7,440 research outputs found

    A review of clustering techniques and developments

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. This paper presents a comprehensive study on clustering: exiting methods and developments made at various times. Clustering is defined as an unsupervised learning where the objects are grouped on the basis of some similarity inherent among them. There are different methods for clustering the objects such as hierarchical, partitional, grid, density based and model based. The approaches used in these methods are discussed with their respective states of art and applicability. The measures of similarity as well as the evaluation criteria, which are the central components of clustering, are also presented in the paper. The applications of clustering in some fields like image segmentation, object and character recognition and data mining are highlighted

    Discovery and Extraction of Protein Sequence Motif Information that Transcends Protein Family Boundaries

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    Protein sequence motifs are gathering more and more attention in the field of sequence analysis. The recurring patterns have the potential to determine the conformation, function and activities of the proteins. In our work, we obtained protein sequence motifs which are universally conserved across protein family boundaries. Therefore, unlike most popular motif discovering algorithms, our input dataset is extremely large. As a result, an efficient technique is essential. We use two granular computing models, Fuzzy Improved K-means (FIK) and Fuzzy Greedy K-means (FGK), in order to efficiently generate protein motif information. After that, we develop an efficient Super Granular SVM Feature Elimination model to further extract the motif information. During the motifs searching process, setting up a fixed window size in advance may simplify the computational complexity and increase the efficiency. However, due to the fixed size, our model may deliver a number of similar motifs simply shifted by some bases or including mismatches. We develop a new strategy named Positional Association Super-Rule to confront the problem of motifs generated from a fixed window size. It is a combination approach of the super-rule analysis and a novel Positional Association Rule algorithm. We use the super-rule concept to construct a Super-Rule-Tree (SRT) by a modified HHK clustering, which requires no parameter setup to identify the similarities and dissimilarities between the motifs. The positional association rule is created and applied to search similar motifs that are shifted some residues. By analyzing the motifs results generated by our approaches, we realize that these motifs are not only significant in sequence area, but also in secondary structure similarity and biochemical properties

    Improving average ranking precision in user searches for biomedical research datasets

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    Availability of research datasets is keystone for health and life science study reproducibility and scientific progress. Due to the heterogeneity and complexity of these data, a main challenge to be overcome by research data management systems is to provide users with the best answers for their search queries. In the context of the 2016 bioCADDIE Dataset Retrieval Challenge, we investigate a novel ranking pipeline to improve the search of datasets used in biomedical experiments. Our system comprises a query expansion model based on word embeddings, a similarity measure algorithm that takes into consideration the relevance of the query terms, and a dataset categorisation method that boosts the rank of datasets matching query constraints. The system was evaluated using a corpus with 800k datasets and 21 annotated user queries. Our system provides competitive results when compared to the other challenge participants. In the official run, it achieved the highest infAP among the participants, being +22.3% higher than the median infAP of the participant's best submissions. Overall, it is ranked at top 2 if an aggregated metric using the best official measures per participant is considered. The query expansion method showed positive impact on the system's performance increasing our baseline up to +5.0% and +3.4% for the infAP and infNDCG metrics, respectively. Our similarity measure algorithm seems to be robust, in particular compared to Divergence From Randomness framework, having smaller performance variations under different training conditions. Finally, the result categorization did not have significant impact on the system's performance. We believe that our solution could be used to enhance biomedical dataset management systems. In particular, the use of data driven query expansion methods could be an alternative to the complexity of biomedical terminologies

    DNA Microarray Data Analysis: A New Survey on Biclustering

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    There are subsets of genes that have similar behavior under subsets of conditions, so we say that they coexpress, but behave independently under other subsets of conditions. Discovering such coexpressions can be helpful to uncover genomic knowledge such as gene networks or gene interactions. That is why, it is of utmost importance to make a simultaneous clustering of genes and conditions to identify clusters of genes that are coexpressed under clusters of conditions. This type of clustering is called biclustering.Biclustering is an NP-hard problem. Consequently, heuristic algorithms are typically used to approximate this problem by finding suboptimal solutions. In this paper, we make a new survey on biclustering of gene expression data, also called microarray data

    Learning lost temporal fuzzy association rules

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    Fuzzy association rule mining discovers patterns in transactions, such as shopping baskets in a supermarket, or Web page accesses by a visitor to a Web site. Temporal patterns can be present in fuzzy association rules because the underlying process generating the data can be dynamic. However, existing solutions may not discover all interesting patterns because of a previously unrecognised problem that is revealed in this thesis. The contextual meaning of fuzzy association rules changes because of the dynamic feature of data. The static fuzzy representation and traditional search method are inadequate. The Genetic Iterative Temporal Fuzzy Association Rule Mining (GITFARM) framework solves the problem by utilising flexible fuzzy representations from a fuzzy rule-based system (FRBS). The combination of temporal, fuzzy and itemset space was simultaneously searched with a genetic algorithm (GA) to overcome the problem. The framework transforms the dataset to a graph for efficiently searching the dataset. A choice of model in fuzzy representation provides a trade-off in usage between an approximate and descriptive model. A method for verifying the solution to the hypothesised problem was presented. The proposed GA-based solution was compared with a traditional approach that uses an exhaustive search method. It was shown how the GA-based solution discovered rules that the traditional approach did not. This shows that simultaneously searching for rules and membership functions with a GA is a suitable solution for mining temporal fuzzy association rules. So, in practice, more knowledge can be discovered for making well-informed decisions that would otherwise be lost with a traditional approach.EPSRC DT

    A Spatio-Temporal Framework for Managing Archeological Data

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    Space and time are two important characteristics of data in many domains. This is particularly true in the archaeological context where informa- tion concerning the discovery location of objects allows one to derive important relations between findings of a specific survey or even of different surveys, and time aspects extend from the excavation time, to the dating of archaeological objects. In recent years, several attempts have been performed to develop a spatio-temporal information system tailored for archaeological data. The first aim of this paper is to propose a model, called Star, for repre- senting spatio-temporal data in archaeology. In particular, since in this domain dates are often subjective, estimated and imprecise, Star has to incorporate such vague representation by using fuzzy dates and fuzzy relationships among them. Moreover, besides to the topological relations, another kind of spatial relations is particularly useful in archeology: the stratigraphic ones. There- fore, this paper defines a set of rules for deriving temporal knowledge from the topological and stratigraphic relations existing between two findings. Finally, considering the process through which objects are usually manually dated by archeologists, some existing automatic reasoning techniques may be success- fully applied to guide such process. For this purpose, the last contribution regards the translation of archaeological temporal data into a Fuzzy Temporal Constraint Network for checking the overall data consistency and reducing the vagueness of some dates based on their relationships with other ones