123,668 research outputs found

    Enterprise transformation and lean implementation in a globally dispersed organization

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    Thesis (M.B.A.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division; in conjunction with the Leaders for Global Operations Program at MIT, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 82-83).In July 2007, the Supply Planning Organization (SPO) decided to begin its Lean journey. Through some analysis the decision was made to take a culture first approach and then follow with the use of Lean tools. The time had come to use Lean tools to help facilitate in the process of both driving business results and Lean culture acceptance. This thesis and research study set to prove the hypothesis that "Lean tools can be as effective in a non-traditional globally dispersed information environment as they are in the traditional plant floor environment". In addition, this research study set out to show that Lean training and implementation can be successfully completed virtually through simple tools such as a PowerPoint presentation, Microsoft Live Meeting, and a telephone. The research study also shows how two mutually exclusive enterprise tools, X-matrix analysis and Value Stream Mapping, point to the same conclusion around effectiveness of metrics within an organization. The core project within this research study is focused on designing the 2010 organizational improvement strategy and structure of Initech's supply planning division through rigorous analysis of existing configurations and opportunities for process improvement and waste elimination. Initech's Supply Planning division is an 800-person group that is globally dispersed across 23 sites. The supply planning organization is responsible for planning the quantity, timing, and location for product build. The current state analysis was completed through the use of direct observation, 1:1 interviews, and value stream mapping tools. This analysis is focused on identifying non-value added activity and identifying opportunities for improvement through simplified connections and streamlined processes. In addition, this process will also drive improvement and help eliminate the current silo's that exist within the divisions. The enterprise focus around process improvement, waste elimination, Lean cultural adoption, and metric effectiveness will help create a more robust and high performing organization.by Abhishek Katyal.S.M.M.B.A

    Becoming Lean pocket guide

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    This pocket guide aims to give an overview of what Lean is on a conceptual level, explain how Lean fits into the Higher Education setting, detail how Lean is being applied in the University, and give ideas about how Lean can be implemented in other areas of the University.Publisher PD

    Perancangan Lean Production System Dengan Pendekatan Cost Integrated Value Stream Mapping Pada Divisi Kapal Niaga Studi Kasus PT PAL Indonesia

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    Kesuksesan industri galangan kapal terutama untuk lini bisnis pembangunan kapal baru, sangat bergantung dengan faktor daya saing industri tersebut terhadap kompetitor. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan daya saing perusahaan adalah dengan menciptakan sebuah proses bisnis yang efektif dan efisien untuk memenuhi target biaya dan waktu delivery. Pertumbuhan galangan kapal di Indonesia yang mencapai 15% hingga tahun 2013 menunjukkan betapa pentingya sektor maritim bagi Indonesia agar dapat bersaing dengan galangan kapal asing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang tools yang sederhana untuk membantu manajemen operasional dan pelaksana teknis dalam memahami aliran produksi pembangunan pembangunan lambung kapal saat ini serta memberikan dasar dengan analisa proses melalui VSM untuk mengembangkan aliran produksi dan mendesain aliran produksi yang lebih baik di masa depan dengan menghilangkan pemborosan, dan melakukan integrasi dengan pembiayaan menggunakan pendekatan activity based costing untuk mendapatkan analisa biaya produksi secara menyeluruh didasarkan pada aktivitas produksi. Dari rancangan current state value stream mapping diperoleh hasil identifikasi waste yang terjadi di lantai produksi berupa inventory dan motion. Hasil dari penelitian berupa proposed cost integrated value stream mapping dengan future state maps menunjukkan bahwa rancangan ini mampu mengurangi waktu proses produksi hingga mencapai 8,8% dari kondisi current, yang diperoleh dengan menghilangkan waste atau pemborosan sebesar 29,2% non value added time yang ada di dalam proses current state map. Dari analisa biaya juga di dapatkan bahwa terjadi pengurangan biaya produksi per unit sebesar 21,5% setelah melakukan implementasi future state map, dimana biaya pengurangan tersebut berasal dari besar beban biaya inventory. ================================================================================================= The success of the shipbuilding industry, especially for new ship construction business line, highly dependent on the factor of competitiveness of the industry against competitors. One way to improve the competitiveness of the company is to create a business process that is effective and efficient to meet cost targets and delivery time. Growth shipyard in Indonesia, which reached 15% by the year 2013 shows how the importance of the maritime sector for Indonesia to compete with foreign shipyards. This research aims to design simple tools to assist operational management and technical implementation in understanding the flow of production of hull construction and provide the basis by analyzing processes through VSM to develop the production flow and to design better production flow in the future by eliminating waste, and perform integration by financing activity based costing approach to gain a thorough analysis of production costs based on production activity. From the design current state value stream mapping obtained the identification of waste that occurs on the production floor in the form of inventory and motion. Results of the research is a proposed integrated cost value stream mapping with the future state maps shows that this design can reduce the production process time up to 8.8 % of current condition, which is obtained by eliminating waste by 29.2 % non-value added time that is in the process of current state map. Of the cost analysis also get that there is a reduction in production cost per unit by 21.5 % after the implementation of the future state map, which is derived from the cost reduction of the burden of the cost of inventory

    Value stream mapping for software development process

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    Includes bibliographical references

    Applications of lean thinking: a briefing document

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    This report has been put together by the Health and Care Infrastructure Research and Innovation Centre (HaCIRIC) at the University of Salford for the Department of Health. The need for the report grew out of two main simple questions, o Is Lean applicable in sectors other than manufacturing? o Can the service delivery sector learn from the success of lean in manufacturing and realise the benefits of its implementation?The aim of the report is to list together examples of lean thinking as it is evidenced in the public and private service sector. Following a review of various sources a catalogue of evidence is put together in an organised manner which demonstrates that Lean principles and techniques, when applied rigorously and throughout an entire organization/unit, they can have a positive impact on productivity, cost, quality, and timely delivery of services

    Criteria for Integration of Flows on Levels of Aggregation

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    The article describes the processes and connections that occur on the road from of cellular integration to the integration of the supply chain. How to make the transition to higher levels? What is the first step and which approach is essential to ensure continuous improvement? With the changing in the organizational environment nowadays it is not satisfactory only a leveled increase. Global optimum of improvements always overcome the amount of local optimums. This idea and approach must be used when talking about flows and aggregation.production flow, cellular production, value stream mapping, continuous improvement, biological system.

    Six Sigma vs Lean : some perspectives from leading academics and practitioners

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the fundamental and critical differences between two of the most powerful methodologies in a process excellence initiative in any organisation. The approach taken was to collate opinions from a number of leading academics and practitioners from five different countries. It was also important to ensure that all participants have a good knowledge and expertise in the field of both Lean and Six Sigma methodologies. Although both methodologies are focused on process and quality improvement, Lean is formalisation and codification of experience and judgement which is not a feature of Six Sigma. Lean emphasises speed and waste, however Six Sigma emphasises variation, defects and process evaluation. The viewpoints expressed in the article are those of a few academics and practitioners. It is important to capture the viewpoints of more academics and practitioners to arrive at sound and valid conclusions. The paper provides an excellent resource for many researchers and for practitioners who are engaged in research and applications of the most two powerful methodologies for achieving and sustaining operational excellence. It is also critical to understand the fundamental differences between these two methodologies