13 research outputs found

    Simple open stance classification for rumour analysis

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    Stance classification determines the attitude, or stance, in a (typically short) text. The task has powerful applications, such as the detection of fake news or the automatic extraction of attitudes toward entities or events in the media. This paper describes a surprisingly simple and efficient classification approach to open stance classification in Twitter, for rumour and veracity classification. The approach profits from a novel set of automatically identifiable problem-specific features, which significantly boost classifier accuracy and achieve above state-of-the-art results on recent benchmark datasets. This calls into question the value of using complex sophisticated models for stance classification without first doing informed feature extraction

    Stance Classification for Rumour Analysis in Twitter: Exploiting Affective Information and Conversation Structure

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    Analysing how people react to rumours associated with news in social media is an important task to prevent the spreading of misinformation, which is nowadays widely recognized as a dangerous tendency. In social media conversations, users show different stances and attitudes towards rumourous stories. Some users take a definite stance, supporting or denying the rumour at issue, while others just comment it, or ask for additional evidence related to the veracity of the rumour. On this line, a new shared task has been proposed at SemEval-2017 (Task 8, SubTask A), which is focused on rumour stance classification in English tweets. The goal is predicting user stance towards emerging rumours in Twitter, in terms of supporting, denying, querying, or commenting the original rumour, looking at the conversation threads originated by the rumour. This paper describes a new approach to this task, where the use of conversation-based and affective-based features, covering different facets of affect, has been explored. Our classification model outperforms the best-performing systems for stance classification at SemEval-2017 Task 8, showing the effectiveness of the feature set proposed.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Rumours and Deception in Social Media (RDSM), co-located with CIKM 2018, Turin, Italy, October 201

    Aspect based Sentiment Analysis Aduan Mahasiswa UMSIDA Dimasa Pandemi Menggunakan LSTM

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    Banyaknya data aduan Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA) yang terdampak wabah pandemi Covid19, dengan pemberlakuan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat (PPKM). UMSIDA membentuk sebuah tim yang diberi nama Umsida Covid-19 Command Center (UCCC), dengan tujuan pelaksanaan program pecegahan dan aksi penanganan Covid-19, dengan harapan peneliti ingin mempermudah penyampaian informasi / aduan mahasiswa, khususnya terhadap tim UCCC sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam melakukan suatu keputusan untuk menghadapi pandemi covid saat ini. Multi aspect sentiment analysis menghadirkan sesuatu yang baru, untuk memahami pendapat dan penilaian pengguna yang diungkapkan secara online. Dengan tujuan untuk mengklasifikasikan teks subjektif dengan memberi label polaritas, Pembentukan representasi vektor kata menggunakan Word Embedding Global Vector (Glove) dilakukan secara kombinasi dengan pelatihan analisis sentiment dengan klasifikasi berbasis Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). Pemodelan aduan mahasiswa dilakukan untuk mendapatkan representasi vektor menggunakan LSTM. Di sini, setiap kata dari kalimat menempati satu langkah pemrosesan LSTM, dan output dari kata terakhir digunakan sebagai ekspresi kalimat. Hasil dari penelitian menggunakan aduan mahasiswa bahasa Indonesia menunjukkan dari multi 3 aspect (ekonomi, pendidikan dan kesehatan) mendapatkan akurasi 82% dan 2 sentiment (positif dan negatif) mendapatkan akurasi 80% dengan demikian didapatkan nilai rata-rata Akurasi 81%. dapat disimpulkan akurasi tersebut bisa digunakan sebagai klasifikasi multi aspect dan sentiment analisis

    Aspect based Sentiment Analysis Aduan Mahasiswa UMSIDA Dimasa Pandemi Menggunakan LSTM

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    Banyaknya data aduan Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA) yang terdampak wabah pandemi Covid19, dengan pemberlakuan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat (PPKM). UMSIDA membentuk sebuah tim yang diberi nama Umsida Covid-19 Command Center (UCCC), dengan tujuan pelaksanaan program pecegahan dan aksi penanganan Covid-19, dengan harapan peneliti ingin mempermudah penyampaian informasi / aduan mahasiswa, khususnya terhadap tim UCCC sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam melakukan suatu keputusan untuk menghadapi pandemi covid saat ini. Multi aspect sentiment analysis menghadirkan sesuatu yang baru, untuk memahami pendapat dan penilaian pengguna yang diungkapkan secara online. Dengan tujuan untuk mengklasifikasikan teks subjektif dengan memberi label polaritas, Pembentukan representasi vektor kata menggunakan Word Embedding Global Vector (Glove) dilakukan secara kombinasi dengan pelatihan analisis sentiment dengan klasifikasi berbasis Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). Pemodelan aduan mahasiswa dilakukan untuk mendapatkan representasi vektor menggunakan LSTM. Di sini, setiap kata dari kalimat menempati satu langkah pemrosesan LSTM, dan output dari kata terakhir digunakan sebagai ekspresi kalimat. Hasil dari penelitian menggunakan aduan mahasiswa bahasa Indonesia menunjukkan dari multi 3 aspect (ekonomi, pendidikan dan kesehatan) mendapatkan akurasi 82% dan 2 sentiment (positif dan negatif) mendapatkan akurasi 80% dengan demikian didapatkan nilai rata-rata Akurasi 81%. dapat disimpulkan akurasi tersebut bisa digunakan sebagai klasifikasi multi aspect dan sentiment analisis

    Helping crisis responders find the informative needle in the tweet haystack

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    Crisis responders are increasingly using social media, data and other digital sources of information to build a situational understanding of a crisis situation in order to design an effective response. However with the increased availability of such data, the challenge of identifying relevant information from it also increases. This paper presents a successful automatic approach to handling this problem. Messages are filtered for informativeness based on a definition of the concept drawn from prior research and crisis response experts. Informative messages are tagged for actionable data -- for example, people in need, threats to rescue efforts, changes in environment, and so on. In all, eight categories of actionability are identified. The two components -- informativeness and actionability classification -- are packaged together as an openly-available tool called Emina (Emergent Informativeness and Actionability)

    Knowledge Discovery and Hypothesis Generation from Online Patient Forums: A Research Proposal

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    The unprompted patient experiences shared on patient forums contain a wealth of unexploited knowledge. Mining this knowledge and cross-linking it with biomedical literature, could expose novel insights, which could subsequently provide hypotheses for further clinical research. As of yet, automated methods for open knowledge discovery on patient forum text are lacking. Thus, in this research proposal, we outline future research into methods for mining, aggregating and cross-linking patient knowledge from online forums. Additionally, we aim to address how one could measure the credibility of this extracted knowledge.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog