14 research outputs found

    Improving just-in-time delivery performance of IoT-enabled flexible manufacturing systems with AGV based material transportation

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    Autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs) are driverless material handling systems used for transportation of pallets and line side supply of materials to provide flexibility and agility in shop-floor logistics. Scheduling of shop-floor logistics in such systems is a challenging task due to their complex nature associated with the multiple part types and alternate material transfer routings. This paper presents a decision support system capable of supporting shop-floor decision-making activities during the event of manufacturing disruptions by automatically adjusting both AGV and machine schedules in Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs). The proposed system uses discrete event simulation (DES) models enhanced by the Internet-of-Things (IoT) enabled digital integration and employs a nonlinear mixed integer programming Genetic Algorithm (GA) to find near-optimal production schedules prioritising the just-in-time (JIT) material delivery performance and energy efficiency of the material transportation. The performance of the proposed system is tested on the Integrated Manufacturing and Logistics (IML) demonstrator at WMG, University of Warwick. The results showed that the developed system can find the near-optimal solutions for production schedules subjected to production anomalies in a negligible time, thereby supporting shop-floor decision-making activities effectively and rapidly

    Improving just-in-time delivery performance of IoT-enabled flexible manufacturing systems with AGV based material transportation

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs) are driverless material handling systems used for transportation of pallets and line side supply of materials to provide flexibility and agility in shop-floor logistics. Scheduling of shop-floor logistics in such systems is a challenging task due to their complex nature associated with the multiple part types and alternate material transfer routings. This paper presents a decision support system capable of supporting shop-floor decision-making activities during the event of manufacturing disruptions by automatically adjusting both AGV and machine schedules in Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs). The proposed system uses discrete event simulation (DES) models enhanced by the Internet-of-Things (IoT) enabled digital integration and employs a nonlinear mixed integer programming Genetic Algorithm (GA) to find near-optimal production schedules prioritising the just-in-time (JIT) material delivery performance and energy efficiency of the material transportation. The performance of the proposed system is tested on the Integrated Manufacturing and Logistics (IML) demonstrator at WMG, University of Warwick. The results showed that the developed system can find the near-optimal solutions for production schedules subjected to production anomalies in a negligible time, thereby supporting shop-floor decision-making activities effectively and rapidly

    A human centred hybrid MAS and meta-heuristics based system for simultaneously supporting scheduling and plant layout adjustment

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    Manufacturing activities and production control are constantly growing. Despite this, it is necessary to improve the increasing variety of scheduling and layout adjustments for dynamic and flexible responses in volatile environments with disruptions or failures. Faced with the lack of realistic and practical manufacturing scenarios, this approach allows simulating and solving the problem of job shop scheduling on a production system by taking advantage of genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization algorithm combined with the flexibility and robustness of a multi-agent system and dynamic rescheduling alternatives. Therefore, this hybrid decision support system intends to obtain optimized solutions and enable humans to interact with the system to properly adjust priorities or refine setups or solutions, in an interactive and user-friendly way. The system allows to evaluate the optimization performance of each one of the algorithms proposed, as well as to obtain decentralization in responsiveness and dynamic decisions for rescheduling due to the occurance of unexpected events.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019

    Robotix-Academy Conference for Industrial Robotics (RACIR) 2019

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    Robotix-Academy Conference for Industrial Robotics (RACIR) is held in University of LiĂšge, Belgium, during June 05, 2019. The topics concerned by RACIR are: robot design, robot kinematics/dynamics/control, system integration, sensor/ actuator networks, distributed and cloud robotics, bio-inspired systems, service robots, robotics in automation, biomedical applications, autonomous vehicles (land, sea and air), robot perception, manipulation with multi-finger hands, micro/nano systems, sensor information, robot vision, multimodal interface and human-robot interaction.

