12 research outputs found

    FPGA-Based Realisation of SDR with OFDM Tranceiver

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    Software-defined radio architecture is the key point of next generation communication systems in which some of the functional units are designed as software on a reconfigurable processor. This paper proposes the physical layer architecture of SDR with modified orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). One of the main drawbacks of OFDM is that its high peak-to-average reduction (PAPR) ratio. The PAPR can be reduced using filtering and adaptive peak windowing method with Kaiser window. The adaptive window method finds the positions of maximum peak values using a peak detector in the signal and applies the window function with variable parameter. The radix 2 scalable N point FFT algorithm is used in the system. The mapping of the information signal is done with BPSK, PSK, and 16 QAM modulation. According to the signal-to- noise ratio (SNR) value, the type of modulation can be selected. Decoding of the OFDM signal in the receiver is done with Viterbi decoding algorithm. The communication system simulation is done in MATLAB and the baseband operations are implemented on Xilinx FPGA.Defence Science Journal, Vol. 65, No. 3, May 2015, pp.233-239, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.65.601

    Frequency-Selective PAPR Reduction for OFDM

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    We study the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) problem in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. In conventional clipping and filtering based PAPR reduction techniques, clipping noise is allowed to spread over the whole active passband, thus degrading the transmit signal quality similarly at all active subcarriers. However, since modern radio networks support frequency-multiplexing of users and services with highly different quality-of-service expectations, clipping noise from PAPR reduction should be distributed unequally over the corresponding physical resource blocks (PRBs). To facilitate this, we present an efficient PAPR reduction technique, where clipping noise can be flexibly controlled and filtered inside the transmitter passband, allowing to control the transmitted signal quality per PRB. Numerical results are provided in 5G New Radio (NR) mobile network context, demonstrating the flexibility and efficiency of the proposed method.Comment: Accepted for publication as a Correspondence in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology in March 2019. This is the revised version of original manuscript, and it is in press at the momen

    PAPR Reduction for Improved Efficiency of OFDM Modulation for Next Generation Communication Systems

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    Highly linear power amplifiers are required for transferring   large amount of data for future communication. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) provides high data rate transmission capability with robustness to radio channel impairments. It has been widely accepted for future communication for different services. But, it suffers from high value of peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). High value of PAPR drives high power amplifier into its saturation region and causes it to operate in the nonlinear region.  In this paper, comparative study of four different PAPR reduction techniques: clipping and filtering (CF), selective mapping  method (SLM), partial transmit sequence (PTS) and DFT- spread technique  have been done. Mathematical modeling and Matlab simulations have been performed to arrive at the results with 4 QAM modulation format and 1024 number of sub carriers. At 0.01 % of complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) significant reduction of 11.3, 3.5, 3.4 and 1.0 dB have been obtained with DFT- spread, SLM, PTS and CF techniques respectively

    A CCM-Based OFDM System with Low PAPR for Sparse Source

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    A Comparison of ICF and Companding for Impulsive Noise Mitigation in Powerline Communication Systems

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    In future smart cities, smart grid technologies which are usually enabled by Powerline Communication (PLC) techniques are required. However, data transmission over powerline channel traverses a non-Gaussian media due to the presence of Impulsive Noise (IN) operating at the frequencies of PLC system which can be deployed using the IEEE 1901, that uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). These OFDM signals have asymmetric amplitude distribution, which makes it difficult to identify and mitigate the IN presence. Converting the amplitude distribution to a uniform distribution can enhance the ability to mitigate IN when nonlinear IN mitigation techniques such as blanking is applied. In this study, we apply Iterative Clipping and Filtering (ICF) and companding schemes which are Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) reduction techniques to enable symmetric amplitude distribution of the OFDM signals. With an optimization search for the optimal blanking amplitude for the two PAPR reduction schemes. Results show that companding scheme achieves 4dB gain in terms of received signal-to-noise ratio better than ICF after the blanking was used to remove the IN

