7 research outputs found

    Simulating a team behaviour of affective agents using robocode

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    The study of the impact of emotion and affect in decision making processes involved in a working team stands for a multi-disciplinary issue (e.g. with insights from disciplines such as Psychology, Neuroscience, Philosophy and Computer Science). On the one hand, and in order to create such an environment we look at a team of affective agents to play into a battlefield, which present different emotional profiles (e.g. personality and mood).On the other hand, to attain cooperation, a voting mechanism and a decision-making process was implemented, being Robocode used as the simulation environment. Indeed, the results so far obtained are quite satisfying; the agent team performs quite well in the battlefield and undertakes different behaviours depending on the skirmish conditions.(undefined

    Knowledge extraction from the behaviour of players in a web browser game

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Informatics EngineeringThe analysis of the player’s behaviour is a requirement with growing popularity in the traditional computer games segment and has been proven to aid the developers create better and more profitable games. There is now interest in trying to replicate this attainment in a less conventional genre of games known as web browser games. The main objective of this work is to analyse and create a technique for the analysis of the behaviour of the players inside a web browser game. For this analysis a system to automatically collect, process and store the relevant data for the referred analysis was developed. The web browser game used as a case study for this work is developed by 5DLab and is called Wack-a- Doo. The work developed focused on creating short-term prediction models using the information collected during the first days of playing for each player. The objectives of these models are to predict the time played or the conversion state of the players. With the study of the created models it was possible to extract results that provide potentially useful information to increase the profitability of Wack-a-Doo.A análise do comportamento de jogadores é uma prática com crescente popularidade no segmento dos jogos de vídeo tradicionais. Esta técnica foi já aprovada como capaz de ajudar os criadores a desenvolver melhores e mais lucrativos jogos. Existe agora interesse em tentar replicar este sucesso num género de jogos de vídeo menos convencionais normalmente referidos como jogos de browser web. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar e criar uma técnica para essa análise do comportamento dos jogadores de um jogo de browser web. Para isto um sistema automático de recolha, processamento e armazenamento dos dados relacionados com o comportamento dos jogadores foi desenvolvido. O jogo de browser web usado para este estudo foi criado pela empresa 5DLab e dá pelo nome de Wack-a-Doo. O trabalho desenvolvido centrou-se em fazer modelos de previsão de curto prazo usando as informações recolhidas durante os primeiros dias de jogo de cada jogador. Estes modelos têm como objetivo prever o tempo jogado e o estado de conversão do jogador. Estudando os modelos criados foi possível extrair resultados que fornecem informação potencialmente útil para melhorar a rentabilidade do Wack-a-Doo

    Human-Machine Communication: Complete Volume. Volume 1

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    This is the complete volume of HMC Volume 1

    Матеріали 4-го семінару молодих вчених з комп'ютерних наук та програмної інженерії (CS&SE@SW 2021), віртуальний захід, м. Кривий Ріг, Україна, 18 грудня 2021 р.

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    Матеріали 4-го семінару молодих вчених з комп'ютерних наук та програмної інженерії (CS&SE@SW 2021), віртуальний захід, м. Кривий Ріг, Україна, 18 грудня 2021 р.Proceedings of the 4th Workshop for Young Scientists in Computer Science & Software Engineering (CS&SE@SW 2021), Virtual Event, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 18, 2021

    The synthesis of a unified pedagogy for the design and evaluation of e-learning software for high-school computing

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    In recent decades, several countries have applied a resurgent focus to high-school computer science in the hope that it will provide the foundations for strong and innovative national IT sectors. The UK is one example undertaking this transition, and experiencing the associated challenges placed on the teaching community. In parallel, recent years have seen a trend towards enriching education with digital resources, specifically e-learning software. This study offers a practical contribution to the computer science teaching community by supporting the provision of e-learning software, and hence the increased use of e-learning in high-school teaching. However, it recognises that there remains a concern over the inconsistent pedagogical quality of many e-learning implementations. To safeguard the pedagogical quality of e-learning software, this study offers a research contribution by defining: (1) a comprehensive set of pedagogical heuristics to inform the design of e-learning software; (2) an associated e-learning evaluation protocol to guide the evaluation and selection of e-learning software for use in schools; and in doing so, (3) contributes to the under-researched area of high- school computing pedagogy. The proposed pedagogy synthesises a vast body of knowledge on learning theories into a comprehensive, yet accessible, set of heuristics. These heuristics supplement existing literature by focusing more tightly and in depth on pedagogy, rather than usability. The pedagogy synthesises the following learning theories: constructivism, social constructivism, connectivism, and cognitive load, and additionally gives pedagogical focus to VARK learning styles, ARCS motivational design, collaborative learning, gamification, and computational thinking. The e-learning evaluation protocol builds upon existing best practice in evaluation procedures but is unique in its characteristics and focus. The study follows a rigorous three phase mixed methods exploratory design in which the e-learning pedagogy and evaluation protocol were explored and iteratively developed in concert with input and evaluation from education experts and teachers. In parallel, practice-based input was secured via student usage of prototype e-learning software designed in adherence to the pedagogy. The findings of this research offer preliminary validation of the appropriateness and comprehensiveness of the e- learning pedagogy, and the final phase demonstrates statistically significant learning increases based on student usage of the e-learning software prototype. Additionally, this research offers preliminary validation of the reliability and validity of the evaluation protocol. Building on the findings of this research, several possibilities are outlined to further empirically establish this research, or develop it further into new avenues

    CACIC 2015 : XXI Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación. Libro de actas

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    Actas del XXI Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACIC 2015), realizado en Sede UNNOBA Junín, del 5 al 9 de octubre de 2015.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI