846 research outputs found

    Advanced space system concepts and their orbital support needs (1980 - 2000). Volume 1: Executive summary

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    The likely system concepts which might be representative of NASA and DoD space programs in the 1980-2000 time period were studied along with the programs' likely needs for major space transportation vehicles, orbital support vehicles, and technology developments which could be shared by the military and civilian space establishments in that time period. Such needs could then be used by NASA as an input in determining the nature of its long-range development plan. The approach used was to develop a list of possible space system concepts (initiatives) in parallel with a list of needs based on consideration of the likely environments and goals of the future. The two lists thus obtained represented what could be done, regardless of need; and what should be done, regardless of capability, respectively. A set of development program plans for space application concepts was then assembled, matching needs against capabilities, and the requirements of the space concepts for support vehicles, transportation, and technology were extracted. The process was pursued in parallel for likely military and civilian programs, and the common support needs thus identified

    Design of an UAV swarm

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    This master thesis tries to give an overview on the general aspects involved in the design of an UAV swarm. UAV swarms are continuoulsy gaining popularity amongst researchers and UAV manufacturers, since they allow greater success rates in task accomplishing with reduced times. Appart from this, multiple UAVs cooperating between them opens a new field of missions that can only be carried in this way. All the topics explained within this master thesis will explain all the agents involved in the design of an UAV swarm, from the communication protocols between them, navigation and trajectory analysis and task allocation

    Collaborative autonomy in heterogeneous multi-robot systems

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    As autonomous mobile robots become increasingly connected and widely deployed in different domains, managing multiple robots and their interaction is key to the future of ubiquitous autonomous systems. Indeed, robots are not individual entities anymore. Instead, many robots today are deployed as part of larger fleets or in teams. The benefits of multirobot collaboration, specially in heterogeneous groups, are multiple. Significantly higher degrees of situational awareness and understanding of their environment can be achieved when robots with different operational capabilities are deployed together. Examples of this include the Perseverance rover and the Ingenuity helicopter that NASA has deployed in Mars, or the highly heterogeneous robot teams that explored caves and other complex environments during the last DARPA Sub-T competition. This thesis delves into the wide topic of collaborative autonomy in multi-robot systems, encompassing some of the key elements required for achieving robust collaboration: solving collaborative decision-making problems; securing their operation, management and interaction; providing means for autonomous coordination in space and accurate global or relative state estimation; and achieving collaborative situational awareness through distributed perception and cooperative planning. The thesis covers novel formation control algorithms, and new ways to achieve accurate absolute or relative localization within multi-robot systems. It also explores the potential of distributed ledger technologies as an underlying framework to achieve collaborative decision-making in distributed robotic systems. Throughout the thesis, I introduce novel approaches to utilizing cryptographic elements and blockchain technology for securing the operation of autonomous robots, showing that sensor data and mission instructions can be validated in an end-to-end manner. I then shift the focus to localization and coordination, studying ultra-wideband (UWB) radios and their potential. I show how UWB-based ranging and localization can enable aerial robots to operate in GNSS-denied environments, with a study of the constraints and limitations. I also study the potential of UWB-based relative localization between aerial and ground robots for more accurate positioning in areas where GNSS signals degrade. In terms of coordination, I introduce two new algorithms for formation control that require zero to minimal communication, if enough degree of awareness of neighbor robots is available. These algorithms are validated in simulation and real-world experiments. The thesis concludes with the integration of a new approach to cooperative path planning algorithms and UWB-based relative localization for dense scene reconstruction using lidar and vision sensors in ground and aerial robots

