73,735 research outputs found

    Generative feature-based design-by-constraints as a means of integration within the manufacturing industry

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    The article examines the development of computer aids within manufacturing industry and proposes an alternative approach to the way we design and the designer's role within manufacturing. A feature-based generative design-by-constraints approach is applied, which requires the designer to specify solutions in terms of manufacturing data, which is captured by means of an interactive simulation of machining processes, in which the constraints of equipment, materials and tools are displayed to the designer. The effect of this approach on the integration of all areas within a manufacturing environment is explored, as is the simultaneous design nature of this approach

    ECUT (Energy Conversion and Utilization Technologies Program). Biocatalysis Project

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    Presented are the FY 1985 accomplishments, activities, and planned research efforts of the Biocatalysis Project of the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Conversion and Utilization Technologies (ECUT) Program. The Project's technical activities were organized as follows: In the Molecular Modeling and Applied Genetics work element, research focused on (1) modeling and simulation studies to establish the physiological basis of high temperature tolerance in a selected enzyme and the catalytic mechanisms of three species of another enzyme, and (2) determining the degree of plasmid amplification and stability of several DNA bacterial strains. In the Bioprocess Engineering work element, research focused on (1) studies of plasmid propagation and the generation of models, (2) developing methods for preparing immobilized biocatalyst beads, and (3) developing an enzyme encapsulation method. In the Process Design and Analysis work element, research focused on (1) further refinement of a test case simulation of the economics and energy efficiency of alternative biocatalyzed production processes, (2) developing a candidate bioprocess to determine the potential for reduced energy consumption and facility/operating costs, and (3) a techno-economic assessment of potential advancements in microbial ammonia production

    The Effect of Using Computer Technology Tools to Enhance the Teaching-Learning Process in CAD-CAM-CNC Module in Mechanical Engineering Subject Area

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    This study presents the evaluation of Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) package included in the teaching and learning methodology of computer aided design- computer aided design - computer numerical control (CAD-CAM-CNC) module. Three groups of students with similar pre-abilities were exposed to three different teaching learning methodologies.The effectiveness of these three methods was determined by questionnaires completed by the students and collected by first author. Their answers were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The various categories used in the questionnaire was student’s attitudes towards learning CAD-CAM-CNC subjects, students’ opinions about their lecturers approaches to teaching process, students’ opinions and views about various aspects the CAD-CAM-CNC. The study concludes that the students taught with a combination of CAL package and traditional methods were more effective, efficient and satisfied with their learning experiences. So the proposed hybrid learning method (CAI plus traditional teaching method) is most suited for CAD-CAM-CNC teaching. Computer Technology; Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI); Computer Assisted Learning (CAL); Computer Aided Design (CAD); Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM); Computer Numerical Control (CNC)

    A design-for-casting integrated approach based on rapid simulation and modulus criterion

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    This paper presents a new approach to the design of cast components and their associated tools. The current methodology is analysed through a case study and its main disadvantages underlined. Then, in order to overcome these identified drawbacks, a new approach is proposed. Knowing that this approach is mainly based on a rapid simulation of the process, basics of a simplified physical model of solidification are presented as well as an associated modulus criterion. Finally, technical matters for a software prototype regarding the implementation of this Rapid Simulation Approach (RSA) in a CAD environment are detailed

    Computational tools for low energy building design : capabilities and requirements

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    Integrated building performance simulation (IBPS) is an established technology, with the ability to model the heat, mass, light, electricity and control signal flows within complex building/plant systems. The technology is used in practice to support the design of low energy solutions and, in Europe at least, such use is set to expand with the advent of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, which mandates a modelling approach to legislation compliance. This paper summarises IBPS capabilities and identifies developments that aim to further improving integrity vis-Ă -vis the reality


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    In the last decades the spectacular results of each developmental stages of computer-aided design, were considered as great magic of computer use. Professionals were shocked by the impressive building of engineer works and their more and more realistic appearance. It was hard to believe and for many people it still is that this technology becomes indispensable in everyday engineering work. By now, in front-rank product development, it is impossible to do a competitive designer work without applying the most up-to- date design technology. This all leads to the fact that an engineer student of our days, in his design practice, is definitely going to work with the momentarily most up-to-date technology, which will be out-of-date in a couple of years. | A szĂĄmĂ­tĂłgĂ©pek alkalmazĂĄsĂĄnak nagy varĂĄzslatai közĂ© szĂĄmĂ­tott az elmĂșlt Ă©vtizedekben a szĂĄmĂ­tĂłgĂ©pen vĂ©gzett tervezĂ©s egy-egy fejlıdĂ©si szakaszĂĄnak lĂĄtvĂĄnyos eredmĂ©nye. Szakembereket is meghökkentett a mĂ©rnöki alkotĂĄsok lĂĄtvĂĄnyos Ă©pĂ­tĂ©se Ă©s mind valĂłsĂĄghƑbb megjelenĂ­tĂ©se. Nehezen hittĂ©k, sıt sokan ma is nehezen hiszik azt, hogy a mĂ©rnöki munka mindennapjaiban is nĂ©lkĂŒlözhetetlennĂ© vĂĄlik ez a technika. MĂĄra az Ă©lvonalbeli termĂ©kfejlesztĂ©sben a mindenkori legjobb tervezĂ©si technika igĂ©nybevĂ©tele nĂ©lkĂŒl kĂ©ptelensĂ©g versenykĂ©pes tervezımunkĂĄt vĂ©gezni. Ennek következtĂ©ben napjaink mĂ©rnökhallgatĂłja tervezıi gyakorlatĂĄban minden bizonnyal a ma legkorszerƑbbnek szĂĄmĂ­tĂł, de nĂ©hĂĄny Ă©v alatt elavulĂł mĂłdszert levĂĄltĂł technikĂĄval fog dolgozni. Keywords/kulcsszavak: computer aided design, CAD1/CAM2, CNC3 ~ szĂĄmĂ­tĂłgĂ©pes tervezĂ©s, CAD/CAM, CN
