195 research outputs found

    Explicit parametrizations of the configuration spaces of anthropomorphic multi-linkage systems

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    Adaptive sensorimotor peripersonal space representation and motor learning for a humanoid robot

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    This thesis presents possible computational mechanisms by which a humanoid robot can develop a coherent representation of the space within its reach (its peripersonal space), and use it to control its movements. Those mechanisms are inspired by current theories of peripersonal space representation and motor control in humans, targeting a cross-fertilization between robotics on one side, and cognitive science on the other side. This research addresses the issue of adaptivity the sensorimotor level, at the control level and at the level of simple task learning. First, this work considers the concept of body schema and suggests a computational translation of this concept, appropriate for controlling a humanoid robot. This model of the body schema is adaptive and evolves as a result of the robot sensory experience. It suggests new avenues for understanding various psychophysical and neuropsychological phenomenons of human peripersonal space representation such as adaptation to distorted vision and tool use, fake limbs experiments, body-part centered receptive fields, and multimodal neurons. Second, it is shown how the motor modality can be added to the body schema. The suggested controller is inspired by the dynamical system theory of motor control and allows the robot to simultaneously and robustly control its limbs in joint angles space and in end-effector location space. This amounts to controlling the robot in both proprioceptive and visual modalities. This multimodal control can benefit from the advantages offered by each modality and is better than traditional robotic controllers in several respects. It offers a simple and elegant solution to the singularity and joint limit avoidance problems and can be seen as a generalization of the Damped Least Square approach to robot control. The controller exhibits several properties of human reaching movements, such as quasi-straight hand paths and bell-shaped velocity profiles and non-equifinality. In a third step, the motor modalities is endowed with a statistical learning mechanism, based on Gaussian Mixture Models, that enables the humanoid to learn motor primitives from demonstrations. The robot is thus able to learn simple manipulation tasks and generalize them to various context, in a way that is robust to perturbations occurring during task execution. In addition to simulation results, the whole model has been implemented and validated on two humanoid robots, the Hoap3 and the iCub, enabling them to learn their arm and head geometries, perform reaching movements, adapt to unknown tools, and visual distortions, and learn simple manipulation tasks in a smooth, robust and adaptive way. Finally, this work hints at possible computational interpretations of the concepts of body schema, motor perception and motor primitives

    Symmetric Subspace Motion Generators

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    When moving an object endowed with continuous symmetry, an ambiguity arises in its underlying rigid body transformation, induced by the arbitrariness of the portion of motion that does not change the overall body shape. The functional redundancy caused by continuous symmetry is ubiquitously present in a broad range of robotic applications, including robot machining and haptic interface (revolute symmetry), remote center of motion devices for minimal invasive surgery (line symmetry), and motion modules for hyperredundant robots (plane symmetry). In this paper, we argue that such functional redundancy can be systematically resolved by resorting to symmetric subspaces (SSs) of the special Euclidean group SE(3), which motivates us to systematically investigate the structural synthesis of SS motion generators. In particular, we develop a general synthesis procedure that allows us to generate a wide spectrum of novel mechanisms for use in the applications mentioned

    Reaching with multi-referential dynamical systems

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    We study a reaching movement controller for a redundant serial arm manipulator, based on two principles believed to be central to biological motion control: multi-referential control and dynamical system control. The resulting controller is based on two concurrent dynamical systems acting on different, yet redundant variables. The first dynamical system acts on the end-effector location variables and the second one acts on the joint angle variables. Coherence constraints are enforced between those two redundant representations of the movement and can be used to modulate the relative influence of each dynamical system. We illustrate the advantages of such a redundant representation of the movement regarding singularities and joint angle avoidanc

    Kinematics and Robot Design II (KaRD2019) and III (KaRD2020)