    Middleware and Architecture for Advanced Applications of Cyber-physical Systems

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    In this thesis, we address issues related to middleware, architecture and applications of cyber-physical systems. The first problem we address is the cross-layer design of cyber-physical systems to cope with interactions between the cyber layer and the physical layer in a dynamic environment. We propose a bi-directional middleware that allows the optimal utilization of the common resources for the benefit of either or both the layers in order to obtain overall system performance. The case study of network connectivity preservation in a vehicular formation illustrates how this approach can be applied to a particular situation where the network connectivity drives the application layer. Next we address another aspect of cross-layer impact: the problem that arises when network performance, in this case delay performance, affects control system performance. We propose a two-pronged approach involving a flexible adaptive model identification algorithm with outlier rejection, which in turn uses an adaptive system model to detect and reject outliers, thus shielding the estimation algorithm and thereby improving reliability. We experimentally demonstrate that the outlier rejection approach which intercepts and filters the data, combined with simultaneous model adaptation, can result in improved performance of Model Predictive Control in the vehicular testbed. Then we turn to two advanced applications of cyber-physical systems. First, we address the problem of security of cyber-physical systems. We consider the context of an intelligent transportation system in which a malicious sensor node manipulates the position data of one of the autonomous cars to deviate from a safe trajectory and collide with other cars. In order to secure the safety of such systems where sensor measurements are compromised, we employ the procedure of “dynamic watermarking”. This procedure enables an honest node in the control loop to detect the existence of a malicious node within the feedback loop. We demonstrate in the testbed that dynamic watermarking can indeed protect cars against collisions even in the presence of sensor attacks. The second application of cyber-physical systems that we consider is cyber-manufacturing which is an origami-type laser-based custom manufacturing machine employing folding and cutting of sheet material to manufacture 3D objects. We have developed such a system for use in a laser-based autonomous custom manufacturing machine equipped with real-time sensing and control. The basic elements in the architecture are a laser processing machine, a sensing system to estimate the state of the workpiece, a control system determining control inputs for a laser system based on the estimated data, a robotic arm manipulating the workpiece in the work space, and middleware supporting the communication among the systems. We demonstrate automated 3D laser cutting and bending to fabricate a 3D product as an experimental result. Lastly, we address the problem of traffic management of an unmanned aerial system. In an effort to improve the performance of the traffic management for unmanned aircrafts, we propose a probability-based collision resolution algorithm. The proposed algorithm analyzes the planned trajectories to calculate their collision probabilities, and modifies individual drone starting times to reduce the probability of collision, while attempting to preserve high performance. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm improves the performance of the drone traffic management by guaranteeing high safety with low modification of the starting times

    Distributed management and coordination of UAV swarms based on infrastructureless wireless networks