    Recent Research Trends in Genetic Algorithm Based Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems

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    Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (FJSSP) is an extension of the classical Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP). The FJSSP is known to be NP-hard problem with regard to optimization and it is very difficult to find reasonably accurate solutions of the problem instances in a rational time. Extensive research has been carried out in this area especially over the span of the last 20 years in which the hybrid approaches involving Genetic Algorithm (GA) have gained the most popularity. Keeping in view this aspect, this article presents a comprehensive literature review of the FJSSPs solved using the GA. The survey is further extended by the inclusion of the hybrid GA (hGA) techniques used in the solution of the problem. This review will give readers an insight into use of certain parameters in their future research along with future research directions

    The optimisation and integration of AGVs with the manufacturing process

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    In recent years, the manufacturing environment, driven by the growth of advanced technologies and the increasing demand for customised products, has becomes increasingly competitive. In this context, manufacturing systems are now required to be more automated, flexible and reconfigurable. Thus, Autonomous Guided Vehicle (AGV), as a key enabler of dynamic shop floor logistics, are being increasingly widely deployed into the manufacturing sector for the lineside materials supplying, work-in-progress transportation, and finished products collection. A large number of companies and institutions are researching on different AGV systems to integrate AGVs-based shop floor logistics with manufacturing equipment and processes. However, these AGV systems are typically equipped with various communication protocols and utilise ad-hoc communication methods. They lack a generic framework to integrate the AGV systems into the manufacturing systems with minimal engineering effort and system reconfiguration. Current scheduling optimisation methods for multiple AGVs in shop floor logistics now support effective task allocation, shortest route planning, and conflict-free supervision, allocating the delivery tasks based on the location and availability of AGVs. However, these current methods do not give enough consideration to real-time operational information during the manufacturing process and have difficulties in analysing the real-time delivery requests from manufacturing work stations. This not only reduces the efficiency and flexibility of the shop floor logistics, ii but also significantly impacts on the overall performance of manufacturing processes. This thesis presents a generic integration approach, called Smart AGV Management System (SAMS), to support the integration of AGVs with manufacturing processes. The proposed framework enables enhanced interoperability between AGVs-based shop floor logistics and the manufacturing process through a generic data-sharing platform. Moreover, a Digital Twin (DT)-based optimisation method is developed in SAMS that can simulate and analyse the real-time manufacturing process to schedule AGVs for optimising multiple objectives, including the utilisation of work stations, delivery Justin- time (JIT) performance, charging of AGVs and overall energy consumption. This approach is experimentally deployed and evaluated from various perspectives to identify its integration and optimisation capabilities during the reconfiguration and operational phases. The results show that the proposed integration framework can enable a more effective integration with manufacturing process compared to traditional integration methods. In addition, the results demonstrate that the proposed optimisation method can schedule and reschedule AGV-based shop floor logistics when facing a range of system disruptions

    Application of lean scheduling and production control in non-repetitive manufacturing systems using intelligent agent decision support

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Lean Manufacturing (LM) is widely accepted as a world-class manufacturing paradigm, its currency and superiority are manifested in numerous recent success stories. Most lean tools including Just-in-Time (JIT) were designed for repetitive serial production systems. This resulted in a substantial stream of research which dismissed a priori the suitability of LM for non-repetitive non-serial job-shops. The extension of LM into non-repetitive production systems is opposed on the basis of the sheer complexity of applying JIT pull production control in non-repetitive systems fabricating a high variety of products. However, the application of LM in job-shops is not unexplored. Studies proposing the extension of leanness into non-repetitive production systems have promoted the modification of pull control mechanisms or reconfiguration of job-shops into cellular manufacturing systems. This thesis sought to address the shortcomings of the aforementioned approaches. The contribution of this thesis to knowledge in the field of production and operations management is threefold: Firstly, a Multi-Agent System (MAS) is designed to directly apply pull production control to a good approximation of a real-life job-shop. The scale and complexity of the developed MAS prove that the application of pull production control in non-repetitive manufacturing systems is challenging, perplex and laborious. Secondly, the thesis examines three pull production control mechanisms namely, Kanban, Base Stock and Constant Work-in-Process (CONWIP) which it enhances so as to prevent system deadlocks, an issue largely unaddressed in the relevant literature. Having successfully tested the transferability of pull production control to non-repetitive manufacturing, the third contribution of this thesis is that it uses experimental and empirical data to examine the impact of pull production control on job-shop performance. The thesis identifies issues resulting from the application of pull control in job-shops which have implications for industry practice and concludes by outlining further research that can be undertaken in this direction

