274 research outputs found

    Orbital Angular Momentum Waves: Generation, Detection and Emerging Applications

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    Orbital angular momentum (OAM) has aroused a widespread interest in many fields, especially in telecommunications due to its potential for unleashing new capacity in the severely congested spectrum of commercial communication systems. Beams carrying OAM have a helical phase front and a field strength with a singularity along the axial center, which can be used for information transmission, imaging and particle manipulation. The number of orthogonal OAM modes in a single beam is theoretically infinite and each mode is an element of a complete orthogonal basis that can be employed for multiplexing different signals, thus greatly improving the spectrum efficiency. In this paper, we comprehensively summarize and compare the methods for generation and detection of optical OAM, radio OAM and acoustic OAM. Then, we represent the applications and technical challenges of OAM in communications, including free-space optical communications, optical fiber communications, radio communications and acoustic communications. To complete our survey, we also discuss the state of art of particle manipulation and target imaging with OAM beams

    Sparse nonlinear optimization for signal processing and communications

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    This dissertation proposes three classes of new sparse nonlinear optimization algorithms for network echo cancellation (NEC), 3-D synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image reconstruction, and adaptive turbo equalization in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) underwater acoustic (UWA) communications, respectively. For NEC, the proposed two proportionate affine projection sign algorithms (APSAs) utilize the sparse nature of the network impulse response (NIR). Benefiting from the characteristics of l₁-norm optimization, affine projection, and proportionate matrix, the new algorithms are more robust to impulsive interferences and colored input than the conventional adaptive algorithms. For 3-D SAR image reconstruction, the proposed two compressed sensing (CS) approaches exploit the sparse nature of the SAR holographic image. Combining CS with the range migration algorithms (RMAs), these approaches can decrease the load of data acquisition while recovering satisfactory 3-D SAR image through l₁-norm optimization. For MIMO UWA communications, a robust iterative channel estimation based minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) turbo equalizer is proposed for large MIMO detection. The MIMO channel estimation is performed jointly with the MMSE equalizer and the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) decoder. The proposed MIMO detection scheme has been tested by experimental data and proved to be robust against tough MIMO channels. --Abstract, page iv

    Effects of errorless learning on the acquisition of velopharyngeal movement control

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    Session 1pSC - Speech Communication: Cross-Linguistic Studies of Speech Sound Learning of the Languages of Hong Kong (Poster Session)The implicit motor learning literature suggests a benefit for learning if errors are minimized during practice. This study investigated whether the same principle holds for learning velopharyngeal movement control. Normal speaking participants learned to produce hypernasal speech in either an errorless learning condition (in which the possibility for errors was limited) or an errorful learning condition (in which the possibility for errors was not limited). Nasality level of the participants’ speech was measured by nasometer and reflected by nasalance scores (in %). Errorless learners practiced producing hypernasal speech with a threshold nasalance score of 10% at the beginning, which gradually increased to a threshold of 50% at the end. The same set of threshold targets were presented to errorful learners but in a reversed order. Errors were defined by the proportion of speech with a nasalance score below the threshold. The results showed that, relative to errorful learners, errorless learners displayed fewer errors (50.7% vs. 17.7%) and a higher mean nasalance score (31.3% vs. 46.7%) during the acquisition phase. Furthermore, errorless learners outperformed errorful learners in both retention and novel transfer tests. Acknowledgment: Supported by The University of Hong Kong Strategic Research Theme for Sciences of Learning © 2012 Acoustical Society of Americapublished_or_final_versio

    Vector sensors for underwater : acoustic communications

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    Acoustic vector sensors measure acoustic pressure and directional components separately. A claimed advantage of vector sensors over pressure-only arrays is the directional information in a collocated device, making it an attractive option for size-restricted applications. The employment of vector sensors as a receiver for underwater communications is relatively new, where the inherent directionality, usually related to particle velocity, is used for signal-to-noise gain and intersymbol interference mitigation. The fundamental question is how to use vector sensor directional components to bene t communications, which this work seeks to answer and to which it contributes by performing: analysis of acoustic pressure and particle velocity components; comparison of vector sensor receiver structures exploring beamforming and diversity; quanti cation of adapted receiver structures in distinct acoustic scenarios and using di erent types of vector sensors. Analytic expressions are shown for pressure and particle velocity channels, revealing extreme cases of correlation between vector sensors' components. Based on the correlation hypothesis, receiver structures are tested with simulated and experimental data. In a rst approach, called vector sensor passive time-reversal, we take advantage of the channel diversity provided by the inherent directivity of vector sensors' components. In a second approach named vector sensor beam steering, pressure and particle velocity components are combined, resulting in a steered beam for a speci c direction. At last, a joint beam steering and passive time-reversal is proposed, adapted for vector sensors. Tested with two distinct experimental datasets, where vector sensors are either positioned on the bottom or tied to a vessel, a broad performance comparison shows the potential of each receiver structure. Analysis of results suggests that the beam steering structure is preferable for shorter source-receiver ranges, whereas the passive time-reversal is preferable for longer ranges. Results show that the joint beam steering and passive time-reversal is the best option to reduce communication error with robustness along the range.Sensores vetoriais acústicos (em inglês, acoustic vector sensors) são dispositivos que medem, alem da pressão acústica, a velocidade de partícula. Esta ultima, é uma medida que se refere a um eixo, portando, esta associada a uma direção. Ao combinar pressão acústica com componentes de velocidade de partícula pode-se estimar a direção de uma fonte sonora utilizando apenas um sensor vetorial. Na realidade, \um" sensor vetorial é composto de um sensor de pressão (hidrofone) e um ou mais sensores que medem componentes da velocidade de partícula. Como podemos notar, o aspecto inovador está na medição da velocidade de partícula, dado que os hidrofones já são conhecidos.(...)This PhD thesis was supported by the Brazilian Navy Postgraduate Study Abroad Program Port. 227/MB-14/08/2019