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    This volume collects papers published in two Special Issues “Kinematics and Robot Design II, KaRD2019” (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/robotics/special_issues/KRD2019) and “Kinematics and Robot Design III, KaRD2020” (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/robotics/special_issues/KaRD2020), which are the second and third issues of the KaRD Special Issue series hosted by the open access journal robotics.The KaRD series is an open environment where researchers present their works and discuss all topics focused on the many aspects that involve kinematics in the design of robotic/automatic systems. It aims at being an established reference for researchers in the field as other serial international conferences/publications are. Even though the KaRD series publishes one Special Issue per year, all the received papers are peer-reviewed as soon as they are submitted and, if accepted, they are immediately published in MDPI Robotics. Kinematics is so intimately related to the design of robotic/automatic systems that the admitted topics of the KaRD series practically cover all the subjects normally present in well-established international conferences on “mechanisms and robotics”.KaRD2019 together with KaRD2020 received 22 papers and, after the peer-review process, accepted only 17 papers. The accepted papers cover problems related to theoretical/computational kinematics, to biomedical engineering and to other design/applicative aspects

    Dynamic Modeling of Soft-Material Actuators Combining Constant Curvature Kinematics and Floating-Base Approach

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    Soft robotic manipulators are on the verge to their first real applications. In most cases they are actuated by fluidic pressure or tendons and molded of highly elastic material, which performs large deformation if put under stress. Performing tasks e.g. in inspection of narrow machines or endoscopy requires the actuator to be tactile and controllable. Due to their highly nonlinear behavior, model-based approaches are investigated to combine and utilize sensor information to estimate the system states of the manipulator. In this paper, equations of motion (EoM) for the well-known piecewise constant curvature (PCC) approach are extended by a floating base as it is often used in kinematic chains for legged robots and their contact with the ground. Base reaction forces and moments, which are easily measurable quantities, become visible in the EoM, if the six spatial degrees of freedom at the base of the manipulator are considered. Thereby, additional information on the system's states is obtained and used in the proposed identification scheme. Essentially, the floating base, a center-of-gravity approach and a state-of-the-art parametrization of the PCC kinematics are combined to derive and validate a Lagrangian dynamics model. On a best-case set of validation step responses, the identified inverse dynamics model performs with an accuracy of 5% to 7.6% of max. actuation torque.© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Modelling, analysis and feedback control design for upright standing sways

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    Human body upright standing is inherently unstable, and as a bipedal creature, the body can implement several functions such as upright standing, walking and running, with the help of the central nervous system. Understanding the stability control of the human body during upright standing is important for prosthetic design and joint prostheses, walking restoration, diagnosis of nervous system diseases. Also, it is essential to anthropology, clinical research, aerospace science and kinesiology.Therefore, the objective of this work is to model the musculoskeletal system of human upright standing posture for analysis and control design of body sway. An asymmetric Gaussian function is proposed to model the force-length relationship and compared with other existing force-length models. By using least square curve fitting tools with a set of rabbit experimental data, and simulated data that represent sarcomere of the frog. Also, the implicit and explicit ordinary differential equations, are used to model muscle-tendon unit and compare the simulation results in term of singularity.In addition to, the equilibrium analysis is used to determine sway ranges during upright standing, and the equilibrium points can be used to linearize the model for feedback control design and stability analysis of the musculoskeletal system. Furthermore, a switching function is designed to model the intermittent activity of the MG muscle, where the parameters are optimised using the centre of gravity and electromyography data with Genetic Algorithm tool. The musculoskeletal system of the human body is modelled as a single inverted pendulum, which rotates around the ankle joint, in the sagittal plane only. The calf muscles especially the medial gastrocnemius activated intermittently, and soleus activated continuously are included in the model of the musculoskeletal system. The developed musculoskeletal system model is linearized in order to have clear stability analysis using Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion and eigenvalue analysis.The results show that the musculoskeletal system cannot be stabilised at the upright standing without feeding back angular velocity. The equilibrium analysis reveals how the sway range (sway points) depends on the used anatomical and anthropometry data. Finally, the stability analysis shows that during forwarding sway the calf muscles are shortening paradoxically and lengthening during backwards sway, which supports some existing experimental results. The model-based analysis which used in modelling the body upright standing, will help in analysis and understands the dynamics of the body during upright standing. Also, it assists in medical research, in clinical diagnostics and application

