19,165 research outputs found

    Homogeneous SPC/E water nucleation in large molecular dynamics simulations

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    We perform direct large molecular dynamics simulations of homogeneous SPC/E water nucleation, using up to 4106\sim 4\cdot 10^6 molecules. Our large system sizes allow us to measure extremely low and accurate nucleation rates, down to 1019cm3s1\sim 10^{19}\,\textrm{cm}^{-3}\textrm{s}^{-1}, helping close the gap between experimentally measured rates 1017cm3s1\sim 10^{17}\,\textrm{cm}^{-3}\textrm{s}^{-1}. We are also able to precisely measure size distributions, sticking efficiencies, cluster temperatures, and cluster internal densities. We introduce a new functional form to implement the Yasuoka-Matsumoto nucleation rate measurement technique (threshold method). Comparison to nucleation models shows that classical nucleation theory over-estimates nucleation rates by a few orders of magnitude. The semi-phenomenological nucleation model does better, under-predicting rates by at worst, a factor of 24. Unlike what has been observed in Lennard-Jones simulations, post-critical clusters have temperatures consistent with the run average temperature. Also, we observe that post-critical clusters have densities very slightly higher, 5%\sim 5\%, than bulk liquid. We re-calibrate a Hale-type JJ vs. SS scaling relation using both experimental and simulation data, finding remarkable consistency in over 3030 orders of magnitude in the nucleation rate range, and 180180\,K in the temperature range.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physic

    Prediction of the Size Distributions of Methanol-Ethanol Clusters Detected in VUV Laser/Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry

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    The size distributions and geometries of vapor clusters equilibrated with methanol−ethanol (Me−Et) liquid mixtures were recently studied by vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) laser time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry and density functional theory (DFT) calculations (Liu, Y.; Consta, S.; Ogeer, F.; Shi, Y. J.; Lipson, R. H. Can. J. Chem. 2007, 85, 843−852). On the basis of the mass spectra recorded, it was concluded that the formation of neutral tetramers is particularly prominent. Here we develop grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) and molecular dynamics (MD) frameworks to compute cluster size distributions in vapor mixtures that allow a direct comparison with experimental mass spectra. Using the all-atom optimized potential for liquid simulations (OPLS-AA) force field, we systematically examined the neutral cluster size distributions as functions of pressure and temperature. These neutral cluster distributions were then used to derive ionized cluster distributions to compare directly with the experiments. The simulations suggest that supersaturation at 12 to 16 times the equilibrium vapor pressure at 298 K or supercooling at temperature 240 to 260 K at the equilibrium vapor pressure can lead to the relatively abundant tetramer population observed in the experiments. Our simulations capture the most distinct features observed in the experimental TOF mass spectra: Et3H+ at m/z = 139 in the vapor corresponding to 10:90% Me−Et liquid mixture and Me3H+ at m/z = 97 in the vapors corresponding to 50:50% and 90:10% Me−Et liquid mixtures. The hybrid GCMC scheme developed in this work extends the capability of studying the size distributions of neat clusters to mixed species and provides a useful tool for studying environmentally important systems such as atmospheric aerosols

    Segue Between Favorable and Unfavorable Solvation

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    Solvation of small and large clusters are studied by simulation, considering a range of solvent-solute attractive energy strengths. Over a wide range of conditions, both for solvation in the Lennard-Jones liquid and in the SPC model of water, it is shown that the mean solvent density varies linearly with changes in solvent-solute adhesion or attractive energy strength. This behavior is understood from the perspective of Weeks' theory of solvation [Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 2002, 53, 533] and supports theories based upon that perspective.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    On the transferability of three water models developed by adaptive force matching

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    Water is perhaps the most simulated liquid. Recently three water models have been developed following the adaptive force matching (AFM) method that provides excellent predictions of water properties with only electronic structure information as a reference. Compared to many other electronic structure based force fields that rely on fairly sophisticated energy expressions, the AFM water models use point-charge based energy expressions that are supported by most popular molecular dynamics packages. An outstanding question regarding simple force fields is whether such force fields provide reasonable transferability outside of their conditions of parameterization. A survey of three AFM water models, B3LYPD-4F, BLYPSP-4F, and WAIL are provided for simulations under conditions ranging from the melting point up to the critical point. By including ice-Ih configurations in the training set, the WAIL potential predicts the melting temperate, TM, of ice-Ih correctly. Without training for ice, BLYPSP-4F underestimates TM by about 15 K. Interestingly, the B3LYPD-4F model gives a TM 14 K too high. The overestimation of TM by B3LYPD-4F mostly likely reflects a deficiency of the B3LYP reference. The BLYPSP-4F model gives the best estimate of the boiling temperature TB and is arguably the best potential for simulating water in the temperature range from TM to TB. None of the three AFM potentials provides a good description of the critical point. Although the B3LYPD-4F model gives the correct critical temperature TC and critical density, there are good reasons to believe the agreement is reached fortuitously. Links to Gromacs input files for the three water models are provided at the end of the paper.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    Nonisothermal homogeneous nucleation

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    Classical homogeneous nucleation theory is extended to nonisothermal conditions through simultaneous cluster mass and energy balances. The transient nucleation of water vapor following a sudden increase in saturation ratio is studied by numerically solving the coupled mass and energy balance equations. The ultimate steady state nucleation rate, considering nonisothermal effects, is found to be lower than the corresponding isothermal rate, with the discrepancy increasing as the pressure of the background gas decreases. After the decay of the initial temperature transients, subcritical clusters in the vicinity of the critical cluster are found to have temperatures elevated with respect to that of the background gas

    Binary nucleation of sulfuric acid-water: Monte Carlo simulation

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    We have developed a classical mechanical model for the H2SO4/H2O binary system. Monte Carlo simulation was performed in a mixed ensemble, in which the number of sulfuric acid molecules is fixed while that of water molecules is allowed to fluctuate. Simulation in this ensemble is computationally efficient compared to conventional canonical simulation, both in sampling very different configurations of clusters relevant in nucleation and in evaluating the free energy of cluster formation. The simulation yields molecular level information, such as the shape of the clusters and the dissociation behavior of the acid molecule in the cluster. Our results indicate that the clusters are highly nonspherical as a result of the anisotropic intermolecular interactions and that a cluster with a given number of acid molecules has several very different conformations, which are close in free energy and hence equally relevant in nucleation. The dissociation behavior of H2SO4 in a cluster differs markedly from that in bulk solution and depends sensitively on the assumed value of the free energy f(hb) of the dissociation reaction H2SO4+H2O-HSO4-. H3O+. In a small cluster, no dissociation is observed. As the cluster size becomes larger, the probability of having an HSO4-. H3O+ ion pair increases. However, in clusters relevant in nucleation, the resulting ion pairs remain in contact; about 240 water molecules are required to observe behavior that resembles that in bulk solution. If a larger value of f(hb) is assumed to reflect its uncertainty, the probability of dissociation becomes negligible. A reversible work surface obtained for a condition typical of vapor to liquid nucleation suggests that the rate-limiting step of new particle formation is a binary collision of two hydrated sulfuric acid molecules. The ion pairs formed by dissociation play a key role in stabilizing the resulting cluster. The reversible work surface is sensitive to the assumed value of f(hb), thus pointing to the need for an accurate estimate of the quantity either by ab initio calculations or experiments