17,584 research outputs found

    Active Virtual Network Management Prediction: Complexity as a Framework for Prediction, Optimization, and Assurance

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    Research into active networking has provided the incentive to re-visit what has traditionally been classified as distinct properties and characteristics of information transfer such as protocol versus service; at a more fundamental level this paper considers the blending of computation and communication by means of complexity. The specific service examined in this paper is network self-prediction enabled by Active Virtual Network Management Prediction. Computation/communication is analyzed via Kolmogorov Complexity. The result is a mechanism to understand and improve the performance of active networking and Active Virtual Network Management Prediction in particular. The Active Virtual Network Management Prediction mechanism allows information, in various states of algorithmic and static form, to be transported in the service of prediction for network management. The results are generally applicable to algorithmic transmission of information. Kolmogorov Complexity is used and experimentally validated as a theory describing the relationship among algorithmic compression, complexity, and prediction accuracy within an active network. Finally, the paper concludes with a complexity-based framework for Information Assurance that attempts to take a holistic view of vulnerability analysis

    Adaptive Path Planning for Depth Constrained Bathymetric Mapping with an Autonomous Surface Vessel

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    This paper describes the design, implementation and testing of a suite of algorithms to enable depth constrained autonomous bathymetric (underwater topography) mapping by an Autonomous Surface Vessel (ASV). Given a target depth and a bounding polygon, the ASV will find and follow the intersection of the bounding polygon and the depth contour as modeled online with a Gaussian Process (GP). This intersection, once mapped, will then be used as a boundary within which a path will be planned for coverage to build a map of the Bathymetry. Methods for sequential updates to GP's are described allowing online fitting, prediction and hyper-parameter optimisation on a small embedded PC. New algorithms are introduced for the partitioning of convex polygons to allow efficient path planning for coverage. These algorithms are tested both in simulation and in the field with a small twin hull differential thrust vessel built for the task.Comment: 21 pages, 9 Figures, 1 Table. Submitted to The Journal of Field Robotic

    An automatic visual analysis system for tennis

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    This article presents a novel video analysis system for coaching tennis players of all levels, which uses computer vision algorithms to automatically edit and index tennis videos into meaningful annotations. Existing tennis coaching software lacks the ability to automatically index a tennis match into key events, and therefore, a coach who uses existing software is burdened with time-consuming manual video editing. This work aims to explore the effectiveness of a system to automatically detect tennis events. A secondary aim of this work is to explore the bene- fits coaches experience in using an event retrieval system to retrieve the automatically indexed events. It was found that automatic event detection can significantly improve the experience of using video feedback as part of an instructional coaching session. In addition to the automatic detection of key tennis events, player and ball movements are automati- cally tracked throughout an entire match and this wealth of data allows users to find interesting patterns in play. Player and ball movement information are integrated with the automatically detected tennis events, and coaches can query the data to retrieve relevant key points during a match or analyse player patterns that need attention. This coaching software system allows coaches to build advanced queries, which cannot be facilitated with existing video coaching solutions, without tedious manual indexing. This article proves that the event detection algorithms in this work can detect the main events in tennis with an average precision and recall of 0.84 and 0.86, respectively, and can typically eliminate man- ual indexing of key tennis events

    Virtual reality training and assessment in laparoscopic rectum surgery

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    Background: Virtual-reality (VR) based simulation techniques offer an efficient and low cost alternative to conventional surgery training. This article describes a VR training and assessment system in laparoscopic rectum surgery. Methods: To give a realistic visual performance of interaction between membrane tissue and surgery tools, a generalized cylinder based collision detection and a multi-layer mass-spring model are presented. A dynamic assessment model is also designed for hierarchy training evaluation. Results: With this simulator, trainees can operate on the virtual rectum with both visual and haptic sensation feedback simultaneously. The system also offers surgeons instructions in real time when improper manipulation happens. The simulator has been tested and evaluated by ten subjects. Conclusions: This prototype system has been verified by colorectal surgeons through a pilot study. They believe the visual performance and the tactile feedback are realistic. It exhibits the potential to effectively improve the surgical skills of trainee surgeons and significantly shorten their learning curve. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    VR-Viz: Visualization system for data visualization in VR

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    Recent years have seen fast growth in big data. The datasets are not only exponentially larger, but also more complex (multi-dimensional). Because of the scale and complexity of these datasets, their visualization poses significant challenges. As a solution, this thesis explores how virtual reality (VR) and 3D visualization can be used to visualize complex and large datasets, and proposes a visualization system for designing visualizations in VR. First, this thesis examines concepts of information visualization, VR, and 3D information visualization. Next, it explores visualization systems for 3D visualization and three examples of information visualization in VR and discusses their successes and short comings. Finally, in order to make VR information visualization accessible to a wider audience, a tool is introduced to simplify the process of designing information visualization in VR for beginners. The tool can also be used as a quick prototyping tool by more advanced users

    Efficient simulation of non-linear kerb impact events in ground vehicle suspensions

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    In the increasing competition which pervades the automobile sector, it is necessary to develop simple methods to enable prediction of suspension loading level envelope in an early development stage. For this purpose, the FORD specified standard driving manoeuvres, based on kerb strike and pothole braking, inducing worst case loading scenarios are employed. The damaging nature of these tests and the relatively expensive physical prototypes make simple simulation models essential. These models should cope with an initial rudimentary assessment, but must suffice to predict the maximum wheel centre loads with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Enhanced model features are required to represent edge-type tyre deformation and impulsive bumper deflection. State of the art approaches are physical tyre models extended to rim clash modelling and rheological bumper models embedded in an multibody system (MBS) environment. These enhancements lead to increased complexity. The thesis proposes a minimal parameter vehicle model, tailored to predict vertical suspension loads caused by the FORD kerb strike manoeuvre. Since the focus is put on model simplicity, an in-plane bicycle model is extended to 7 degrees of freedom. Nonlinear and hysteretic characteristics of the bump-stop elements are included through use of a spatial map concept, based on displacement and velocity dependent hysteresis. Furthermore, a static tyre model is described to predict the radial stiffness against penetration of an edge and flat-type rigid body geometry. The full mathematical model is derived on the basis of the shell theory and represented in terms of few geometrical input parameters. A distinct tyre model, representing the tyre belt as a multi-link chain is also derived to confirm the assumptions made in the simple mathematical model. Model validation is supported through experiments at both component and system levels. It is shown that the bumper map concept provides an accurate, yet simple alternative to a rheological model, if applied to polyurethane foam type bumpers. This approach is also confirmed for the tyre model, substituting a comprehensive physical model approach
