2,681 research outputs found

    The High Energy Solar Physics mission (HESP): Scientific objectives and technical description

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    The High Energy Solar Physics mission offers the opportunity for major breakthroughs in the understanding of the fundamental energy release and particle acceleration processes at the core of the solar flare problem. The following subject areas are covered: the scientific objectives of HESP; what we can expect from the HESP observations; the high energy imaging spectrometer (HEISPEC); the HESP spacecraft; and budget and schedule

    Numerical Relativity As A Tool For Computational Astrophysics

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    The astrophysics of compact objects, which requires Einstein's theory of general relativity for understanding phenomena such as black holes and neutron stars, is attracting increasing attention. In general relativity, gravity is governed by an extremely complex set of coupled, nonlinear, hyperbolic-elliptic partial differential equations. The largest parallel supercomputers are finally approaching the speed and memory required to solve the complete set of Einstein's equations for the first time since they were written over 80 years ago, allowing one to attempt full 3D simulations of such exciting events as colliding black holes and neutron stars. In this paper we review the computational effort in this direction, and discuss a new 3D multi-purpose parallel code called ``Cactus'' for general relativistic astrophysics. Directions for further work are indicated where appropriate.Comment: Review for JCA

    No Lawyer for a Hundred Miles? Mapping the New Geography of Access of Justice in Canada

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    Recent concerns about the geography of access to justice in Canada have focused on the dwindling number of lawyers in rural and remote areas, raising anxieties about the profession’s inability to meet current and future demands for localized legal services. These concerns have motivated a range of policy responses that aim to improve the education, training, recruitment and retention of practitioners in underserved areas. We surveyed lawyers in Ontario to better understand their physical proximity to clients and how, if at all, that proximity promotes access to justice. We find that lawyers\u27 scope of practice varies based on a number of factors, and in several areas of law lawyers serve clients beyond their immediate locality. Our results suggest that debates about the geography of access should be premised on the goal of territorial justice as an equitable distribution of legal services rather than a narrower emphasis on the equal distribution of lawyers

    Advances in Spatially Faithful (3D) Telepresence

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    Benefits of AR technologies have been well proven in collaborative industrial applications, for example in remote maintenance and consultancy. Benefits may also be high in telepresence applications, where virtual and mixed reality (nowadays often referred as extended reality, XR) technologies are used for sharing information or objects over network. Since the 90’s, technical enablers for advanced telepresence solutions have developed considerably. At the same time, the importance of remote technologies has grown immensely due to general disruption of work, demands for reducing travelling and CO2, and the need for preventing pandemics. An advanced 3D telepresence solution benefits from using XR technologies. Particularly interesting are solutions based on HMD or glasses type of near-eye-displays (NED). However, as AR/VR glasses supporting natural occlusions and accommodation are still missing from the market, a good alternative is to use screen displays in new ways, better supporting e.g. virtual meeting geometries and other important cues for 3D perception. In this article, researchers Seppo Valli, Mika Hakkarainen, and Pekka Siltanen from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland describe the status, challenges, and opportunities in both glasses and screen based 3D telepresence. The writers also specify an affordable screen based solution with improved immersiveness, naturalness, and efficiency, enhanced by applying XR technologies

    No Lawyer for a Hundred Miles?: Mapping the New Geography of Access of Justice in Canada

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    Recent concerns about the geography of access to justice in Canada have focused on the dwindling number of lawyers in rural and remote areas, raising anxieties about the profession’s inability to meet current and future demands for localized legal services. These concerns have motivated a range of policy responses that aim to improve the education, training, recruitment and retention of practitioners in underserved areas. We surveyed lawyers across Ontario to better understand their physical proximity to clients and how, if at all, that proximity promotes access to justice. We find that lawyers’ scope of practice varies based on a number of factors, and in several areas of law lawyers serve clients beyond their immediate locality. Our results suggest that debates about the geography of access should be premised on the goal of territorial justice as an equitable distribution of legal services rather than a narrower emphasis on the equal distribution of lawyers

    Development of LoRaWAN-based Wireless Sensors for Monitoring Climate Changes in the Venice Lagoon

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    openLe aree costiere e le zone di hotspot della biodiversitĂ  litoranea, come le aree protette europee Natura 2000 e la laguna di Venezia, sono siti poco studiati a causa della loro diversitĂ  causata dalla conformazione molto eterogenea, inclusa l'intersezione di molti canali e fiumi che trasportano diversi tipi di sedimenti. I sistemi di campionamento attuali si basano su campagne periodiche di campionamento eseguite da operatori umani, che consentono solo la raccolta di un numero molto limitato di misurazioni nel tempo e nello spazio. In questo articolo presentiamo il primo prototipo di un dispositivo galleggiante a basso costo e wireless in grado di fornire misurazioni a un server a terra in tempo reale: il dispositivo, chiamato SENSWICH, Ăš composto da un nodo LoRaWAN e un set completo di sensori di qualitĂ  dell'acqua, selezionati con l'aiuto dei ricercatori che operano presso la Stazione Idrobiologica Marina di Chioggia dell'UniversitĂ  di Padova, dove verrĂ  installato il primo sensore.Coastal and littoral biodiversity hotspot areas, such as the European Natura 2000 protected areas and the Venice lagoon, are understudied sites due to their diversity caused by the very heterogeneous conformation, including the intersection of many channels and rivers carrying different types of sediments. The current sampling systems are based on periodic sampling campaigns performed by human operators, that only allow the collection of a very limited number of measurements in time and space. In this paper we present the first prototype of a low-cost wireless sensing floating device able to provide measurements to an in-land server in real time: the device, named SENSWICH, is composed of a LoRaWAN node and a complete set of water quality sensors, selected with the help of the researchers operating in the Chioggia Marine Hydrobiological Station of the University of Padova, where the first sensor will be deployed

    Demarginalizing Interdisciplinarity in IS Research: Interdisciplinary Research in Marginalization

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    This paper reports on the second Workshop of a World University Network (WUN) Research Development Funded project on “The trans-nationalization of Indigenous movements: The role of digital technologies” at the University of Southampton, UK. The workshop explored interdisciplinarity and how interdisciplinary collaboration can help scholars study complex social phenomenon, such as the ways in which marginalized Indigenous communities use and shape digital technologies (such as social media) to enhance their cause. The workshop brought together scholars from diverse disciplines to engage in a critical debate. In addition to scholars from information systems, scholars from history, political science, geography, literature, arts, and anthropology came together to discuss how marginalized Indigenous communities can use digital media. The workshop highlighted the need for more interdisciplinary research and called for more critical approaches to bring such marginalized topics to the forefront of research in information systems. We consider three broad areas of inquiry in this paper: demarginalizing methodology for interdisciplinary research, interdisciplinary perspectives for demarginalization, and interdisciplinary contexts for demarginalization
