13 research outputs found

    Visualizing Large-Scale Uncertainty in Astrophysical Data

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    Aurora Animation considering the force applied tocharged-particles in an electromagnetic field

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    コンピュータグラフィクス(CG)において,大気光学現象の可視化は映画やゲームなどエンターテインメント分野で需要があり,これまでに多くの研究が行われてきた.従来のオーロラのレンダリングは静止画が主体であり,オーロラのスプリッティングやカールといった動きまで含めたレンダリングは実現できていない.この問題を解決するため,本論文では荷電粒子群の電場シミュレーションを用いたオーロラのアニメーション手法を提案する.すなわち,荷電粒子群によって形成される電場を解析的に求め,荷電粒子が電場と地球磁場の双方から受ける力を考慮してオーロラの動きを表示するVisualizing atmospheric optical phenomena is required in the entertainment industry such as Cinemas and Games, and a lot of researches have been done so far in the field of Computer graphics (CG). In this research, we focus on dynamic scenes of aurora. Traditional rendering methods of aurora cannot generate the motion such as a splitting and a curl. To solve the problem, we take into account the motion of charged particles that generate aurora by simulating the electric field of the charged particles. That is, we analytically solve the electric field of the charged particles, and calculate the motion of the aurora considering the force from both the electric field and the earth's magnetic field

    Ion Velocity Distributions in Inhomogeneous and Time-dependent Auroral Situations

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    Aurorae often break down into elongated filaments parallel to the geomagnetic field lines (B) with cylindrically symmetric structures. The object of this thesis is to study the ion distribution function and transport properties in response to the sudden introduction of a radial electric field (E) in such a cylindrical geometry. Both collision-free and collisional situations are considered. The thesis starts by solving a collision-free problem where the electric field is constant in time but increases linearly with radius, while the initial ion density is uniform in space. The attendant Boltzmann equation is solved by tracking the ions back in time, thereby using the temporal link between the initial position and velocity of an ion and its position and velocity at an arbitrary time and place. Complete analytical solutions show that the ion distribution function is a pulsating Maxwellian in time, and all transport parameters (e.g., bulk speed, temperature, etc.) oscillate in time but independent of radius. If the ion-neutral collisions are taken into account by employing a simple relaxation model, analytical solutions are also obtained. In this case, the ion distribution function can be driven to horseshoe shapes which are symmetric with respect to the ExB direction. The bulk parameters evolve in a transition period of the order of one collision time as they go from oscillating to the non-oscillating steady state. In more realistic electric field structures which are spatially inhomogeneous but still constant in time, a generalized semi-numerical code is developed under collision-free conditions. This code uses a backmapping approach to calculate the ion velocity distribution and bulk parameters. With arbitrarily selected electric field rofiles, calculations reveal various shapes of ion velocity distribution functions (e.g., tear-drop, core-halo, ear-donut, etc). The associated transport properties are also obtained and discussed. Under both collision-free and collisional conditions, the effect of the density inhomogeneities at the initial time is studied in an electric field which is proportional to radius and constant in time. With two profiles of the initial ion density for the collision-free case, and one profile for the collisional case, complete analytical solutions are obtained. The results reveal that the distribution function and the bulk properties are now strongly dependent on radial position. If the radial electric field is unable to stay constant with time but modulated by in-coming charged particles, a fluid formalism is used to study the excitation of several plasma waves under different kinds of initial conditions. These identified waves include the ion cyclotron oscillation, the ion and electron upper-hybrid oscillations, and the lower-hybrid oscillation. The results of this thesis are expected to be applicable to high-resolution observations. Future work should also include the mirror effect and the formation of conics in velocity space. Finally, the velocity distributions obtained in this thesis could trigger various plasma instabilities, and this topic should also be looked at in the future


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    Espalhamento elástico de elétrons por isômeros de C2H2CL2, C4H4N2 e C3H3NX (X=NH, O, S)

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Márcio Henrique Franco BettegaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Curso de Pós-Graduação em Física. Defesa: Curitiba, 27/02/2012Bibliografia: fls. 95-103Resumo: Neste trabalho apresentamos seções de choque de espalhamento elástico de elétrons pelos isômeros C2H2Cl2, C4H4N2 e C3H3NX (onde X=NH, O, S). Os cálculos de espalhamento foram efetuados na aproximação de núcleos fixos, com uso do método multicanal de Schwinger implementado com pseudopotenciais de Bachelet, Hamann e Schl¨uter, e nas aproximações estático-troca e estático-troca mais polarização. Para os três isômeros C2H2Cl2 apresentamos seções de choque integrais, de trasferência de momento e diferenciais. O procedimento Born-closure é empregado a fim de levar em conta o efeito do momento de dipolo. As ressonâncias encontradas tiveram suas posições comparadas aos valores experimentais. Discutimos ainda o efeito isômero, que consiste em diferenças apresentadas pelas seções de choque de cada molécula. Para os três isômeros C4H4N2 apresentamos seções de choque integrais. As ressonâncias são identificadas e caracterizadas. Suas posições são comparadas com os resultados encontrados na literatura. Cálculos de estrutura eletrôncia também são efetuados para ajudar na interpretação dos resultados. Os seis sistemas C3H3NX, onde X=NH, O, S tiveram suas seções de choque integrais apresentadas. As ressonâncias são identificadas e comparadas ao resultado experimental existente. Também discutimos as diferenças nas características das ressonâncias de cada molécula. Para todos os sistemas estudados, nossos resultados concordam bem com os reportados experimentalmente. Foi desenvolvido ainda um novo esquema para a construção do espaço de configurações.Abstract: In this work we present cross sections for elastic electron scattering from C2H2Cl2, C4H4N2 and C3H3NX (where X=NH, O, S) isomers. The scattering calculations were done in the fixed-nuclei approximation, with the Schwinger multichannel method implemented with pseudopotentials of Bachelet, Hamann and Schl¨uter, in the static-exchange and in the static-exchange plus polarization approximations. For the three C2H2Cl2 isomers, we present integral, momentum transfer and differential cross sections. The Born-closure procedure is employed in order to consider the dipole moment effect. The identified resonances had their positions compared to the experimental values. We also discuss the isomer effect, which consists in differences presented in the cross sections of each molecule. For the three C4H4N2 isomers, we present integral cross sections. The resonances are identified and characterized. Their positions are compared to the results found in the literature. Electronic structure calculations were done as well, in order to help in the interpretation of the results. The six systems C3H3NX, where X=NH, O, S had their integral cross sections presented. The resonances are identified and compared to the existing experimental result. We also discuss the differences in the characteristics of the resonances of each molecule. For all the studied systems, our results agree well with the ones reported experimentally. We also developed a new scheme for the construction of the configuration space. i

    Espectro de ressonância de forma do monômero de ácido acrílico, suas equivalentes metiladas e seus dímeros

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Márcio Henrique Franco BettegaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física. Defesa : Curitiba, 31/08/2020Inclui referências: p. 131-141Resumo: Neste trabalho são apresentadas as seções de choque integrais e diferenciais de espalhamento elástico de elétrons de baixa energia pelos monômeros de ácido acrílico (C3H4O2), dímeros de ácido acrílico (C6H8O4) e pelas equivalentes metiladas do ácido acrílico (ácido crôtonico trans, ácido metacrílico, acrilato de metila - C4H6O2). Os dados obtidos para as posições das ressonâncias do ácido acrílico são comparados com dados experimentais de DEA. Infelizmente não foram encontrados dados teóricos ou experimentais relativos (diretamente ou indiretamente) ao espalhamento de elétrons para as outras moléculas. Foi feita uma análise sobre a interação entre o grupo vinil (C2H3) e o grupo carboxílico (COOH) nos monômeros de ácido acrílico como forma de investigar a origem de suas ressonâncias. Fez-se uma análise relativa aos efeitos da metilação nas posições e larguras das ressonâncias, e nos padrões oscilatórios das seções de choque diferenciais dos monômeros do ácido acrílico por meio de comparação com suas equivalentes metiladas. Também se investigou o impacto das ligações de hidrogênio nas seções de choque de complexos moleculares a partir da comparação entre os monômeros de ácido acrílico com seus dímeros. Os cálculos de seção de choque foram feitos a partir do método multicanal de Schwinger, com parte dos cálculos sendo feitos com a implementação de pseudopotenciais e a outra parte sendo do tipo all-electron. A razão para a realização de cálculos all-electron é a de testar a eficiência dos orbitais virtuais de valência (VVO's), que de momento não estão implementados com pseudopotenciais, para calcular as seções de choque de simetrias ressonantes. Palavras-chave: Espalhamento de elétrons, Método Multicanal de Schwinger, Ácido Acrílico, Efeitos da Metilação, Orbitais Virtuais de Valências.Abstract: In this work we present integral and differential low energy electron elastic scattering cross sections from acrylic acid monomers (C3H4O2), acrylic acid dimers (C6H8O4) and the methylated equivalents of acrylic acid (crotonic acid trans, methacrylic acid and methyl acrylate - C4H6O2). The results obtained for the positions of the resonances of acrylic acid are compared with experimetal DEA results. Unfortunately, no theoretical or experimental results (direct or indirect) were found for the electron scattering by the other molecules. An analysis about the interaction of the vinyl group (C2H3) with the carboxylic group (COOH) was done in the monomers of acrylic acid as a way to investigate the origins of its resonances. An analysis relatated to the methylation effects in the positions and widths of the resonances, and in the oscillatory patterns in the differential cross sections of the monomers of acrylic acid was done via comparison with its methylated equivalents. It was also investigated the impact of hydrogen bonds in the cross section of molecular complexes through comparison between the monomers of acrylic acid with its dimers. The cross section calculations were done through the Schwinger multichannel method, with part of the calculations being done with the pseudopotential implementation and the other part being an all-electron type. The reason for the all-electron calculations was to test the efficiency of the virtual valence orbitals (VVO's), which in the moment are not implemented with pseudopotentials, to calculate the cross sections of resonant symmetries. Keywords: Electron Scattering, Schwinger Multichannel Method, Acrylic Acid, Methylation Effects, Virtual Valence Orbitals