6 research outputs found

    Modulation Strategies for Indirect Matrix Converter: Complexity, Quality and Performance

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    In general, there are two main classifications in matrix converters. The most common known type is conventional matrix converter (CMC) or direct matrix converter (DMC). The other type is indirect matrix converter (IMC). A brief review for modulation strategies are provided in this work for modulation strategies in IMC. There are several popular modulation methods for IMC such as carrier-based modulation and space vector modulation (SVM). A sinusoidal current waveform is produced on the input and output sides to implement the modulation method. In the conclusion the modulation methods will compared based on performance, theoretical complexity, and some other parameters

    Simple Carrier-Based PWM Technique for a Three-to-Nine-Phase Direct AC-AC Converter

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    Multiphase (more than three phases) power electronic converters are required mainly for feeding variable-speed multiphase drive systems. This paper presents one such solution by using a direct ac–ac converter that can be used to supply a nine-phase drive system. The input is a fixed-voltage and fixedfrequency three-phase input, and the output is a variable-voltage and variable-frequency nine-phase output. A simple pulsewidthmodulation technique is developed for the proposed ac–ac converter named as a nonsquare three-to-nine-phase matrixconverter configuration. The developed modulation technique is based on the comparison of a high-frequency carrier signal with the duty ratios. Although the carrier-based scheme is widely employed for the control of back-to-back converters, it has recently been used for controlling a three-to-three-phase matrix converter. This concept is extended in this paper for controlling a threeto-nine-phase matrix converter. With the two techniques that are proposed, one outputs 0.75 of the input magnitude and the other outputs reach 0.762 of the input. This is the maximum value of the output voltage in the linear modulation range that can be achieved in this configuration of the matrix converter. The viability of the proposed control techniques is proved analytically through simulation and an experimental approach

    Advances in Converter Control and Innovative Exploitation of Additional Degrees of Freedom for Multiphase Machines

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    Multiphase variable-speed drives and generation systems (systems with more than three phases) have become one of the mainstream research areas during the last decade. The main driving forces are the specific applications, predominantly related to the green agenda, such as electric and hybrid electric vehicles, locomotive traction, ship propulsion, ‘more-electric’ aircraft, remote offshore wind farms for electric energy generation, and general high-power industrial applications. As a result, produced body of significant work is substantial, making it impossible to review all the major developments in a single paper. This paper therefore surveys the recent progress in two specific areas associated with multiphase systems, namely power electronic supply control and innovative ways of using the additional degrees of freedom in multiphase machines for various non-traditional purposes

    Integrated on-board battery chargers for EVs based on multiphase machines and power electronics

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    The concept of integration of an electric vehicle (EV) drivetrain’s components into the charging process is not novel. It has been considered over the years in both industry and academia, which resulted in a number of published papers and patents in this area. Possibilities of charging from single-phase and three-phase mains were both considered. In the former group the charging power rating cannot exceed the limit set by the single-phase mains. Therefore, the topologies are characterised with low charging powers, leading to a long duration of the charging process. Although the topologies supplied form three-phase mains are capable of achieving fast charging, they were considered to a much lesser extent. The main reason is the undesirable torque production in machines integrated into the charging process during the battery charging, which is unavoidable when a three-phase machine of either synchronous or induction type is used. The thesis investigates integrated on-board battery chargers for electric vehicles (EVs) based on multiphase machines and multiphase power electronics. At present, EVs rely on three-phase systems for machine propulsion. However, recent advances in multiphase drive technology have firmly established their potential advantages over their three-phase counterparts for this application. One of the most notable features of multiphase drive systems is their excellent fault tolerance, which is highly desirable in EVs since it enables realisation of the requirement for “limp-home” operation in the propulsion mode, in case of a fault. The thesis demonstrates that multiphase drives have an additional major advantage over three-phase systems in vehicular applications, which is related to the aspect of battery charging. It shows a clear superiority of multiphase over three-phase systems in designing integrated charging topologies for EVs. In order to support the statement, the thesis provides a multitude of novel charging solutions that incorporate multiphase machines and multiphase power electronics into the charging process. The developed solutions could contribute to achieve significantly faster and cost-free (or at a minimum additional cost) on-board chargers in the near future. The thesis demonstrates how additional degrees of freedom that exist in multiphase systems can be conveniently utilised to achieve torque-free charging operation. Therefore, although three-phase currents flow through machines’ stator windings, they are not capable of producing a torque; thus the machines do not have to be mechanically locked. The principal advantage is that either very few or no new elements are required in order to realise the charging process. Thus savings are made with regard to cost and weight, and available spare space in the vehicle is increased. The novel integrated charging solutions, developed in the thesis, are based on primarily five-phase, asymmetrical and symmetrical six-phase, and asymmetrical and symmetrical nine-phase systems. Solutions with other phase numbers are also considered. Thus, in essence, all the possible phase numbers are encompassed by the research and the solutions are valid for both induction and synchronous machines. A common attribute of all discussed topologies is that they do not require a charger as a separate device since the charging function is performed by the drivetrain elements, predominantly a multiphase machine and an inverter. Further, each topology is capable of operating in both charging and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) mode. Three types of voltage sources are considered as a power supply for the charging process, namely single-phase, three-phase, and multiphase. For each supply type, and each phase number, viability of torque-free charging operation is theoretically assessed. Mathematical models of multiphase rectifiers are developed. For each topology equivalent scheme in the charging/V2G mode of operation is constructed. A control scheme, which aims at achieving unity power factor operation and complete suppression of the low order grid current harmonics, is designed for each solution. Finally, the validity of theoretical considerations and control algorithms for the developed solutions is experimentally assessed in charging, V2G, and propulsion mode of operation. Experimental performances of all discussed topologies are compared, and advantages and shortcomings of each solution are identified and discussed