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    [ES] Los Vehículos Aéreos no Tripulados (o drones) ya han demostrado su utilidad en una gran variedad de aplicaciones. Hoy en día, se utilizan para fotografía, cinematografía, inspecciones y vigilancia, entre otros. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los casos todavía son controlados por un piloto, que como máximo suele estar volando un solo dron cada vez. En esta tesis, tratamos de avanzar en paso más allá en esta tecnología al permitir que múltiples drones con capacidad para despegue y aterrizaje vertical trabajen de forma sincronizada, como una sola entidad. La principal ventaja de realizar vuelos en grupo, comúnmente denominado enjambre, es que se pueden realizar tareas más complejas que utilizando un solo dron. De hecho, un enjambre permite cubrir más área en el mismo tiempo, ser más resistente, tener una capacidad de carga más alta, etc. Esto puede habilitar el uso de nuevas aplicaciones, o una mejor eficiencia para las aplicaciones existentes. Sin embargo, una parte clave es que los miembros del enjambre deben organizarse correctamente, ya que, durante el vuelo, diferentes perturbaciones pueden provocar que sea complicado mantener el enjambre como una unidad coherente. Una vez que se pierde esta coherencia, todos los beneficios previamente mencionados de un enjambre se pierden también. Incluso, aumenta el riesgo de colisiones entre los elementos del enjambre. Por lo tanto, esta tesis se centra en resolver algunos de estos problemas, proporcionando un conjunto de algoritmos que permitan a otros desarrolladores crear aplicaciones de enjambres de drones. Para desarrollar los algoritmos propuestos hemos incorporado mejoras al llamado ArduSim. Este simulador nos permite simular tanto la física de un dron como la comunicación entre drones con un alto grado de precisión. ArduSim nos permite implementar protocolos y algoritmos (bien probados) en drones reales con facilidad. Durante toda la tesis, ArduSim ha sido utilizado ampliamente. Su utilización ha permitido que las pruebas fueran seguras, y al mismo tiempo nos permitió ahorrar mucho tiempo, dinero y esfuerzo de investigación. Comenzamos nuestra investigación sobre enjambres asignando posiciones aéreas para cada dron en el suelo. Suponiendo que los drones están ubicados aleatoriamente en el suelo, y que necesitan alcanzar una formación aérea deseada, buscamos una solución que minimice la distancia total recorrida por todos los drones. Para ello se empezó con un método de fuerza bruta, pero rápidamente nos dimos cuenta de que, dada su alta complejidad, este método funciona mal cuando el número de drones aumenta. Por lo tanto, propusimos una heurística. Como en todas las heurísticas, se realizó un compromiso entre complejidad y precisión. Al simplificar el problema, encontramos que nuestra heurística era capaz de calcular una solución muy rápidamente sin aumentar sustancialmente la distancia total recorrida. Además, implementamos el algoritmo de Kuhn-Munkres (KMA), un algoritmo que ha demostrado proporcionar la respuesta exacta (es decir, reducir la distancia total recorrida) en el menor tiempo posible. Después de muchos experimentos, llegamos a la conclusión de que nuestra heurística es más rápida, pero que la solución proporcionada por el KMA es ligeramente más eficiente. En particular, aunque la diferencia en la distancia total recorrida es pequeña, el uso de KMA reduce el número de trayectorias de vuelo que se cruzan entre sí, lo cual es una métrica importante para las siguientes propuestas.[...][CA] Els vehicles aeris no tripulats (o drons) ja han demostrat la seua utilitat en una gran varietat d'aplicacions. Avui dia, s'utilitzen per a fotografia, cinematografia, inspeccions i vigilància, entre altres. No obstant això, en la majoria dels casos encara són controlats per un pilot, que com a màxim sol controlar el vol d'un sol dron cada vegada. En aquesta tesi, tractem d'avançar un pas més enllà en aquesta tecnologia, en permetre que múltiples drons amb capacitat per a l'enlairament i l'aterratge vertical treballen de forma sincronitzada, com una sola entitat. El principal avantatge de realitzar vols en grup, comunament denominats eixam, és que es poden fer tasques més complexes que utilitzant un sol dron. De fet, un eixam permet cobrir més àrea en el mateix temps, ser més resistent, tenir una capacitat de càrrega més alta, etc. Això pot habilitar l'ús de noves aplicacions, o una millor eficiència per a les aplicacions existents. No obstant això, una punt clau és que els membres de l'eixam han d'organitzar-se correctament, ja que, durant el vol, diferents pertorbacions poden provocar que siga complicat mantenir l'eixam com una unitat coherent. Una vegada que es perd aquesta coherència, tots els beneficis prèviament esmentats d'un eixam es perden també. Fins i tot, augmenta el risc de col·lisions entre els elements de l'eixam. Per tant, aquesta tesi se centra a resoldre alguns d'aquests problemes, proporcionant un conjunt d'algorismes que permeten a altres desenvolupadors crear aplicacions d'eixams de drons. Per a desenvolupar els algorismes proposats hem incorporat millores a l'anomenat ArduSim. Aquest simulador ens permet simular tant la física d'un dron com la comunicació entre drons amb un alt grau de precisió. ArduSim ens permet implementar protocols i algorismes (ben provats) en drons reals amb facilitat. Durant tota la tesi, ArduSim s'ha utilitzat àmpliament. El seu ús ha permès que les proves foren segures, i al mateix temps ens va permetre estalviar molt de temps, diners i esforç d'investigació. Per tant, es va utilitzar ArduSim per a cada bloc de construcció que vam desenvolupar. Comencem la nostra recerca sobre eixams assignant posicions aèries per a cada dron en terra. Suposant que els drons estan situats aleatòriament en terra i que necessiten assolir la formació aèria desitjada, cerquem una solució que minimitze la distància total recorreguda per tots els drons. Per a això, es va començar amb un mètode de força bruta, però ràpidament ens vam adonar que, atesa l'alta complexitat, aquest mètode funciona malament quan el nombre de drons augmenta. Per tant, vam proposar una heurística. Com en totes les heurístiques, es va fer un compromís entre complexitat i precisió. En simplificar el problema, trobem que la nostra heurística era capaç de calcular una solució molt ràpidament sense augmentar substancialment la distància total recorreguda. A més, vam implementar l'algorisme de Kuhn-Munkres (KMA), un algorisme que ha demostrat proporcionar la resposta exacta (és a dir, reduir la distància total recorreguda) en el menor temps possible. Després de molts experiments, arribem a la conclusió que la nostra heurística és més ràpida, però que la solució proporcionada pel KMA és lleugerament més eficient. En particular, encara que la diferència en la distància total recorreguda és xicoteta, l'ús de KMA redueix el nombre de trajectòries de vol que s'encreuen entre si, la qual cosa és una mètrica important per a les propostes següents.[...][EN] Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have already proven to be useful in many different applications. Nowadays, they are used for photography, cinematography, inspections, and surveillance. However, in most cases they are still controlled by a pilot, who at most is flying one UAV at a time. In this thesis, we try to take this technology one step further by allowing multiple Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) UAVs to work together as one entity. The main advantage of this group, commonly referred to as a swarm, is that it can perform more complex tasks than a single UAV. When organized correctly, a swarm allows for: more area to be covered in the same time, more resilience, higher load capability, etc. A swarm can lead to new applications, or a better efficiency for existing applications. A key part, however, is that they should be organized correctly. During the flight, different disturbances will make it complicated to keep the swarm as one coherent unit. Once this coherency is lost, all the previously mentioned benefits of a swarm are lost as well. Even worse, the chance of a hazard increases. Therefore, this thesis focuses on solving some of these issues by providing a baseline of building blocks that enable other developers to create UAV swarm applications. In order to develop these building blocks, we improve a multi-UAV simulator called ArduSim. This simulator allows us to simulate both the physics of a UAV, and the communication between UAVs with a high degree of accuracy. This is a crucial part because it allows us to deploy (well tested) protocols and algorithms on real UAVs with ease. During the entirety of this thesis, ArduSim has been used extensively. It made testing safe, and allowed us to save a lot of time, money and research effort. We started by assigning airborne positions for each UAV on the ground. Assuming that the UAVs, are placed randomly on the ground, and that they need to reach a desired aerial formation, we searched for a solution that minimizes the total distance travelled by all the UAVs. We started with a brute-force method, but quickly realized that, given its high complexity, this method performs badly when the number of UAVs grows. Hence, we created a heuristic. As for all heuristics, a trade-off was made between complexity and accuracy. By simplifying the problem, we found that our heuristic was able to calculate a solution very quickly without increasing the total distance travelled substantially. Furthermore, we implemented the \ac{KMA}, an algorithm that has been proven to provide the exact answer (i.e. minimal total distance travelled) in the shortest time possible. After many experiments, we came to the conclusion that our heuristic is faster, but that the solution provided by the \ac{KMA} is slightly better. In particular, although the difference in total distance travelled is small, the \ac{KMA} reduces the numbers of flight paths crossing each other, which is an important metric in our next building block. Once we developed algorithms to assign airborne positions to each UAV on the ground, we started developing algorithms to take off all those UAVs. The objective of these algorithms is to reduce the time it takes for all the UAVs to reach their aerial position, while ensuring that all UAVs maintain a safe distance. The easiest solution is a sequential take-off procedure, but this is also the slowest approach. Hence, we improved it by first proposing a semi-sequential and later a semi-simultaneous take-off procedure. With this semi-simultaneous take-off procedure, we are able to reduce the takeoff time drastically without introducing any risk to the aircraft. [..]Wubben, J. (2023). Distributed management and coordination of UAV swarms based on infrastructureless wireless networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19888