    MIMO underwater acoustic communications over time-varying channels: from theory to practice

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    Despite more than 70% of our planet surface is covered by water, today the underwater world can still be considered largely unknown. Rivers, lakes, seas and oceans have always been a fundamental resource for human life development, but at the same time they have often represented natural obstacles very hard to surmount. The most impressive example is probably given by the ocean, whose vastness severely limited geographical explorations and discoveries for tens of centuries. Anyway, the growing curiosity about what happens below the water surface has gradually led man to immerse in this unknown environment, trying to overcome its inaccessibility and figure out its secrets. Underwater investigation and exploring have been increasingly supported by technology, advanced over time for different purposes (military, commercial, scientific). In this regard, providing a communication link between remote users has been recognized as one of the main issues to be addressed. The first significant solutions derived from the radio-frequency world, subject of study since the 19th century. Unfortunately both wired and wireless RF inspired signal propagation strategies were not evaluated as successful. The former ones, since considering the deployment of meters (up to kilometers) of cable in depth, were too costly and difficult, while the latter ones did not offer good performance in terms of communication range due to signal attenuation. An alternative way, examined with particular interest from the beginning of the 20th century, has been that one offered by acoustics. Actually, the study of sound and its propagation through different media has been an intriguing topic since the Old World Age, hence the attempt of messaging underwater has seemed to be a great opportunity to convey theoretical principles in a real application. In addition, not only humans but also marine animals use acoustic waves to communicate, even over several kilometers distances as demonstrated by whales. So, since already existing in nature, acoustic communications have been considered as potentially successful, furthermore representing an effective trade-off between feasibility and performance, especially if compared to the other electromagnetic signals-based methods. Communication over RF channels has been extensively investigated so as to become a mature technology. The thorough knowledge about OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model physical layer issues has allowed the researchers attention to be drawn to the upper layers. Following this direction, the recent advances in technology in this field have been accomplished mainly due to novelties in networks managing rather than to enhancements in the signal propagation study. Moving to acoustics, unfortunately this approach results to be failing if applied in the underwater scenario, as the major challenges rise indeed from physics matters. The underwater environment is varied and variable, so understanding the mechanisms that govern the propagation of sound in water is a key element for the design of a well-performing communication system. In this sense, the physical layer has therefore regained the centrality that has been diminished in other contexts. The underwater acoustic communications can be adopted in a wide range of applications. The best-known are coastal monitoring, target detection, AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) remote control, tsunami alarm, environmental data collection and transmission. Those ones are very specific activities, so the devices to be employed must sometimes meet very strict requirements. In this regard, the solutions commercially available provide good performance (that are paid in terms of high costs). On the other hand, the fact that hardware and software are usually copyrighted leads to have a closed system. Having reconfigurable devices is instead an opportunity to match the technology with the environment features and variations, especially in real-time applications. Recently, the need to overcome these constraints has encouraged the debate about underwater technology challenges. The work by Demirors et al. [1] reports an interesting discussion about the implementation of software-defined underwater acoustic networks (UWANs), highlighting how this solution can provide enhancements in terms of software portability, computational capacity, energy efficiency and real-time reconfigurability. Furthermore, the authors propose the architecture of a software-defined acoustic modem and evaluate its performance and capabilities with tank and lake experiments. Considering the comments outlined above, the following dissertation deals with the design of an acoustic communication system. The preliminary theoretical analysis regarding physical layer concerns, such as signal propagation and channel behavior, represents the starting point from which several proposals regarding the implementation of UWANs are introduced. In particular the context of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) communications is investigated, presenting several solutions about transmission schemes and receiver implementation. Furthermore, concerning UWANs management, some strategies for access and error control, established at the data link layer level, are detailed. It is worth highlighting that the goal of this contribution is not to present a disjointed discussion about the topics just listed. The objective is instead to propose practical solutions developed hand in hand with theory, making choices firstly by looking at what nature allows

    Synthetic aperture sonar

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    Synthetic aperture techniques have been applied very successfully for many years in astronomy and radar to obtain high resolution images, an outstanding example in recent years being the use in remote sensing satellite systems. In underwater acoustics, because of the inherent problems caused by random fluctuations in the signal path, the slow velocity of the acoustic wave and the unknown movements of the transducer as it traverses the aperture, the application of the synthetic aperture technique has mainly been limited to the very useful but rather inferior non-coherent technique known as side-scan sonar. However the rapid advances that are being made in micro-chip technology and fast digital signal processing, and the development in image processing algorithms has created renewed interest in the possible application of the synthetic aperture technique to underwater acoustics. This thesis describes such a study

    The perceptual flow of phonetic feature processing

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    Interferometric synthetic aperture sonar system supported by satellite

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200