5 research outputs found


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    Perancangan desain peta online merupakan salah satu bentuk visualisasi peta agar mudah diakses oleh masyarakat umum. Aplikasi peta online wisata pantai berbasis web menyajikan informasi pantai yang lebih kompleks baik secara deskriptif maupun spasial (peta). Peta-peta tersebut disematkan ke dalam situs web sehingga aplikasi web ini bercirikan Sistem Informasi Geospasial Berbasis Web atau WebGIS. Sementara itu, perancangan secara konseptual menggunakan Diagram E-R (Entity-Relationship) dan uji kelayakan (usability) desain aplikasi peta online wisata pantai beserta fasilitas berbasis web di Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta menunjukkan hasil 4.09/5.00 dengan kategori Sangat Baik

    SketChart: A Pen-Based Tool for Chart Generation and Interaction.

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    It has been shown that representing data with the right visualization increases the understanding of qualitative and quantitative information encoded in documents. However, current tools for generating such visualizations involve the use of traditional WIMP techniques, which perhaps makes free interaction and direct manipulation of the content harder. In this thesis, we present a pen-based prototype for data visualization using 10 different types of bar based charts. The prototype lets users sketch a chart and interact with the information once the drawing is identified. The prototype\u27s user interface consists of an area to sketch and touch based elements that will be displayed depending on the context and nature of the outline. Brainstorming and live presentations can benefit from the prototype due to the ability to visualize and manipulate data in real time. We also perform a short, informal user study to measure effectiveness of the tool while recognizing sketches and users acceptance while interacting with the system. Results show SketChart strengths and weaknesses and areas for improvement

    Вибір хмарних сервісів для побудови ER-діаграм у навчанні баз даних ІТ-спеціалістів

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    One of the main aspects of studying databases in higher education institutions by future IT specialists is database design and software product development. This, in turn, is the most important problem of the developer’s interaction with the customer. To facilitate the process of database design, ER-diagrams are used, which are based on the concepts of “Entity” and “Relationship”. An ER diagram allows you to present a database in the form of visual graphical objects that define a specific subject area. The article considers the available cloud services for the construction of ER-diagrams for learning databases of future IT specialists and their selection the method expert evaluation. For this purpose, the criteria and indicators for the selection of cloud services for the construction of ER-diagrams of databases by future information technology specialists have been determined. As a result, it was found that the cloud services Dbdesigner.net and Lucidchart are the most convenient to learn. It is determined that for a teacher of a higher education institution the use of cloud services is an opportunity to use licensed software in education without additional costs.Одним із основних аспектів вивчення майбутніми спеціалістами баз даних у вищих навчальних закладах є проектування баз даних та розробка програмного продукту. Це, в свою чергу, є найважливішою проблемою взаємодії розробника з клієнтом. Для полегшення процесу проектування бази даних використовуються ER-діаграми, які ґрунтуються на поняттях "сутність" та "відносини". Діаграма ER дозволяє представити базу даних у вигляді наочних графічних об’єктів, які визначають певну предметну область. У статті розглянуто доступні хмарні сервіси для побудови ER-діаграм для навчання баз даних майбутніх ІТ-спеціалістів та їх вибір методом експертної оцінки. Для цього були визначені критерії та показники відбору хмарних сервісів для побудови ER-діаграм баз даних майбутніми спеціалістами з інформаційних технологій. В результаті було виявлено, що хмарні сервіси Dbdesigner.net та Lucidchart є найбільш зручними для вивчення. Визначено, що для викладача вищого навчального закладу використання хмарних сервісів - це можливість використовувати в освіті ліцензійне програмне забезпечення без додаткових витрат

    Effects of automatically updated database documentation on the work tasks of IS professionals and end-users

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    Abstract. This study analysed the effects of automatically generated database documentation on the work tasks of IS professionals and end-users. The effects were analysed with case study approach in one Finnish software company that provides customer information system to their customer companies. The availability of the consistent database documentation was a new situation for both IS professionals in the case company and for the end-users in the customer companies. The case company wished to understand, how the documentation would affect the work tasks of the two stakeholder groups. Database documentation is used for database design and analysis tasks. Database documentation is created in the development phase of an IS and maintained afterwards. Yet, the documentation can end up stagnated and the documentation maintenance is commonly considered a burden for the IS professionals. Database reverse-engineering allows automatic generation of database documentation, thus erasing the manual maintenance of database documentation. The research data was gathered using two separate questionnaires for the end-users and IS professionals. Both qualitative and quantitative data were gathered. The questionnaire’s open questions were analysed using content analysis and closed questions were considered descriptive statistics. According to the findings, database documentation supports both IS professionals’ and end-users’ in their work tasks. Database documentation was considered important for the efficiency of their work tasks. Documentation aids the database users to gain knowledge of the database structure and prevents false interpretations. Database documentation also allows the users to plan work better and to conduct tasks with fewer increments. Additionally, documentation allows a better degree of independent work and gives courage for the employees to familiarize themselves to new parts of the database and information system. The consistent, up-to-date database documentation has positive effects on the work tasks of both IS professionals and end-users. Lower workload, better understanding of the system and less false interpretations indicate that software companies would benefit from documenting their databases in more detail and more consistently, for example, using database reverse-engineering. Consistent database documentation benefits all of the database users