    Survey of Motion Tracking Methods Based on Inertial Sensors: A Focus on Upper Limb Human Motion

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    Motion tracking based on commercial inertial measurements units (IMUs) has been widely studied in the latter years as it is a cost-effective enabling technology for those applications in which motion tracking based on optical technologies is unsuitable. This measurement method has a high impact in human performance assessment and human-robot interaction. IMU motion tracking systems are indeed self-contained and wearable, allowing for long-lasting tracking of the user motion in situated environments. After a survey on IMU-based human tracking, five techniques for motion reconstruction were selected and compared to reconstruct a human arm motion. IMU based estimation was matched against motion tracking based on the Vicon marker-based motion tracking system considered as ground truth. Results show that all but one of the selected models perform similarly (about 35 mm average position estimation error)

    Using Model-based Optimal Control for Conceptional Motion Generation for the Humannoid Robot HRP-2 14 and Design Investigations for Exo-Skeletons

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    The research field of bipedal locomotion has been active since a few decades now. At one hand, the legged locomotion principle comprises highly flexible and robust mobility for technical applications. At the other hand, a thorough technical understanding of bipedalism supports efforts of clinicians and engineers to help people, suffering from reduced locomotion capabilities caused by fatal incidents. Since the technology enabled the construction of numerous robotic devices, among them: various humanoids, researchers started to investigate bipedalism by abstraction and adoption for technical applications. Findings from humanoid robotics are further exploited for the construction of devices for human performance augmentation and mobility support or gait rehabilitation, among them: orthosis and exo-skeletons. Although this research continuously progresses, the motion capacities of humanoid robots still lack far behind those of humans in terms of forward velocity, robustness and appearance of the overall motion. Generally, it is claimed that the difference of performance between humans and robotics is not only due to the limiting characteristics of the employed technology, e.g. constructive lack of specific determinants of gait for bipedalism or dynamic limits of the actuation system, but as well to the adopted methods for motion generation and control. For humanoid robotics, methods for motion generation are classified into optimization-based methods and those that employ heuristics, that are mostly distinguished based on the problem complexity (computation time) and the resulting dynamic error between the generated motion and the dynamics of the real robot. The implementation of the dynamic motion on the robotic platform is usually comprised with an on-line stabilizing control system. This control system must then identify and resolve instantaneously the dynamic error to maintain a continuously stable operation of the device. A large dynamic error and breach of the dynamic limits of the actuation system can quickly lead to a fatal destabilization of the device. This work proposes a contribution to the model computation and the strategy of the problem formulation of direct multiple-shooting based optimal control (Bock et. al.) for dynamically stable optimization-based motion generation. The computation of the whole-body dynamic model inside the optimization relies either on forward or inverse dynamics approach. As the inverse dynamics approach has frequently been perceived as less resource intensive than the forward dynamics approach, a new generic algorithm for insufficiently constrained, under-actuated dynamic systems has been developed and thoroughly tested to comply with all numerical restrictions of the enveloping optimization algorithm. Based on this contribution, various optimal control problems for the humanoid platform HRP-2 14 have been formulated to assess the influence of different biologically inspired optimization criteria on the final motion characteristics of walking motions. From thorough bibliographic researches a dynamically more accurate model was comprised, by taking into account the impact absorbing element in the ankle joint complex. Based on the experiences of the previous study, a problem formulation for the limiting case of, dynamically overstepping an obstacle of 20cm x 11cm (height x width) with only two steps, while maintaining its stable operation was accomplished. This is a new record for this platform. In a further part, this work proposes an iterative comprehensive model-based optimal control approach for the conception of a lower limb exo-skeleton that respects the integrated nature of such a mechatronic device. In this contribution, a human effectively wearing such a lower limb exo-skeleton is modeled. The approach then substantiates all system components in an iterative procedure, based on the complete system model, effectively resolving all complex inter-dependencies between the different components of the system. The study in this work is conducted on an important benchmark motion, walking, of a healthy human being. From this study the limiting characteristics of the system are determined and substantial propositions to the realization of various system components are formulated

    Human pose estimation from video and inertial sensors

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