    1st Iberoamerican Workshop on Electromobility IBEMOB’22

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    Para los estudios sobre electromovilidad, la colaboración es especialmente positiva ya que los avances en este campo suelen requerir el desarrollo de prototipos y la integración de múltiples técnicas que son difíciles de realizar por un solo grupo. Entre los trabajos realizados por RIEMOV, incluimos el 1er Taller Iberoamericano sobre Electromovilidad, en el que los autores explican algunas actividades de investigación sobre este tema.El horizonte 2020-2050, y la Agenda 2030 en particular, proponen la reducción de las emisiones de CO2 como mecanismo eficaz de adaptación al cambio climático. La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de los Estados Unidos estimó que el 28% de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero provinieron del sector del transporte en 2018. En particular, dentro de este porcentaje, el 60% provino de vehículos livianos. En Europa, el origen también fue similar, en carretera el transporte es responsable del 72% de las emisiones. Por tanto, si no se introducen modelos de movilidad sostenible, el problema medioambiental se agravará significativamente ya que se estima que aumentarán los desplazamientos urbanos en un 70% para 2050. Los viajes más habituales serán los que se realicen en zonas densamente pobladas, e Iberoamérica concentrará gran parte de esta población. En concreto, según ONU Hábitat, casi el 80% de la población vive en ciudades de Iberoamérica y el número de ciudades se ha multiplicado por seis en los últimos 50 años. En cuanto a las tarifas de transporte, ésta también ha experimentado un notable incremento, con la conclusión de que el parque vehicular de la región se triplicará en los próximos 25 años, llegando a más de 200 millones unidades en 2050. En abril de 2021, se financió la red de investigación RIEMOV (Red Iberoamericana de Investigación en Electromovilidad) gracias a la AUIP (Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Postgrado). Desde entonces, ha sido una herramienta útil para la colaboración de 18 grupos de investigación de 13 países diferentes de Iberoamérica

    Shortest Route at Dynamic Location with Node Combination-Dijkstra Algorithm

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    Abstract— Online transportation has become a basic requirement of the general public in support of all activities to go to work, school or vacation to the sights. Public transportation services compete to provide the best service so that consumers feel comfortable using the services offered, so that all activities are noticed, one of them is the search for the shortest route in picking the buyer or delivering to the destination. Node Combination method can minimize memory usage and this methode is more optimal when compared to A* and Ant Colony in the shortest route search like Dijkstra algorithm, but can’t store the history node that has been passed. Therefore, using node combination algorithm is very good in searching the shortest distance is not the shortest route. This paper is structured to modify the node combination algorithm to solve the problem of finding the shortest route at the dynamic location obtained from the transport fleet by displaying the nodes that have the shortest distance and will be implemented in the geographic information system in the form of map to facilitate the use of the system. Keywords— Shortest Path, Algorithm Dijkstra, Node Combination, Dynamic Location (key words