    13th International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Simulation - MOSIM 2020

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    ComitĂ© d’organisation: UniversitĂ© Internationale d’Agadir – Agadir (Maroc) Laboratoire Conception Fabrication Commande – Metz (France)Session RS-1 “Simulation et Optimisation” / “Simulation and Optimization” Session RS-2 “Planification des Besoins MatiĂšres PilotĂ©e par la Demande” / ”Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning” Session RS-3 “IngĂ©nierie de SystĂšmes BasĂ©es sur les ModĂšles” / “Model-Based System Engineering” Session RS-4 “Recherche OpĂ©rationnelle en Gestion de Production” / "Operations Research in Production Management" Session RS-5 "Planification des MatiĂšres et des Ressources / Planification de la Production” / “Material and Resource Planning / Production Planning" Session RS-6 “Maintenance Industrielle” / “Industrial Maintenance” Session RS-7 "Etudes de Cas Industriels” / “Industrial Case Studies" Session RS-8 "DonnĂ©es de Masse / Analyse de DonnĂ©es” / “Big Data / Data Analytics" Session RS-9 "Gestion des SystĂšmes de Transport” / “Transportation System Management" Session RS-10 "Economie Circulaire / DĂ©veloppement Durable" / "Circular Economie / Sustainable Development" Session RS-11 "Conception et Gestion des ChaĂźnes Logistiques” / “Supply Chain Design and Management" Session SP-1 “Intelligence Artificielle & Analyse de DonnĂ©es pour la Production 4.0” / “Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics in Manufacturing 4.0” Session SP-2 “Gestion des Risques en Logistique” / “Risk Management in Logistics” Session SP-3 “Gestion des Risques et Evaluation de Performance” / “Risk Management and Performance Assessment” Session SP-4 "Indicateurs ClĂ©s de Performance 4.0 et Dynamique de Prise de DĂ©cision” / ”4.0 Key Performance Indicators and Decision-Making Dynamics" Session SP-5 "Logistique Maritime” / “Marine Logistics" Session SP-6 “Territoire et Logistique : Un SystĂšme Complexe” / “Territory and Logistics: A Complex System” Session SP-7 "Nouvelles AvancĂ©es et Applications de la Logique Floue en Production Durable et en Logistique” / “Recent Advances and Fuzzy-Logic Applications in Sustainable Manufacturing and Logistics" Session SP-8 “Gestion des Soins de SantĂ©â€ / ”Health Care Management” Session SP-9 “IngĂ©nierie Organisationnelle et Gestion de la ContinuitĂ© de Service des SystĂšmes de SantĂ© dans l’Ere de la Transformation NumĂ©rique de la SociĂ©tĂ©â€ / “Organizational Engineering and Management of Business Continuity of Healthcare Systems in the Era of Numerical Society Transformation” Session SP-10 “Planification et Commande de la Production pour l’Industrie 4.0” / “Production Planning and Control for Industry 4.0” Session SP-11 “Optimisation des SystĂšmes de Production dans le Contexte 4.0 Utilisant l’AmĂ©lioration Continue” / “Production System Optimization in 4.0 Context Using Continuous Improvement” Session SP-12 “DĂ©fis pour la Conception des SystĂšmes de Production Cyber-Physiques” / “Challenges for the Design of Cyber Physical Production Systems” Session SP-13 “Production AvisĂ©e et DĂ©veloppement Durable” / “Smart Manufacturing and Sustainable Development” Session SP-14 “L’Humain dans l’Usine du Futur” / “Human in the Factory of the Future” Session SP-15 “Ordonnancement et PrĂ©vision de ChaĂźnes Logistiques RĂ©silientes” / “Scheduling and Forecasting for Resilient Supply Chains