17 research outputs found

    A capacity study for vessel traffic using automatic identification system data

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    In this study, we created a simulation model to assess the overall impact of implementing a one-way traffic policy due to construction works. The inputs of the simulation model are found by performing statistical analysis on data from the Automatic Identification System (AIS). The aim of this study is twofold: (a) map the vessel traffic during the reference period and (b) analyse the congestion for the new traffic conditions. We use a non-homogeneous Poisson process with piecewise linear intensity to model the arrival process. For scenarios with varying arrival intensities, we compare the vessels' waiting times as well as the maximum queue lengths. The latter is important for upstream traffic since there are space constraints

    Web-Based GIS for Safe Shipping in Istanbul Bosphorus Strait

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    The term “shipping accident” is mostly used to define any accident occurring at sea resulting in financial loss, including life or property or both. Common shipping accidents can be categorized into several groups: collision or contact, capsize, foundering, breaking-up, grounding, breakdown of the ship, underway, stranding and fire or explosion. Common shipping accidents in the strait of Istanbul are mostly collisions or stranding. Providing the necessary information for safe shipping in the strait could decrease shipping accidents. That kind of accurate information is generally achieved through navigation systems. Web-based GIS is one type which contributes to these navigation systems. Web-based GIS is a network-based tool that takes advantage of the internet, with the visualizing, analysing and accessing of distributed data and analysis functions. This study is aimed at creating a Web-based GIS application for effective coastal management, which includes berthing factors (anchorage areas, currents, submerged, etc.), maritime traffic factors (traffic separation schemes, traffic flow directions), closed areas and other factors (lighthouses, buoys, beacons, etc.) by digitizing printed navigation charts produced by the Turkish Naval Forces’ Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography. Such an application could be widely used as it is web-based. The system is expected to contribute not only to the accurate navigation of high-tonnage ships but also to smaller vessels that do not have their own navigation systems

    Influence of geometric shape on the deformation performance of natural jute/epoxy specimens under axial quasi-static compression

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    The interest in the using of natural composite has been increased significantly in recent years in many application of life due to their distinctive characteristics these like low density, high-energy dissipation ability, and fatigue resistance. Indeed, a seemingly good alternative candidate to metals.This work displays the deformation performance of two different types of geometrical natural composite shapes when subjected to uniaxial quasi-static loading. The purpose is to study the effect of geometrical on the progressive collapse of composite specimens. Two geometrical composite tubes have been fabricated by combination technique of manual lay-up and vacuum bladder moulding. The two types of the proposed tubes, which are the circular and corrugated shape. The experimental work was performed by using bidirectional jute fabric (with 3 layers and 100mm in length) and epoxy resin. Six patterns (three for each one) were tested and evaluated in the same conditions to provide a proper means of comparison between different geometric shapes. The result exhibited both kinds of samples demonstrated stable and progressive deformation with acceptable repeatability during the test process. It also showed the ability to absorb the higher energy of the corrugated samples configuration than the circular samples. Overall, the corrugated pattern configuration can be considered the optimal for crashworthiness structure application compared to a circular composite sample

    Simulation of freight traffic in the Seville inland port

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    The Port of Seville is an inland port located in the Guadalquivir River in the south of Spain and it is the unique Spanish inland port. Our research is focused on the simulation of the freight transport process beginning with the movement through the whole estuary of the river and finishing with the vessels arriving to the port dependencies, where the logistic operators’ load and unload processes take place. The simulation presented in the paper is carried out with Arena software and considers all the types of cargo existing in the Seville Port: containers, cereals, cements, scrap, iron and steel and fertilizers. We have simulated the navigation through the Guadalquivir estuary, the lock, the basins and the docks of the port, as well as the logistic activities in the berths. After testing several scenarios, we can state that the facilities of the Port of Seville allow to deal with the incoming logistic flows, except for momentary difficulties in the container traffic. So the improvement measures for the logistic activity must come from other alternative key actions

    Ship passing through straits

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    All ports and a number of waterways have straits to optimize investments in developing such systems reaching the maximum results with minimum expenditures. New high accuracy port navigational systems have a possibility of high precision ship positioning and any time should guarantee shipping safety in port waters which makes a good basis for the optimization of port development. A new type of ships with good steering equipment and ship steering knowledge and methods in combination with very high accuracy port navigational systems such as E‐Sea Fix and horizontal/vertical port channel bottom scanning possibilities guaranteeing real port water bottom conditions could stimulate dramatically increasing ship sizes at the port entrance in case of guaranteed shipping safety. With reference to straits, a theoretical study and experimental results received by simulators and real ships under much the same conditions have delivered a new knowledge of the limit of big ship sailing in straits and the possibilities of increasing ship size under similar sailing conditions. The Klaipeda strait is taken as the case study for practical testing. The paper presents the results, conclusions and recommendations of a theoretical and practical study for the ships of an increased size at strait ports. First published online: 10 Feb 201

    ARMA Model-Based Prediction of the Number of Vessels Navigating the Istanbul Strait Unassisted by Maritime Pilots

