8,575 research outputs found

    Throughput-driven floorplanning with wire pipelining

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    The size of future high-performance SoC is such that the time-of-flight of wires connecting distant pins in the layout can be much higher than the clock period. In order to keep the frequency as high as possible, the wires may be pipelined. However, the insertion of flip-flops may alter the throughput of the system due to the presence of loops in the logic netlist. In this paper, we address the problem of floorplanning a large design where long interconnects are pipelined by inserting the throughput in the cost function of a tool based on simulated annealing. The results obtained on a series of benchmarks are then validated using a simple router that breaks long interconnects by suitably placing flip-flops along the wires

    Automatic assembly design project 1968/9 :|breport of economic planning committee

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    Investigations into automatic assembly systems have been carried out. The conclusions show the major features to be considered by a company operating the machine to assemble the contact block with regard to machine output and financial aspects. The machine system has been shown to be economically viable for use under suitable conditions, but the contact block is considered to be unsuitable for automatic assembly. Data for machine specification, reliability and maintenance has been provided

    Exploiting Non-Causal CPU-State Information for Energy-Efficient Mobile Cooperative Computing

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    Scavenging the idling computation resources at the enormous number of mobile devices can provide a powerful platform for local mobile cloud computing. The vision can be realized by peer-to-peer cooperative computing between edge devices, referred to as co-computing. This paper considers a co-computing system where a user offloads computation of input-data to a helper. The helper controls the offloading process for the objective of minimizing the user's energy consumption based on a predicted helper's CPU-idling profile that specifies the amount of available computation resource for co-computing. Consider the scenario that the user has one-shot input-data arrival and the helper buffers offloaded bits. The problem for energy-efficient co-computing is formulated as two sub-problems: the slave problem corresponding to adaptive offloading and the master one to data partitioning. Given a fixed offloaded data size, the adaptive offloading aims at minimizing the energy consumption for offloading by controlling the offloading rate under the deadline and buffer constraints. By deriving the necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimal solution, we characterize the structure of the optimal policies and propose algorithms for computing the policies. Furthermore, we show that the problem of optimal data partitioning for offloading and local computing at the user is convex, admitting a simple solution using the sub-gradient method. Last, the developed design approach for co-computing is extended to the scenario of bursty data arrivals at the user accounting for data causality constraints. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.Comment: Submitted to possible journa

    Acceleration of stereo-matching on multi-core CPU and GPU

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    This paper presents an accelerated version of a dense stereo-correspondence algorithm for two different parallelism enabled architectures, multi-core CPU and GPU. The algorithm is part of the vision system developed for a binocular robot-head in the context of the CloPeMa 1 research project. This research project focuses on the conception of a new clothes folding robot with real-time and high resolution requirements for the vision system. The performance analysis shows that the parallelised stereo-matching algorithm has been significantly accelerated, maintaining 12x and 176x speed-up respectively for multi-core CPU and GPU, compared with non-SIMD singlethread CPU. To analyse the origin of the speed-up and gain deeper understanding about the choice of the optimal hardware, the algorithm was broken into key sub-tasks and the performance was tested for four different hardware architectures

    Linear programming control of a group of heat pumps

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    For a new district in the Dutch city Meppel, a hybrid energy concept is developed based on bio-gas co-generation. The generated electricity is used to power domestic heat pumps which supply thermal energy for domestic hot water and space heating demand of households. In this paper, we investigate direct control of the heat pumps by the utility and how the large-scale optimization problem that is created can be reduced significantly. Two different linear programming control methods (global MILP and time scale MILP) are presented. The latter solves large-scale optimization problems in considerably less computational time. For simulation purposes, data of household thermal demand is obtained from prediction models developed for this research. The control methods are compared with a reference control method resembling PI on/off control of each heat pump. The reference control results in a dynamic electricity consumption with many peak loads on the network, which indicates a high level of simultaneous running heat pumps at those times. Both methods of mix integer linear programming (MILP) control of the heat pumps lead to a much improved, almost flat electricity consumption profile. Both optimization control methods are equally able to minimize the maximum peak consumption of electric power by the heat pumps, but the time scale MILP method requires much less computational effort. Future work is dedicated on further development of optimized control of the heat pumps and the central CHP

    Integration of a Digital Built-in Self-Test for On-Chip Memories

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    The ability of testing on-chip circuitry is extremely essential to ASIC implemen- tations today. However, providing functional tests and verification for on-chip (embedded) memories always poses a huge number of challenges to the designer. Therefore, a co-existing automated built-in self-test block with the Design Under Test (DUT) seems crucial to provide comprehensive, efficient and robust testing features. The target DUT of this thesis project is the state-of-the-arts Ultra Low Power (ULP) dual-port SRAMs designed in ASIC group of EIT department at Lund University. This thesis starts from system RTL modeling and verification from an earlier project, and then goes through ASIC design phase in 28 nm FD-SOI technology from ST-Microelectronics. All scripts during the ASIC design phase are developed in TCL. This design is implemented with multiple power domains (using CPF approach and introducing level-shifters at crossing-points between domains) and multiple clock sources in order to make it possible to perform various measurements with a high reliability on different flavours of a dual-port SRAM.This design is able to reduce dramatically the complexity of verification and measurement to integrated memories. This digital integrated circuit (IC) is developed as an application-specific IC (ASIC) chip for functional verification of integrated memories and measuring them in different aspects such as power consumption. The design is automated and capable of being reconfigured easily in terms of required actions and data for testing on-chip memories. Put it in other words, this design has automated and optimized the generation of what data to be stored on which location on memories as well as how they have been treated and interpreted later on. For instance, it refreshes and delivers different operation modes and working patterns to the entire test system in order to fully utilize integrated memories, of which such an automation is instructed by the stimuli to the chip. Besides, the pattern generation of the stimuli is implemented on MATLAB in an automated way. Due to constant advancements in chip manufacturing technology, more devices are squeezed into the same silicon area. Meaning that in order to monitor more internal signals introduced by the increased complexity of the circuits, more dedicated input/output ports (the physical interface between the chip internal signals and outside world) are required, that makes the chip bonding and testing in the future difficult and time-consuming. Additionally, memories usually have a bigger number of pins for signal reactions than other circuit blocks do, the method of dealing with so many pins should also be taken into account. Thus, a few techniques are adopted in this system to assist the designers deal with all mentioned issues. Once the ASIC chip has been fabricated (manufactured) and bonded, the on-chip memories can be tested directly on a printed circuit board in a simple and flexible way: Once test instruction input is loaded into the chip, the system starts to update the system settings and then to generate the internal configurations(parameters) so that all different operations, modes or instructions related to memory testing are automatically processed
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