21 research outputs found

    A dynamic replication strategy based on exponential growth/decay rate

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    Data Grid is an infrastructure that manages huge amount of data files, and provides intensive computational resources across geographically distributed collaboration.To increase resource availability and to ease resource sharing in such environment, there is a need for replication services.Data replication is one of the methods used to improve the performance of data access in distributed systems.In this paper, we include issues arising in data replication domain and also we propose a dynamic replication strategy that is based on exponential growth or decay rate. The purpose of the proposed strategy is to identify which files to be replicated.This is achieved by estimating number of accessed of a file in the upcoming time interval.The greater the value, the more popular the file is and therefore will be selected to be replicate

    A dynamic replica creation: Which file to replicate?

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    Data Grid is an infrastructure that manages huge amount of data files and provides intensive computational resources across geographically distributed collaboration.To increase resource availability and to ease resource sharing in such environment, there is a need for replication services.Data replication is one of the methods used to improve the performance of data access in distributed systems.In this paper, we propose a dynamic replication strategy that is based on exponential growth or decay rate and dependency level of data files (EXPM).Simulation results (via Optorsim) show that EXPM outperformed LALW in the measured metrics – mean job execution time, effective network usage and average storage usage

    Replica maintenance strategy for data grid

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    Data Grid is an infrastructure that manages huge amount of data files, and provides intensive computational resources across geographically distributed collaboration.Increasing the performance of such system can be achieved by improving the overall resource usage, which includes network and storage resources.Improving network resource usage is achieved by good utilization of network bandwidth that is considered as an important factor affecting job execution time.Meanwhile, improving storage resource usage is achieved by good utilization of storage space usage. Data replication is one of the methods used to improve the performance of data access in distributed systems by replicating multiple copies of data files in the distributed sites.Having distributed the replicas to various locations, they need to be monitored.As a result of dynamic changes in the data grid environment, some of the replicas need to be relocated.In this paper we proposed a maintenance replica placement strategy termed as Unwanted Replica Deletion Strategy (URDS) as a part of Replica maintenance service.The main purpose of the proposed strategy is to find the placement of unwanted replicas to be deleted.OptorSim is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed strategy. The simulation results show that URDS requires less execution time and consumes less network usage and has a best utilization of storage space usage compared to existing approaches

    Using Economic Model To Improve The Performance Of BHR Dynamic Replication Algorithm.

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    In grid computing environment, data is often replicated on many different sites to reduce access time. Static replication fixes the number of replicas whereas dynamic replication adapts to the demands of the grid by reducing or increasing the number of replicas or even moving the location of a replica to another site

    Scalable dimensioning of resilient Lambda Grids

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    This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit

    A new fuzzy optimal data replication method for data grid

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    These days, There are several applications where we face with large data set and it has become an important part of common resources in different scientific areas. In fact, there are many applications where there are literally huge amount of information handled either in terabyte or in petabyte. Many scientists apply huge amount of data distributed geographically around the world through advanced computing systems. The huge volume data and calculations have created new problems in accessing, processing and distribution of data. The challenges of data management infrastructure have become very difficult under a large amount of data, different geographical spaces, and complicated involved calculations. Data Grid is a remedy to all mentioned problems. In this paper, a new method of dynamic optimal data replication in data grid is introduced where it reduces the total job execution time and increases the locality in accessibilities by detecting and impacting the factors influencing the data replication. Proposed method is composed of two main phases. During the first phase is the phase of file application and replication operation. In this phase, we evaluate three factors influencing the data replication and determine whether the requested file can be replicated or it can be used from distance. In the second phase or the replacement phase, the proposed method investigates whether there is enough space in the destination to store the requested file or not. In this phase, the proposed method also chooses a replica with the lowest value for deletion by considering three replica factors to increase the performance of system. The results of simulation also indicate the improved performance of our proposed method compared with other replication methods represented in the simulator Optorsim

    Replica Creation Algorithm for Data Grids

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    Data grid system is a data management infrastructure that facilitates reliable access and sharing of large amount of data, storage resources, and data transfer services that can be scaled across distributed locations. This thesis presents a new replication algorithm that improves data access performance in data grids by distributing relevant data copies around the grid. The new Data Replica Creation Algorithm (DRCM) improves performance of data grid systems by reducing job execution time and making the best use of data grid resources (network bandwidth and storage space). Current algorithms focus on number of accesses in deciding which file to replicate and where to place them, which ignores resources’ capabilities. DRCM differs by considering both user and resource perspectives; strategically placing replicas at locations that provide the lowest transfer cost. The proposed algorithm uses three strategies: Replica Creation and Deletion Strategy (RCDS), Replica Placement Strategy (RPS), and Replica Replacement Strategy (RRS). DRCM was evaluated using network simulation (OptorSim) based on selected performance metrics (mean job execution time, efficient network usage, average storage usage, and computing element usage), scenarios, and topologies. Results revealed better job execution time with lower resource consumption than existing approaches. This research contributes replication strategies embodied in one algorithm that enhances data grid performance, capable of making a decision on creating or deleting more than one file during same decision. Furthermore, dependency-level-between-files criterion was utilized and integrated with the exponential growth/decay model to give an accurate file evaluation

    Dynamic replication algorithm in data grid: Survey

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    Data Grid is an infrastructure that manages huge amount of data files, and provides intensive computational resources across geographically distributed collaboration. It is not enough to provide convenient accessibility to these data by only high speed network and large mainframe systems. For improving the performance of file accesses and to ease the sharing amongst distributed collaboration, such a system needs replication services. Data replication is a common method used to improve the performance of data access in distributed systems. In this paper, we present a survey of some related previous works and highlight some various algorithms that have been proposed by other researchers. A dynamic replication model based on mathematical concepts is proposed. The main purpose of this model is find out the popular file using the concept of exponential decay/growth. We estimate the next number of access for the file