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    The Istanbul Strait is one of the busiest and riskiest trade routes, with the annual traffic of 50,000 ships. Such high traffic density is managed by the enforcement of a passage regimen by the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) and maritime pilots of the Directorate General of Coastal Safety of the Republic of Turkey. VTS operations and maritime pilot actions are assumed to complement each other. Accordingly, a vessel unaccompanied by a maritime pilot is expected to interact with the VTS to a greater extent than a vessel assisted by a maritime pilot. Thus, estimating the number of ships that pass through the Istanbul Strait, especially those that do not use maritime pilot assistance, will be an effective tool for the Istanbul Strait traffic scheme management, as it will allow the authorities to balance and integrate VTS and maritime pilot operations. The predictive model based on Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) described in this paper has been developed to estimate the number of ships that navigate through the Istanbul Strait without pilot assistance. The best ARMA model was identified through the use of historical data on 100-150 meter and 150-200-meter-long ships that passed through the Istanbul Strait unaccompanied by pilots in 2012-2019. The ARMA model obtained has also been validated through the comparison of real and estimated data

    ARMA Model-Based Prediction of the Number of Vessels Navigating the Istanbul Strait Unassisted by Maritime Pilots

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    The Istanbul Strait is one of the busiest and riskiest trade routes, with the annual traffic of 50,000 ships. Such high traffic density is managed by the enforcement of a passage regimen by the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) and maritime pilots of the Directorate General of Coastal Safety of the Republic of Turkey. VTS operations and maritime pilot actions are assumed to complement each other. Accordingly, a vessel unaccompanied by a maritime pilot is expected to interact with the VTS to a greater extent than a vessel assisted by a maritime pilot. Thus, estimating the number of ships that pass through the Istanbul Strait, especially those that do not use maritime pilot assistance, will be an effective tool for the Istanbul Strait traffic scheme management, as it will allow the authorities to balance and integrate VTS and maritime pilot operations. The predictive model based on Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) described in this paper has been developed to estimate the number of ships that navigate through the Istanbul Strait without pilot assistance. The best ARMA model was identified through the use of historical data on 100-150 meter and 150-200-meter-long ships that passed through the Istanbul Strait unaccompanied by pilots in 2012-2019. The ARMA model obtained has also been validated through the comparison of real and estimated data

    Ships leaving a port under emergency conditions

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    Emergency conditions in a port request special precaution measures taken by ships when in the majority of cases they necessitate leaving port waters in the shortest time. Good management, awareness and timely actions can help with avoiding difficulties encountered by ships under emergency conditions at ports. The conducted research suggested in the article has been based on investigation into ship maneuverability considering complicated weather conditions, theoretical methods for the feasibility of ship maneuverability referring to difficult conditions, experimental tests using the calibrated Simulator and evaluation of real ships under similar conditions. The results of the presented research could be used for analyzing the situation in different ports with different ships regarding practical preparation for vessels to leave the port under emergency conditions without any delay

    Mathematical modelling of berth utilisation rate for multipurpose port operations

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    Productivity is an essential element which shows the effectiveness of a port and its operations. Berth utilisation rate is the key indicator determining ship turnaround time. To date, there is no clear guidance for port operators on getting a precise data in the terms of berth utilisation rate. Thus, this study was conducted to determine berth utilisation rate for a port using derived mathematical model. Derived model incorporated eight parameters in the equation, each of the elements being independent but inter-related to one another. Parameters involved in the development of the mathematical model are, ship length, port stay, berthable length, utilisable hours per day, number of days in a month, total capacity, immobilised capacity and final capacity. The model was validated by using 36 months data, from January 2012 to December 2014, based on data collected from Jurong Port Pte.Ltd., being port of understudy. Comparative analysis was used to analyse the precision between the existing berth occupancy model and the newly developed berth utilisation model, in comparison to the real time berth productivity rate of the port under study. Data obtained from the newly developed berth utilisation model significantly showed that on average the utilisation percentage deviates by 5 to 20 percentages, compared to the existing berth occupancy model, depending on the berth terminals. The utilisation rate of bulk cargo berths showed less deviation (5 to 10 percentages) while general cargo berths show higher deviation (15 to 20 percentages) and the containerised cargo berths (10 to 20 percentages). This study can be applied in actual shipping industry to reduce ship turn-around time by providing efficient and effective services and high port productivity, with the aim to achieve optimum port performance

    Um modelo de simulação de uma linha de produção da Delphi Portugal

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    Esta dissertação insere-se no actual contexto de constante procura pela melhoria do desempenho dos sistemas produtivos em que se pretende estudar a utilização dos recursos produtivos numa das principais linhas de produção da fábrica da Delphi no Seixal. Para o efeito, é desenvolvido um modelo de simulação da linha de produção. O estudo inicia com uma revisão bibliográfica de conceitos e metodologias interligados com a simulação de sistemas. A fase seguinte diz respeito à recolha e tratamento de dados que caracterizam a linha de produção que se pretende simular. Posteriormente, é criado um modelo conceptual da linha de produção que serve de base ao modelo de simulação desenvolvido recorrendo ao software de simulação Arena. Após a simulação do modelo desenvolvido, é realizada a validação do modelo através da análise comparativa de algumas medidas de desempenho resultantes da simulação e do sistema real. Por último é realizada a discussão de resultados e são tecidas considerações que suportam os resultados obtidos e apoiam a diferença de resultados verificada