. It maintains the key benefits of TERRA's current configuration, whilst also overcoming many of its limitations. Highly efficient solutions to non-uniform problems are obtained. The scheme is highly resourceful in terms RAM, meaning that one can attempt calculations that would otherwise be impractical. In addition, the solution algorithm reduces the CPU-time needed to solve a given problem. Validation tests illustrate that the approach is accurate and robust. Furthermore, by being conceptually simple and straightforward to implement, the method negates the need to reformulate large sections of code. The technique is applied to highly advanced 3-D spherical mantle convection models. Due to its resourcefulness in terms of RAM, the modified code allows one to efficiently resolve thermal boundary layers at the dynamical regime of Earth's mantle. The simulations presented are therefore at superior vigor to the highest attained, to date, in 3-D spherical geometry, achieving Rayleigh numbers of order 109. Upwelling structures are examined, focussing upon the nature of deep mantle plumes. Previous studies have shown long-lived, anchored, coherent upwelling plumes to be a feature of low to moderate vigor convection. Since more vigorous convection traditionally shows greater time-dependence, the fixity of upwellings would not logically be expected for non-layered convection at higher vigors. However, such configurations have recently been observed. With hot-spots widely-regarded as the surface expression of deep mantle plumes, it is of great importance to ascertain whether or not these conclusions are valid at the dynamical regime of Earth's mantle. Results demonstrate that at these high vigors, steady plumes do arise. However, they do not dominate the planform as in lower vigor cases: they coexist with mobile and ephemeral plumes and display ranging characteristics, which are consistent with hot-spot observations on Earth. Those plumes that do remain steady alter in intensity throughout the simulation, strengthening and weakening over time. Such behavior is caused by an irregular supply of cold material to the core-mantle boundary region, suggesting that subducting slabs are partially responsible for episodic plume magmatism on Earth. With this in mind, the influence of the upper boundary condition upon the planform of mantle convection is further examined. With the modified code, the CPU-time needed to solve a given problem is reduced and, hence, several simulations can be run efficiently, allowing a relatively rapid parameter space mapping of various upper boundary conditions. Results, in accordance with the investigations on upwelling structures, demonstrate that the surface exerts a profound control upon internal dynamics, manifesting itself not only in convective structures, but also in thermal profiles, Nusselt numbers and velocity patterns. Since the majority of geodynamical simulations incorporate a surface condition that is not at all representative of Earth, this is a worrying, yet important conclusion. By failing to address the surface appropriately, geodynamical models, regardless of their sophistication, cannot be truly applicable to Earth. In summary, the techniques developed herein, in both 2- and 3-D, are extremely practical and highly efficient, yielding significant advantages for geodynamical simulations. Indeed, they allow one to solve problems that would otherwise be unfeasible.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Skewness, splitting number and vertex deletion of some toroidal meshes

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    The skewness sk(G) of a graph G = (V, E) is the smallest integer sk(G) >= 0 such that a planar graph can be obtained from G by the removal of sk(C) edges. The splitting number sp(G) of C is the smallest integer sp(G) >= 0 such that a planar graph can be obtained from G by sp(G) vertex splitting operations. The vertex deletion vd(G) of G is the smallest integer vd(G) >= 0 such that a planar graph can be obtained from G by the removal of vd(G) vertices. Regular toroidal meshes are popular topologies for the connection networks of SIMD parallel machines. The best known of these meshes is the rectangular toroidal mesh C(m) x C(n) for which is known the skewness, the splitting number and the vertex deletion. In this work we consider two related families: a triangulation Tc(m) x c(n) of C(m) x C(n) in the torus, and an hexagonal mesh Hc(m) x c(n), the dual of Tc(m) x c(n) in the torus. It is established that sp(Tc(m) x c(n)) = vd(Tc(m) x c(n) = sk(Hc(m) x c(n)) = sp(Hc(m) x c(n)) = vd(Hc(m) x c(n)) = min{m, n} and that sk(Tc(m) x c(n)) = 2 min {m, n}

    A comparison of the CAR and DAGAR spatial random effects models with an application to diabetics rate estimation in Belgium

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    When hierarchically modelling an epidemiological phenomenon on a finite collection of sites in space, one must always take a latent spatial effect into account in order to capture the correlation structure that links the phenomenon to the territory. In this work, we compare two autoregressive spatial models that can be used for this purpose: the classical CAR model and the more recent DAGAR model. Differently from the former, the latter has a desirable property: its ρ parameter can be naturally interpreted as the average neighbor pair correlation and, in addition, this parameter can be directly estimated when the effect is modelled using a DAGAR rather than a CAR structure. As an application, we model the diabetics rate in Belgium in 2014 and show the adequacy of these models in predicting the response variable when no covariates are available

    A Statistical Approach to the Alignment of fMRI Data

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    Multi-subject functional Magnetic Resonance Image studies are critical. The anatomical and functional structure varies across subjects, so the image alignment is necessary. We define a probabilistic model to describe functional alignment. Imposing a prior distribution, as the matrix Fisher Von Mises distribution, of the orthogonal transformation parameter, the anatomical information is embedded in the estimation of the parameters, i.e., penalizing the combination of spatially distant voxels. Real applications show an improvement in the classification and interpretability of the results compared to various functional alignment methods

    The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting

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    The three volumes of the proceedings of MG15 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitational physics and astrophysics, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments. The scientific program of the meeting included 40 morning plenary talks over 6 days, 5 evening popular talks and nearly 100 parallel sessions on 71 topics spread over 4 afternoons. These proceedings are a representative sample of the very many oral and poster presentations made at the meeting.Part A contains plenary and review articles and the contributions from some parallel sessions, while Parts B and C consist of those from the remaining parallel sessions. The contents range from the mathematical foundations of classical and quantum gravitational theories including recent developments in string theory, to precision tests of general relativity including progress towards the detection of gravitational waves, and from supernova cosmology to relativistic astrophysics, including topics such as gamma ray bursts, black hole physics both in our galaxy and in active galactic nuclei in other galaxies, and neutron star, pulsar and white dwarf astrophysics. Parallel sessions touch on dark matter, neutrinos, X-ray sources, astrophysical black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs, binary systems, radiative transfer, accretion disks, quasars, gamma ray bursts, supernovas, alternative gravitational theories, perturbations of collapsed objects, analog models, black hole thermodynamics, numerical relativity, gravitational lensing, large scale structure, observational cosmology, early universe models and cosmic microwave background anisotropies, inhomogeneous cosmology, inflation, global structure, singularities, chaos, Einstein-Maxwell systems, wormholes, exact solutions of Einstein's equations, gravitational waves, gravitational wave detectors and data analysis, precision gravitational measurements, quantum gravity and loop quantum gravity, quantum cosmology, strings and branes, self-gravitating systems, gamma ray astronomy, cosmic rays and the history of general relativity