13 research outputs found

    Traffic Prediction Based Fast Uplink Grant for Massive IoT

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    This paper presents a novel framework for traffic prediction of IoT devices activated by binary Markovian events. First, we consider a massive set of IoT devices whose activation events are modeled by an On-Off Markov process with known transition probabilities. Next, we exploit the temporal correlation of the traffic events and apply the forward algorithm in the context of hidden Markov models (HMM) in order to predict the activation likelihood of each IoT device. Finally, we apply the fast uplink grant scheme in order to allocate resources to the IoT devices that have the maximal likelihood for transmission. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme, we define the regret metric as the number of missed resource allocation opportunities. The proposed fast uplink scheme based on traffic prediction outperforms both conventional random access and time division duplex in terms of regret and efficiency of system usage, while it maintains its superiority over random access in terms of average age of information for massive deployments.Comment: Accepted to IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 202

    LSTM-Aided Hybrid Random Access Scheme for 6G Machine Type Communication Networks

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    In this paper, an LSTM-aided hybrid random access scheme (LSTMH-RA) is proposed to support diverse quality of service (QoS) requirements in 6G machine-type communication (MTC) networks, where massive MTC (mMTC) devices and ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC) devices coexist. In the proposed LSTMH-RA scheme, mMTC devices access the network via a timing advance (TA)-aided four-step procedure to meet massive access requirement, while the access procedure of the URLLC devices is completed in two steps coupled with the mMTC devices' access procedure to reduce latency. Furthermore, we propose an attention-based LSTM prediction model to predict the number of active URLLC devices, thereby determining the parameters of the multi-user detection algorithm to guarantee the latency and reliability access requirements of URLLC devices.We analyze the successful access probability of the LSTMH-RA scheme. Numerical results show that, compared with the benchmark schemes, the proposed LSTMH-RA scheme can significantly improve the successful access probability, and thus satisfy the diverse QoS requirements of URLLC and mMTC devices

    Traffic classification and prediction, and fast uplink grant allocation for machine type communications via support vector machines and long short-term memory

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    Abstract. The current random access (RA) allocation techniques suffer from congestion and high signaling overhead while serving machine type communication (MTC) applications. Therefore, 3GPP has introduced the need to use fast uplink grant (FUG) allocation. This thesis proposes a novel FUG allocation based on support vector machine (SVM) and long short-term memory (LSTM). First, MTC devices are prioritized using SVM classifier. Second, LSTM architecture is used to predict activation time of each device. Both results are used to achieve an efficient resource scheduler in terms of the average latency and total throughput. Furthermore, a set of correction techniques is introduced to overcome the classification and prediction errors. The Coupled Markov Modulated Poisson Process (CMMPP) traffic model is applied to compare the proposed FUG allocation to other existing allocation techniques. In addition, an extended traffic model based CMMPP is used to evaluate the proposed algorithm in a more dense network. Our simulation results show the proposed model outperforms the existing RA allocation schemes by achieving the highest throughput and the lowest access delay when serving the target massive and critical MTC applications


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    Modern cellular communication networks are developing at a very fast pace. The advent of 5G mobile technology is already showing signs of becoming a major enabler of productivity and is expected to be a key enabler for highly an[1]ticipated, highly integrated and autonomous applications in many sectors. This new wave of technology will accelerate the digitalization of the economy and society. Full deployment of fifth-generation commercial networks has begun around the world. In these networks, very high indicators of the quality of subscriber service are achieved. However, with the development of cellular technologies and the digital society in general, fundamentally new use cases arise that will require even more improved indicators of the effectiveness of the functioning of cellular communication networks. In this regard, progress does not stand still and the 3GPP organization has developed a plan for the development of cellular networks, improving their characteristics and putting them into operation. The next generation of mobile com[1]munication networks will be 6G. Research on the way to 6G is planned for this decade and, accordingly, is already taking place, and full launch into commercial operation is planned for 2030. That is why this study examines mobile technologies on the way to 6G. In particular, the work presents a high-level vision of the 6G ecosystem, analyzed poten[1]tial requirements, and new emerging challenges. Thus, the main goal of this work is to carry out a critical analysis of the latest improvements made in the 5G mobile system, to identify their shortcomings and, accordingly, directions for improvement. The evolution and enhanced features of 5G have also been analyzed in detail to anticipate critical re[1]quirements for 6G while highlighting their new capabilities. Several potential scenarios of 6G applications were pro[1]posed, their advantages and basic concepts were discussed. Based on this, the main directions of research were formed with the aim of improving cellular networks on the way to 6G. And it is clear that these key areas of improvements in cellular networks will become the basis for building a digital wireless world in the future.Сучасні стільникові мережі зв’язку розвиваються дуже швидкими темпами. Поява технології мобільного зв’язку 5G вже демонструє ознаки того, що стає основним фактором підвищення продуктивності та, як очікується, стане ключовим фактором для довгоочікуваних, високоінтегрованих та автономних додатків у багатьох секторах. Ця нова хвиля технологій прискорить цифровізацію економіки та суспільства. По всьому світу розпочалось повноцінне розгортання комерційних мереж п’ятого покоління. В цих мережах досягаються дуже високі показники якості обслуговування абонентів. Проте, із розвитком стільникових технологій та і взагалі цифрового суспільства виникають принципово нові випадки використання, які вимагатимуть ще більш покращених показників ефективності функціонування стільникових мереж зв’язку. У зв’язку із цим, прогрес не стоїть на місці і організацією 3GPP було розроблено план по розвитку стільникових мереж, покращенню їх характеристик та введенню в експлуатацію. Наступним поколінням мобільних мереж зв’язку стане 6G. Дослідження на шляху до 6G заплановані на дану декаду і відповідно вже відбуваються, а повноцінний запуск у комерційну експлуатацію заплановано на 2030 роки. Саме тому, у даному дослідженні розглядаються мобільні технології на шляху до 6G. Зокрема, у роботі представлено високорівневе бачення екосистеми 6G, проаналізовані потенційні вимоги, нові виникаючі виклики. Таким чином, основна мета даної роботи полягає у проведенні критичного аналізу останніх удосконалень, зроблених у мобільній системі 5G, визначення їх недоліків та відповідно напрямків покращення. Також було детально проаналізовано еволюцію і розширені функції 5G, щоб передбачити критичні вимоги до 6G і одночасно підкреслити їх нові можливості. Було запро[1]поновано кілька потенційних сценаріїв застосувань 6G, розглянуті їхні переваги, основні концепції. На базі цього, були сформовані основні напрямки досліджень з метою удосконалення стільникових мереж на шляху до 6G. І очевидним є те, що ці ключові напрямки удосконалень стільникових мереж стануть основою побудови цифрового безпроводового світу майбутньому

    From Terahertz Imaging to Terahertz Wireless Communications

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    Terahertz (THz) technology is probably best known to the public as a powerful tool for imaging, since it has been applied in security and medical scanning, resulting in numerous impressive images that would be unobtainable using other technologies. With the roll-out of 5G mobile networks, research into 6G wireless communications is heating up. It is envisioned that THz technology will be used for 6G and future wireless communications. In this paper, we review how THz technology has been employed for imaging and wireless communications, identify state-of-the-art developments in the field, and then examine and compare common devices and issues in both applications. The possibility of integrating THz imaging/sensing and wireless communications is considered, and challenges and future perspectives are presented and discussed. It is shown that THz technology is indeed a key enabling technology for both imaging and wireless communications in the future