    New Hybrid Schemes for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems

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    الـ 3GPP قدمت مشروع LTE لتلبية الطلبات المتزايدة لخدمات الاتصالات ذات السرعة العالية والجودة العالية. يستخدم نظام الـ LTE تقنية مضاعفة تقسيم التردد المتعامد (OFDM) في شكل (OFDMA) في الوصلة الهابطة (Downlink) وشكل الـ (SCFDMA) في الوصلة الصاعدة (Uplink) مجتمعة مع تقنية الـ MIMO لتقديم معدل بيانات عالي، قدرة عالية، وحصانة ضد القنوات متعددة المسارات. ومع ذلك لا يزال ارتفاع نسبة القدرة العظمة إلى المتوسط (PAPR) لإشارة الـ LTE المرسلة هي المشكلة الرئيسية التي تعمل على تدهور كفاءة النظام بشك عام وإمكانية استهلاك الطاقة. لذلك كرست الكثير من البحوث للحد من تدهور الأداء بسبب مشكلة الـ PAPR في أنظمة LTE-OFDM. تعتبر طرق ضغط الإشارة (Companding Methods) جزءاً من الطرق المعروفة والتي تعتبر سهلة ومنخفضة التعقيد، وبلا قيود على شكل التضمين وحجم عدد الحوامل (Subcarrier Size)، ولها خصائص طيفية جيدة، ومع ذلك فإن هذه الطرق تقلل الـ PAPR بمقدار ضئيل. وقد اقترح هذا البحث سبعة طرق هجينة جديدة على أساس مزيج من Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) مع ست أساليب مختلفة من طرق ضغط الإشارة وهي Rooting Companding (RCT)، New Error Function Companding (NERF)، Absolute Exponential Companding (AEXP)، Logarithmic Rooting Companding (LogR)، Cosine Companding (COS)، وTangent Rooting Companding (TanhR). بالإضافة إلى ذلك تم تطوير الطريقة الهجينة السابعة وتجمع الـ Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) مع طريقة جديدة مقترحة تسمى Advanced AEXP (AAEXP). أظهرت النتائج أن هذه الطرق المتطورة تجمع بين خصائص طريقة الـ ZCT مع خصائص طرق ضغط الإشارة، وتحقق أداء أمثل وانخفاضاً أفضل من حيث PAPR وBER. كما حققت طريقة الـ ZCT+AAEXP أفضل النتائج مقارنة بالطرق الأخرى.The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) introduced LTE to meet increasingly demands for communication services with high speed and quality. LTE uses OFDM in the form of OFDMA in the downlink and SCFDMA in the uplink combined with MIMO offering high data rate, high capacity and immunity against multipath channels. However, still the high PAPR of the LTE transmitted signal is the major problem affecting overall system performance degradation and power efficiency. A plenty of research has been devoted to reduce the performance degradation due to the PAPR problem inherent to LTE OFDM systems. A portion of the current techniques such companding methods have low-complexity, no constraint on modulation format and subcarrier size, good distortion and spectral properties; however, they have limited PAPR reduction capabilities. This paper proposes seven new hybrid schemes including Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) precoding and six modern companding methods; Rooting Companding (RCT), New Error Function Companding (NERF), Absolute Exponential Companding (AEXP), Logarithmic Rooting Companding (LogR), Cosine Companding (COS) and Tangent Rooting Companding (TanhR) companding. Furthermore, the seventh proposed hybrid scheme has been added incorporating ZCT precoding with new proposed companding called Advanced AEXP (AAEXP) companding. The developed methods are combining properties of both ZCT & Compandings, and achieving superior PAPR performance and optimal BER. Simulations results illustrate that the new seven proposed hybrid schemes can achieve better PAPR reduction, and BER performance and the best achievement has been achieved by ZCT+AAEXP scheme

    Modified Alternative-signal Technique for Sequential Optimisation for PAPR Reduction in OFDM-OQAM Systems

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    A modified alternative signal technique for reducing peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems employing offset quadrature amplitude modulation (OFDM-OQAM) is proposed. Lower PAPR reduces the complexity of digital to analog converters and results in increasing the efficiency of power amplifiers. The main objective of the algorithm is to decrease PAPR with low complexity. The alternative signal method involves the individual alternative signal (AS-I) and combined alternative signal (AS-C) algorithms. Both the algorithms decrease the peak to average power ratio of OFDM-OQAM signals and AS-C algorithm performs better in decreasing PAPR. However the complexity of AS-C algorithm is very high compared to that of AS-I. To achieve reduction in PAPR with low complexity, modified alternative signal technique with sequential optimisation (MAS-S) is proposed. The quantitative PAPR analysis and complexity analysis of the proposed algorithm are carried out. It is demonstrated that MAS-S algorithm simultaneously achieves PAPR reduction and low complexity

    PAPR reduction using iterative clipping/filtering and ADMM approaches for OFDM-based mixed-numerology systems

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    Mixed-numerology transmission is proposed to support a variety of communication scenarios with diverse requirements. However, as the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) remains as the basic waveform, the peak-to average power ratio (PAPR) problem is still cumbersome. In this paper, based on the iterative clipping and filtering (ICF) and optimization methods, we investigate the PAPR reduction in the mixed-numerology systems. We first illustrate that the direct extension of classical ICF brings about the accumulation of inter-numerology interference (INI) due to the repeated execution. By exploiting the clipping noise rather than the clipped signal, the noise-shaped ICF (NS-ICF) method is then proposed without increasing the INI. Next, we address the in-band distortion minimization problem subject to the PAPR constraint. By reformulation, the resulting model is separable in both the objective function and the constraints, and well suited for the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) approach. The ADMM-based algorithms are then developed to split the original problem into several subproblems which can be easily solved with closed-form solutions. Furthermore, the applications of the proposed PAPR reduction methods combined with filtering and windowing techniques are also shown to be effective