    A Survey on Aerial Swarm Robotics

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    The use of aerial swarms to solve real-world problems has been increasing steadily, accompanied by falling prices and improving performance of communication, sensing, and processing hardware. The commoditization of hardware has reduced unit costs, thereby lowering the barriers to entry to the field of aerial swarm robotics. A key enabling technology for swarms is the family of algorithms that allow the individual members of the swarm to communicate and allocate tasks amongst themselves, plan their trajectories, and coordinate their flight in such a way that the overall objectives of the swarm are achieved efficiently. These algorithms, often organized in a hierarchical fashion, endow the swarm with autonomy at every level, and the role of a human operator can be reduced, in principle, to interactions at a higher level without direct intervention. This technology depends on the clever and innovative application of theoretical tools from control and estimation. This paper reviews the state of the art of these theoretical tools, specifically focusing on how they have been developed for, and applied to, aerial swarms. Aerial swarms differ from swarms of ground-based vehicles in two respects: they operate in a three-dimensional space and the dynamics of individual vehicles adds an extra layer of complexity. We review dynamic modeling and conditions for stability and controllability that are essential in order to achieve cooperative flight and distributed sensing. The main sections of this paper focus on major results covering trajectory generation, task allocation, adversarial control, distributed sensing, monitoring, and mapping. Wherever possible, we indicate how the physics and subsystem technologies of aerial robots are brought to bear on these individual areas

    2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy

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    This document is an update (new photos used) of the PDF version of the 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy that will be available to download on the OCT Public Website. The updated 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy, or "technology dictionary", uses a technology discipline based approach that realigns like-technologies independent of their application within the NASA mission portfolio. This tool is meant to serve as a common technology discipline-based communication tool across the agency and with its partners in other government agencies, academia, industry, and across the world